A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4

By tanishatribe1118

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Ash and Hayley Ketchum are continuing their journey in following Ash's Dream in becoming a Pokemon Master. As... More

Alola to New Adventure
The Guardian's Challenge
Loading the Dex!
First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style
Yo, ho, ho! Go, Popplio!
A Shocking Grocery Run!
That's Why the Litten is a Scamp!
Lillie's Egg-xhilirating Challenge!
To Top a Totem
Trials and Tribulations
Young Kiawe had a Farm
The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair
Racing to a Big Event!
Getting to Know You!
Rocking Clawmark Hill
They Might Not Be Giants!
Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!
A Seasoned Search!
A Guardian Rematch
Partner Promises!
One Journey Ends, Another Begins...
A Shivering Shovel Search!
Getting the Band Back Together!
Alolan Open House!
A Team-on-Team Tussle!
So Long, Sophocles!
A Glaring Rivalry!
Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!
Lulled to La-La Land!
The Ol' Raise and Switch!
The Island Whisperer!
Big Sky, Small Fry!
A Crowning Moment of Truth
Currying Favor and Flavor
Trials and Determinations
Rising from the Ruins
Mimikyu Unmasked
Mallow and the Forest Teacher
Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence
Mounting an Electrifying Charge
Alola, Kanto
When Regions Collide
A Dream Encounter
Now You See Them, Now You Don't!
Deceiving Appearances
A Masked Warning!
Night of a Thousand Poses
Mission: Total Recall!
Faba's Revenge
Family Determination
Revealing the Stuff of Legend
Rescuing the Unwilling
10,000,000 Reasons to Fight
The Professors' New Adventure

Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!

41 1 0
By tanishatribe1118

Narrator: Our heroes on a Pokémon field trip to Akala island. Along with Olivia, the Akala island kahuna, they dealt with an emergency en route, but everyone has safely arrived in Paniola town. Now, it's rise and shine, as class is about to begin. I hope that Hayley didn't have the nightmare.

Hayley, popping up below: I did. I don't want to have it again anytime soon.

Meeko, patting her shoulders: Lucar.

Narrator, sighing: I was hoping you wouldn't have it.

Hayley: I think I should meditate.

Ash walks with Hayley close by him as Pikachu and Meeko were on either side of her.

"Ah! What an awesome town this is!" said Ash.

"Yeah, sure....it's a great town." said Hayley, her eyes darting around, looking for a certain destructive Pokémon.

"It's great! Glad we're here!" said Ash.

"Ash, Hayley, what are you both doing?" Mallow called over to them. "Class is gathering here but your both over there!"

"So let's get moving!" said Sophocles.

"Oh man. Sorry, sorry." said Ash, grabbing Hayley's hand and pulling her over to where the others were.

"Pika! Lucar!"

"Not a care in the world, eh, Ash?" asked Kiawe as Ash chuckles.

"Alola, class." said Kukui as he and Olivia exit a barn.

"Alola." said Olivia.

"Alola." they said.

"We're all here." said Kukui.

"Your fieldtrip on Akala island is off to a really amazing start." said Olivia.

"Are we having a Home Eco class?" asked Mallow.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Olivia tells her.

"What we need is here is a dose of agility." stated Kukui. Out in a field, groups of Stoutlands and Lillipups were running around or sleeping. "Wow." said Ash.

"There are so many Stoutland!" exclaimed Mallow.

"And look at all the Herdier and Lillipup." said Kiawe. Inside a barn were Stoutlands wearing ride Pokémon gear. "Today, we'll use Stoutland as a Ride Pokémon and go on a treasure hunt!" said Olivia.

"A treasure hunt?" asked Ash and Hayley.

"That's right." said Kukui. "The Stoutland from this farm have a talent for finding all sorts of buried treasure."

"Rare ingredients, rare stones or even Pokémon Fossils." added Olivia as everyone gasped. "So get to know your Stoutland and bring out their searching skills. That's your assignment and the person who finds the best treasure is the winner."

"All right, your first task is to choose a Stoutland that suits you best." Kukui said to his students.

"Right!" they said.

"Ash, I'll take care of Hayley today." said Kukui as everyone started to look at the Stoutlands. "Olivia and I have a different assignment for her.

"Thanks, Professor Kukui." said Ash and Hayley rushes over to the professor before joining the others. "Wow, I like you a lot and you, too! And you, too! And you, too! All of you! You're the best!"

"Stout!" said a Stoutland with a red riding gear.

"I think I'll choose this Stoutland." said Kiawe.

"Stout." said another Stoutland with green riding gear.

"I'll pick this one." said Mallow.

"Steenee!" said Steenee.

"Stout." said a Stoutland with yellow riding gear.

"And I'm going to pick this one!" said Sophocles.

"Toge." squealed Togedemaru.

"Stout." said a sleeping Stoutland with pink riding gear.

"I'm going to choose this Stoutland." said Lillie.

"Vul!" said Snowy.

"Let's see, who do I want?" Lana asked herself, choosing between two Stoutlands.

"Stout. Stout." said a Stoutland with blue riding gear, then turns away.

"Hm." said Lana.

"Oh, check it out." said Ash, going up to the Stoutland. "What fluffy fur!"

"Stoutland!" bellowed Stoutland and knocks Ash back.

"Oh, man, that hurts." said Ash.

"That's what you get for getting in its face, Ash." Hayley said, giggling at her brother.

"That Stoutland is the wildest one out of all of them." said Olivia as Lana looks at the Stoutland. "Its skills as a ride Pokémon are a little bit undeveloped."

"Perfect. I pick that one." said Lana.


"Wow, look at its eyes, totally clear." said Lana, looking deep into its eyes. "Nice to meet you."

"Pop." said Popplio.

"Stout." said Stoutland, turning its face away from Lana.

"Hm." she replied.

"I've got to make a choice." said Ash, looking at the other Stoutland and stops in front of a Stoutland with a goofy smile. "Ah, this Stoutland looks awesome!"

"Stout. Ah!" said Stoutland, before lovingly attacking Ash.

"You sure are big." said Ash, falling backwards as Stoutland licks his face.

"Stoutland." said Stoutland.

"(Laughs) Hey, that tickles!" said Ash. "And you're pretty heavy too. Huh."



"Stoutland. Litten's living with me and Hayley, and doing great. Don't worry." thought Ash.

"Ash, please!" Mallow called out to him. "Would you pay attention to what you're doing?"

Ash looked up and screamed as Stoutland pulls his pants. "This is what I get for having a brother like you." said Hayley, then smiles at the Stoutland for doing what it did to her brother.

"We're so embarrassed." said Meeko, then punches Ash in the arm.

"All right, I'm gonna choose this Stoutland." said Ash, rubbing the place where Meeko hits him.

"Pika." said Pikachu, climbing up onto Ash's shoulder.

"Now, here are the rules." Kukui explained to his older students. "You can search wherever you want, but make sure you come back when you hear the bell."

"Midway through the treasure hunt, we'll ring the bell, appraise and score your progress up to that point." said Olivia.

"You'll all be finished when you hear the second bell ring." said Kukui. "Go for it and do your best!"

"All right!" said the older students.

"Kiawe, it's a match." said Ash.

"Bring it on, Ash." said Kiawe.

"Now, Stoutland treasure hunters, let's begin." said Olivia.

"Oh, yeah!" said Ash, hopping on to his Stoutland.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Find something good, Ash!" said Hayley.

"Lucario!" Meeko called out.

"Stoutland!" said Stoutland, causing Ash to scream.

"Pika!" screamed Pikachu as the Stoutland takes off.

"We're going to win this!" Ash called out.

"Wait for me!" shouted Rotom as he went after him.

"That's one goofy Stoutland." said Hayley.

"Lucar." Meeko said in agreement.

"Let's get moving, too." Kiawe said to his Stoutland.

"Stoutland." said Stoutland, taking off in the same direction as well.

"I'll tell you, Ash and Kiawe are quick." said Mallow.

"We can't let them win." said Sophocles.

"What do you say we go to the jungle, Steenee?" Mallow asked Steenee.

"Steenee!" said Steenee.

"Okay, Stoutland, let's go!" said Mallow.

"Stoutland!" it said, taking off towards the jungle.

"I say, let's go to an area with lots of rocks!" said Sophocles.

"Toge!" said Togedemaru.

"Stoutland!" said Stoutland as Sophocles groans.

"I think we should head out as well." said Lana, then jumps up onto Stoutland. "Upsy-Daisy." Stoutland grunts and groans as it throws off Lana, causing Popplio to be upset. "Lana, are you all right?" asked Kukui.

"Uh. Yeah, I'm fine." said Lana, then goes back for round 2. "I'll stay on this time. Definitely."

"Stoutland!" bellowed Stoutland as it tries to throw her off again, only for Lana to hold on.

"Lana knows how to tackle that." said Kukui.

"She's got determination." said Olivia.

"Stoutland!" said Stoutland, who then starts panting.

"Pop." said Popplio, hopping up near Lana.

"Stout." said Stoutland, giving in and then takes off with Lana. "Stout. Stoutland."

"Does that mean there's treasure this way?" asked Lana.

"Stoutland." grumbled Stoutland.

"Well, Lana's finally on the move." said Olivia.

"Yeah. Just two more to go." said Kukui. Both of them faced to see Lillie and Jordan behind them. Hayley and Meeko were near one of the Stoutland, while Lillie was wearing a riding outfit.

"I'm so ready." said Lillie.

"You seem excited." said Olivia.

"Ready to ride?" asked Kukui.

"Of course. Sure I am." said Lillie and starts walking up to the Stoutland. "I know I can do this. I've got to. I just need the desire and will. Argh!"

"Stout." said Stoutland, looking up at Lillie. "Stoutland."

"Come on, Lillie." Lillie said to herself, nervously.

"Stout." said Stoutland, yawning and caused Lillie to scream.


"Stout." said Stoutland, looking up at Lillie again.

"Huh?" said Lillie.

"Stout." said Stoutland, wondering if Lillie was going to get on. Instead of trying to get on, Lillie whimpers and screams, running away from Stoutland.

"Vul." said Snowy as Lillie had a scared look on her face.

"You'll be fine!" Olivia called out. "You have all the time that you need, so take it slow at first."

"All right." whimpered Lillie. As Lillie continued to work her way up to Stoutland, Kukui and Olivia appeared behind Hayley, who was petting a Stoutland.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Kukui asked Hayley, who then looks up at him and Olivia.

"What are you planning this time, Professor Kukui?" asked Hayley.

"Lucari?" asked Meeko.

Out in the jungle, Ash, Pikachu and Stoutland were on the hunt for treasure. "Stout. Stout. Stout. Stoutland." said Stoutland, looking for treasure.

"Wow, Stoutland, you're really into it." said Ash. "I'm counting on you!"

"Stout." said Stoutland, who then sniffs the air and takes off at full speed.

"Pika!" screamed Pikachu, hanging onto Ash until Stoutland came to a stop, causing both of them fly off.

"Stoutland." said Stoutland, sniffing the ground and starts digging.

"You find something?" asked Ash, running over to Stoutland. "Stoutland, Whats up?"

"Stoutland." replied Stoutland, finished digging the hole.

"Hope it's a cool treasure." said Ash, picking up what Stoutland had found. "Huh? Whats this thing?"

"Look at that. It's a red shard that certain groups of collectors would love." said Rotom.

"Hm. Nice job, Stoutland." said Ash.

"Stoutland." said Stoutland, beaming from Ash's praise.

"Knock it off. I'm all wet." said Ash. Stoutland then sniffs the air and digs in another spot. "Stout. Stoutland. Stout." said Stoutland.

"Now what?" asked Ash, picking up another shard.

"That's a blue shard that certain collectors would love." said Rotom.

"Ugh!" said Ash as Stoutland licks his face. "Yup, your great. Thanks a lot, Stoutland."

"Stoutland." said Stoutland, off to look for more treasure for Ash.

"Ah! Did you find something amazing this time?" Ash asked.

"Stout. Stout."

"That's awesome!" said Ash, then picks up another shard. "Okay, Rotom Dex, what's this?"

"It's a green shard that groups of collectors would love." Rotom said again, with feeling.

"Oh, boy." sighed Ash.

"Stout!" said Stoutland, jumping on Ash.

"Come on! You know, you don't have to blubber!" Ash said.

"Stoutland." said Stoutland. Over by a rock cliff, Kiawe and his Stoutland were on the lookout. "The ancient ground layers have been exposed. Maybe here." said Kiawe and Stoutland sniffs the wall. "Make sure you don't miss a thing!"

"Stout." said Stoutland.

"Do you think there's treasure here?" asked Lana.

"Stout." said her Stoutland.

"Huh? Found something?" Lana asked as it takes off.

"Stoutland." said Stoutland, taking a berry from a tree.

"Okay, I guess you were hungry." said Lana. "After you're done eating, let's look for treasure!"

"Stout. Stoutland." said Stoutland, taking another berry from the tree as Lana sighs.

"Oh, I love Tiny Mushrooms." said Mallow, seeing a pair on the ground. "They're so delish when you sauté them in butter."

"Steenee!" said Steenee.

"Great, Stoutland, thanks a lot." Mallow said to the Pokémon.

"(Sniffs) Stoutland." said Stoutland.

"Oh, I love Big Mushrooms, too." exclaimed Mallow, running over to Stoutland and pulling one up. "When you add them to a stew, they're so yummy."

"Steenee!" squealed Steenee.

"You did it again, Stoutland." said Mallow.

"Stoutland." said Stoutland, rubbing its face against Mallow's.

"Well, any treasures yet?" Sophocles asked as they were surrounded by rocks. Stoutland yawns in reply.

"Guess that means no." said Sophocles.

"Toge." said Togedemaru, looking at the rocks around them.

"Hm. Something must be around here." said Sophocles, then takes out his portable computer. "I'll just do a search on high-scoring treasures in this area." Sophocles then finds something interesting. "Huh, a Comet Shard? Olivia told us we could find rare foods, or rare stones, or even Pokémon fossils! Hm. It says here that a meteor fell on Akala island years ago and the resulting Comet Shards that were created are scattered throughout the island." Sophocles continued to type away.

"Hey that's it!" he shouted.

"Toge!" squealed Togedemaru.

"Great! If we keep looking, we'll find it for sure!" said Sophocles, before pointing towards the rocks. "On the double, Stoutland!"

"Stoutland." said Stoutland, following Sophocles' lead. "Stout. Stout. Stout. Stout."

Lana's Stoutland kept eating the berries it got from the tree. "You'll get a tummy ache, Stoutland." Lana tells it and she hears the bell ring. "Oh, I hear the bell. Stoutland, we have to go back."

She then sighs as Stoutland continued to much away. "Good, everyone's back." said Kukui as the others returned. "Olivia, appraisal, please."

"I think we'll start out with Ash." said Olivia, then walks over to him and lifts up the covering to reveal the shards he discovered. "Red, Blue and Green Shards. They're worth 15 points."

"All right, I'm on top." said Ash.

"No one else has gone yet." said Sophocles.

"Next, Mallow." Olivia then revealed Mallow's finding. "You found some lovely Tiny and Big Mushrooms. They're worth 20 points." said Olivia.

"All right." said Mallow.

"I'm beat already." said a defeated Ash.

"Sophocles and Lana?" said Olivia, pulling off the sheets to reveal nothing in front of them. "You havent found anything yet, which means zero points."

Lana sighs as Olivia said this. "I'm on the lookout for a big treasure that will put me on top. So I'm fine." said Sophocles.

"Toge! Maru!" said Togedemaru.

"And that brings us to Lillie." said Olivia. Everyone looked over in the pasture to see Lillie whimpering as she gets closer to her Stoutland.

"She's so brave with her Stoutland." said Professor Kukui. "Good job, Lillie."

"Hey, Lillie, you can do it!" Ash called out.

"You'll be riding in no time." said Mallow.

"You're right. I'll do my best." said Lillie.

"Now to the youngest, Hayley." said Olivia. Everyone looked at the other side of the field and see Hayley with her Pokémon, playing Hide and Sniff with a Stoutland.

"Stoutland!" Hayley called out; her head pops out from behind a bush.

"Stout?" it asked, running over to her and gives her a kiss. "Stoutland!"

"Lucario!" Meeko then said, appearing behind the fence.

"Stout?" it asked, then runs over to her. "Stoutland!"

"Hayley and Meeko is going to keep her Stoutland going forever." said Ash, smiling as he laughed.

"Without a doubt." said Kukui.

"And Kiawe's last." said Olivia, removing the sheet to reveal a fossil.

"What is that? Is it a rock?" asked Ash.

"Oh, no. You're looking at a Pokémon fossil." said Olivia, picking it up and taking a closer look. "It's actually from a Cranidos' head." Mallow and Ash gasped when she said that.

"100 points. Kiawe's on top." said Olivia.

"What do you think of that?" asked Kiawe and Ash gasps again.

"Stoutland. Stoutland." said Ash's Stoutland as the others went in for round two.

"Kiawe's lead is 85 points." Rotom said to Ash. "At this rate, the chance of you losing is 99%."

"Aw. Hey, Stoutland, you have to find something that's totally amazing, so I can beat Kiawe once and for all!" said Ash and Stoutland starts to sniff the air, then starts digging.

"Stout. Stout. Stoutland."

"Whoa, find something?" asked Ash. "This is it. All right. Yeah!"

"Excellent! A Yellow Shard that certain groups of collectors would love." Rotom said to Ash.

"I'm so tired of finding shards." Ash complained.

"Stout." said Stoutland, attacking Ash's face with its tongue. "Stoutland."

"Pika, Pika." said Pikachu.

"Let's look extra carefully, okay?" Lana asked her Stoutland, who then yawns and snores, falling asleep. "Huh, you're sleeping? You've got to wake up, Stoutland. Now what do I do?"

"Popplio!" said Popplio, knowing what Lana should do and starts clapping her fins.

"Huh? Want to look for it ourselves?" Lana asked Popplio. Popplio hops down and starts treasure hunting.

"Huh? Hey, Popplio?" Lana called out.

"Pop." said Popplio as Lana follows her.

"What is it? Do you smell something?" asked Lana as Popplio yaps and turns the corner, only to be pushed back. "What happened? Are you okay, Popplio?"

"Popplio." whined Popplio as Lana picks her up. In front of her, Popplio had run in with Garbodor, who used Sludge Bomb on them. Soon as Lana had picked up Popplio, she ran towards Stoutland. "Oh! Oh!" groaned Lana as she trips on a rock. "I'm sorry, Popplio. Ah!"

"Pop." said Popplio.

Garbodor growls as it gets closer to Lana and Popplio. "We'd better run." said Lana as Garbodor sends another round of Sludge Bomb. "We've gotta wake up Stoutland or else. Huh?"

Popplio had jumped out of her arms. "You're sure, Popplio?" she asked.

"Pop!" Popplio said, determined to battle Garbodor.

"All right! Bubble Beam, let's go!" shouted Lana with Popplio squealing as she releases Bubble Beam. Garbodor sends out its Sludge Bomb, cancelling out Popplio's Bubble Beam, with as stray Sludge Bomb hitting Popplio.

"Pop!" squealed Popplio, knocked back towards Lana.

"Popplio, no!" said Lana. "You tried hard. Thanks, Popplio."

Garbodor roars as it gets closer to Lana. "Oh!" she said then stood up to it. "Ugh! I'll protect them both, Popplio and Stoutland!" Stoutland opened its eyes as it heard Lana's statement and sees Garbodor getting ready to attack Lana.

"Huh?" said Lana as she turns Popplio away from the attack.

"Stoutland!" bellowed Stoutland, quickly tackling Garbodor.

"Stoutland, wow." Lana said in awe.

"Stoutland!" Stoutland bellowed as it Body Slams Garbodor. "Stout! Stoutland! Stoutland. Stout!"

"That was great. Thanks, Stoutland!" said Lana, smiling as Popplio yelped. "Huh?"

"Stoutland." said Stoutland, telling Lana to get on.

"You want us to get on?" asked Lana.

"Stoutland." Back at the rock cliff, Kiawe and his Stoutland looked out at the water, meditating. "Stout. Stoutland." growled Stoutland, looking in a direction.

"On to something?" asked Kiawe.

"Stoutland." Stoutland replied and goes off in that direction.

"Stoutland, know what I think?" Mallow asked. "It seems like fossils score higher than food does." Stoutland sniffs something out.

"Huh? Did you find a fossil?" said Mallow before screaming when Stoutland takes off towards a tree. "Look at all those yummy-looking berries! You sure don't have any problem with your appetite. Huh? Huh."

"That fallen meteor's location has previously been marked." said Sophocles as he types away on his portable laptop. "So all I have to simulate where its fragments scattered out from its impact point."

"Toge." said Togedemaru, playfully tugging on Stoutland before rolling back.

"Right. Huh?" said Sophocles, seeing three fragments in different locations. "There might be something up ahead. Let's go that way, as quickly as we can."

"Stoutland!" said Stoutland.

"Toge!" said Togedemaru, jumping up.

"Stout. Stoutland. Stoutland. Stoutland." said Stoutland, jumping down from rock to rock.

"All right, cool." said Ash. "I think you've found something really great."

"Stout. Stoutland. Stout." said Stoutland, then suddenly shows Ash a new Pokémon. "Stoutland."

"This is it, right?" asked Ash, getting off Stoutland and picks it up. "Ugh! Huh? Argh!"

"Geodude!" yelled Geodude.

"It's a Geodude, with a different face." said Ash. "Too bad, Hayley's missed it."

"Geodude, Alola Form, the rock Pokémon. A Rock and Electric type." said Rotom. "If you step on a sleeping Geodude, you'll hear a snap. Your body goes numb from its electrical discharge."

"Wow. So it's an electric type?" asked Ash.

"This is the Geodude you and Hayley are familiar with, correct?" asked Rotom.

"Yeah, yeah, that's the one. All right." said Ash, with his fist in the air. "I'm going to catch an Alolan Geodude right now for me and Hayley! Ugh!"

Soon as he said that, Geodude takes off. "Wait, you can't leave yet." said Ash.

"Geodude." said Geodude.

"Pikachu, Electro Ball!" shouted Ash.

"Pika! Pika....chu!" shouted Pikachu, sending Electro Ball in the direction of Geodude.

"Geodude!" said Geodude as sparks of electricity surrounded its body.

"Huh?" said Ash.

"Since they're both electric types. It wasn't very effective." Rotom reminded him.

"Geo!" said Geodude.

"Here it comes, Pikachu!" Ash called out. Geodude heads for Pikachu, causing him to jump into the air.

"Now use Iron Tail!" said Ash.

"Pika!" grunted Pikachu, his tail making contact.

"Geo!" Geodude said in pain and gets knocked back. "Dude. Dude."

"All right, go, Pokeball!" shouted Ash, throwing out a Pokeball.

"It's using Thunder Punch!" said Rotom as Geodude surrounds its hand in electricity and punches the Pokeball, causing it to be thrown back and hit Ash in the face.

"Geodude. Geodude." said Geodude, taking off once again.

"Pika!" said Pikachu, concerned about Ash.

"That's too bad." said Rotom as Ash sits up groaning. "Geodude's gone."

"Oh, man." said Ash.

"Stout." said Stoutland, trying to make Ash feel better. Back at the farm, Olivia, Kukui and Hayley were watching Lillie make another attempt to get on Stoutland. "You're doing great." said Kukui.

"Just a little more." said Olivia.

"Vul!" said Snowy.

"You got this, Lillie!" said Hayley.

"Lucar!" said Meeko.

"Stout." said Stoutland, causing Lillie to whimper in fear.

"Keep this in mind." Kukui called out to her. "Remember how you became friends with Snowy, Pikachu and Meeko in the first place."

"Vul. Vul." said Snowy, walking up to Lillie.

"Oh." said Lillie, then remembered when Snowy was thrown off the side of a building when she battled Team Rocket, then touching Meeko and Pikachu. "I want to....be able to touch more Pokémon. Hm!"

Lana, Popplio and Stoutland head towards a cave entrance. "You know what?" Lana asked Stoutland. "We're almost out of time, Stoutland." Just then, the bell rings.

"Hear that? The final bell's ringing now." she said, looking over her shoulder.

"Stoutland." said Stoutland, taking Lana into the cave.

"Huh? Do you know where treasure is?" asked Lana.

"Stoutland." replied Stoutland, then starts digging. "Stout. Stout.... land. Stoutland."

The sun was setting on Wela Volcano as the others had already returned. "Lana's not back yet." said Kukui.

"Here she comes." said Olivia.

"Stout. Stout. Stout. Stout! Stout! Stout!" panted Stoutland as it ran towards the farm.

"We're so late! Hurry up!" said Lana.

"Okay, Olivia, please give us the final results." said Kukui.

"Ash, you're the first one up." said Olivia and revealed what Ash had found. "One yellow shard gives you five more points. Add it to the first round for a total of twenty points."

"Oh man. Kiawe already has 100 from the first round." sighed Ash.

"Looks like I win." said Kiawe, causing Ash to sob a little.

"Ash's second round ended with trying to catch a Geodude for him and Hayley." explained Rotom.

"Stoutland!" said Stoutland with a sleeping Pikachu next to it.

"Our poor Pikachu. He had an exciting day." Hayley said to Meeko as they went over to Stoutland. "He's going to be sleeping good tonight."

"You're next Mallow." said Olivia, taking off the sheet to reveal a very big berry. "It's a Lansat Berry."

"Awesome! Its huge." said Ash.

"Mm-hm." said Olivia. "A normal size berry is rare enough, but a Lansat Berry this big is even rarer. You earn seventy-five points. Added to the first round, that makes 95 points."

"Oh! I'm so close." said Mallow.

"Yeah, I'm up next." said Sophocles.

"Maru! Maru!" said Togedemaru, jumping up and down on the fences.

"Huh?" said the others as she removed the sheet.

"Sophocles has recovered a sizeable piece of the meteor that fell on Akala island several hundred years ago." said Olivia as Kukui popped up behind her with interest. "It's a meteoric iron also known as a comet shard." They gasped at the information.

"A hundred fifty points. I'm impressed." Olivia said to Sophocles.

"Whoa, you're in the lead?" asked Ash.

"Yeah. That's the breaks." said Sophocles.

"Dema!" squealed Togedemaru.

"And now, it's time for Lillie's treasure. Look!" said Kukui. Lillie stood next to Stoutland as the others turned around to watch. She then takes a step up and finally gets on Stoutland.

"All right, Lillie!"

"Lillie, you're able to get up on Stoutland!" Mallow said, praising their friend.

"That's amazing." said Ash.

"You look so cool." said Sophocles.

"You really did it, Lillie." said Lana.

"I sure did. Thanks a lot." said Lillie, smiling at the others.

"With all her hard work, she sure gave it a lot of love." said Olivia.

"Hm." said Kukui, nodding in agreement.

"So, Lillie, I'll let you ride Charizard, if you like." said Kiawe.

"Thanks, but I'll save that joy for another time." said Lillie.

"Let's see what Kiawe has." said Olivia, removing the sheet.

"Another fossil?" asked Ash.

"I see a feather, right?" asked Mallow.

"Right. And this is a fossil of Archen." said Olivia. "200 points for a total of 300."

"All right." said Kiawe.

"(Gasp) I thought I had a lock on this." said Sophocles.

"Doesn't that mean Kiawe wins?" asked Ash.

"We havent seen Lana's yet or Hayley's assignment." said Mallow.

"Mm." said Lana, nodding.

"Well, if you ask me, it looks like Hayley's a little occupied at the moment." said Kukui, pointing over to Hayley. They then turn to see Hayley with Meeko at her side, slipping Pikachu into her arms.

"Come here, Pika-Pik." whispered Hayley, holding Pikachu close to her small body.

"All right, let's see, Lana." said Olivia, then revealed what she had found, causing Lillie to gasp.

"Olivia, what is it?" Ash asked as the others gasp.

"That's what is called Z-Ring ore." Olivia explained and they gasped loudly.

"So that's Z-Ring ore? For real?" asked Ash.

"Lana earns 500 points, which makes her the winner of the Stoutland ride treasure hunt." said Olivia. "Congratulations."

"You won the whole thing." said Lillie.

"Oh." said Lana.

"Yeah, Lana, way to go." said Ash.

"Congrats." said Sophocles and Mallow.

"You beat me." said Kiawe.

"Stoutland did all the work." said Lana.

"Stoutland." said all the Stoutland, already tired out.

"I think I'll make a Z-Ring out of this ore." Olivia said, picking up the ore.

"Make a Z-Ring. Do you mean make it for me?" asked Lana.

"Yes, of course." Olivia replied.

"Awesome." said Ash.

"Sure is!" said Mallow.

"Lucky girl." said Sophocles.

"I'm happy for you." said Lillie. "Wonderful."

"I'm happy for you." said Lana.


Suddenly they heard Hayley humming behind them and sees her rocking a sleeping Pikachu in her arms with Meeko next to her.

"Cha...Pika, Pikachu. Pik, Pik, Kacha, Pika, Pikachu." Hayley sang to Pikachu, who sighed against her.

"Well, what do you know?" said Kukui, impressed by the youngest Ketchum.

"What?" she asked when they gave her a confused look. "It's very soothing and their song is great."

"This is why Hayley, Pikachu and Meeko have a connection." Ash explained when the others turned to him. "The Pikachu song really touched Hayley."

"Pikachu." said Pikachu, snuggling into Hayley as a smile appears on his face.

"Love you too, Pikachu." said Hayley, scratching his back. "Sleep well."

Narrator: And so, the treasure hunt has ended with Lana as the winner. However, the friendships our heroes forged with their Stoutland make them all winners!

Hayley, still holding Pikachu in her arms: And it was a lot of fun, too!

Narrator: The Pokémon school field trip is in full swing, as the journey continues.

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