Hazbin Hotel - The Rebirth

By Shockblaster2009

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Adam is dead, the extermination has failed, heaven decides to dispose of their weakest links More

The Pilot
The Unholy Grail
No Place Like Hell
Dear Little Star
Trouble Downtown
Setting The Stages
Cherry On The Snake
The Great Carmine Talk
Sweet Broken Emily
New Sinners On The Block
Best of Bad Luck
Emergency Lockdown
Clash Of The Ex-Exorcists
The Hazbin Heist
Prince Takes Charge
Life Or Death
Your Too Fast
Sibling Jealously
Trauma Before The Storm
All Hail Gabriel
Road To Victory
Nightmare On Hell Street
An Eye For A Friend
A Real Battle Trap
War Against The Stars
A Father's Last Stand
One More Week To Go
Unexpected Events
We Interrupt This Fanfiction
The Wicked Queen Of Hell
Love Is The Greatest Weapon
Preparing For The Brides
Spicing Up The Lights
Love To Hate
You Should Of Known
A Legacy In The Making
The Carmine Issue
Hell's Greatest Weapon
In The Driver's Seat
United They Fall
A Husk Of A Machine
Adding Fuel To The Fire
Playing With Hostages
High Rock Showdown
The Grinding Aftermath
All Mighty Results
Angels Vs Robots
Farewell Bartender
Truth Or Dare
The God Complex
The Roots Of Evil
Morningstars In The Wild
The Reckoning Day
At Black Cross End
I Spy A Empty Dream
Last Laugh
Babysitting The Princess
The Break Up
The Royal Catastrophe
Welcome To The Show
Survival Of The Dumbest
Evil To The Bones
Power Of The Sins
Yellow Dusts Of Trauma
Team Players
Old Foes
Birds Of A Feather
Secret Struggles
Sorrowful Knight Aigaron
The Original
Rock Out
Make My Army Grow
Switching Sides
Alexander Carmine
Mother And Son
Red And Green Tentacles
Prince Takes Knight
Driven Out Of Insanity
Red Mountain Mystery
Ludwig Von Death
Shadows Of The Finale
Harmony And Dizchord
Ancient History
Bye Bye Odette
Long Live The Queen
Wendy O Huskerdust
Oh No
Mega Mission
Under The Mask

Unwanted Discoveries

410 12 47
By Shockblaster2009

The next day at Carmine headquarters, Zestial walks into Carmilla's office, the head of the Carmine family herself sitting in her chair.

Zestial: (curiously) You called, Carmilla?

Carmilla: (calmly) Yes, I did. I require some advice.

Zestial: (curiously) About what?

Carmilla: (calmly) Last week, during our fight with God himself, I discovered something curious.

Zestial: (curiously) Go on.

Carmilla: (calmly) Apparently, I'm an aunt.

Zestial: (surprised) Interesting. How did you find out?

Carmilla: (calmly) The Lord himself told me during our confrontation. I'm an aunt to someone, or possibly more. To my knowledge, my sister is still in the living world, so it's possible she had a child. Although, considering how I treated my firstborn, it wouldn't surprise me if, in a few years, her child will end up in hell, or maybe even in heaven like my son.

Zestial: (sympathetically) This might be a bit risky to say, but... have you considered reaching out to your sister somehow, perhaps through a third party? Like the I.M.P., I'm sure they would do anything for the right price, especially for an overlord like yourself.

Carmilla: (thoughtfully) It's a possibility, but I fear what her reaction might be. Our relationship was strained, to say the least. And well, to her knowledge, there's no such thing as the afterlife.

Zestial: (calmly) If I may, about your comment regarding your niece... it could be possible that she's already down here.

Carmilla: (realizing) What do you mean... and why are you saying it's a she?

Zestial: (calmly) I've never brought this up because I thought it was a ridiculous idea, but there is one sinner that has a similar look to yourself and especially your daughters. But it's a stretch.

Carmilla: (intrigued) Go on, Zestial. Who is this sinner you speak of?


Meanwhile, at V Tower, Carmilla's niece, Velvette wakes up...
next to Lute... in bed.

Lute: (awkwardly) Velvette...

Velvette: (awkwardly) Lute... Why are you... Oh, don't tell me we fu-

Lute: (interrupting) Don't worry, we're still in our clothes from yesterday.

Velvette: (relieved) Oh, thank me. For a moment, I thought we... had sex. Now, that would have been an interesting post...

Lute: (awkwardly) Yeah, that would've been quite the headline. But don't worry, just a little innocent snuggling between friends.

Velvette: (awkwardly) Right, just a friendly cuddle. Nothing to write home about... Still, why are we snuggling in bed like cushions?

Lute: (awkwardly) Yeah, about that... I guess we fell asleep while watching the movie marathon. Sorry if I intruded on your personal space.

Velvette: (smirking) Don't worry about it. We're demons, remember? Well, technically, you're a fallen angel, but still. We don't have personal space. Besides, it was kinda nice having someone to cuddle with for a change.

Lute: (blushing) Yeah, I guess you're right. So, um... What now?

Velvette: (grinning) Well, first things first, I need coffee... lots and lots of coffee.

Lute: (smiling) Sounds like a plan. Let's get some caffeine in our systems and figure out our next move.

Velvette nods, swinging her legs off the bed and standing up, stretching her arms above her head.

Velvette: (stretching) Ahh, that's better. Ready to face the day, Lute?

Lute: (awkwardly) Absolutely. But before we do anything else, can we agree to never speak of this cuddling incident again?

Velvette: (awkwardly) Agreed...


Back at Carmine headquarters...

Carmilla: (shocked) Zestial, you can't be serious... How can that... cloud-chasing brat, for lack of terms, be my niece?

Zestial: (calmly) I know it sounds ridiculous, Carmilla, but we can't ignore the similarities between Velvette and yourself.

Carmilla: (contemplatively) You make a valid point, Zestial. Perhaps it's worth looking into further. If there's even a slight chance that Velvette is my niece, then I must know for sure... As much as I can say, that girl has changed over these past few months. She is still my enemy. especially considering what one of her fellow Vees did to my daughter. I'll call her into a meeting and get to the bottom of this myself.

Zestial nods, understanding the urgency in Carmilla's tone, and swiftly leaves the room.

Carmilla: (whispering) Velvette... my possible niece. What secrets do you hold?


A few moments later, Velvette and Lute make their way to the kitchen of V Tower, their minds still reeling from their unexpected cuddling session. Despite their agreement to never speak of it again, there's an undeniable sense of awkwardness lingering between them.

Velvette: (breaking the silence) So, uh... coffee?

Lute: (relieved) Yeah, coffee sounds good. I could definitely use a caffeine boost after... well, everything that happened yesterday.

As they prepare their coffee, Velvette can't shake the feeling of unease that's settled in the pit of her stomach. She knows she needs to address the situation with Lute, but she's not quite sure how to broach the subject without making things even more awkward between them.

Velvette: (hesitantly) Hey, Lute... about last night-

Lute: (interrupting) Yeah, about that... I just want to say that I'm sorry if I crossed any boundaries. I didn't mean to make things awkward between us.

Velvette: (softly) No, Lute, it's not your fault. I... actually kinda liked it. Having someone there with me, I mean. It felt... nice.

Lute: (surprised) Really? I mean, yeah, it was nice. But I didn't want to assume anything, especially considering our... complicated dynamic.

Velvette: (smiling) Yeah, I get that. But maybe... we can consider it... a moment of... vulnerability between friends.

Lute: (awkwardly) Yeah, I'd like that. Friends... vulnerable friends.

Velvette: (thoughtfully) You know, Lute, I never thought I'd say this, but... I'm glad you're here.

Lute: (smirking) Yeah, me too, Velvette. Me too.

Suddenly, the two are interrupted by Vox, who walks in and looks directly at Velvette.

Vox: (annoyed) Well, well, well, what do we have here? The infamous Velvette and her little fallen angel friend having a cozy moment? How quaint.

Velvette: (rolling her eyes) Oh, give it a rest, Vox. Can't a demon and a fallen angel have a civil conversation without you butting in?

Vox: (smirking) Oh, I'm just here to observe, darling. After all, it's not every day we see the Ice Queen herself showing a softer side.

Lute: (defensively) She's not the Ice Queen, Vox. And even if she were, she's still capable of compassion and vulnerability, just like anyone else.

Vox: (chuckling) Touché, Lute. Touché. Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds to your coffee. But remember, Velvette, I'll be watching.

With a dramatic flourish, Vox exits the kitchen, leaving Velvette and Lute to exchange exasperated looks.

Velvette: (sighing) Remind me why we keep him around again?

Lute: (shrugging) Beats me. But hey, at least he keeps things interesting.

Velvette: (smirking) That's one way to put it. Now, where were we? Oh, right, coffee. Let's focus on that for now and forget about Vox and his antics.

Lute: (smiling) Agreed. Coffee it is.

Suddenly, Velvette gets a notification from her phone.

Velvette: (annoyed) Looks like I've got a message from... Huh, Carmilla. Wonder what she wants.

Lute: (curiously) Carmilla? What does she have to say?

Velvette: (annoyed) Appears to be another overlord meeting at Carmine headquarters. Wanna come?

Lute: (determined) Yeah, let's go. It could be an opportunity to gather information and maybe even gain some leverage.

Velvette: (resolute) Agreed. Besides, it's not like we have anything to hide. Let's see what Carmilla has to say.


Elsewhere in the tower, Vox walks into his monitor control room only to see a blank envelope on his chair.

Vox: (confused) What...

Vox cautiously approaches the envelope, eyeing it suspiciously. He carefully picks it up, noting the lack of any markings or indications of who it might be from. With a sense of intrigue and apprehension, he tears open the envelope and retrieves the contents inside.

Inside, he finds a single piece of paper, folded neatly... and a disk.

Vox: (confused) Interesting...


An hour later, Velvette and Lute enter Carmine headquarters through a glass elevator and walk into the meeting room, only seeing Carmilla at the head of the table.

Carmilla: (calmly) Velvette, glad to see you.

Velvette: (annoyed) Where the fuck are the other overlords?

Carmilla: (calmly) They're not coming. This meeting is for us, Velvette. Sit down; we have much to discuss... and I guess your girlfriend can join us too.

Lute: (awkwardly) Hold on, me and Velvette aren't... well... you know...

Carmilla: (skeptically) Sure...

As the tension thickens in the room, Carmilla clears her throat, her gaze fixed on Velvette.

Carmilla: (seriously) Velvette, I've called this meeting because there's something we need to address. Recently, I've come to learn of a familial connection that may exist between us.

Velvette: (nervously) Familial connection... What... what are you talking about... That's... absurd.

Carmilla: (sternly) Don't play dumb, Velvette. Your hesitation is enough proof, and the similarities between us are too striking to ignore. You are my niece.

Velvette's eyes widen in shock, her mind racing as she tries to come up with a response.

Velvette: (stammering) I... I don't know what you're talking about. There must be some mistake.

Carmilla: (firmly) There's no mistake, Velvette. The truth always has a way of coming to light, no matter how hard one tries to bury it. But enough of this charade. I want answers, and I want them now.


Carmilla: (surprised) Velvette, please, there's no need for theatrics. I simply want to understand why you never revealed this to me before.

Velvette: (defensively) What did you expect, Carmilla? That I'd just waltz into your life and everything would be hunky-dory? Haven't I made it pretty clear where my loyalties lie, and it's not with our pitiful, rotten, and purely toxic family?

Carmilla: (calmly) I understand your reservations, Velvette. Our family has its share of issues. But that-

Velvette: (interrupting) Issues? Is that what we're calling it? While you were down here, I was born in the hands of an abusive witch who locked me away from everything, tortured me until I shot my brain out and was cast down here for being "ungrateful" for the life I was gifted or whatever the hell heaven calls it. When I found out you were a high-class overlord, all I saw in you was your sister. Every time I saw you with your daughters, all I could think of was about how much abuse you must of put them through... To think that...

Suddenly, Velvette stops, feeling her normal eye engulfed in tears as Carmilla looks in pure shock and guilt.

Carmilla: (gently) Velvette, I had no idea... I had no idea about any of this. I'm so sorry, truly. I never meant to bring you any harm or pain.

Velvette: (tearfully) It's too late for apologies, Carmilla. The damage has been done. Come on, Lute, we're leaving.

As Velvette storms out of the meeting room, Lute follows closely behind, shooting Carmilla a sympathetic glance before hurrying after her.

Carmilla sits in stunned silence, her mind reeling from the revelation of Velvette's past. She knows she has a lot to atone for.

Carmilla: (whispering) Velvette... my niece. I never knew... I never knew the extent of your suffering. But I swear, I'll do whatever it takes to make things right.


Meanwhile, back at V Tower, Vox puts the disk into his monitors as they all show footage... security footage... of Valentino's bedroom... on the day he was killed.

As the footage plays, it shows Valentino entering the room, smoking, with Odette close behind him before Valentino makes his move.

Vox: (realizing) You've got to be kidding me.

The video continues with Valentino forcing Odette to do the thing, lasting ten minutes as Vox watches his fellow Vee fuck the helpless scientist until Odette shoots him in the skull, cutting the footage.

Vox: (angrily) Why, that little brat! This whole time, Carmilla's been covering up for her daughter. THAT BITCH IS GONNA PAY!

Vox's anger grows as sparks fly around him, until he notices the piece of paper inside the envelope. Vox takes it out and reads it, a smirk creeping onto his face.

Vox: (angrily) World-wide revenge... Now that's my cup of tea.

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