A Different Kind Of Life

By DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 77

69 1 0
By DreamzOfGold

"Hey Logan, it's Lorelai. I need you to come home." Lorelai said as soon as Logan answered his phone.

"I'm on my way. Is everything ok?" Logan asked. "Honor, I gotta go!" Logan yelled through the house to his sister as he ran to the door, slamming it behind him.

"I'm not sure. I think so? I need you to check."

"I'm running through the yard right now, I'll be there in about a minute."

"Logan is almost here." Lorelai said as she hung up the phone. "Mom, send Logan upstairs!" Lorelai yelled as she sat with her daughter.

"What?" Emily called back.

"Logan, send him upstairs!"

"Is everything ok?"

"I don't know!"

"Richard. . ."

"Go, I'll take care of it." Richard said calmly as Emily put her book down on the chair in the family room, and headed for the stairs right as the front door burst open. "They're upstairs." Without saying a word, Logan ran for the stairs, taking them two at a time, with Emily following behind him, leaving Richard to close the front door.

"What's going on?" Logan asked, bursting into his bedroom to see Rory curled up in a ball in their bed, holding her stomach.

"She's in a lot of pain." Lorelai answered.

"Call Paris, I'm pulling up the app. Ace, on a scale of 1-10, now bad is the pain?"

"About an 8."

"When did it start?"

"I don't know, maybe like an hour ago? It was just uncomfortable before, but now it's really bad."

"What kind of pain is it? Is it like rolling pain that gets stronger then subsides, or is it stabbing, or throbbing?"

"Definitely rolling."

"How long in between each episode?"

"I don't know, it was just mildly uncomfortable before, but it's getting worse."

"Are you having one right now?"

"No. Not since Mom called you."

"Lorelai, how long between episodes?"

"Maybe 5-10 minutes. Hey Paris, Logan asked me to call you. Rory is in a lot of pain. I'm putting you on speaker."

"Paris, I just got here. I was across the street dealing with family stuff." Logan said as Lorelai handed him her phone. Rory says the pain is rolling waves. She doesn't know when they started but said they went from being mildly uncomfortable to being an 8 out of 10. Lorelai says there is about a 5-10 minute break between each one."

"I'm pulling up the app right now. Give me a second. Do you have NST equipment at the clinic?" Paris asked.


"It looks like it could be Braxton Hicks. Rory, are you able to move at all?"

"Do I need to?" Rory asked.

"Logan, can you meet me at my office? If it's too painful for Rory, we can get an ambulance."

"I can get there faster than an ambulance can. Have someone meet me at the front door with a wheelchair."

"I'll see you in fifteen minutes." Paris said, then disconnected the call.

"Lorelai, grab Rory's shoes and a sweatshirt."

"I'll grab your purse." Emily said, immediately leaving the room and heading down the stairs.

"Logan, I don't want to be hospitalized." Rory cried as Logan pulled the blankets back.

"I know Ace. I don't want you stuck there either, but we need to at least go find out what's going on. We are just going to Paris' office. You know she won't make you stay there unless absolutely necessary. Especially not after last time."

"I don't want to go. Can't Paris just come here?"

"Ace, you need a non-stress test to figure out if this is Braxton Hicks contractions or actual labor contractions. I don't have the equipment at the clinic, but Paris has it at her office. Come on, I'm going to carry you. Just tell me when the pain starts and I'll stop, ok? Put your arms around my neck."

"I've got her comfy boots and a jacket." Lorelai said as she came back from the walk-in closet.

"Grab the blue plush blanket off the chair in the corner. It's Rory's favorite."

"Do you have a hospital bag that you want me to grab?"

"It's not packed yet." Rory said as Logan lifted her out of the bed.

"Well, if you end up needing one, I'll get it for you."

"We're supposed to go to Honor's for dinner." Rory said as Logan carried her out of the room.

"Ace, it's not even 1pm. We can still make it back for dinner. Lorelai, when is the last time that Rory ate?"

"She had a sandwich when I got here. I gave her one before taking the rest to Honor's."

"How much has she had to drink?"

"A couple bottles of water."

"Logan, I left my phone." Rory said as Logan carried her down the stairs.

"I've got it. I grabbed both of your phones off the bed." Lorelai told her. "Honey, try not to worry, ok? I know that you're scared, but Logan and Paris are taking care of everything, and I'm right here, ok?"

"I'm coming with you." Emily said as Logan stepped off the last stair, and headed past her toward the garage. "Richard is staying here. He's going to go help out over at Honor's. Lorelai, I've got your purse, and I grabbed Rory's too."

"Will someone get the doors for me, please?" Logan asked as he carried Rory through the house.

"I've got them." Richard said, stepping past the group, and hurrying toward the garage, opening the door, and pushing the button for the outside door to lift.

"I need my keys."

"I've got them." Emily told him, holding the keys up.

"You guys call me with updates." Richard told them.

"We will, Dad." Lorelai said as she stepped past him into the garage, and hurried to Rory's car, opening the door for Logan to put her inside. "I'll sit with Rory. Mom, you can take the front."

"Richard, will you let Honor know? I don't want everyone else knowing anything yet, but Honor is ok." Logan asked.

"I'll take care of it. Don't worry about a single thing. You just focus on Rory. I'll take care of everything else. Call me if you need anything. I'll bring you whatever you need."

"Thank you Richard." Emily smiled as Richard opened the car door for her, and helped her inside as Logan climbed in on the driver's side, and started the engine.

"You guys be safe. I look forward to your call." Richard said as he shut Emily's door, then stepped back from the car, watching as it backed out of the garage, hitting the button to close the outside door as they pulled away from the house.

*~ * ~ * ~ * 4 Hours Later * ~ * ~ * ~ *

"Honor, I am so sorry for uprooting everyone." Logan said as Honor walked into the Huntzberger kitchen.

"Don't be silly, all that matters is that Rory is ok. What did Paris say?"

"It was definitely pre-term labor. Rory isn't allowed out of bed except to shower and use the bathroom. She's dilated to 2 centimeters. Moving around could cause further dilation."

"And I'm sure your extracurricular activities aren't helping anything."

"Shut up, Paris!"

"I'm just saying."

"Thanks, but I've already gotten that lecture today. I'm a doctor, she was fine. I know when it's dangerous and when it's not."


"Honor, come on. I've been dealing with Paris for the last 4 hours, I really don't need this from you right now."

"You know that I've always got your back. But I'm still your big sister, and I do reserve the right to kick your butt when you need it."

"You think that I'm not beating myself up right now? Paris threatened to put Rory on Hospital bed rest, just to keep her away from me."

"That's mean, but kind of funny."

"Thanks for the support."

"Logan, come on. Stop being like this. You can't beat yourself up too much. This kind of stuff happens, and it's no one's fault. Especially NOT yours. Paris was just being a jerk, because she's Paris. You are an amazing husband, and you are doing everything you can to help your wife through this. You guys have been through a lot lately."

"I need to go blow off some steam."

"I'm going to head back over to my house. I'll text you when dinner arrives, and then I'll bring everyone over. You just try to cool off."

"I'm going downstairs."

"You do that. Go beat the crap out of your punching bag."

"I may go for a run."

"Just make sure you take your phone with you."

"I'm not stupid. I always have it with me."

"Hey, come here." Honor said, pulling her brother to her, and wrapping her arms around him. "I love you. Just try to relax, ok? Everything is going to be ok."

"We need to make it at least another 2 weeks. Preferably 4-6."

"And I'll do whatever I can to help you get there, alright? Just try to breathe. I've got your back."

"Your son just kicked me."

"Yeah, I felt that." Honor chuckled as she let go of her brother.

"Hey little man. I love you too kid." Logan smiled, rubbing his sister's stomach. "He's strong."

"Well, he's got that fiery Huntzberger blood running through him."

"Thanks for being here Honor."

"Hey, it's what sisters do. You go relax. I'll text you when dinner arrives."

"Thanks Honor." Logan said as he watched Honor leave, then headed upstairs.

"Hey Baby." Rory smiled, seeing her husband walk into the room.

"Hey. Honor is going to bring dinner, and the rest of the family over here when the food arrives, unless you've changed your mind, and don't want guests."

"No, it's your Mom's birthday celebration. I want to be there."

"Ok. Do you need anything? I was thinking of maybe going for a run, then working out a little bit."

"I'm ok. You go blow off steam. Paris was pretty harsh to you. I can tell you're upset."

"Are you sure that you're ok?"

"I'm positive. Mom and Grandma are both here waiting on me hand and foot. I'll be fine. We'll call you if that changes. You go."

"I'm just going to run the neighborhood. I won't go far."


"I'm going to go change, I'll be right back." Logan said as he headed to their closet.

"Here is your computer Ror." Lorelai said walking into the room with Emily behind her, carrying a stack of paperwork for Rory.

"Thank you guys so much! Now at least I can work from bed."

"April just texted you asking if someone can pick her and Gigi up at the train station tomorrow. They are coming in a day early because April has a job interview at the hospital on Monday. I told her that I would pick them up."

"She has an interview? I am so excited for her!"

"Didn't Logan put in a recommendation?"

"He did."

"Do you want me to leave my car here so April has a car to drive while the girls are here? I can take the train home and have Luke pick me up."

"You don't have to do that. We've got two cars, and I am clearly not going anywhere."

"Lorelai, I'm not going anywhere. Richard and I will stay with Rory and the girls." Emily told them.

"Grandma, you guys don't have to stay if you don't want to. April and Gigi will be here, and Honor is right across the street with an entire team of helpers. I'll be fine." Rory told her.

"We'll see."

"You guys, really. I'm ok. Between Logan, Honor, and my sisters, I'll be just fine. I've also got Blake, Josh, Shira and Mitchum. I'm ok. Mom needs to get back to work, and Grandma, you and Grandpa are always so busy. You guys don't need to worry about me. I also have Rosalinda. I have an entire army of help. Hey Logan, April got the interview at the hospital." Rory said as Logan walked out of the closet wearing gym clothes, and headed back into their bedroom.

"Oh good! When is it?"

"Monday. Mom is picking the girls up from the train station tomorrow."

"That's awesome! Tell her I'm excited for her."

"I will."

"Are you sure that you don't need anything?"

"I'm positive! Mom and Grandma just brought me my computer and work stuff from my office. I'm all set. You go work out."

"Lorelai, please call me if anything happens. I'm going to go run the neighborhood, then work out downstairs."

"I always do." Lorelai told him as she sat down on the bed next to Rory, and reached for the TV remote.

"I love you Ace. Get some rest, ok?"

"I will. I love you too." Rory said giving Logan a kiss, then watching as he left.

"So Rory, your Grandma and I were just thinking . . . Since you are stuck on bed rest, and probably won't be able to come down to the Hollow for your baby shower next weekend, what if we brought the shower to you? We can rent a couple party buses, and bring everyone up here."

"Mom, that's crazy!"

"Maybe, but if we cancel the party, you know how upset the entire town will be. I was thinking that maybe we could have the party at HPG rather than doing it here, because HPG is obviously bigger. I'm sure we can get Paris to agree to let you go to your own baby shower right here in town, as long as she is the one babysitting you, and you are transported in a wheelchair."

"If you can convince Paris to let you do it, then you have my permission. Honor and Logan will help you get the space at HPG."

"Deal!" Lorelai said excitedly. "I will text Lane right now, and let her know."

"This is giving me flashbacks to Lane's shower." Rory chuckled.

"Except for that you and I don't fight like Lane and her Mom."

"Hey, please make sure that Mrs. Kim comes. It will mean a lot to me."

"I will hog tie her, and stuff her into the car myself if I need to."

"Thanks Mom."

"Rory, we also have the DAR shower next Sunday that we were going to have at my house. I can move it here, if that is ok with you. I'm sure the ladies won't mind coming to New York for the afternoon."

"If that's what you want to do Grandma, then you have my blessing."

"Don't you worry about a single thing. I will take care of everything. You just need to get yourself some rest, ok?"

"I'm doing my best. Thanks for being here Grandma. I am so lucky to have you, Mom and Grandpa so involved in my life. Not all pregnant women have this much support."

"There is nowhere else that we would even dream of being. Now you get some rest. I'm going to head downstairs, and make some phone calls while I get everything ready for dinner."

"Thank you Grandma."

"Luke just texted. He's about 30 minutes out." Lorelai said as her phone buzzed.

"Luke is coming? Dang, I would kill for some of his cherry pie."

"I'll let him know to stop at the store."

"Peach cobbler too?"

"Yes!!! And smores! Luke is going to hate us!" Lorelai laughed as she began furiously typing, responding to her husband's message.

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, kid."

"I am so glad that you are here. I was so scared today."

"I know baby. Why don't I just stay the whole week. I don't need to go back. Sookie and Michel can run the inn without me. You need me more than they do."

"Mom, you have so much stuff to do."

"I know, but you and the baby matter a heck of a lot more than any stuff that I have. I'm going to stay. You're my baby girl. I would feel terrible leaving when you need me most."

"I have a ton of help Mom. I'll be ok."

"Rory, have I ever not been there when you needed me?"

"Not even once."

"Exactly! And you need me right now. So I'm staying."

"Just remember, I never asked you to." Rory said as she latched onto Lorelai's arm, and laid her head on her mother's shoulder.

"I know baby. I'm a mom. This is what Moms do. And someday, when Ayribella is older, and she's going through something tough, you'll be right there for her, just like I'm here for you now. And as long as I'm not dead yet, I'll be there for Ayribella too."

"You won't ever die. You are Lorelai Gilmore. You're immortal. You are going to live forever."

"Hey, I'm game if you are." Lorelai smiled, pressing a kiss to her daughter's head.

"You won't see me complaining."

"Hey Ror . . . I know that you know this already, but did you see how completely HOT your husband looked in those gym clothes?"

"Yeah he did." Rory agreed, a huge smile spreading over her face.

"You are a lucky duck my child. Do you know how many women would kill to look at that all day?"

"Don't say anything to Logan about it. He's really self-conscious."

"Are you serious?! Logan looks like a God, and he's self-conscious about it?!"

"Logan knows exactly how good he looks, and he takes pride in it. But he's really self-conscious about all the extra attention that it gets him. That's why he's always wearing normal clothes whenever anyone is around. He doesn't like flaunting his looks."

"Well that boy has some serious issues then, because he definitely should flaunt it."

"I agree, but he's weird about it."

"Well, aside from Paris bitching at him for it, I'm glad that you at least have an exciting sex life."

"Thanks Mom. I definitely have nothing to complain about."

"If I was younger and single, you might have some competition."

"Really? You would compete with me for my husband?"

"If you weren't my daughter, and you two weren't married, I might consider it for a minute."

"Ok, this conversation is just disturbing now."

"Just a little bit." Lorelai chuckled. "Should we find a movie to watch?"

"Yes! Actually, hand me the controller. I have a great idea! Since you think my husband is so hot, there is this show I want you to check out. There is a guy on there that I swear is Logan's doppelganger."

"Oh really?!"

"Yeah, check this out. I have some episodes saved on the dvr. It's called The Resident. This Character, is a doctor named Conrad Hawkins. I swear, he's totally Logan. It's the funniest thing. Logan refuses to watch the show with me because it creeps him out."

"How can a show creep him out?"

"He thinks it's weird that this guy looks exactly like him. Plus, the whole medical thing in the show, Logan says that he lives it, so he doesn't need to be watching it on tv."

"I guess I can kind of see his point there."

"Ok, so check this out. Tell me what you think when you see him." Rory said as she hit the play button.

"No way!!!" Lorelai gasped. "That guy even sounds like Logan!"

"Right?! It's so crazy. Logan hates it!"

"Did you check the actor's name to see if maybe they're related?"

"Honor said that they aren't. The guy is from Tennessee."

"Well maybe he might be related on Shira's side? They don't know very much about that side of the family, right? Doesn't Shira have 8 siblings or something?"

"She does. Maybe I'll have Honor ask. "I think Logan might freak if I brought it up again.

*~ * ~ * ~ * 6:00pm * ~ * ~ * ~ *

"Hey there muscles, how was your run?" Lorelai asked when Logan walked back into his bedroom.

"It was good. I need to shower. Honor says food is on its way. What are you guys watching."

"Nothing." Rory chirped, turning the tv off.

"Oh geez."

"We're watching your long lost twin."

"He's not my twin."

"Uh, yeah, he is. Have you seen him?!"

"Mom, we already had this conversation." Rory told her.

"Logan just needs to embrace the hotness."

"Hey Mom, why don't you go make sure that Grandma got everything ready for dinner before the rest of the family gets here."

"Luke is down there."

"And probably cooking that pie we asked for.  Go make sure everything is ready. I'll be down when Logan is ready."

"Fine." Lorelai pouted.

"So your Mom is calling me muscles now?" Logan asked once Lorelai was out of the room.

"Because you look hot in that outfit."

"So now your Mom is checking me out."

"She said that if she were younger, we weren't married, and I wasn't her daughter, I would have some competition."

"Great! I'm not safe in my own house! That's just awesome!"

"Really Logan? You have no reason to be so sensitive about your looks. You spend a ton of time working out, just so you can look the way you do. You should be proud of yourself."

"I am proud of myself. I'm just uncomfortable being ogled."

"I'm sorry, but you really need to get used to it, because unless you suddenly get hit with the ugly stick, it's not going to stop. You always tell me that I should flaunt my assets, so you need to start doing the same thing."

"That's different."

"Oh really? How is it different?"

"Because no one treats you like you are a piece of meat."

"Please tell me that you are kidding. The only reason that you don't notice all the looks and comments that I get when you flaunt me around, is because you are right there, completely focused on being with me. But I still see and hear everything that is going on around us. I get treated the exact same way that you do. You just need to ignore it, and learn how to reap the benefits of all your hard work. You look amazing! You deserve to enjoy it."

"I only enjoy it, when it's you ogling me. It's completely different when it's other people."

"But the sooner you embrace it, the sooner it won't matter anymore. If you dress like this all the time, people will eventually stop caring because it's nothing that they haven't seen before."

"Because you've clearly gotten past my looks." Logan chuckled.

"Yeah, you wish! It's like opening a new hot firefighter calendar everyday."

"My point exactly."

"Really Logan? Because you are one to talk. I'll make you a deal."

"What's that?"

"If you make an effort to embrace the hotness, I will too. You can dress me in whatever you want, as long as the outfit is appropriate for whatever we have going on that day."

"So if I got pull a tight low cut dress out of the closet right now, you'll put it on?"

"I said appropriate for the event. We are have having a low key birthday party for your mom, with our parents and grandparents."

"So tight dress with a higher neckline."

"That's better. I'll wear whatever you put me in, as long as you embrace it too."

"I need to shower."

"Go shower, and then find something for us to wear."

"Do you want to go pick something that you approve of?"

"Since when do you let me pick your clothes?"

"You said that I have to embrace the hotness."

"I think jeans and a tight shirt will be just fine."

"Why don't you go pick something, and I'll put it on when I'm done in the shower."

"You're letting me get out of bed?"

"You're walking across the room. It's the equivalent of walking to the bathroom. And there's a chair in the closet for you to sit in."


"Do you need help getting up?"

"I'm not sure."

"Give me your hand. I'll help you get to the closet before I jump in the shower." Logan said holding his hand out, and helping his wife out of bed.

*~ * ~ * ~ * 30 Minutes Later * ~ * ~ * ~ *

"Rory, you look so pretty." Shira said, greeting her daughter in-law as she walked into the Huntzberger family room

"Thank you Shira, so do you. I love your dress."

"How are you feeling Honey? I heard you've had an eventful day."

"I am on even stricter bed rest than I was before. I'm not allowed to move off this couch."

"Oh, well that is just terrible! Logan is taking care of you though, right?"

"He is, and he's doing a great job. You raised an amazing son."

"Thank you Honey. That is so sweet of you to say. Logan, there you are Sweetie."

"Hey Mom. I'm sorry about earlier. I'll make it up to you." Logan said, kissing his mom on the cheek, then moving to Rory, and handing her a glass of juice.

"Is everything ok?"

"Honor didn't tell you?"

"She just said you had to rush Rory to the doctor. Is everything alright with the baby?"

"For right now . . . Ayribella apparently decided that she wanted to join us for your birthday."

"Oh! Well, that sounds very sweet, but isn't it still way too early for that?"

"It is. We stopped the contractions, but Rory needs to stay in bed so we can keep her out of labor as long as possible. She didn't want to miss your birthday, so I brought her downstairs, but Rory isn't allowed to move off this couch."

"Well then I will sit down right here, and keep her company. Why don't you go help your sister. She shouldn't be doing so much while pregnant."

"Please, I've told Honor that about a million times, but she refuses to listen to me." Logan told her.

"And I've officially been kicked out of the kitchen." Honor said joining them in the family room a moment later."

"Lorelai pulled rank?"

"Yep! She told me to go sit with the other preggo and let her take care of everything."

"Honor, there is room on the couch if you want to join me?" Rory told her. "You can put your feet up."

"That's ok. I'll take the chair, it's easier to get up. Plus, it leaves Logan room on the couch so he can rub your feet."

"Hey ,I like that idea."

"Logan, you have a beautiful house." Maggie said as she entered the family room with Dedrick.

"Thank you so much. Rory, her Mom and Grandma did all the decorating while I was at work. This house is credit to all of them."

"Maggie, if you'd like, I'm sure my Grandma wouldn't mind giving you all a tour." Rory offered.

"That would be lovely." Maggie smiled.

"Mom, why don't you go with them. You haven't seen the nursery since they started decorating." Honor spoke up.

"Hey Grandma?" Rory called over the additional noise.

"I'll go grab her." Logan spoke up. "Maggie, why don't you guys follow me."

"Thanks Babe."

"Not a problem. I'll be right back."

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