The Alpha's Omega Mistress

By Goldi-Luxxx

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"Our love is filthy, a dirty secret that nobody should know about." Kira thrives and wants a better life in... More



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By Goldi-Luxxx


Ever since D'Angelo returned from the trip, I observed how bothered and detached he seemed. He was unusually quiet, his gaze wandered, and he was always lost in thought; even his sleeping habits were influenced by his deeply troubled heart.

Sex was amazing though, and it seemed like our only way of bonding. We did it everywhere: under the sheets, in the bathroom, outside under the stars, in the kitchen, and in his car.

But he was drifting away from me, and I had to know why. The first time I asked about it, he gave me a noncommittal shrug.

We lay shoulder to shoulder on the plush couch in the living room, our bodies sinking into the cushions. I focused my attention on theo
crackling fireplace, watching the dancing flames. D'Angelo's body language spoke volumes: his shoulders hunched forward, showing how tense he was, and his gaze remained fixed on the ceiling, lost in thought.

"Something is wrong, D'Angelo. You've been unusually quiet lately. I get that you're worried by this new development but what exactly is bothering you?”

He raised his head, blinking as if he was seeing me for the first time and wiping away his previously remote gaze.

“Huh? "Of course not, darling," he said, leaning forward and placing an arm around my waist. "I can assure you that nothing is wrong."

I snuggled against him, burying my face in his chest. "Don't lie to me. I can see it in your eyes. You've been acting so withdrawn. Is this about your visit to Alexis?"

He scoffed, cutting through the air, and his eyes rolled dramatically, "Hell no. I've got bigger fish to fry.”

"Then tell me," I demanded, intertwining my fingers with his."You're hiding something. Talk to me.”

His fingers nervously tapped the armrest of the chair, and he paused before speaking. "I'm not too keen on discussing this, but they called me for a meeting," he said, and I breathed a sigh of relief that he was finally opening up.

"The council of elders," he continued. For some strange reason, I knew where this conversation was going, but I remained silent while waiting for him to speak.

The elders were extremely important in the pack, with the titled ones being as important as the alpha himself. Because he was a young Alpha, D'Angelo held them in high regard. I knew this was a sensitive matter. They were most likely aware of our mating bond.

"Go on, I'm listening," I encouraged him, despite the fact that my heart was pounding like drums.

"It's nothing serious," he began, "but they hinted that they were uncomfortable with us being together. They said an alpha like me is not right for an Omega."

His hands tightened into fists, and his knuckles turned white. "They did nothing but yap and demand. They don't understand that you're the only one that keeps me sane, that I need you more than air.”

After speaking, his eyes darted around the room, avoiding my gaze, and I sighed.

"Are you going to pretend you weren't expecting this? "What else did they say?"

"They said it was ruining my reputation, and packmates were starting to talk."

"you're concerned that this will bring more people to Leo's side?" I asked softly. He sat up and faced me, looking at me with such tenderness that I couldn't help but melt.

"That's not a problem," he said quietly, pressing against me for a gentle kiss. His lips tasted slightly sugary with the sweet wine we had drank earlier.

“There will never be any doubt about my place as leader in the pack. I'm the pack's only living Alpha, so I'm not going to let some coffin dodgers dictate my actions or mate choice. I know that bastard, Leo, is behind this. He might have to do better."

Silence hung between us. I was scared. Not only because of the implications of his words, but also due to the potential consequences. My emotions were erratic, and he noticed and drew me in.

"They don't realize how amazing you're. They don't know you like I do," he reassured me, running a finger under my chin.

I pressed my forehead against him and closed my eyes. It felt good to know how much he loved me. The council members may have threatened him, but he didn't give two shits. He cared so much that he was willing to go to any length to protect me.

However, I wasn't pleased with this. He seemed to know what I was thinking and began warning me.

"Kira, stop worrying about it. Nobody is going to run my love life for me."

"I know, but maybe it's best if we spend some time apart, fake a breakup or something, until you can work things out with Leo and your enemies," I suggested, my voice trembling despite my best efforts to conceal it. "I don't want them to think you're a weak Alpha, especially now. Our relationship may make matters worse for you."

His response was immediate and vehement, with his voice rising to a pitch I had never heard before. He had never raised his voice at me in all the months I'd known him, not even on that fateful night when my mother and I attempted to escape.

"I won't say this again. We will never be apart! That's exactly what they want, and I won't give them the satisfaction of giving up. I don't need their permission for anything, especially for my mate. Do you know who I'm, Kira?

“I get it. But…"

"No buts. I'll never, ever break up with you. And if you try to convince me otherwise, I'll be furious. We’ve come this far.”

I stared back at him, unable to form a coherent sentence, stunned by the power in his voice.

"Sadly, you think I'm going to dance to their tune and listen to them," he continued and I sighed, placing my head on his chest and hearing the thump of his heartbeat. He kissed the top of my head. He tried to reassure me, but I was concerned.

"Please allow me to go to school," I said, shifting the topic. "The admissions test for Werewolf University will begin in two days, and I'll need to be physically present to write it."

"You can do it online," his voice softened as he caressed my back. "Besides, I have already sent word to that flimsy principal to make sure your name is on the admissions list."

"That's not what I want," I said as I backed away from him. "I don't want to take the easy route just because my mate is the Alpha. My brain is functioning properly, and I don't require your help to pass an exam."

“Alright, I'll let you go,” he said with a sigh. "But I'm not taking any chances and must take extra precautions. Those jerks who bullied you will face severe punishment if they dare to touch you."

True to his word, he had arranged for two bodyguards to accompany me to school and ensure my safety. They were waiting downstairs outside the Omega house, dressed sharply in suits with earpieces and sunglasses.

"Good morning," one of them said with a curt nod before opening the door for me. I bit down my laughter as I slid into the back seat, feeling both safe and amused.

The engine roared to life, and two other black SUVs followed us. When I passed through the school gates, I noticed the security guards' curious glances. It was an uncommon sight for them. When one of them gave me a questioning look, I fixed my gaze straight ahead.

The bodyguards escorted me out of the car, and as I stepped onto the sidewalk, students turned to whisper in hushed tones.

The hallway fell silent as I made my way towards my class. It felt so awkward that I just wanted to disappear. Why the hell did everyone stop what they were doing and stare at me when I walked past?

The Omegas appeared happy, but none of them, including Amari, were allowed to speak to me.

No one dared to mock me as the bodyguards followed me into my class and stood guard at the entrance. I set my book bag on the desk. Everyone's gaze was fixed on me, and I felt uneasy and self-conscious because I wasn't used to this level of attention.

I hated it.

I buried my face in my textbook, determined to ignore everything else and focus solely on taking notes. I was relieved that I was at least safe.

Our first test was scheduled for ten o'clock. I sharpened my pencils and hoped that I was adequately prepared. This was an opportunity to demonstrate to myself and D'Angelo that, despite being omega, I wanted a better future and wanted to attend university.

The questions appeared muddled at first, but I took my time reading through each one carefully, making sure I understood before writing down my responses.

Principal John was about to say something condescending to me when the bodyguard standing behind me gave him a hard glare. Principal John gulped and shut his mouth.

After finishing the last question, I turned in my exam paper. By the end of the period, I had taken another and thought I was doing quite well. I was confident that I would ace the tests.

The bodyguards accompanied me out of the room. One of them asked if I was okay staying at school or if I wanted to go home because my reading materials would be delivered online.

"No thanks, I think I'll stay in school for now since you're with me. "I don't know any sane person who would stand up to bully me," I said, smiling as I pointed toward my classroom, and the two bodyguards exchanged glances and nodded.

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