Wishful Thinking Summoning Ja...

By KageNishi

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The World War II came to a close with the surrender of Japan, followed by the occupation period that marked t... More

Chapter 1 - Diplomacy with the Kingdom of Louria
Chapter 2 - Crossroads
Chapter 3 - Pride of a Great Power
Chapter 6 - New Third Civilization Area
Chapter 7 - The Rails Laid
Chapter 8 - Japan's Strategy in the New World
Chapter 9 - The World in Motion
Chapter 10 - A Gathering of Leading Countries?
Chapter 11 - Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 12 - Battle of the Folk Strait 2
Chapter 13 - Upset and Doubts
Chapter 14 - Second Half
Chapter 15 - Regret Comes Too Late
Chapter 16 - The Agony of a Country from Another World
Chapter 17 - Imminent War
Chapter 18 - Behind the Scenes of World Affairs
Chapter 19 - Unrest

Chapter 5 - Transitional Period to a New Era

211 9 0
By KageNishi

How to control the most unstable period immediately after the end of the war?

- Ishiwara


Day 30 Month 4 Year 1640 Central Calendar

A coup d'état occurred in Esthirant, the capital of the Parpaldia Empire. The Empire's core function was seized by the coup forces led by Kaios, Director of the Third Foreign Affairs Bureau, and Ludius and Remille were captured.

Day 1 Month 5

The Parpaldia Empire declared a change of government due to the coup and surrendered to Japan.

Day 2 Month 5

Accepting Japan's government's acceptance of surrender, the Japanese-Parpaldia War concludes. On the same day, the 73-Nation Allied Forces stationed in Aruni and the Kingdom of Riem's army began to withdraw.


Day 5 Month 5

Today marks the farewell of this life with her...


My cherished right-hand, who showed the greatest understanding of my ambitions and was supposed to be my future wife in ruling the world together by my side.

However, everything turned upside down.

Our Empire expanded rapidly under my reign. Our military won numerous battles, ruled over 73 vassal states, and reigned supreme as one of the great powers hailing from the Third Civilization Area. The chaos began when the National Strategy Bureau intervened in the Kingdom of Louria, located outside the eastern civilization zone on the Rodenius Continent. Or more precisely, it started with the campaign that followed the intervention.

Later, it was revealed that what was supposed to end in Louria's decisive victory turned into a conflict due to Japan's intervention. This meant the failure of the National Strategy Bureau's plans, but those involved were loyal subjects. By imposing some punishments on them, the matter was supposed to be resolved. In hindsight, we should have thoroughly investigated the reasons behind Louria's defeat at that time.

The next time Japan's name was heard was when they arrived in the Imperial Capital with their warships. The entire Foreign Affairs Bureau was thrown into confusion by this report, but it was worth it.

It became apparent that the punitive attack against the Kingdom of Fenn, which the Third Bureau had been advancing, had failed, the Oversight Force had gone missing, and Japan had made contact with our country before. According to records, the diplomats who arrived demanded an equal relationship like that with other major powers. And it became evident that the punitive attack against the Kingdom of Fenn had failed due to the Japanese military. Moreover, they arrived at the Imperial Capital with warships, bringing the defeated warships as a gift.

I, like many others, was initially outraged at the audacity of barbarians from outside the civilized world. However, upon seeing those warships, I immediately cooled my head. I never expected them to possess magic ships. While I had initially underestimated them due to the Oversight Force's outdated and limited fleet, the fact that they possessed magic ships meant that Japan had support from Mu or Mirishial. Moreover, the ship has only one magic cannon mounted on its bow. And it was handled by barbarians who likely didn't understand the proper operation of advanced ships.

Their performance was clearly superior, and engaging in battle would inevitably result in losses. However, facing our mighty Empire's forces, we will surely be victorious. If we won, obtaining the technology of magic ships, which our country couldn't manufacture, wouldn't be just a dream.

That's what I thought at that time.

Considering the heavy burden on the Third Bureau and the negligence regarding the punitive attack, I agreed to transfer responsibility for this matter to Remille. In the negotiations that ensued, it was reported that Japanese diplomats never let go of their arrogance from start to finish. Everyone, including myself, thought they were becoming arrogant with the weapons of superior major powers.

Nevertheless, the priority was to deal with the Kingdom of Fenn, which was trying to establish ties with Japan. They had a history of rejecting our country's demands and were a problem that began before Japan's involvement. We didn't want to face a two-front war, and according to the information we had, it seemed convenient to establish a forward base against Japan. However, we never expected that there were Japanese present there when we invaded. We rejoiced at our incredible luck, but there's no denying that it became a significant turning point.

Remille, considering it a perfect opportunity to educate the Japanese, used her usual method in front of the Japanese diplomats whom we had kept in the area to convey our demands. When I heard their response, I simply thought of them as mere barbarians. But within no time, they surprisingly demanded surrender from our Empire. They pressured our Empire to submit as a nation. If we surrendered, they boasted that the Empire would be secure under Japan's protection.

Upon hearing this report, I was not only astonished but also forgot my anger. Remille, too, genuinely laughed at their outlandish demands. Even a minor civilization like those outside the civilized world, including Altaras with power comparable to civilized nations, was easily crushed by our Empire's forces when they seriously opposed us. Thinking that they could subjugate our Empire under their wing, despite having magic ships, seemed delusional. Having gained overwhelming power, they seemed unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality, and I even felt pity for them.

Remille asked me why we didn't swiftly annihilate such barbarians, but I believed that abandoning the pitiful as pitiful did not befit someone standing at the pinnacle. That's why I considered Remille's approach fitting for our position. However, on the same day they made surrender demands, the Empire's forces in Fenn were annihilated by the Japanese.

Looking back now, I realize I lacked composure at that time. I foolishly thought that a nation destined to rule the world had no need to show mercy to barbarians who tarnished its name and reputation.

Now, with a clear mind, I understand.

We, or rather the Empire, had become far too arrogant at that time.

And that moment was the last chance to turn back.

We should have calmly analyzed the reasons for defeat and accurately assessed the opponent's strength. However, succumbing to Remille's advice, I declared total annihilation. We committed the full might of the Empire to annihilate Japan.

From there, true hell began. In an effort to defeat Japan, I ordered the cessation of support from Mu, which had been a nuisance. But that's when we learned the truth. While Mu indeed had diplomatic ties with Japan, Japan was overwhelmingly powerful, and Mu sought Japan's support.

Seeing Elto's demeanor when she came to report, I thought I understood the severity of the situation. However, even at that moment, I never doubted the Empire's victory. While acknowledging the extreme power of the magic ships we directly witnessed, we grossly underestimated any other forces we hadn't even heard of.

No, we weren't seeing it correctly.

The result was the utter destruction of the Imperial Capital Defense Force and the main fleet, which came crashing down upon us. Suffering irreparable losses, we finally realized that we couldn't win against Japan. Yet, even at this stage, clinging to hope, I deluded myself into believing that while we couldn't win, we wouldn't be defeated. No, I simply wasn't seeing reality correctly. It was merely unbearable for a great power like our Empire to kneel before a peripheral country. The bloated pride had led to such a misjudgment.

However, Japan didn't even give us time to wallow in our pride. With Duro's annihilation and the uprising of vassal states, the Empire was inevitably pushed into an existential crisis. Having exhausted all options and finally being able to see everything clearly, Japan still exceeded our expectations.

Former vassal forces captured Aruni.

Even Ruperther, who was once touted as being able to foresee the future, gave up.

In hindsight, perhaps we should have surrendered completely at that time. But the pride accumulated over many years once again led to a misjudgment. We maintained our resistance as long as possible and sought a path to peace without crumbling the current regime. Even I, who should have seen reality, thought so.

Moreover, our subjects were seriously considering reclaiming the defected vassal states. Some even went so far as to say, even at this stage, "The barbarians' forces are not to be underestimated." Whether it was peace or reclaiming, there was no time for such leisurely actions at that time...

Kaios understood this despite being excluded from dealing with Japan. He was a loyal subject who had long understood Japan's true situation and tried to change the future of destruction. The irony of someone excluded from dealing with Japan understanding Japan the best is quite something.

No, perhaps this was showing the limits of the Empire.

I have found numerous talented subjects and strived to place them in the right positions. But in reality, even when the Empire was on the brink of destruction, there were incompetent people who thought they could manage somehow, and truly talented individuals were neglected. What a mess...

With this state of affairs, it seems nothing more than a pipe dream for the Empire to stand at the top of the world. As a result, the Empire lost everything. Without Kaios, it would have meant losing the country itself. However, the cost of maintaining the country was never cheap. The Empire, which had destroyed many countries in the past, had eradicated numerous royal families in the process. Yet, even then, they wouldn't forgive us.

Remille was taken to Japan, but I must remain in this land. Kaios insisted on ensuring my survival at all costs, but his expression didn't bode well. Is this the fate of a defeated nation...

Have I, along with the emperors before me, committed such injustices...

At this point, neither I nor the Empire have the power to overturn this situation. At least as the one responsible for the fatal mistakes, I must perform ablutions, and I can only hope that the Empire will survive even after my demise.

. . .

Two months later

With the successor prepared, Ludius' public execution was carried out in front of Paradis Palace. Some of the citizens, informed of the Empire's defeat by Kaios' radio broadcast, remained steadfast in their bullish attitude at that time. However, upon witnessing the death of the Emperor, the nation's leader, no one could look away from their own country's defeat. The people of the Empire knelt down and wept at the emperor's death. The former vassal citizens cheered upon receiving this news.


Kingdom of Awan

This country stood at an advantage in Japan's diplomatic relations with various countries due to the history of lending a Mu-made airport as a base to Japan during the war with Parpaldia. At the same time, being a country where the establishment of a base was formally agreed upon by Japan's "New Defense Policy," it held a significantly high priority in post-war Japanese diplomacy.

Day 12 Month 5

"Welcome, representatives of Japan."

Deep within the royal palace, in a reception room where members of the royal family directly engage, King Leighton held talks with Japanese diplomatic envoys.

"We extend our gratitude for your country's cooperation during the recent war," Kondō responded. "Well then, let's get straight to it. Please take a look at this."

Inoue handed over a bundle of documents.

The purpose of this meeting was to finalize the details regarding the base construction. The construction itself had been agreed upon before the end of the war, so Japan was able to significantly reduce the cumbersome process of preparation. The swift conclusion of the talks was largely due to Leighton's decisive leadership. Having had the opportunity to witness Japan's power directly during the war, the king decided it was necessary for him to take the lead personally.

His momentum was tremendous, even faster than that of the Kingdom of Altaras.

"...Sir Kondō, it is mentioned that our military will also be able to use the base once it is completed. Is that true?"

"That is correct. In the future, our country is considering collaborating with various countries both within and outside the Third Civilization Area, and this was deemed a necessary measure to deepen mutual understanding. Henceforth, the majority of your troops will be stationed at the new base during peacetime. Of course, access will not be granted to facilities that breach confidentiality."

'Perhaps this could also provide an opportunity to interact with Japan's advanced technology. There might even be opportunities for tactical guidance...'

As he contemplated future prospects in his mind while reading through the documents, he widened his eyes at a certain item.

"Um, Sir Kondō, this item regarding costs..."

It concerned the allocation of construction and maintenance costs for the base. While an agreement had already been reached regarding funding, the documents stated that Awan's share was 30%, whereas it was understood beforehand to be 15%.

"The amount mentioned does seem quite different from what we were informed of previously?"

"Indeed. However, it has been conveyed that changes may occur depending on future circumstances."

'Here it comes...'

While Leighton acted boldly, he was rather nervous inside. In a world rampant with hegemonies, it's quite common for powerful nations to retract previous statements at their convenience when dealing with smaller nations, and to impose harsh demands one after another. If one were to refuse, even harsher sanctions awaited, or worst-case scenario, they could be attacked and destroyed.

"Granted, but doubling the amount all of a sudden seems rather unreasonable, doesn't it?"

"Is that so? Your country is located across the Philades Continent, where the Parpaldia Empire existed. The Kingdom of Altaras that borders Parpaldia was conquered and it was only a matter of time before your country would have been conquered as well. However, that threat has been eliminated. Thanks to none other than the efforts of our country."

Kondō furrowed his brow as he emphasized his nation's contribution.

"Of course, we understand that. However, our country has spared no effort in cooperation. If our country hadn't cooperated, what do you think would have happened to the war situation?"

In response, Leighton also asserted his country's contribution during the war against Parpaldia.

"It wouldn't have made much of a difference. The air wing stationed in your country went to Altaras and operated from there. Even if Altaras Island had remained under enemy control, wiping out Esthirant wouldn't have required much effort. However, we do recognize that some efficiency was achieved due to your country's cooperation."


"Oh, speaking of which..."

As if overlaying Kondō's retort, which practically equated to saying "It wouldn't have made much of a difference whether they were there or not," Leighton's intestines boiled with anger.

"A little before the Parpaldia Empire invaded the Kingdom of Fenn, our diplomats heard some intriguing discussions."

"W-what are you talking about?"

Leighton was bewildered by the sudden change of topic.

"As you know, at that time, various benefits within and outside the Third Civilization Area were being absorbed by the Parpaldia Empire. Countries were required to provide resources, labor, and so on, and in return, they received outdated technology. If they took a defiant attitude, not only would they lag behind neighboring countries, but there was also a risk of being invaded by the empire. However, just before the outbreak of war, there were several countries taking such a defiant stance."

Understanding what was being discussed, Leighton turned pale in an instant.

"The diplomats of those countries had a common message: our country has diplomatic relations with Japan."

The air suddenly turned cold, and Leighton's face broke out in cold sweat.

"It's truly regrettable. There were so many countries unjustly using our country's name... As a result, our country incurred far more resentment from the Parpaldia Empire than necessary, missed the only opportunity to avoid the war, and our people were slaughtered."

'W-why? Parpaldia did have the power befitting a great power, but even with power exceeding that, why would they go out of their way to appease others?'

While the question was endless, what shook him more than anything were the words spoken just now.

'Truly regrettable...? Is Japan... Is Japan really that furious!? No, it's not just about a few dozen civilians being killed; they've shattered a corner of the major powers. There's no way they'd leave us, who are the root cause of this, alone!'

Knights stood guard in the corners of the room, and they, too, were desperately trying to suppress their trembling. To them, Japan's expression of regret sounded like a death sentence.

"Please wait! Our country never... never had any intention of disparaging your country!"

"It doesn't matter at this point what your intentions were. What matters is that your country's actions have disadvantaged ours. The government has decided to impose appropriate penalties. Oh, of course, we're not saying you have to pay everything at once. Our country is different from the Parpaldia Empire, you know?"

"Sure thing! Let's agree on the ratio your country proposes!"

Whether he liked it or not, Leighton signed the documents on the spot.

. . .

Subsequently, in countries that had similarly used Japan's name, diplomats expressed their regrets. By allowing more funds for the base costs, Japan's unique financial burden decreased, resulting in a reduction in the amount of stomach medicine sent to the Ministry of Finance.

However, careful attention was paid to ensure that each country did not collapse under the heavy burden. Payment for construction costs was allowed to be made in installments, and for maintenance costs, a maximum delay of two years or resource payments were permitted. Nevertheless, it was undoubtedly a heavy burden, and each country would be forced to endure rigorous management over the long term.


Kingdom of Riem

The Rieman army had just returned following the conclusion of the war against Parpaldia when King Banks received a report from Carma, who had accompanied the 73-Nation Allied Forces. Banks was at his wit's end.

"Damn it... it was supposed to end in an overwhelming victory, but this is a disaster!" Banks raged.

During the Battle of Aruni, the Rieman army launched a surprise attack on Parpaldia's wyvern lords using 100 wyverns. Although they ultimately won due to numerical superiority, they lost 50 wyverns, with only 9 surviving the initial ambush. Considering their desire to secure an advantage for the post-war period, these losses were significant and could not be ignored.

"Your Majesty, please calm yourself!" spoke General Ribar, who commanded the Royal Army directly.

"Ribar, are you suggesting that as a general, you fail to grasp the gravity of the situation? We couldn't defeat or even destroy Parpaldia. The only achievement was confirming the performance of new weapons. We couldn't expand our territory by a single inch, yet the losses were too great."

As Banks continued to worry, Ribar smirked confidently.

"Your Majesty, rest assured. We have acquired territory."

"What do you mean?"

Banks, who had been holding his head, suddenly leaned forward.

"Do you forget? We dispatched a fleet as a separate unit."

The Kingdom of Riem was always ambitious and seeking to expand its territory. While they saw the weakening of the Parpaldia Empire as an opportunity, standing in their way was the even more powerful Japan. If they simply sent their troops to seize territory, Japan might notice and divert the gains for themselves. Therefore, by cooperating with the 73-Nation Allied Forces, they secured a righteous pretext for participation in the war. However, in this setup, Riem remained only a supporting role, making territorial acquisition difficult despite selling their favor. Hence, they planned to divert the attention of Japan and other neighboring countries by using the movements of the 73-Nation Allied Forces as a decoy. Meanwhile, they would dispatch their fleet as a separate unit to occupy some manageable location.

"Have you ever heard of a place called Garanda?"


Garanda was a former territory of the Parpaldia Empire located to the south of the Philades Continent. Being an island nation, it had only declared war but had not taken any specific actions, participating only in rebellion, not in the coalition forces' invasion.

"Fortunately, we successfully occupied it without being noticed."


Banks' expression filled with joy.

"Nicely done, Ribar! Now we have laid the groundwork for expanding our territory!"

While Banks and Ribar were filled with joy, the Prime Minister standing nearby looked troubled.

"Your Majesty, if I may speak frankly, this incident can only be described as opportunism."

"What do you mean?" Banks asked, displeased by the dampening of his joy.

"In engaging in such actions, what will Japan say?" the Prime Minister expressed concern, causing Banks to momentarily frown before quickly regaining his composure.

"Hmph... Prime Minister, our nation cooperated with Japan at great cost, did we not? Without our assistance, the vassal forces would have been wiped out at Aruni. If that had happened, Japan's plan to weaken Parpaldia through the rebellion of their vassals would have been at risk of failure. Not only did we avert that danger, but we also made significant contributions by capturing Aruni and coming very close to Parneus. Japan owes us a debt of gratitude."

"While our contributions are undeniable, it remains uncertain whether this will lead to territorial gains."

"Prime Minister, there is no need to worry," Ribar interjected. "The Garanda our army occupied was a vassal territory of Parpaldia, an island nation separated from the continent. No matter how capable the Japanese forces were, they wouldn't have been able to intervene. Our actions merely served to eliminate one of Parpaldia's sources of intrigue in place of Japan, so there's no basis for complaint."

"You imbecile! Japan has subdued Parpaldia as if it were child's play! They are not opponents to be dealt with using such sophistry!"

"Ease your mind, Prime Minister," Banks calmed him down. "There is no need to be so anxious. Our nation's contributions are by no means small. If we were to underestimate them, we would risk inviting suspicion from our neighbors, akin to becoming the second Parpaldia. While demanding Esthirant might be seen as greedy on our part, this time it's just a border territory. Even if there are complaints, they won't surface for a while. Before that happens, let's establish the occupation as a fait accompli."

"While that may be so..."

The Prime Minister couldn't shake off his worries, but unable to stop it, the annexation of Garanda was set in stone. Furthermore, with aspirations for further expansion of power in the future, closer ties with Japan were established as the immediate policy.


Gra Valkas Empire

Situated outside the Second Civilization Area, in a direction opposite to Japan, was the location of this country. Widely known across the world for declaring war on the entire Second Civilization Area after annihilating the powerful nation of Leifor with just one battleship, this country, like Japan, is also a country from another world.

Initially conducting moderate diplomacy upon transmigration, the Empire changed to a hardline stance after an incident where a member of its imperial family was executed by the Kingdom Paganda, a civilized country to their east, judging this world as unworthy of trust. This policy, backed by its history of conquest in the original world, has been warmly welcomed by the nation.

Intelligence Bureau

While conquest activities are intensifying, the Intelligence Bureau silently prepares for it in the background. As the name suggests, it is a department related to information, dispatching spies worldwide to continue various information analyses day and night.

Knock, knock

"Excuse me."

Entering a room adorned with luxurious furnishings that didn't seem like a typical intelligence agency, Intelligence Officer Naguano arrived to see his superior, Bamidal.

"I've completed the comprehensive analysis report on Japan's overall military strength, therefore I've come for the report and approval," Naguano said, handing over the documents.

"Good work... And?"

Having received the documents, Bamidal noticed that there was significantly less information about Japan's military power and requested a detailed explanation.

"We apologize for the scarcity of specific combat-related information. The movements of the Japanese military were extremely swift, and our spies couldn't keep up with the battle in Fenn and the subsequent leapfrog operation to Altaras. Moreover, post-independence, entry restrictions have become very stringent, so we haven't been able to witness or hear about major battles on the Parpaldian mainland."

"It's clear that information control is the aim... What about the post-war situation?"

Realizing Japan's high level of information awareness, Bamidal urged on.

"Japan achieved a substantial victory over the Parpaldia Empire and opted for peace."

"Peace, you say?"

"It's a de facto capitulation, but they haven't completely destroyed Parpaldia; they've forced them to relinquish all their vassal states, but the Empire itself remains. This means Japan doesn't possess the national strength to govern the Empire alone. Leaving behind potential forces that may rebel against them in the future confirms this approach."

The Gra Valkas Empire adopts a colonial policy, dismantling local states and placing them entirely under its control. However, for nations that have surrendered, they allow a certain degree of autonomy, bringing relief to local royalty.

"I see... But Parpaldia was analyzed to have greater national power than Leifor. The fact that Japan turned the tables on them implies that Japan possesses considerable technological and military prowess, doesn't it?"

"That's correct. When our intelligence agents gathered information in the countries neighboring Japan, it seemed that Japan possessed modern warships. In a world dominated by sailing ships, this would be overwhelming."


Bamidal's back straightened in surprise.

"Furthermore, it's reported that Japan's main force consists of cruisers weighing between 5.000 to 6.000 tons, armed with a single 130-millimeter main gun mounted forward."

"Just one gun akin to pea-shooters? That's weird... Have they confirmed the presence of aircraft carriers?"

"While it hasn't been directly confirmed, it's said that Japan also possesses aircraft carriers. Additionally, the cruisers carry aircraft, which are said to be rotary-wing aircraft."

"What about fixed-wing aircraft?"

"Direct confirmation is lacking, but they do possess them. However, it's unclear whether they are deployed on aircraft carriers."

"We're in the midst of developing rotary-wing aircraft ourselves, so Japan's advancement in this area surpasses that of ours. Considering this, we need to contemplate the possibility that their fixed-wing aircraft may also exceed the performance of our combat aircraft... Do we have an estimate of their specific military strength?"

"They have deployed around 400 combat aircraft."

"What, only 400?"

"Yes. Furthermore, while their land forces number approximately 270.000, it's still significant but pales in comparison to our own."

Bamidal fell silent at this unexpected.

"...With their pea-shooter ships, limited numbers, and technology that seems detached from this world, it appears Japan has been living in a very peaceful world. This scarcity of forces might be the reason why they gave up ruling over Parpaldia."

"Maybe. Despite possessing advanced technology, governing vast territories still requires substantial numbers. Parpaldia Empire's territorial expanse was indeed top-notch."

After a moment of contemplation, he gathered his thoughts.

"If we were to clash with Japan in the future, considering Japan's technological prowess, there's a possibility of unnecessary losses on our end. If by any chance our Grade Atlastar were to suffer damage, it could tarnish our nation's authority."

In response to Bamidal's concerns, Naguano replied calmly. "Japan's population is close to 150 million, quite high for an archipelago nation. However, this also means their food self-sufficiency is low, and the Rodenius Continent serves as their lifeline. If we were to engage in war with Japan, simply dispatching submarines to block their trade routes with the Rodenius Continent would cripple them. Additionally, while Japan's cruisers have been confirmed, battleships have not. Even if they moved to eliminate our submarines, our naval forces could easily repel them."

"But what about their aircraft carriers? If they were to operate fixed-wing aircraft, how much damage could we expect?"

"According to the information we've obtained, Japan only has five aircraft carriers. They are all reported to be conventional aircraft carriers, so they are considered formidable to some extent, but just five ships wouldn't pose much of a threat."

"...I see, there are really not that many of them. Even with superior performance, they wouldn't be able to stop our forces. Japan isn't an enemy of our Empire."

With the conclusion that Japan's threat level, while requiring preparedness for damage, was relatively low, the Gra Valkas Empire began to move towards a new world order.


Real Japan lacks this kind of aggressiveness.

- Ishiwara

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