A Different Kind Of Life

De DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 87

74 2 0
De DreamzOfGold

May 3, 2017


Columbia Presbyterian Hospital

New York City, NY

"Mrs. Huntzberger?" a voice said as the door to Rory's room was pushed open seconds after a knock was heard.

"Doctor Brewster, please join us." Paris answered, welcoming the newcomer.

"Doctor Gellar. It's nice to see you again. I'm not usually here at the same as you. Is it already too late for the patient's epidural?"

"No, not at all. Rory is an old friend of mine. I took the day off to be with her."

"Ah. . . Doctor Huntzberger . . . Are you working L&D today?" Doctor Brewster asked.

"I guess, in a way. Just not being paid for it." Logan answered with a chuckle.

"Oh, you're being paid for it alright. You're being paid in the form of your daughter." Lorelai spoke up.

"Lorelai has a point." Paris agreed.

"Doctor Brewster, this is my mother in-law, Lorelai, and my wife, Rory." Logan said, introducing his family.

"Hi Lorelai, it's nice to meet you. I'm doctor Brewster." the doctor smiled, shaking Lorelai's hand.

"It's a pleasure." Lorelai smiled in return.

"Mrs. Huntzberger, I am Doctor Brewster. I am you anesthesiologist this afternoon, and I am here to administer your epidural."

"Thank God!" Rory breathed as she suffered through a contraction.

"I'm sorry, she's usually much more pleasant when meeting people." Logan told him.

"Don't even worry about it. I completely understand. I've been yelled at, and cussed out for taking too long. My own wife yelled at me for not stepping in and giving her the epidural myself, when she had to wait for it. I know exactly what you are going through right now. But don't you worry Mrs. Huntzberger, I won't make you wait a single second longer. As soon as your contraction subsides, we are going to get you moved into position, and quickly get you prepared so we can get you some relief."

"Just keep breathing through it. It's almost over." Paris instructed.

"Kimber, Jamila, would you mind helping me please?" Doctor Brewster asked as he moved back toward the door, and pulling a metal rolling cart into the room.

"Of course Doctor Brewster." Nurse Kimber answered.

"Mrs. Huntzberger, we need to move you into position for your epidural." Jamila said as the two nurses moved toward Rory's bed. "It looks like your contraction has subsided, so let's get you situated before the next one hits. Can you sit up for me? We are going to move you to the edge of the bed, and have your swing your legs over the left side."

"I'll help." Logan offered, reaching his arms out, and gently wrapping them around his wife's waist. "You ready Ace? Just lean on me, and I'll move you. I know you're exhausted from all of this. Kimber, would you mind helping with her legs?"

"I've got them." Lorelai said, stepping up next to Logan, and reaching over to grab Rory's legs.

"Alright, we move her on 3 . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . 3."

Logan and Lorelai quickly pulled Rory to the edge of the bed while Paris and the nurses moved to the other side of the bed, along with Doctor Brewster, and continued in their preparations.

"Alright Rory, I'm going to open up the back of your gown, and get you al lprepped." Paris said as she reached for the ties on Rory's gown.

"Doctor Huntzberger, would you like to help today? You can see how epidurals are administered." Doctor Brewster asked.

"Normally, I would jump at the chance to learn something new. The doctor in me is chomping at the bit to help. But the husband part of me is being logical, and knows that I need to be here for my wife right now. But thank you for the offer. If the patient was anybody else, I would be right next to you, ready to learn."

"That is completely understandable. You are making the right choice. If you would ever like to shadow me for a day, just let me know. I would be more than happy to have your assistance."

"Thank you Doctor Brewster. Anesthesiology sounds fascinating, but a little bit scary. That's a little too much responsibility for me."

"Now you can't possibly tell me that the idea of basically being able to play God with other people's lives doesn't sound intriguing." Doctor Brewster joked.

"No, you're right, it really does. But I also know that one even slightly wrong move could have dire consequences. That's a lot of responsibility for one person, and not exactly something that I think I can handle. At least almost everything that I do can easily be undone if need be. I'll leave the God complex to those of you who have done additional years of schooling. I am perfectly happy doing family medicine right now."

"Well if you ever change your mind, please let me know. The offer stands. I would be more than happy to be your mentor."

"Hey, you could finally one up Paris if you decided to go into anesthesiology." Lorelai told him.

"Well, when you put it like that . . ." Logan smiled. "Maybe one day. But I really am happy with everything just the way that it is."

"You'll never one up me, Huntzberger. You don't have it in you to do the additional schooling. You would need at least two more years of medical school to study anesthesiology, and then another couple years of fellowship before you could even get credentialed. You and I both know that you don't have it in you." Paris told him.

"Keep pushing me Paris, and see what happens. You know how much I love a challenge."

"That's enough you two. Can we all please focus on my daughter here? She's in desperate need of some pain killer for the watermelon that she is about to squeeze out of a pea hole. I know from experience the pain of child birth is the equivalent to doing the splits over a crate of dynamite. So please, let's focus on Rory right now. As much as I would love payback for the past 30 something years of motherhood, I really don't think that this kind of pain is something that should be inflicted on anyone without an extensive criminal record." Lorelai spoke up, still standing in front of her daughter who sat at the edge of her hospital bed as instructed, while Paris, Doctor Brewster, and the nurses finished prepping her for the epidural.

"Alright, we're ready." Doctor Brewster spoke up.

"You need to be as still as possible." Logan told his wife as he watched her face contort in pain as a contraction hit her. "I know that you are in a lot of pain right now, but in the next couple of minutes, all of that pain will be completely gone. You are doing so great through all of this."

"It hurts so bad." Rory cried, balling her hands into fists.

"I know it does. Just try to breathe through it. Take a deep breath, ok? Inhale; 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . . . Good job. Let's do it again. Inhale; 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, exhale; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . .. Hey, look at me. Focus on me, alright? I've got you.

"The contraction is subsiding." Paris announced a minute or so later.

"Alright Rory, I just need you to lean forward, and stay as still as you possibly can." Doctor Brewster told her.

"Lean on Logan's chest." Paris told her. "Wrap your arms around his back and let him support your weight."

"I've got you." Logan said, wrapping his arms around Rory's shoulders, holding her against him. "Everything is going to be ok.

"Here we go. Take a deep breath in and hold it." Doctor Brewster instructed, quickly doing his job to administer the pain medication. "Alright, it's in place. Let's get her situated back in bed."

"Thank you." Rory breathed out as the medication hit her, slowly starting to wipe out the intense pain that she had been in.

"Let's slowly rotate Rory around." Paris instructed as nurse Jamila moved around the bed and gently lifted Rory's legs, helping Logan to rotate his wife. Alright, let's lean her back, very gently . . . Very good. Wendy, would you mind doing the catheter for me?"

"Not at all. Rory, you are doing so great. Definitely better than I did when my son was born." Kimber told her.

"Rory is a trooper." Logan smiled, brushing hair out of Rory's face.

"Thank you Doctor Brewster." Paris said as Doctor Brewster headed for the door with his cart of materials.

"Thank you Doctor Brewster." Logan echoed.

"Of course. Page me if you need anything else. Good luck Huntzbergers." he waved before disappearing out the door.

"Hey Honey. How are you feeling?" Lorelai asked as she moved back to her daughter's side. "Do you need anything?"

"I'm a little thirsty." Rory answered in a soft voice.

"Let's get some water in you." Logan suggested, reaching for the bottle on the table behind him.

"You should try to take a nap." Paris spoke up. "You are dilated to a 5, so it is going to be a little bit longer. Usually going from a 5to a 10 is much faster than going from a 3 to a 5, but you probably have about an hour. Try to get some rest, and we'll watch your contractions on the monitor, and wake you when it's time to push."

"That's a really good idea. You should get as much rest as you can. You are going to need it."

"I agree. Close your eyes honey. I know that you are anxious right now, but there isn't anything that you can do until it's time to push. Try to get some rest." Lorelai agreed. "I'll text Grandma and Honor. You take a nap."

"Where are you going?" Rory asked, shooting him a terrified look and reaching her arm toward him as Logan began to turn away from her, and grabbing his hand.

"Nowhere. I'm just going to pull the chair closer. I'm not going anywhere. I promise!"

"You said that last time . . ." she told him, her voice soft.

"Hey. . . This isn't like last time. None of those people are here today. They were fired, and aren't even allowed on the property. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Plus, you've got your Mom and Paris both here this time. Nothing bad can possibly happen with the three of us here with you. Plus, we've got security guards outside the door, a few more at the electronic doors at the end of the hall, and several more roaming around the property. Everything is going to be ok. You don't have a single thing to be afraid of."

"Please don't leave me."

"I would never do that. You need to get some rest." Rory tugged on Logan's arm, trying to pull him closer to her. "I need my hand, for just one second. I promise. Just let me grab the chair."

Rory reluctantly let go of Logan's hand long enough for him to grab the chair that sat a few feet away, and pull it next to the Rory's hospital bed. Logan was careful to not jostle his wife as he took a seat next to her, on the edge of the bed, and stretched his legs out over the chair that he had just pulled over. As soon as Logan was seated, Rory immediately latched onto his arm, wrapping her own arms around it, and laid her head on Logan's shoulder.

"Try to get some sleep." Logan smiled, placing a gentle kiss on the top of Rory's head. "I promise you. I am not going anywhere."

*~ * 2:00pm * ~ *

"How's she doing?" Paris asked, walking back into Rory's room after having left earlier to go check in at her office.

"Rory has been asleep for about 2 hours." Lorelai answered.

"Well her contractions have sped up and intensified, meaning that it should just about be time to start pushing. Logan, why don't you wake her up. Do you want to learn how to determine dilation today?"

"Not when the patient is my wife." Logan answered.

"What, are you afraid that what you see might completely ruin your sex life?"


"Well, you've gotta learn to keep it in your pants somehow. I might as well give you a visual to help you out."

"No thank you, Paris. There are just some things that you can't unsee."

"Exactly my point, Huntzberger!"

"Alright you two, knock it off." Lorelai told them, getting up from her chair next to Rory's bed. "I'll wake Rory. You two need to stop with the bickering."

"You guys wake Rory. I'm going to go grab the nurses and make sure we have Doctor Brewster and the OR ready, just in case we need them. I'll be back in five minutes." Paris announced, then headed back out of the room, leaving Lorelai and Logan alone with Rory."

"Sounds like it's time." Lorelai smiled excitedly. "Are you ready to be a Dad?"

"Probably about as ready as can be expected." Logan told her, as he gently began rubbing Rory's arm as she laid peacefully next to him. "Hey Ace, it's time for you to wake up. We've got a baby to deliver."

"So sleepy." Rory murmured.

"I know you are. You've been such a trooper today. But it's all almost over. You just need to push our baby out, and then you are done for the day, and you can sleep for the rest of the day if you want to."

"Yeah, as if child birth is really that simple." Lorelai chuckled. "Little do you know, that the all the work doesn't even start until after you push the baby out. I might not be a doctor, but last time I checked, being a Dad doesn't exactly equip you to be able to breastfeed a newborn baby."

"Is it really time?" Rory asked.

"That's what Paris said. She offered to teach me what dilation looks like, but that isn't exactly a vision of my wife that want stuck in my head for the rest of my life."

"Probably a good idea."

"Are you ready to be a Mom?" Lorelai asked her daughter.

"I'll never be as good of a mother as you are."

"That's not true."

"I have no idea how to be a mother. I've never been around babies for more than a few minutes at a time. I don't have a single idea of what I am even supposed to do."

"Well, luckily for you, I am going to be right here with you for at least the next couple of weeks, while you learn."

"You might need to move in permanently."

"I will if I need to, but something tells me that you've got this. You are an incredibly fast learner. You've never failed at anything that you've put your mind to."

"Plus, you've had the perfect example of what a mother is." Logan told her. "You've got this, Ace."

"I don't know about being the perfect example." Lorelai chuckled. "I'm sure that Mrs. Kim would have a few choice things to say about that one."

"But you've definitely got my mother beat."

"That is very true. If there is one person that I am better at mothering than, it would definitely be Shira Huntzberger."

"And Grandma." Rory added. "And Mrs. Kim too. I think even Lane would agree with that one."

"I don't know. Mrs. Kim did a really good job with Lane."

"But she was more of a probation officer than anything else. Girls should be best friends with their mothers, shouldn't they? Isn't that the dream?"

"Yeah, but a lot of people would say that I am too much of a friend, and not enough of a mother. I probably could have done a little bit better in both of those areas."

"Well if it's any consolation, I think that you are the perfect mother." Logan told her. "The only actual trouble your kid has ever gotten into, has been with me. I think that even my parents would agree that you've done a damn good job."

"I don't know. I mean, my kid did steal a boat, and then eventually ran off and married you. I obviously raised her to have some pretty questionable judgment."

"Well that was definitely a complete failure on your part. Rory and I will just have to raise our daughter better. We'll have to teach her to stay the hell away from idiot delinquents like me."

"Maybe we should let Mrs. Kim raise the baby." Rory told them. "Lane definitely has more brains than I do."

"Idon't know about that. Lane married a musician." Logan told them.

"But at least it wasn't a drummer." Lorelai told them.

"Well considering that Lane IS a drummer." Rory added.

"Drummers are supposed to be the worst! They're completely irresponsible and reckless. They are the epitome of everything that you want your child to stay away from."

"Well maybe we should have Zach's mom raise the baby then." Logan suggested.

"No, that wouldn't work either, because Zach married the drummer."

"Well Maybe April's Mom then? I mean, April turned out pretty great, didn't she?"

"Maybe. . . But April has issues too." Rory told them. "I love my sister, but we've all got our issues. April is way nerdier than Iam."

"Yeah she is." Lorelai agreed. "She's gotten better about it, but she's still a pretty big nerd."

"What about Paris' nanny? Mariqua is pretty awesome with kids. She's already got Paris and Doyle's twins speaking two languages." Logan suggested.

"That's true . . . Maybe we should ask Mariqua to come raise the baby." Rory agreed.

"That might be a good idea. She's been doing a damn good job with the twins. I'd say either her or Sookie and Jackson. At least their kids can cook." Lorelai added.

"That's a really good point. The Belleville kids have been raised in both the kitchen and the garden. They are entirely self-sufficient."

"Alrighty, it's baby time!" Paris announced, walking back into the room, with a team of nurses behind her. "Wendy, why don't you check dilation. The rest of you have your assignments. Veronica, your job right now is to watch the clock. Rory and Logan don't want the cord cut until a full minute after the baby is out, so you need to make sure you have the exact time when the baby is born, and then wait a full minute before giving the go ahead to clamp and cut. Do you think you can handle that?"

"Not a problem Doctor Gellar. Hey Rory. Doctor Huntzberger." Veronica said as she stepped around Paris, and moved through the room.

"Hey Veronica. How do you like being back in the hospital?" Logan asked.

"It's a little weird coming back, but it's a nice change of scenery. I'm mostly here for postpartum care though. Doctor Gellar wanted you to be with someone who you know really well, and are comfortable with.

"I appreciate you coming to help out."

"It's my pleasure. I think that of everyone in the hospital, I know you two about as well as Doctor Gellar does."

"You've definitely got a point there." Lorelai agreed."

"Alright Rory, let's get your dilation checked." Wendy said as she pulled a rolling stool toward the end of the bed. "Kimber, Jamila, would you mind helping me with her legs? Let's get Mrs. Huntzberger into position."

"Logan, get your lazy butt up off of that bed." Paris instructed.

"Ace, I'm not going anywhere. I am going to stay right here next to you." Logan said, giving Rory a gentle kiss, then slowly standing himself up, and moving himself off of the bed.

"Alright Mrs. Huntzberger, we are going to bend your knees, and put your feet into the stirrups at the end of the bed." Jamila said as she moved toward Rory's bed, and began to remove the blankets covering her legs. "You probably won't feel much, but we are going to talk you through this. I've got your left leg . . . Let's bend . . . There you go. Perfect. Let's do the right. Kimber is going to help you bend your knee. That is perfect. You are doing great."

"Let's sit her up a little bit more." Wendy instructed, then watched as the nurses hit the button on the bed to raise the head of the bed up some more. "That is perfect . . . Alright Mrs. Huntzberger, I am going to check your dilation. You may feel a little bit of pressure. . . Doctor Gellar, she is definitely ready. She is fully dilated."

"Ok, let's do this." Paris said excitedly as Wendy got up from the stool, and moved aside for Paris to take her place. "Rory, we are going to push with the contractions. When the next contraction hits, I need you to bear down and push, like you are pushing out a hard poop."

"Really Paris?" Lorelai said, with a roll of her eyes.

"I'm sorry, did you want me to be more proper? Push like you are pushing out a hard stool. Is that better for you? Rory, you are going to push for ten, and then let up, alright?"

"I think so." Rory answered.

"You've got this, kid." Lorelai said as she took one of Rory's hands in her own, and squeezed it, as Logan took Rory's other hand, on the opposite side of the bed.

"You can do this Ace. I know you can." Logan added, giving his wife a quick kiss as she looked up at him.

"Alright Rory, let's do this." Paris told her. "Push! 1 . . . 2 . . . 3.. . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . . That was perfect. Good job. Let's get right back at it. Ready? Push! 1 . . . 2 . . . 3. . . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . .8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . ."

"You're doing great." Lorelai smiled, as her daughter pushed.

"Good job Rory. Are you ready for another one?" Paris asked as Rory leaned back against the bed. "Let's take a deep breath, and try it again. Ready? Push! 1 . . . 2 . . . 3. . . . . 4 . . . 5 . . .6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . . That was perfect. You are doing great. Let's keep it going, just like that. Let's take another deep breath, and try it again. Are you ready? Deep breath .. . Alright, push! 1 . . . 2 . . . 3. . . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 .. . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . . "

"Good job Ace. You are going so great. You've got this." Logan told her.

"It's hard." Rory whimpered.

"I know. But you are doing so good. And soon we are going to have our beautiful little girl in our arms, and all of your hard work will just be a distant memory. You can do this Ace. I know you can. You are doing so great."

"Alright Rory, let's do it again. Are you ready?" Paris asked.

"NO!" Rory answered.

"Well, too bad because I need you to push. Take a deep breath in, and bear down. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3. . . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . . 8. . . 9 . . . 10 . . . Good. That was great. Now let's do it again. Deep breath in, and push. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3. . . . . 4 . .. 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . . Good job Rory. We are getting close. We should be able to see the head soon. Let's take another deep breath in, and push as hard as you can. Ready? Deep breath, and push! 1 . . . 2 . . . 3. . . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6. . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . . That was perfect! You are doing great Rory. Keep it up. Deep breath, and push! 1 . . . 2 .. . 3. . . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . That's it, keep it going, push as hard as you can. . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . . That was perfect! I can see the head. Way to go Rory! Logan, do you want to come see this?"

"I'm not sure." Logan answered.

"Logan, come see. Just really quick. You're a doctor, stop being such a chicken shit, and come see."

"Don't call me a chicken Paris."

"Hurry up and get your butt over here. I can only give Rory a break for so long."

"That's a . . ." Logan began, but stopped when he saw the look that Paris was giving him. "See right here, that's your daughter's head."

"Oh wow! It's so close."

"Very close. Kind of cool, right?"

"Medically speaking, kind of."

"Totally gross, isn't it?" Lorelai asked.

"Pretty much."


"You wish, Paris!" Logan said as he rolled his eyes, and went back to his wife's side, taking her hand in his again. "You are so close Ace. Her head is almost there."

"Alright Rory . . . It's time for a really big push. Let's see if we can get this head out. Are you ready? Take a deep breath. Inhale . . . And Push!" Paris instructed. "1 . . . 2 . . . 3. . . . . 4 . . . 5. . . 6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . . Quick breath, inhale deep and push again. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3. . . . . 4 . . . Harder, push harder . . . 6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . . Good, let's do it again. Deep breath and push! 1 . . . 2 . . . 3. . . .. 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . ."

*~ * 3:00pm * ~ *

"You did it, Ace. She absolutely beautiful!" Logan said as he stood next to his wife, admiring the tiny baby laying on her chest.

"Rory, she is perfect." Lorelai told her. "She looks so much like you."

"She' sgot Logan's nose." Rory smiled.

"But she's got your blue eyes." Logan told her.

"For now. Those could change." Lorelai commented. "But she is definitely the most beautiful baby in the entire world."

"Am I allowed to text out a picture?" Paris asked from across the room.

"To who?" Logan asked. "We aren't sharing information."

"Just to Doyle. But what about your families? You aren't going to share pictures?"

"We don't want to risk phones being hacked or anything. Don't send it to Doyle's business phone. One picture to his personal cell, but that's it. We agreed that pictures only get sent from Lorelai to Emily, and she will share with the rest of the family. We don't want to risk pictures getting into the wrong hands by accident."

"You do realize that cell phones are perfectly safe, and aren't being tapped by the government, right?" Paris asked.

"Paris, don't treat me like I'm stupid. You know exactly who my family is. And you've seen first-hand the kind of media nightmare that we've dealt with in the past. We don't want to risk pictures getting into the wrong hands, and this is the best way that we can do that."

"What about Rory's Dad and sisters who live in Boston?"

"We will FaceTime with them later." Rory told her.

"Please don't send any pictures until after Lorelai does. Family needs to be notified first." Logan told her.

"I'll text Grandma right now." Lorelai said, pulling her phone from her pocket. "Family picture. Try to look cute." She told them, holding the phone up toward the new family, and snapping a couple pictures.

"Hold on Lorelai, before you send that . . ." Logan started. "Ace, I know that we agreed on Ayribella's name months ago, but I'd like to make a small adjustment, if it's ok with you."

"What adjustment?"

"I was thinking that we should add Gilmore to her name."

"What? You want her to have two last names?"

"I was thinking as a second middle name. Your family is really important to you. You are all very close. But after you, there aren't any more Gilmores. You were the last one. Your family name is gone after you. I just thought that maybe we could carry it on just a little bit longer. Maybe not the way it originally was, but at least give Ayribella a little piece of the Gilmore family."

"You mean other than the name Lorelai?"

"Lorela iAyribella Gilmore Huntzberger."

"Logan. . ."

"I've been thinking about it for a few weeks now. I want to do this for you. I think it will mean a lot to your Grandparents."

"I think that Grandpa will be honored, but it's not necessary." Lorelai told them.

"Logan is right. I'm the last Gilmore . . ." Rory said softly. "Having two middle names is kind of a royalty thing, isn't it?"

"She is the Huntzberger Heir." Logan chuckled.

"Your parents are going to completely hate this."

"Which is one more reason why we should do it." Logan beamed.

"Alright. . ." Rory smiled. "Lorelai Ayribella Gilmore Huntzberger . . .Do you like that, Sweet Girl? You've got some pretty big shoes to fill."

"Nope, you have absolutely no expectations on you, little one. You just be who you are. You be Daddy's little Princess. You pave your own way." Logan told her. "You can be whoever you want to be, and we will still love you, no matter what."

"So it's decided then?" Lorelai asked.

"Go right ahead." Rory told her. "And tell Grandma and Luke to give us a couple hours."

"How about this . . . I am going to send out a text announcing that Ayribella is here, and then I am going to head home, and share the pictures in person. I'll give you guys the space I promised, alright?"

"Mom, you haven't even held her yet."

"That's ok. Neither has Logan. I will hold her when I come back. This is your time. You guys enjoy your time together. I'll be back in a couple of hours."

"Are you sure?" Logan asked.

"I'm positive. Do you guys need anything from home?"

"Just dinner." Rory told her.

"Alright. Then I will come back with Luke, and your grandparents in a couple of hours."

"Thanks Mom. You're the best!"

"I know. I love you kiddo. You did so good today. And I love you my sweet little Princess." Lorelai smile, leaning down over the bed, and placing a gentle kiss on her granddaughter's head.

"I'm going to head out for a bit, and give you guys some space too." Paris told them. "I'm going to stop by HPG and show Doyle the pictures, and check on the clinic for you. Call me if you need anything, alright? You guys are in good hands with Wendy in charge, but I'll come back to check on you in a few hours."

"Thank you Paris. For everything." Rory smiled, reaching her arm out for her best friend.

"It was my pleasure." Paris said as she walked over to Rory, and gave her best friends a quick hug, then placed a kiss on the baby's head. "Aunty Paris loves you, little one."

"Hey Paris . . . If Doyle wants to come with you when you stop by later, I'm ok with that."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. You guys are family. And you can bring the kids over this weekend."

"Alright. I will do that then. Call me if you need anything, ok?"

"We will. Thank you, Paris." Logan said, giving her a quick hug.

"Come on Lorelai, I'll walk you out." Paris told her.

"Thanks Paris!" Lorelai chirped. "I love you guys. Call me if you need anything." Lorelai told them, then followed Paris out the door.

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