A Different Kind Of Life

By DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 90

63 1 0
By DreamzOfGold

May 3, 2017


Columbia Presbyterian Hospital

"Hey, I hope you guys don't mind too much, but I brought you a visitor." Paris said, popping her head into Rory's hospital room.

"Paris, we told you that you could bring Doyle by." Logan told her.

"It's not Doyle. At least not yet. It's kind of a long story, but there has been a slight change in tonight's plans. I actually have two semi-permanent visitors for you. I could put them in another room, but I figured doing that would just agitate the situation, so I didn't think that you would mind sharing."

"What? I'm confused." Rory said, looking to Logan who looked equally as confused.

"Bring her in." Paris said, waving her hand out the door, then stepping aside and holding the door open wide as a nurse pushed Honor into the room in a wheel chair with Josh right behind them.

"Hey guys." Honor said softly, giving them a shy wave.

"What's going on?" Logan asked, immediately getting up from where he sat on the bed with Rory and heading across the room toward his sister.

"To make a long story short, there was some family drama and Honors blood pressure shot up. She's also having contractions. I'm pretty sure that they are Braxton hicks, but I am admitting her overnight for observation." Paris explained. "I can put her in another room if you want me to, but I figured that if I did that then you two would be going back and forth between rooms all night, and no one wants any of you doing that. So if it's alright, I thought you could share since this room is big enough. There are curtains we can use to divide it for privacy if you want to. It's up to you Rory, I can put her next door."

"No it's perfectly fine. Honor, are you doing ok?" Rory asked.

"I thought that I was. I was trying to deal with our nightmare parents, and Lorelai said that she was concerned about me not looking too well, and since Logan wasn't there to play doctor, she called Paris, and now I'm here. I'm so sorry you guys. This isn't how I wanted to meet your new baby tonight. I don't want to invade your space. I don't mind getting my own room."

"Honor, don't be ridiculous. You know that Logan would never allow that. You can stay here with us. I really don't mind.  Do you want to meet your niece?"

"I do. I really do, but do you mind if Paris gets me settled first, before I hold her?"

"Well you have to at least say hi to her." Logan said as he stepped behind the wheelchair and maneuvered his sister over to Rory's bed, with Josh right behind them. Rory shifted the baby in her arms, propping her up for Honorand Josh to see her face.

"You guys, she is gorgeous! She is even more beautiful than the pictures Lorelai showed everyone."

"She looks just like Rory." Josh told them.

"Hey guys, I've got a bed being brought in for Honor. I'm going to put it on the other side of the room, if that's alright." Paris told them.

"Knock yourself out, Paris. If we decide we want it closer, I'll move it myself." Logan told her. "What can I do to help?"

"You mean other than bonding with your daughter?"

"Come on Paris, you know me. What does my sister need? You know that I can't sit back and do nothing."

"I need to get her up on the monitors."

"Do you need an IV?"

"Fine, you can do the IV."

"And you'll give me access to her records?"

"Not that you know anything about obstetrics, but yes Mr. Bossy Butt, I'll give you access.  Honor, is Logan on your HIPAA release??"

"He should be. If he's not, I'll add him. But I believe that he should be."

"Is it ok with you that I give your brother access to you medical records?"

"Yeah, of course. I would have a problem with you, if you didn't."

"Hey, what if I don't want him having access to my records? No one ever asked if it's ok with me for Logan to have access to my information." Rory spoke up.

"Please Gilmore, don't even start with me. I have your signature giving Logan access to your records. You signed that paperwork months ago!"

"I think you signed that two days after we got married." Logan told her.

"And you've signed it in my office at least twice since then. In fact, you just signed it for me last week." Paris told her.

"Eh you're boring! The entertainment in this room sucks! I want a do over!" Rory told them. "You people are no fun!"

"Speaking of boring, who wants to tell me what drama happened at home that caused you guys to end up here with us?" Logan asked.

"Logan, it's not a big deal. Lorelai and Collin are handling it. You don't need to worry about anything right now except bonding with your new baby." Honor told him.

"Nice try! You are sharing a room with us, and I have all the time in the world right now, so start talking."

"Honestly Logan, Lorelai and Collin have it taken care of. You have nothing to worry about. You just focus on Rory and the baby."

"Josh?" Logan asked, turning to face his brother in-law. "I know that you'll tell me."

"I agree with your sister, you need to focus on Rory and the baby right now."

"Rory and the baby are fine, aren't you Rory?" Logan asked without taking his eyes off of Josh.

"Rory wants to know what happened and why Collin is involved. Who needs bail money?"

"No one needs bail money yet." Honor spoke up.

"But?" Logan asked.

"But your mother almost got punched out." Josh finally told him.

"Oh really?!"

"Mom and Dad are moving out tomorrow morning. Collin and Doyle are taking care of getting a couple more nurses, and Lorelai is asking Carlos for a couple guys for added muscle."

"They're moving out? To where?"

"Doesn't even matter right now. I don't care if they go back to their penthouse in Time Square, or if they go back to Hartford. All I care about is getting society Shira out of my face."

"Wait a second..." Rory told them. "What happened to nice Shira?"

"I have no idea but that woman is seriously bipolar today! I was talking to Lorelai about sending her back to rehab, but she may need a doctor referral for that. Being bipolar is a valid reason for readmission, right?"

"It is." Logan confirmed. "But I need more information to give to Gayle if that is the route that you want to go. And readmitting Mom will mean that she won't be able to come back when your baby is born. She'll be put into a longer treatment program. I could be 6 months or more."

"How about six years? Can we make it six years?"

"Wow, you're really mad right now! Pissy Honor only rarely comes out to play and she's showing herself. I like it! Please, tell me more about this bipolar woman that you speak of. Tell me all about what she did to piss you off today."

"I'm not sure if you even want to know about all of it." Josh told them.  "It's just typical society Shira coming back to play."

"Who has she been insulting?"

"Just the usual subjects."

"You know, leaving her completely homeless does sound really good to me right now!"

"I don't even care right now," Honor told them.  "Normally, I would fight you on that because she is still our mother, but I just don't even care anymore, I'm done!"

"YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hostile moody Honor is here to play ball!" Logan said excitedly.  "I love this side of you!"

"I've never seen you angry." Rory spoke up.

"I've only very rarely seen it." Josh agreed.

"Honor doesn't usually get mad. She's usually the calm rational one in the family.  I've probably only seen her upset a couple more times than Josh has." Logan told them.

"So speaking of moving, Collin said something about a couple of the evictions you guys had served, being fought. What's going on with that?"

"I don't know anything more than that. Collin told me a couple of the people are trying to fight us, but he's taking care of it. Unless they have some mysterious lease with Dad that we don't know about, and have yet to find, then they don't have a leg to stand on."

"Which properties?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't asked, I've been a little preoccupied. Collin mentioned it to me the other day, but unless it was an urgent matter I didn't care for details."

"Have you found out if any of thetenants have had an affair with Dad?"

"As much as I don't want to tell you about it, I won't lie to you either."

"So you have found evidence of an affair."

"We did."

"Which property?"

"That I won't tell you. I'm sorry."

"You just said that you won't lie to me."

"And I won't. But I'm not going to involve you in a situation that you don't need to be in. Especially when you are in the hospital with a risk to your pregnancy."

"But you will tell me when I go home?"

"Not a chance."

"Honor, Collin is taking care of everything. It's really not a big deal.  You said that Mom and Dad are moving out. Where would you like them to move to. Do you want me to call Gayle?"

"I don't know. Do you even think that they'll take her back? Or that she'll even go?"

"Ok well Mom and Dad have their penthouse here in the city, and the house in Hartford. Where would you like them to go when they leave your house?"

"I don't even care."

"Well we can send society Shira back to society city. She can go be vapid and selfish in Hartford with her miserably vapid selfish friends.  I'll call Frank and have him pick Mom and Dad up in the morning."

"Someone needs to pack their things."

"I'll have Rosalinda do it.  I think that for right now, it would be in their best interest to stay in the city.  I'm not exactly their biggest fans right now, but at least with them nearby, I can drop by unannounced and make sure that they're behaving, and I can better monitor what is going on.  It's easier to control the chaos."

"No, you're completely right.  And that way they can be dropped off at their apartment, and I can send their things over later on without it being too much of an inconvenience."

"You said that Lorelai and Collin are taking care of everything right now?"

"It was supposed to be me, but I didn't want my wife in the hospital alone." Josh told them.

"You did the right thing Josh.  I wouldn't have let Rory go alone either."

"Hey, I'm just following in your footsteps."

"I'm going to call Collin." Logan told them as the door opened and a hospital bed was pushed into the room.

"I'm sorry you guys.  This isn't at all how tonight was supposed to go.  I never meant to burst your happy baby bubble with this drama." Honor told them.

"It's completely fine Honor.  It's not like we can ever have a peaceful happy day where your parents are involved." Rory told her.

"It's a disgustingly sad reality."

"Well, let's at least make a deal. After Logan gets off the phone, no more drama."

"I can definitely agree to that." Josh smiled.

"Me too." Honor agreed.

"Me three.  I'll call Collin right now, so we can get all of this over with." Logan told them, moving to the table next to Rory's bed to grab his phone.

"Why are you calling me?" Collin asked a minute later, after answering his phone.

"Because there's drama and apparently you are in the middle of it."

"I've got it all handled. You go back to your baby bubble."

"Have Frank move my parents to their apartment in the city, tomorrow morning, and have Rosalinda pack their things and then send someone to drop it all off.  Make sure they have plenty of babysitters so they can't leave and get into trouble without my knowledge."

"I've already got it taken care of. Your parents are back at Honor's house right now.  They have no idea what is going on other than that Honor had to be taken to the hospital for observation.  They're pissed, but I ordered take out to be delivered, and the nurse service is sending two more nurses over, and Carlos is getting me a couple of security guys.  Stephanie, Finn and I are over here with Emily.  Lorelai is packing a bag for Honor, and as soon as Luke has Rory's dinner ready, Lorelai and Luke are going to head over to see you guys, and Rory's grandparents are supposed to follow within an hour.  Blake seems to have everything under control right now.  He's really good about dealing with your parents."

"Does he have any idea what is about to happen?"

"Not yet.  I'll talk to him after things get settled."

"Have Blake call me.  I'll increase his salary since he'll be on his own with them."

"Did Honor tell you everything that happened?"

"No.  She told me very little."

"That's probably for the best.  I'm sure that you'll hear the rest of it when you get home."

"How bad was it?"

"2007 comes to mind."

"Are you serious right now?!"

"I wish I was kidding.  It's like deja vu."

"Do I want to know what caused it?"

"That would be the hyphenated last name."

"What hyphenated last name?"

"Exactly!  Supposedly it was done on purpose to cut people out of your lives."

"You have got to be kidding me."

"They're your parents.  You should have seen that one coming."

"I did.  You and I discussed this last week, remember?"

"I do remember.  And I warned you that this exact thing would happen.  You said that you didn't care."

"And I still don't.  Maybe I should change all of our last names to Gilmore, just to spite them."

"I dare you!"

"You of all people should know better than to do that."

"Just a warning, if you do choose to go that route, let me remind you of the pain in the ass of medical licensing."

"You suck Collin!"

"Maybe, but I'm a damn good attorney and an even better best friend.  You owe me your life.  I would say your first born, but I'm not sure that Rory will agree to that one."

"Maybe second born."

"We'll talk."

"Thank you Collin.  I'm sorry you are stuck dealing with this nightmare for me."

"It's fine.  I'll make sure to pad my bill this month."

"Because I don't pay you enough already."

"Yeah well, my wife and daughter enjoy having nice things."

"Tell Stephanie that I said sorry and thank you."

"I will.  Give Rory and the baby a hug for me."

"I will.  Thank you Collin.  I'll call you tomorrow.  Update me later, alright?"

"I always do." Collin told him, then disconnected the call.

"Hey Paris, would it be easier to put Honor over here, and me across the room?" Rory asked, watching as Paris and the nurses were working to get Honor's bed set up for her.

"It might be, but it's fine.  We canget some portable monitors brought in."

"Paris, let's just switch spots.  I don't need the extra monitors anymore, and Honor does.  It's totally fine.  I don't want to create extra work for anyone."

"Rory, I don't want to be an inconvenience.  You are already settled.  I'm just here overnight." Honor spoke up.

"You should both be released tomorrow, pending any complications." Paris told them.

"Doctor Gellar, I found the monitors you asked for." another nurse said, as she walked into the room.

"Perfect!  No need to rearrangeanything.  Bring them in."

"Let me know when you want me to start Honor's IV." Logan told them.

"Veronica, would you mind taking Honor into the bathroom and getting her into a gown?  There are a couple in the closet that I brought for Rory."

"No problem." Veronica agreed.

"Hey Paris, I know things are a little chaotic right now, but once things start to settle a little bit, would it be alright if I took a shower?  I'm feeling pretty gross right now." Rory asked.

"Have they gotten you out of bed yet?"

"Yeah, I've gotten up a couple of times to use the bathroom."

"I can help her." Logan spoke up.

"Over my dead body!  I know you, Huntzberger!  Rory is a big girl, and perfectly capable of showering on her own.  We have plenty of nurses that can help her, if she needs it." Paris objected.  "There will be zero funny business happening while Rory is under my care."

"Rory, your Mom is heading over as soon as Luke has your dinner ready.  Collin said that your grandparents will be heading over within an hour of Lorelai." Logan told her.

"Rory, why don't you shower once Honor is done getting changed.  That might be your best chance." Paris told her.  "That way we've got plenty of help in the room, incase you need it.

"Logan, will you help me get up?  Ineed to find my shower stuff." Rory told him.  "Josh, do you want to hold Ayribella?"

"I would love to!" Josh smiled.

"Have you ever held a baby before?"

"Really?  You know how many siblings and nieces and nephews I have.  I've held plenty of babies.  I have way more child care experience than Logan, and he's a doctor."

"Yeah, someone was stupid to pay off the medical licensing board like that." Honor smirked, watching as Josh walked over to Rory, and gently took the baby from her arms.

"Rory, she is gorgeous." Josh smiled, looking down at the tiny baby in his arms.

"Thank you.  Are you sure you'll be ok with her while I shower and Logan helps get Honor settled?"

"I'm positive.  Take as long as you need.  I've been babysitting little kids since I was 10.  I've got this.  Babies are really easy.  She'll probably sleep the whole time."

"Thanks Josh.  I really appreciate it.  I probably could have put her in little crib."

"Yeah, but where would the fun be in that?  I've got this.  You go get showered.  We'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Logan, Honor, Paris, and all these nurses are right here if I need anything.  But I promise you, I've got plenty of experience.  I am way more capable of taking care of your baby than Logan is.  I actually know how to change a diaper."

"Well you've got one up on both of us for sure because I've always just handed the kid back to their parents."

"Paris, why would you let these two have a child?!" Josh asked, looking across the room to where Paris was getting equipment set up next to the bed that had been brought in for Honor.

"Lorelai assured me that she would stay with them for the first few weeks, to make sure they're able to keep her alive.  And Rosalinda is great with kids, and she'll be there all the time too."

"Ha!  You guys have babysitters!"

"Yeah, but at least we are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves, unlike some other people we know." Logan told him.

"You've got a point."

"Hey Logan, will you help me find the shower stuff?" Rory asked

"Let's take it easy getting up.  You have plenty of time. You don't need to rush it." Logan said as he carefully helped Rory out of the bed.

"Paris, can I wear real clothes?"

"You can wear whatever you want.  I suggest something loose and comfortable."

"Come on Honor, let's go get you changed." Veronica said, reaching for one of Honor's arms, and helping her out of the wheelchair, then carefully helping her to the bathroom.  "Paris, do you need everything off?"

"Probably not.  She just needs monitoring"

"Honor, do you need help changing?"

"No, I can handle it, but thank you."Honor answered as she stepped into the bathroom.  "Oh holy cow! This bathroom is huge!  And it's almost as nice at my bathroom at home!"

"Welcome to VIP!" Paris called over her shoulder.

"Do I get this when I give birth?"

"Are you a Huntzberger?"


"Unless you decide that you'd like a regular room, you'll be in here too.  Probably with the same security set up."

"Is the security really necessary for me?"

"Do you want to risk not having it?"

"No, you're completely right.  I'll stop asking questions now."

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