Wishful Thinking Summoning Ja...

By KageNishi

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The World War II came to a close with the surrender of Japan, followed by the occupation period that marked t... More

Chapter 2 - Crossroads
Chapter 3 - Pride of a Great Power
Chapter 5 - Transitional Period to a New Era
Chapter 6 - New Third Civilization Area
Chapter 7 - The Rails Laid
Chapter 8 - Japan's Strategy in the New World
Chapter 9 - The World in Motion
Chapter 10 - A Gathering of Leading Countries?
Chapter 11 - Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 12 - Battle of the Folk Strait 2
Chapter 13 - Upset and Doubts
Chapter 14 - Second Half
Chapter 15 - Regret Comes Too Late
Chapter 16 - The Agony of a Country from Another World
Chapter 17 - Imminent War
Chapter 18 - Behind the Scenes of World Affairs
Chapter 19 - Unrest

Chapter 1 - Diplomacy with the Kingdom of Louria

339 12 1
By KageNishi

The parts with detailed descriptions that are not significantly different from the OG or other fanfictions will be skipped quickly.

- Ishiwara


Month 1 Year 1639 Central Calendar

On this day, a bright light was observed on the Rodenius Continent on the eastern edge of the Third Civilization Area and further east.

Day 24 Month 1

A wyvern rider patrolling northeast of the Principality of Qua-Toyne discovered a large unidentified flier. The 6th Wyvern Squadron attempted interception but was evaded, allowing the intruder to breach the airspace over the economic city of Maihark.

Day 27 Month 1

A fleet including what appeared to be a colossal ship, possibly a wyvern carrier, was spotted at a point 60 kilometers north of Maihark. They identified themselves as citizens of a nation named Japan, located approximately 1.000 kilometers northeast of Rodenius.

Month 2

Establishment of diplomatic relations with Qua-Toyne and the neighboring Kingdom of Quila.


Late Month 2

Five frigates belonging to the 11th Flotilla of the Maritime Defense Force were sailing toward the Kingdom of Louria with the objective of establishing diplomatic relations.

"I've heard rumors that Louria is at odds with Qua-Toyne, but is it really safe?" questioned diplomat Inoue, who was traveling with them.

"What are you talking about?" asked Kondō, Inoue's superior.

"Well... from what I've seen, the civilization in this world appears to be an equivalent of the medieval period."


"If a country that has diplomatic relations with a hostile came here, they would be summarily executed to make an example of them..."

Unlike today, international law did not exist in medieval times.

"I highly doubt that would happen. It might be uncertain during wartime, but killing messengers even in the medieval era would be quite extreme, wouldn't it? This isn't Japan during the Kamakura period, so you shouldn't worry too much."

During that time in Japan, messengers were often dismissed without even hearing their messages. Even in an era where invasion was common, such behavior was considered extremely barbaric.

"I hope you're right..." Inoue still could not shake off his uneasiness.

"It's best not to dwell on such thoughts too much. You might end up being discriminatory."

Inoue's perception reflected the belief that "modern civilization is safe, while medieval civilization is dangerous," unconsciously looking down on the local civilization.

"I'll be careful," Inoue replied curtly in an attempt to calm himself down.

. . .

Sea north of the Kingdom of Louria's northern harbor

As the flotilla approached Louria, it was inspected by a Lourian warship that was on patrol in the area and guided to the northern harbor.

Northern harbor

"Can you believe it? According to the report from the inspection team, they say if a ship is over 150 meters in length, it's from somewhere else."

"Gobshite! Don't tell me they're getting too far with exaggerating things!?"

"I know, right? Do the inspection team even right in the head?"

"Maybe their minds were fucked up by their boring mission. It's no wonder since those motherfuckers have been staring at nothing but sky and sea all day."


In the northern harbor, preparations were underway to receive Japanese ships. However, upon hearing such detached-from-reality reports, they were left with the impression that the one who came was a backward frontier nation that flaunted itself needlessly, perhaps overcompensating for something.

"Ugh... of all times for this to happen!" sighed Whael, one of the Lourian Navy commanders.

Upon hearing the inspection report, his superior reported it to the diplomatic personnel in the capital city of Jin-Hark. However, they were instructed to "handle the matter there and report back later." Clearly reluctant to deal with it themselves, those given the order felt the urge to retort, "That's not right." Whael was among them. He had to move numerous warships unnecessarily to clear the way for the envoys, and he was already showing signs of exhaustion.

"Whael, how's it going? Progress with the work?"

The voice belonged to Admiral Sharkun.

"Sir! Progress is currently going smoothly!"

"Well... the passage is ready for now. It's remarkable to achieve this much in such a short time."

"We're honored, sir!"

Although still narrow, a straight path was beginning to form in the middle of the bay.

"What a mess caused by the whims of the higher-ups. Overwhelming numerical superiority is undoubtedly something to be reckoned with, but those who have to move it are burdened with tremendous difficulties..."

Meanwhile, on board the warships, arguments were erupting over manacomms about how to proceed.

"Admiral, why did they order to allow the envoys through here? It's risky; the Qua-Toynians might detect our movements..."

"I think he would rather showcase our military power. It's likely a scheme to show this overwhelming force and deter any opposition against our country."

Ahead of their gaze lay over 4.000 warships.

Faced with unprecedented overwhelming military strength in the history of Rodenius, a confidence like no other surged within them, one that wouldn't yield to anyone.

Then, an officer on horseback arrived.

"Lord Sharkun, Lord Whael, the carriage is ready. Please come this way."

"Thank you. Well then, Whael, shall we go?"

"Yes, sir!"

They departed the scene to attend a royal council meeting scheduled for another day.

. . .

Following the warships that conducted the inspection, the five frigates arrived at the northern port.

"This is incredible..."

"They easily surpass one thousand ships."

Kondō and Inoue, observing from the bridge, exclaimed in amazement. As far as the eye could see, sailships were neatly arranged, with a clear path in the middle like a road. However...

"It's a bit too narrow..."

While the warship leading them could pass through comfortably, the larger frigates following it didn't have enough width to pass.

"...We have no choice. Lower the cutters!" the captain ordered for a transfer to the smaller boat.

. . .

"Oh my goodness... what are those things!?"

"It's massive..."

"Was the shit that the inspection team told us true?"

"I don't see sails. How are they moving?"

The northern port was in an uproar. The warship in the lead was large by Lourian standards. However, the ships they brought along were so huge that they appeared like small boats typically used along the coast. It was evident to even the lowest-ranking sailors that the path they had desperately cleared couldn't accommodate the unexpected size. What was meant to demonstrate the nation's prestige inadvertently led to embarrassment.

"Oh, hey, they're already lowering the boats!"

"They're moving ridiculously fast. Who's in charge of this?"

"No sails, no oars, and even those small boats... I have no idea how they're moving."

"Perhaps we've encountered some incredible folks comparable to the great powers."

Officers awaiting the arrival of the envoys on the pier felt a tightening sensation in their chests at the unexpected turn of events. Upon seeing the arriving envoys, they were perplexed.

"Our utmost gratitude for the warm welcome. My name is Kondō, representing our envoy. Despite the sudden visit, we are deeply grateful for your response."

"Your graciousness is touching."

'What is this? These plain-looking men are envoys of a nation? Even if their country is modest, they should make a bit more effort...'

Setting aside their confusion, they proceeded to say what needed to be said.

"It's indeed prompt, but as military personnel overseeing this port, we do not possess the authority to negotiate with you."

"I see. Then who will be responsible for negotiating with us?"

"Well, first, we'll have you explain the purpose of your visit and your affiliation in detail, then decide how to proceed based on that."

"I understand. Then we shall explain here and now."

Kondō proceeded to provide basic information about Japan.

'Northeast from the continent, there were supposed to be only small islands... Yet a territory of 380.000 square kilometers? Were there undiscovered lands after all? And a population close to 150 million!? There's a limit to how far one can go with a bluff!'

Kondō's explanation left the listeners' expressions turning exasperated.

"It's understandable that it's hard to believe."

Seeing their reaction, Kondō proceeded with the next explanation.

"In fact, our country transmigrated from a different world or perhaps a different planet in this universe last month."


They blurted incredulously.

In this world, even children are familiar with the idea of countries from another world. It was said that Mu, the great power of the Second Civilization Area, came with their continent from another world 12.000 years ago. Of course, apart from the people of Mu themselves, no one believes this; it is merely accepted as a myth. With sideways glances at the officers momentarily speechless, Kondō continued his explanation.

"After the transference, our country established diplomatic relations with the Principality of Qua-Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila. While it's regrettable that we've delayed this with your country, we have come to establish diplomatic relations with your nation belatedly."

The mention of hostile nations made the atmosphere tense. The gazes around them grew considerably harsh. Though many seemed on the verge of confrontation, the officer at the forefront maintained a composed demeanor.

"Do you understand the implications of that?"

"What do you mean?"

"The implications of establishing diplomatic relations with Qua-Toyne and Quila. Our country is in a state of hostility with those two nations. Could it be that you have contacted us for espionage purposes?"

"That is a misunderstanding. Our country seeks only friendly and equal relations. We have no intention of using force unless met with aggressive intentions against our nation."

'? ...What is this man saying?'

Pausing momentarily at Kondō's explanation, they, who would readily wield their immense power for their own benefit, continued.

"...Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, we do not have the authority to negotiate with you. We will make a report from here, so please wait for a while and refrain from any strange actions. Also, don't get your hopes up too much."

With that, the man in charge ordered his subordinates to make the report and hurried off.

'As expected from soldiers.'

As diplomats, Kondō and Inoue were filled with trepidation at the hostility emanating from the well-trained soldiers. Despite having escorts around them, they were vastly outnumbered at close range.


While waiting, the sound of the wind cutting through the air was heard from above. Looking up, they saw a wyvern taking off towards the sea.

"What... what's that?"

Forgetting the sharpness of the gazes directed at them, Inoue asked excitedly.

"What do you mean? That's our military's wyvern."

"Oh... wow..."

They were all puzzled by Inoue's dumb voice of admiration.

"How cool! I've never seen one before."


The wyvern is the most prevalent air force in this world, and even though there are countries that cannot possess them due to climate or cost factors, it is absolutely impossible for them not to know of their existence.

'Don't tell me, these people...'

The sharp gazes from earlier vanished, and now they looked at the newcomers with eyes akin to seeing an animal they'd never seen before. And then, they sent their subordinates running again for the report.

. . .

"They have diplomatic relations with Qua-Toyne and Quila, correct?"

"That's correct. Everyone there heard it."

While Inoue and the others were getting excited, through the manacomm installed in the command center at the northern port, a report was being made to the diplomat in Jin-Hark.

"If so, establishing diplomatic relations seems like a pipe dream. We don't know when it'll happen, but it's certain that they'll be destroyed."

"What then shall we do with the envoys?"

"Wait. Our country is nearby, planning to invade Qua-Toyne and Quila. It wouldn't be good if the preparations we've made over the past six years were disrupted. Do they know the location of this Japan?"

"According to their claims, it's approximately 1.000 kilometers northeast of the Rodenius Continent."

"If they were to support both countries, how much impact do you think it would have?"

"Being so far away, they'd probably only be able to send a small number of reinforcements. It wouldn't affect the overall situation much."

"I see... then, do we have any information about their military strength?"

The operator's expression darkened.

"Well... they arrived at the port with five enormous ships, each exceeding 150 meters in length."

"What... what did you say?"

"They arrived with ships over 150 meters in length. Furthermore, these ships have neither sails nor oars, and it's unclear how they are propelled..."

"Ha... BAHAHAHAHAHA! What nonsense is this? Enough with the jokes. There's no way such absurd tales could be true."

"All present here have witnessed it. It's neither a joke nor a hallucination."

"No, no, there's no such thing. Perhaps the civilized countries would have such shipbuilding technology, but in civilizations beyond that, it's unlikely."

Seeing the expected reaction, the operator pondered how to convince them, when he was tapped on the shoulder from behind.

"Just a moment... yes?"

"I have additional information."

Receiving the memo, clearly rushed, the operator took a deep breath.

"What's going on?" the voice from the other side of the manacomm sounded irritated.

"Apologies. We've received new information, so I'll read it now."

Glancing over the memo, he froze for a moment.

"...Get on with it!"

Growing impatient with the continued silence, the voice erupted angrily.

"Uh... Right! Um... The envoys who came were surprised to see wyverns for the first time."

"What? They didn't know about them!? Not just that they don't have them, but they don't even know what wyverns are!?"

"It seems so."

The diplomat fell silent for a while.

"Hmph... It seems they're just a backward nation of savages. It shouldn't be a problem at this level. However, our country is busy now. I'll convey this to the Foreign Affairs Bureau and have them send a response. Tell them and send them away."

"Even if they don't have wyverns, what do you think about the giant ships?"

"It's probably just for show. It's more natural to think they've covered regular galleys with large-looking structures. Either way, barbarians who haven't even seen wyverns are no match for us."

With that said, the communication was cut off.


'They only take what suits them...! Why don't they try to convey accurate information instead of twisting it like this!?'

The operator shook with uncontrollable anger.

. . .

Sometime later...

"The diplomatic office of our country has no channel for negotiations with a nation of savages that have friendly relations with demi-human races."

An officer read out the official response from the Foreign Affairs Bureau.

"You are to leave our country immediately. If you resist, we cannot guarantee your safety."

"I see... Then, we shall take our leave."

With a deeply disappointed expression, Kondō and the others retraced their steps.

. . .

After leaving the northern harbor and shaking off what seemed like pursuit from a lookout ship, Kondō and Inoue discussed the situation.

"It was as expected, but we were summarily rejected."

"Yeah... but it was worth coming."

"Worth it?"

Inoue tilted his head.

"You saw it too, right? The number of those warships is too abnormal just to defend their country."

While the exact number was unknown to the two military novices, they understood that gathering such a number of ships was impossible without considering an invasion of other countries.

"Also, that statement they gave at the end... I sensed a clear intention of attack."

Louria's human supremacism was reported as prior information from Qua-Toyne. While it was expected that this would eventually lead to a full-scale military conflict, this visit hinted that it might happen sooner than expected.


He called out to the captain beside him.

"What's the matter?" the captain replied casually.

"If we were to engage in combat with the Lourian fleet, would we be able to win with this strength?"

"Well... if we fought properly, even with just these five ships, we wouldn't lose to all the ships in that harbor. However, depending on the numbers, we might run out of ammunition and have to retreat. Well, that's assuming they can maintain morale even after being unilaterally shot at until we run out of ammunition."

His words brought some relief.

"Depending on the future developments, we might really have to do it."

Japan, which was thrown into chaos by the sudden transference, was becoming inseparable from the lifelines of Qua-Toyne and Quila, which were forming a close relationship.

. . .

Later, a report was brought to the Cabinet that the Kingdom of Louria was about to conduct war, and the Defense Forces were ordered to make preparations in advance.


This event is like one or two sentences in the OG, so I did this.

- Ishiwara

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