A Couple at Stake (Henry X El...

بواسطة Bieran51

800 21 2


The start of the adventure...
The mission begins...
Is it really true???
An unknown suprise...
The accident...
Quick war news...
Healing wounds of pain...
Toppat Clan & The Wall...
I need rest...
War news 2
The time is near...
DANGER on the Horizon
The escape...
War news 3
Parental fatigue...
I think its time...
The Wedding...
War news 4
Pain and bloodshed
Struggles at home...
Wounded both ways...
Authors note!
General work...
The Battle of Berlin and New Delhi...
A near death experience...


11 0 0
بواسطة Bieran51

The war was coming to the peak of its involvement as almost every country in the world had joined some sort of conflict as in Africa, another great African war was happening and in East and South Asia the war saw millions of lives be claimed and it had already passed the levels of WW1 and was not far from approaching the WW2 numbers where almost anywhere between 65 million and 85 million men and humans were lost to the war.

Henry was injured after the launched assault on the city of Pyongyang and his left Kidney was in pain and weak when sent to Seoul to get treatment the Korean doctors were concerned that his left Kidney was failing after the bullet shot caused him to lose ⅕ of his blood in the process and surgery was required to relieve the pain of the impaled Kidney. Ellie however was still oblivious to Henry's status as alive or dead and didnt know he was injured in combat. She just cared for Rosey mostly while Charles helped her in the night when her pregnancy symptoms were causing her to become overly stressed and panicked with herself. But she was 5 months pregnant and she wasnt too sure whether she could continue her life in pain for the pregnancy.

To the Middle east, Israeli troops had marched on the Sinai peninsula and were approaching the Nile river. Where Cairo was and the Egyptian army were still in a full retreat until they were forced beyond the Nile river where a bloody battle would be fought for the control of Cairo. While Israeli troops pass over the Lebanese mountains and they had pushed into Syria after Lebanon surrendered unconditionally. Iran was infuriated with Israeli victories and they decided that if they struck Israeli positions with Ballistic missiles then that would cause massive disruption and disorganization of the Israeli troops and military plans.

They fire over a dozen hundred rockets and struck many Israeli positions but many were shot down in the sky by anti aerial targets and not many were killed. However Iran decided that a war of attrition was needed to pressure the Israeli economy and military until it collapses on theirselves. However the USA had already sent two of its 17 aircraft carriers to the Arabian sea.

The United kingdom had sent a demand to Argentina to allow military bases in Buenos Aires but because of their torn up relations of complicated history of the Falkland islands. They refused any British essence inside the country. However Brazil being an ally of America and also Britain they pressured Argentina also their historical long standing rival since the 1800's , to accept British requests to allow military bases in Buenos Aires. The Argentine government knew that they could not face the power of the Royal navy and Brazilian troops at the same time (Big mistake in 1982) so British bases were set up in Buenos Aires but the Argentine government had boycotted the bases and military supplies and funding was not given to the bases and after the British prime minister found out the situation they were furious with the Argentines. And sent an Ultimatum to Buenos Aires and the Argentines refused again denying any wrong doing within and the British and Brazilian governments declared war on Argentina some days later.

Meanwhile in Eastern Europe, Poland had fallen to Russian occupation but their forces continued to fight beside the allies in Germany and Hungary after the Russian generals plans were to encircle Berlin like it was 1945 and take the city easily. However NATO had deployed a large mobilization near Berlin admitting the danger to the city and around 1,500,000 men in army group North was there while the Russians had deployed their largest and strongest forces of over 2,000,000 men.

Henry was in his way into the medical camp for I'll or injured troops and as said before Henry had been shot in his Left Kidney and the bullet was taken out by a medical soldier on the scene. And since he was near Pyongyang they decided that a makeshift camp would do as the injury had occured 2 days ago and it began to heal slowly but surely. He was then taken to the camp and medics on the camp brought him to a bed and began to reconfigure his shattered Pelvis bone. Henry however was in a lot of pain. The strong drugs he was given to numb the pain was absolutely useless because the pain ringed through his body like a ripple in the water.

Henry very agonized and tired was not having the will to live anymore he just tried to give up in his life. But then he realized he cannot abandon Ellie and their children in Heaven he must push on to see her again. Because to Henry there was no force stronger than love. He must return to his family in Texas. After all Ellie was around 28 weeks pregnant with their baby boy they hoped to see very soon. Charles was still helping with Ellies struggles but they were pulling through just fine.

Henry always kept an image of Ellie Charles and his daughter Rosey, who was nearing her first birthday already!
And despite his pain and suffering he still didnt give up and kept fighting the pain until the faitful day of surgery... He was transported to South Korea to the Seoul international hospital for emergency treatment as his left Kidney seriously damaged by the bullet was beginning to show signs of failure.
Henry was still suffering heavy pain in his lower back and spreading to his upper chest. But never the less the Surgery was a go.

Henry under the now influence of anesthesia was paralysed asleep waiting to be worked on. The Korean doctors split through the skin and muscle tissue. And finally reached the left Kidney. They slowly began to remove the metal fragments and shrapnel from the wounded Kidney. They were just finishing up with a protein filling that should help the injured Kidney recover faster. The insicion was stitched up and the surgery was a final success. Henry was finally safe from the dangers of Kidney failure and he woke 20 minutes later exhausted and with medication and blood packs injecting into his body.

Ellie still was oblivious to Henry's injuries or surgery he currently had but she noticed that her baby bump was growing bigger by the day. The General was always pleased to see her when she visited around every now and again. Charles always transported Ellie by Helicopter because despite her protesting to use the bike it wasnt worth the risk for her and the baby's health. So Charles always denied the bike and always took her by Helicopter.

Another great chapter! See you in the next one!

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