A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4

By tanishatribe1118

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Ash and Hayley Ketchum are continuing their journey in following Ash's Dream in becoming a Pokemon Master. As... More

Alola to New Adventure
The Guardian's Challenge
Loading the Dex!
First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style
Yo, ho, ho! Go, Popplio!
A Shocking Grocery Run!
That's Why the Litten is a Scamp!
Lillie's Egg-xhilirating Challenge!
To Top a Totem
Trials and Tribulations
Young Kiawe had a Farm
The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair
Racing to a Big Event!
Getting to Know You!
Rocking Clawmark Hill
They Might Not Be Giants!
Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!
A Seasoned Search!
A Guardian Rematch
Partner Promises!
One Journey Ends, Another Begins...
A Shivering Shovel Search!
Getting the Band Back Together!
Alolan Open House!
A Team-on-Team Tussle!
So Long, Sophocles!
A Glaring Rivalry!
Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!
The Ol' Raise and Switch!
The Island Whisperer!
Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!
Big Sky, Small Fry!
A Crowning Moment of Truth
Currying Favor and Flavor
Trials and Determinations
Rising from the Ruins
Mimikyu Unmasked
Mallow and the Forest Teacher
Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence
Mounting an Electrifying Charge
Alola, Kanto
When Regions Collide
A Dream Encounter
Now You See Them, Now You Don't!
Deceiving Appearances
A Masked Warning!
Night of a Thousand Poses
Mission: Total Recall!
Faba's Revenge
Family Determination
Revealing the Stuff of Legend
Rescuing the Unwilling
10,000,000 Reasons to Fight
The Professors' New Adventure

Lulled to La-La Land!

30 0 0
By tanishatribe1118

Near a stream of water, Ash takes out some tent poles from a bag. "Yeah! Like this?" he asked.

"That's the way it's done." said Sophocles, reading the directions. "Now there are only 11 more to good." Ash groans as he looks over at Sophocles. Hayley was doing a cartwheel with Meeko not far behind Lillie while Lana and Mallow were setting up the food station.

Narrator: Ash, Hayley and their schoolmates are camping out. And the first order of business looks like they're pitching their tents.

Hayley: The boys are. I would help, but you know how stubborn Ash is.

On one end of the table, Mallow chops up some carrots while Steenee places them in a bowl. "Thanks a lot, Steenee." said Mallow.

"Steenee!" said Steenee. Lillie looks around for a moment, trying to figure out how to start a fire when Litten and Meeko walk up.

"Hm? Oh! Great!" said Lillie, seeing both fire type Pokémon walk up. "Would either of you mind lighting the fire for me, please?"

"Litten!" said Litten, starting the fire for her.

"Litten, thank you so much." Lillie said, praising the cat when Snowy decided to put it out.

"Vul!" said Snowy, dowsing the fire.

"Wow." said Hayley, staring at their makeshift stove as she walks up behind Lillie. "I don't know how to respond to Snowy's feelings about this."

"Vul!" said Snowy, looking up at Lillie.

"Snowy! What will I do with you?" she asked.

"Lucar." sighed Meeko as Lillie turns to face Hayley.

"Who are you talking to just a moment ago?" Lillie asked, catching Jordan off guard, causing the young girl to laugh nervously.

"Um...." said Hayley, as she looks up at the sky before sighing. "Nobody....I was talking to Meeko. Right, Meeko?"

"Lucario." said Meeko, nodding her head vigorously and points to herself. "Cario, Lucar."

"All right!" shouted Ash as he, Sophocles and Kiawe finally sets up the tents. "Now that's the way it's done!"

"It looks perfect." said Rotom.

"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu added as he, Hayley, Rotom, Meeko, Rockruff and Togedemaru ran inside the tent.

"It's the lap of luxury." said Rotom.

"Thanks for setting up the tents, boys." said Hayley.

"Pop! Pop! Pop!" said Popplio, clapping.

"And the curry's almost ready too." said Mallow.

"Yeah." said Ash with stars in his eyes.

"I can hardly wait." said Sophocles, smelling the food in the air.

"Do you all know?" Lana asked the others.

"Huh?" they said, facing her.

"This forest has a scary history." Lana continued with a flashlight shining on her face, causing all but Hayley to scream.

"What kind of history?" asked Ash.

"People who enter this forest....fall asleep for no good reason at all and they have no idea that it's happening." explained Lana. "And when they wake up..."

"Wake up? Then what happens?" they asked as Lana screams hysterically, in which most of them shrieked.

"They're just skin and bones, like they haven't eaten in forever." Lana finished.

"In forever?" asked Sophocles. "That's a long time."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" asked Hayley.

"Because nothing surprises you anymore." said Ash.

"Not my fault that you ruined it." said Hayley, then faces the others. "I have no problem with getting scared or surprised...my fun-loving brother went on a spree in certain areas of my life to somehow prolong my reaction time."

"Lucario." said Meeko, glancing at Ash.

"That's weird." said Mallow.

"Not when you lived with him for as long as I have." said Hayley.

"It's got to be a rumor." said Kiawe.

"That's impossible." said Rotom.

"Oh, come on Lana." said Mallow, waving her hand in the air. "It's just another one of your old jokes."

"Yeah, old jokes, all right." said Lillie. Grass rustles behind both girls, causing them to grab each other and scream when Rockruff appears out of the bushes.

"Oh, it was just Rockruff." said Ash.

"Don't scare us like that." said Sophocles as they laughed and Rockruff whines.

"Oh, Lana." said Mallow, still hugging Lillie. "You're such a kidder, aren't you?"

Across the water, a pair of glowing eyes watches the kids laughing. Soon enough, lunch was served. "It's time to eat!" exclaimed Ash and Sophocles. Everyone starts chomping away at the curry. "The spiciness of this curry is perfect." said Lillie.

"You think so? I'm so glad." said Mallow.

"Mm! There's nothing better than eating curry and camping." said Ash.

"Mm-hm." said Hayley, taking another bite.

"I'm going to need seconds for sure!" said Sophocles.

"Yeah me too!" said Ash.

"Of course." said Lillie. "You can have seconds or even thirds. We made quite a lot."

"Why in the world did you make so much?" asked Kiawe, shocked at how much curry they made.

"The thing is, I didn't know rice expands when it cooks." chuckled Lillie.

"Yeah, I made the curry based on the rice. So it's curry for dinner, too." said Mallow.

"I'm sorry." said Lillie, hanging her head down. "I read as much as I could about camping before we came, but nothing about cooking."

"Huh? You've never been camping before?" asked Hayley and Ash.

"Well, just look at her luggage." said Mallow, looking over at the tents. "It's not exactly camping gear."

"Maybe I brought too much." said Lillie.

"So, what did you bring?" asked Lana.

"Well, a change of clothes, towel and pajamas...." said Lillie, listing the things she brought with her. "Max repel and lotion, a backup change of clothes, a backup towel, backup pajamas, backup max repel and backup lotion, and backups for the backups."

"You're prepared." said Mallow.

"That's more than being prepared, I call that being really prepared." said Hayley.

"Lucar." Meeko said, nodding.

"I've never slept in a tent or sleeping bag." said Lillie. "I guess I'm nervous. Do you think I'll be able to sleep?"

"When you camp out, you can stay up as late as you want." said Lana.

"Mm-hm." Sophocles said in agreement.

"There's nothing like sitting around the campfire and hanging with friends." said Kiawe.

"Yeah! And I brought marshmallow, so we can roast them." said Mallow.

"Oh yeah!" said Ash.

"Count me in!" said Sophocles.

"Yeah, but it gets pretty dark at night." Mallow said to the ginger haired boy. "Will you be okay?"

"See, I brought just the thing to deal with that." chuckled Sophocles.

"Huh?" they all said.

"Ta-da!" said Sophocles, showing them a lantern. "No way I'm going to be scared of the dark. Charjabug, do your stuff!"

"Charja...." said Charjabug, now out of its Pokeball. Sophocles hooked up car cables to Charjabug. "Charjabug...."

Charjabug as it uses Discharge to power up the lantern. "So, let it get as dark as it wants to." said Sophocles.

"Smart." said Hayley.

"Cario." said Meeko.

"Wouldn't a flashlight do the same thing?" asked Lana.

"Not even close." said Sophocles.

"Maru." said Togedemaru, patting Charjabug.

"Charja." said Charjabug. On a tree branch, Rowlet slept away with a cookie in its mouth until its drops to the ground. "(trills)" trilled Rowlet as it looks for the cookie it dropped then flies back to its branch.

Sitting in a chair, Sophocles scrolls through his phone. "(laughs) Catching up on my reading outdoors." said Sophocles. "You'd think I was a real-life grownup."

"Steenee!" said Steenee, giggling as she helps Mallow gather berries.

"These will be dessert for after dinner." Mallow said to Steenee.

"Steenee!" Steenee nodded. In the stream, Lana, Popplio and Togedemaru were splashing in the water as Lillie and Snowy were nearby.

"Pikachu! Use Quick attack!" shouted Ash as he was battling Kiawe.

"Pika!" shouted Pikachu as he runs towards Turtonator.

"Stand your ground, Turtonator!" said Kiawe

"Turtonator!" shouted Turtonator, turning his back towards Pikachu, who made contact.

"Pika!" shouted Pikachu.

"Way to go!" said Ash.


"Turtonator." said Turtonator.

"Great! Excellent, Turtonator." said Kiawe as Litten, Rotom, Hayley and Meeko were on the sidelines.


"Litten?" said Litten, hearing something in the bushes behind them.

"Cario?" asked Meeko, hearing the same thing as well.

"What? Is something out there?" asked Rotom.

"They hear something." said Hayley. "I'm going to check it out."

"You don't know what it could be." said Rotom.

"So? It could be an injured Pokémon." said Hayley.

"Lucario." said Meeko, following Hayley into the bushes. Before Hayley and Meeko reached the bushes, something suddenly jumps out, causing Rotom to scream when out of the bushes was Rockruff. "It's only Rockruff." said Hayley as Rockruff barks.

"That was you, wasn't it?" asked Rotom. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" As Rockruff playfully reaches up to Rotom, Litten and Meeko stared intensely at the bushes. "I feel like....something else is watching us." said Hayley.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"Litten." said Litten.

"Oh, that looks delicious." said Mallow, reaching for a berry. "Whoa, just a few more. Uh, Steenee, take these too! Huh?"

Mallow looked over her shoulder to see that berries were dropped and Steenee wasn't behind her. Ash, Hayley and Rotom returned to the campsite. "They're still not back." said Ash as Hayley goes inside the tent with Meeko.

"I wonder where they went." said Kiawe.

"Hey Mallow? Lana and Lillie?" Ash called out to them. "Sophocles!"

"Pika?" Pikachu asked, hearing something.

"Huh? Whats up, Pikachu?" asked Ash.

"I'm guessing its Rockruff." said Rotom.

"He scared Rotom earlier." said Hayley, popping her head out of the tent.

"Pika." said Pikachu, taking off.

"Huh?" said Ash, then turns to his sister. "Hayley, stay here with Meeko in case the others come back."

"Okay, Ash." she said.

"Pikachu!" shouted Ash as he and Rotom takes off after Pikachu.

"Hey, Ash!" shouted Kiawe, stopping and turns around to see whatever it was behind him.

"Hold up, Pikachu!" Ash called after his Pokémon.

"Wait for us!" said Rotom.

"Pika?" asked Pikachu, seeing what was in front of him.

"Huh? Rowlet!" said Ash, seeing Rowlet stretched out on the ground.

"Pikachu!" shouted Pikachu.

"You okay?" Ash asked Rowlet, who then snores in response. "Right, Rowlet's sleeping. Oh, man. What am I going to do with you?"

"A Rowlet that sleeps that much is new data to me." said Rotom.

"Okay, Rowlet wake up!" said Ash, gently shaking Rowlet.

"(Trills)" trilled Rowlet, opening its eyes and starts hooting excitedly.

"All right. Morning." said Ash once Rowlet landed on his head.

"(Hoots)" said Rowlet.

"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu called out to Ash and Rotom, gaining their attention.

"Huh?" they both said as they turned to see Sophocles on the ground with his leg still in the chair. Ash gasps as he runs over to the sleeping boy.

"Sophocles? Sophocles?" said Ash, gently shaking him.

"Some more malasadas, please." Sophocles mumbled in his sleep before waking up. "Hey, Ash. Guess I fell asleep."

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were Rowlet." said Ash.

"That's weird. I was really out." said Sophocles, sitting up.

"Sophocles, do you have any idea where everybody else went?" asked Ash.

"Huh? Nope. Not a clues." replied Sophocles.

"Okay. They've got to be here somewhere." said Ash when Sophocles' stomach starts growling.

"Pi." said Pikachu.

"It doesn't take long for you to get hungry, does it?" said Ash, laughing a bit.

"I was reading. And reading takes brainpower, which requires fuel." said Sophocles. Just then, something rustled in the bushes, popping out Rowlet's cookie. "Huh?" said Ash.

"Pika?" asked Pikachu as Rowlet hoots excitedly to see its cookie. Just before Rowlet can take it, a small Pokémon on three legs comes rushing out of the bushes. "Pikachu...." shouted Pikachu as Sophocles and Ash shrieked. "Pika....Pi."

Ash, groaning as he opens his eyes to see Pikachu and Rowlet looking like they didn't have any muscle tone. "Pikachu? Rowlet?" asked Ash in a low tone. Sitting up, Ash takes a look at himself and sees the same thing happen to him.

"I have zero recollection of going into sleep mode." said Rotom, before squealing. "My power's been drained by 30%!"

"Ash...." said Sophocles, who was now all skin and bones. "I'm so hungry...."

"Sophocles..." said Ash.

"Hungry. So hungry." said Sophocles.

"We're both...so hungry."

"We're so hungry."

Lillie and Hayley were helping the others as Ash and Sophocles made their way back to camp. "Just a little longer." said Lillie.

"Hold on, you guys." said Hayley.

"Look, its Ash." said Kiawe, looking up.

"So it is." said Mallow.

"Sophocles." said Lana.

"What happened to you?" asked Ash as Hayley turns around and sees how skinny her brother is.

"You look like us." said Sophocles.

"You look just like grandpa before he died." said Hayley, standing at her brother's side as he and the others laid flat on the ground.

"Lucario." said Meeko, inspecting Ash's body.

"You think so?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, but he was worse than this, remember." said Hayley, picking up Ash's arm and letting it drop back down. "At least grandpa had some muscle on him."

Gathered around the fire, the clattering of plates and spoons were heard as everyone heartedly ate the curry. "Hey, guys, there are seconds if you want more." said Lillie.

"Second!" they said.

"Oh, all right." said Lillie.

"Oh boy." said Hayley.

"I'm so full I could burst." said Sophocles.

"Isn't it great?" asked Ash.

"My tummy likes me again." said Mallow.

"Yeah." said Lana.

"All right. Let's review what exactly we know." said Kiawe.


"When we all came to, we realized we had fallen asleep for no logical reason, right?" he asked.

"Right." said Hayley.

"When Sophocles and I woke up, we were hungrier than we'd ever been." said Ash.

"Yeah, I felt the same way." said Kiawe.

"Yeah." said Mallow. "I was picking berries. I discovered that Steenee must've wandered off somewhere and then...."

"Lana and I were both in the forest, looking for Snowy and suddenly I fell asleep." said Lillie. "But I wasn't hungry like you."

"Same here. I heard something outside the tent so Meeko and I went to go look." said Hayley. "We must have fallen asleep with the tent door opened."

"You and I were together, but I felt hungry." said Lana, thinking back to the forest. "But why was Lillie and Hayley the only ones?"

"Hm." said Mallow.

"Good question." said Hayley.

"Hold on. I saw something just before I fell asleep." said Sophocles. "It's not clear, but it looked like an umbrella."

"Wait? Umbrella? Huh?" asked Rotom. "I have the answer. Utilizing my powers of deduction, the culprit is you, Lillie!"

"I did it?" asked Lillie.

"Do you think that a gifted sleuth such as I wouldn't notice your parasol open this afternoon?" Rotom asked. "That's not all. The clincher is that you were the only one besides Hayley who had no appetite whatsoever."

"But how could I?" she asked.

"You can fool some people all of the time, but never the sharpest private eye in Alola!" said Rotom.

"Cut! That's a wrap." said Mallow, holding a director's board in front of Rotom. "Thank you for your melodramatic performance."

"Why did you cut my big scene?" asked Rotom.

"Why did you bring your Laki wig?" asked Hayley, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh....uh....oops." said Rotom.

"There's no way in the world Lillie is the culprit." Mallow tells him.

"First of all, how could Lillie or Hayley possibly make us hungry?" Kiawe asked as Mallow and Rotom grunted angrily at each other.

"Good point." said Sophocles.

"Well, I guess...." said Rotom.

"First we fell asleep and then we woke up hungry." said Ash.

"So it was all true." said Lana.


"My story." she said.

"Your story....about the creepy things that happen in the forest?" asked Mallow.

"Wait. Are we all going to end up nothing but skin and bones?" asked Sophocles.

"That was just one of Lana's old jokes." Kiawe tells Sophocles.

"Old joke?" asked Lana. "But we all still fell asleep."

"Look, we were having so much fun, we got tired." said Kiawe. "We had our curry dinner, so, for tonight...."

"Morelull." said a little Pokémon, behind Kiawe.

"....let's get a good night's sleep." he then added.

"Ok, but you might as well tell that Pokémon." said Hayley, pointing behind Kiawe.

"Morelull." said the little Pokémon, tilting its head to the side.

"Huh?" said the kids.

"You're cute." said Hayley.

"(gasps) A Pokémon!" exclaimed Ash. The Pokémon squeals as it releases light from its body. "Huh?" said Ash, then groans softly. "Oh."

"Night, nigh...." Hayley starts saying before falling to the ground next to her brother.

The camp fire had finally burned itself out as the kids and their Pokémon start to wake up. "Is it time for school yet?" groaned Hayley as she and Ash sat up.

"Man, my head." said Ash.

"I can't believe we fell asleep again." said Kiawe.

"Hold on. I saw something right before...." said Mallow.

"I saw something floating and glowing." said Lana.

"Pika." said Pikachu, shaking his head.

"Lucar." said Meeko, shaking her fur.

"I kept hearing the word lull. Like to sleep." said Ash as his stomach rumbles again. "Huh?" Everyone but Hayley's and Lillie's stomachs started rumbling again. "Huh?"

"You're all hungry already?" asked Lillie.

"Okay, this is getting really creepy now." said Hayley.

"Huh? My power's been drained again." said Rotom.

"But we're not feeling hungry at all." said Lillie and Hayley.

"Oh! I hate being in the dark." Sophocles cried out. "I need light! Ah!" Unknowingly, Sophocles touched the Pokémon who had made them sleep and starts to shriek in fear. "Lull..." said the Pokémon.


"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"Cario?" Meeko asked, walking up to the small Pokémon. "Lucar, Lucario."

"Who's that Pokémon?" asked Ash.

"And that's my cue." said Rotom. "Morelull, the Illuminating Pokémon, a Grass and Fairy type. Morelull can send out light spores that puts it opponents to sleep. Then it drains their energy using its foot like roots."

"I guess it must've been that Morelull that took away all our energy." said Ash.

"Of course. That explains why Hayley and I never felt hungry afterwards." said Lillie.

"Huh?" said Ash.

"I didn't want to touch any wild Pokémon, so I used my Max Repel spray." Lillie explained.

"I was doing a cartwheel with Meeko and accidentally bumped into Lillie as she used it." said Hayley.

"Does that mean those scary rumors Lana was talking about were all true?" asked Mallow.

"And this Pokémon did all that?" asked Lillie.

"It's possible." said Lana as Morelull starts yawning.

"Morelull looks sleepy." said Hayley as it slightly fell forward.

"Huh? It fell asleep." said Sophocles.

"Could it be that its own spores put it to sleep?" asked Kiawe.

"That doesn't match any data I have." said Rotom.

"It sure is a cute Pokémon." said Ash, bending down towards it.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"Pika. Pika." said Pikachu as he, Meeko and Rowlet walk up to Morelull.

"Be careful." said Mallow as Rowlet trills.

"Lull....Lull...." said Morelull, before opening its eyes to see Pikachu, Meeko and Rowlet staring at it. "Lull! Lull! Lull! Lull!" Backing up, Morelull releases more of its spores.

"Don't look directly at the spores." said Rotom as everyone but Rowlet turns away.

"Pikachu!" shouted Pikachu as he and Meeko covered their eyes. Rowlet couldn't look away and quickly falls asleep. "Can I open my eyes?" Ash asked as the spores disappear. "You guys all right? Kiawe!"

"He's skin and bones again!" said Hayley as Morelull takes his energy and hops away towards the tent. Morelull knocks down a stuff Clefairy doll to the ground.


"A Clefairy doll?" asked Mallow, turning to Lillie.

"I brought it with me because I sleep with it back at home." said Lillie, blushing. "I was afraid I couldn't sleep without it."

"Its fine." said Hayley as Mallow and Lana chuckle. Morelull jumps onto the Clefairy and tries to take its energy, not knowing that it was a doll. As it tries to take its energy, Morelull pokes it and sees that it was a fake. "Morelull." said Morelull.

"Huh?" said Lillie, wondering what it will next.

"(Chuckles) Hi, my name's Ash." said Ash, walking up to Morelull. "Let's be friends, Morelull."

"Ash, wait!" Lillie called after him.

"Be careful." warned Sophocles. "It'll drain all your energy and make you skin and bones."

"All my energy?" asked Ash.

"Uh-oh..." said Hayley, smiling at her brother. "The wheels are turning in his head."

"And those wheels means that he has an idea!" said Meeko.

"I know!" Ash exclaimed. Morelull squeals as Ash runs up.

"Morelull?" Ash asked the frightened Pokémon.

"Morelull...." it whimpered.

"How about me?" he asked, smiling.

"Morelull. (Squeals) Morelull." said Morelull and jumps onto Ash's head.


"Ash, look out." said Mallow and Lillie.

"Lucario." said Meeko, grabbing a plate from a table for what would happen next.

"If its energy you're after...you can take all the energy you want from me." said Ash with a plate of curry in his hand.

"Pika? Lucar?" asked Pikachu and Meeko.

"It's that time again for another round of the Ketchum bottomless pit!!!" said Hayley, sounding like an announcer. "In this week's episode, Ash Ketchum is going to eat a ton of curry!!!!"

"Will he stop at six plates of curry or will he not!" said Meeko.

"Bottomless pit?" the others asked.

"Yep. His and Pikachu's stomachs are bottomless." said Hayley, then starts patting her stomach. "Mine and Meeko's on the other hand, actually knows its limits."

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"You know, you could be an announcer." said Rotom.

"Yeah. I've also had a lot of practice being the referee." said Hayley.

"All right. Show me what you got." said Ash.

"Morelull." said Morelull, taking Ash's energy.

"Hey, not bad." said Ash, feeling his energy being taking. "Here I go!"

"Morelull.... Lull! Lull! Lull! Lull!" said Morelull, going in for round two.

"Whoa. Wow, you're good." said Ash. "But so am I!"

"Wow." said Lana.

"So weird." said Lillie.

"Does not compute. Does not compute." said Rotom.

"I know! Of course!" said Sophocles. "Morelull's draining Ash's energy, but Ash gets energy back from the curry."

"That's unbelievable." said Lillie.

"Not when Ash is doing it." said Mallow.

"Nothing he or Hayley does surprises me." said Kiawe as he and the others watch Ash.

"Seconds please." said Ash, finishing the plate.

"Sure. Here." said Lillie, giving him more curry.

"Thanks." said Ash, going in for round two.

"Let's get another plate ready, Lillie." said Hayley, getting another plate. "At the rate those two are going, it's better to be prepared than not be prepared."

"Cario, Cario." said Meeko, placing a plate on the table.

"Whoa, strong stuff." said Ash, as Morelull drains more of his energy. "Thirds, please. Thanks. Fourths, please. Thanks. Fifths. Sixths." Soon enough, the curry was gone, leaving Ash with a full and protruding belly. "You went at it full blast, Morelull." said Ash, laying on the ground next to Morelull.

"Morelull...." said Morelull, causing Ash to laugh and smile. "Huh? Morelull."

"Now you see why we call Ash and Pikachu 'the bottomless pit'." said Hayley as Pikachu and Meeko helps her measure her brother's stomach. "I think you beaten your record from last time, big brother."

"Pikachu....Pika, Pika." Pikachu said to Meeko, telling her the number.

"Yeah...." said Mallow.

"Wow. They've become friends." said Sophocles.

"It's an unusual way to make friends, but it worked." said Lillie as Pikachu starts to gently bounce on Ash's stomach.

"Methods of befriending Morelull, updated." said Rotom. In the distance, there was an eerie glowing green light. "Huh? Something's glowing." said Sophocles, seeing the light.

"Yeah. What could it be?" asked Mallow.

"Lost spirits." said Lana, holding a flashlight to her face.

"Huh? I don't think so." said Lillie. "Those are...."

"More Morelull." said Kiawe.

"I wonder where they're going." said Hayley as the Morelull next to Ash squeals and jumps up.

"Huh?" said Ash as Morelull takes off.

"Morelull." it said.

"Hold on. Morelull?" asked Ash, seeing it go after its friends. "Let's go, too, buddy. Come on, Hayley, Meeko."

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Ok, Ash." said Hayley.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"Hey, Ash, Hayley, wait up!" said Mallow as she and the others went after the siblings.

"Huh?" said Ash as he and Hayley see more Morelull surround the two of them.

"Pika! Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Cario!" said Meeko.

"Amazing." said Sophocles.

"Look at all of them." said Lillie. "Where do you think they're going?"

"I don't have a clue! But I'm sure having a lot of fun finding out!" said Ash as he and the others came across a tree. "Huh?"

"Wow." said Mallow.

"So pretty." said Lana.

"It looks like this place is the Morelull's favorite place." said Ash as Hayley starts to reach out for the pretty light. Suddenly, every Morelull starts to evolve. "Such a bright light." said Lillie.

"Yeah." said Ash.

"Who would have thought so many Morelull could have evolved all at once?" asked Kiawe.

"Such a pretty Pokémon." said Hayley.

"It's awesome." said Ash. "Beyond awesome."

Suddenly the tree starts to bloom leaves. "Shiinotic, the evolved form of Morelull. Much like Morelull, Shiinotic drains energy. But they can also share energy with those they like." said Rotom as they gasp, watching flowers appear on the tree.

"Oh, yeah. I see now." said Ash. "The Morelull wanted to help the tree, so they gathered everyone's energy to do it!"

"Wow." said Hayley.

"I know camping is supposed be all about campfires and roasted marshmallows." said Lillie.

"Yeah, but this is so much cooler!" said Mallow.

"Yeah!" said the others. Suddenly, Sophocles' stomach starts growling. "Huh?" said Sophocles, grabbing his stomach as Ash starts chuckling when his starts grumbling as well, causing everyone to laugh.

"Pika?" asked Pikachu as a Shiinotic walks up to them.

"Huh?" asked Ash.

"I wonder if that's the Morelull from before?" asked Lana.

"It looks like you evolved too. That's awesome." said Ash.

"You look great." said Hayley, smiling at Shiinotic. Shiinotic reaches out to Ash who then touches its hand. Shiinotic bows its head towards the kids, creating a light and sends out its spores. "Pika! Lucario!" said Pikachu and Meeko as the others gasp, groaned and falls to the ground.

"Got me." said Ash.

"You win." said Hayley.

"Night." they both said.

"Pika? Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"You wanna give it to him?" asked Hayley, watching her brother snore away.

"Lucar!" said Meeko, shaking her head as Rowlet hoots.

"Huh?" said Ash, opening his eyes.

"Rise and shine, sleepy head." said Hayley.

"Pika. Pika." said Pikachu.

"Huh? Wake up guys." Ash said to the others who surrounded him and Hayley.

"Pika! Pika!"

"Morning everyone!" said Hayley.

"Huh?" said Sophocles. "Hey? Know what? I'm not hungry anymore."

"Me neither." said Mallow.

"I feel full." said Kiawe.

"Me, too." said Lana.

"My energy is fully recharged!" squealed Rotom.

"I wonder why that would be." said Lillie.

"Perhaps this is the Shiinotic thanking us for our energy." suggested Lana. "Maybe."

Narrator: An encounter with Morelull and Shiinotic turns from sinister to inspiring! As these Pokémon take care of their tree with glowing hearts.

Hayley: And it's all thanks to my brother's bottomless pit we call a stomach.

Ash, from the background: Hey!

Hayley, facing her brother: I still love you, Mr. Future Pokémon Master.

Meeko, smiling: Lucario, Cario!

Narrator: As do I, Meeko. Our heroes' hearts are glowing as well...

Suddenly Lillie's and Hayley's stomachs are growling. "Huh?" said Lillie.

"Oops." said Hayley, looking over at Lillie.

Narrator:...as the journey continues.

"We forgot something....didn't we?" asked Hayley as Lillie laughed nervously.

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