A Deadly Bond

By Cora-the-explorer

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Willow Ashen is a white wolf and never thought it was possible for her to get a mate as no one would be able... More

Chapter 1 - Glittering snow
Chapter 2 - Farewell
Chapter 3 - Departure
A/N: The characters
Chapter 4 - Mountains
Chapter 5 - Clothes
Chapter 6 - Creature
Chapter 7 - Delirium
Chapter 8 - Bittersweet arrival
A/N: Announcement!
Chapter 9 - Unfamiliar welcome
Chapter 10 - Silent solace
Chapter 11 - Remedy
A/N: Just a little update
Chapter 12 - Knocks
Chapter 13 - Trust
Chapter 14 - Tensions
A/N: Important update
Chapter 15 - Ceremony
Chapter 16 - Aftermath
A/N: An important update
Chapter 17 - Walls
Chapter 18 - Bitter
Chapter 19 - Enchanted

Chapter 20 - Deadly

407 19 11
By Cora-the-explorer

I was snuggled up to something warm when I started regaining consciousness. My eyelids didn't want to open so I simply crept closer to the warmth, it wasn't until this warmth stirred beneath me that my eyes sprung open.

I turned my head very very slowly to see what I was laying on but I already knew the answer before I saw the sharp planes of Legions face. I froze in place, taking in the events from last night leading up to this vulnerable position.

His chest rose and fell in a steady manner, his very naked, and sculpted, chest might I add. Turning my head again, still slowly as to not wake him, now mortified of what I might find or worse, what I might not find.

I let out an exhale as his lower half was clothed thankfully. I too had on a soft nightgown but then the question quickly arose, how did I get into the nightgown?

I tried my hardest to recall last nights events but the last thing I remember was Legions body pressing me against the wall and then dark. My head felt dizzy from all the thinking or maybe it was being this close to Legion, either way I made a plan to get up as gently as possible. That way I could escape before Legion would wake up.

I lifted my head and the rest of my body followed, though it was a slow process as Legions breath hitched as I began pulling away. I gritted my teeth and stopped moving, this wasn't as easy as I had hoped.

Once his breathing became normal again, I moved once more, slowly but surely creating distance between us. When our bodies were completely separated I began my next step, which was to leave the bed fully but just as my legs went to make the first move a force pulled me back down, embracing me from behind.

"Where are you going?" His voice was husky in my ear, the type of voice that hadn't yet been used for the day. "Can't have you running off doing who knows what like yesterday."

A painful memory of me dancing for everyone to see slipped through the fog in my mind. My heart did an odd jump at his touch and oxygen immediately became scarce. It frustrated me how easily he could affect me. "I was just getting up for the day." My voice was breathy and not believable at all.

"Really? I could've sworn it seemed like you were trying to sneak out." His breath was hot on my ear and I shuddered at the closeness of him. He had pulled my body into a tight embrace, pressing my back tightly into him and his mouth was a mere pins length away from my ear. His hard arms were wrapped around my torso in a secure hold and I wondered if he could feel the blood pulsating through my body trying to make due with the oxygen he had yet to rob me from.

His words took a moment to sink in but when they did I remembered that I was angry with him. Very angry. "It wouldn't be any different from what you did yesterday." I tried to sound as composed as possible to drive the point across, key word being tried. "Now I just need to forget about your existence and we'll be equal."

Legions hand shot up to my face within a second, grabbing ahold of my chin and turning my face towards his. A gasp escaped my lips and an electric feeling spread from his touch. "I could never forget about you." His eyes were dark with anger and... something else, but what?

"Need I remind you what you do to me?" His gaze bore into me and I bit my lip too nervous to speak.

The action seemed to physically hurt Legion as he closed his eyes in agony for a moment, while taking a deep breath to steady himself. I felt the rise of his chest against my back and a shiver ran down my spine. Although we were as close as we could get, part of me wanted to be even closer, especially now as I was frustrated with him. What scared me was that I didn't know just how big that part was. The feelings were undiscovered, unexplored and all that stood between was a thin wall. It was, oh so tempting to simply reach out and push just a tiny bit. It would be enough to break it, I was sure of it.

Legion let go of my face and instead took his thumb and traced it over the lip I held captive between my teeth. I hadn't noticed just how hard I had bit down on it but with the sweep of his finger I let it go, ending the torture of the poor thing. At my action his eyes locked in on my lips and his finger did another gentle sweep, tracing the outline of my top and bottom lip.

This was the man that had uprooted my life, the man that had the audacity to call me his yet ignore me all day and the man that was the source of my frustration, yet here I was allowing him to hold me and caress my lips and damn it I wanted more!

"Show me." My words were simple, yet effective. In a matter of seconds his lips came crashing down on mine, claiming them as his with a passionate collision. He shifted us in the heat of the kiss and suddenly I was underneath him and he on top. His lips were moving against mine in a expeditious rhythm that I was somehow keeping up with as if our lips spoke the same language. His hand snaked behind my head, grabbing my hair by the roots in a tight grip. A moan escaped my lips and Legions body responded instantly by pressing further against me, as if that was somehow possible.

His hard body was heavy on my own but I didn't mind at all, in fact I wanted him even closer, but how? Legion answered my silent question as his tongue pushed past my lips, joining the rhythm of our mouths. I quickly followed along which gained a growl from Legion. He was intoxicating, more intoxicating than those drinks I had had yesterday and much more fun.

Just as I thought this Legions lips left mine and I almost cried out in frustration, but before I could say or do anything his lips planted themselves on my neck and my spine shot upwards, curving my body towards Legion. His lips were hot on my neck, kissing every surface of exposed skin. My eyes were closed in bliss but they sprung open as his teeth grazed the crook of my neck. I felt the electric light sweep over my eyes and Legion must've felt the same as his eyes met mine within seconds. His eyes much like my own were shinning brightly.

He looked beautiful, from his black shiny hair that was slightly ruffled, to his pink lips now red with desire and his silver lit eyes, everything about him was so frustratingly beautiful. He held a question within his eyes as he looked at me through his lashes and I knew exactly what he was asking. His hand was still tangled in my hair but I still managed to give the slightest almost invisible nod, but a nod nonetheless. It was all he needed, not a second passed before I felt the sharp pain of his teeth sinking into my neck, my eyes closed in a mix of pain and pleasure and a moan of the same mix left my body.

The feeling was beyond words, nothing could describe the electric current that ran through my body faster and heavier than ever. Nothing could describe how a pain that hurt so much could be so addicting at the same time and leave me writhing underneath the hard frame of Legion. When his teeth left me so did his body for a brief moment but then he switched us around, it was my turn to be on top of him.

It took me a moment to steady myself. I was dizzy with bliss. A warm liquid began running down my neck and I suspected it was a crimson one. Legion was impatient as he stirred underneath me which almost tipped my feeble body over. I had a leg on each side of him, straddling him, which should've embarrassed me more than it did but in that moment all common sense had left me.

Legions lips found mine again as he impatiently pulled me forward. I responded immediately and even found my hands joining the pleasure as they began holding Legions perfectly carved face as our lips excitedly moved with one another. Our tongues once again began exploring each others mouths as one of my hands tangled itself into Legions silky hair.

Warm hands found my waist and I almost jumped at the sensation. His fingers dug into my skin but the pain was euphoric. My lips suddenly began tracing a pattern towards Legions neck, much like he had done with mine and he welcomed the action by pulling my hips closer to him. I exhaled a shaky breath. My tongue and lips started dancing over the crook of his neck as well and it became obvious to me that something was drawing me closer. The bond! I was supposed to mark him as well as he had done with me.

The bite of a white wolf is deadly.

Panic arose in me and I slammed my palms flat against Legions chest, putting as much distance between us as I could muster. I was blinking frantically trying to break out of whatever blissful spell I had been put under. I couldn't bite Legion and risk him dying, as much as he might have frustrated me I didn't want him dead. The thought alone sent a horror of goosebumps through my body. I didn't know if the saying was right but I didn't want to test it.

Legion sat up with me still in his lap and placed both his hands on my face, cupping it gently. "It's okay Willow." His voice was hoarse from the intense kissing yet calm.

"I-I..." I didn't know what to say or what to do. Had I been obvious or did he simply take this as regret.

"It's okay." One of his hands traveled to the back of my neck as the other one snaked its way back down to my waist. His hand on my neck started pushing my head closer to him ever so gently and I fought it while shaking my head. He leaned forward until his forehead rested against mine.

"Trust me."

A weight lifted itself off my shoulders and my body almost sagged against his right then and there.

He repeated his words in a soft-spoken voice. "Trust me Willow."

And for some reason I did. This time I let his hand guide me to his neck until my lips were pressed against his skin.

"Trust me."

With that my teeth pierced his skin.


"So you don't remember me helping you get into your nightgown?" Marisa was giggling as she had been since walking in on me and Legion.

I shook my head in shame and embarrassment, a feeling that had finally decided to return with a tenfold might I add.

"And you don't remember Legion carrying you all the way to the bedroom?"

Once again I shook my head in shame.

"I wish I was there to see you build this pillow-wall you kept going on about."

Now that Marisa mentioned it, I did remember scattered pillows in the bed while Legion and I were... well... busy. Perhaps a failed attempt at a pillow-wall?

Speaking of Legion, he didn't die. After what I had done, I drew back in a scared frenzy but he hadn't fallen dead. On the contrary he had looked intoxicated with bliss, with a darkened gaze and a far off look in his eyes. I had done my best to save the sight before me as it made my heart skip several beats and my stomach flutter.

I even waited several moments, studying every little detail about him, to see if something like deadly black lines would begin forming from the mark. But nothing of that sort happened. Legion had then leaned his head on mine again and we stayed like this for a while.

I didn't want the moment to end but Marisa, as always, had rudely interrupted with a knock and I jumped off the bed so fast that she wouldn't have had a clue about anything if it wasn't for our crimson coated necks.

Now I was paying for her intrusion with endless questions, all intrusive of course.

She locked our arms while we were walking through the halls. "It suits you." She had stopped giggling, switching the tone of the conversations. "The mark." She finished with a sincerity in her voice.

I wasn't sure what to say but the statement filled me with a warm feeling. "So does yours." I referenced her own mark that she shared with Elye. It seemed like a good response.

She gave me a cheeky smile and squeezed my arm. She was about to speak once more but was interrupted by a dark voice. "May I walk with the queen."

We both turned around to regard whoever had caught up to us. Caspian stood behind us with a smile too big to be natural. His hands were politely gathered in the front. His hair was slicked back, exposing all of his face yet it still felt as if he was hiding behind something.

Marisa directed her attention to me as well as Caspian as they awaited my answer. It would be rude to say no and the last thing I wanted was for people to see their new queen as such so I nodded my head politely and unwillingly.

Caspian beamed brighter at my answer and stared down Marisa until she grudgingly let my arm go and bid me a farewell while barely regarding Caspian at all. Her eyes told me that she wouldn't be far away and would probably be keeping a close eye on us, which I appreciated.

Caspian swapped positions with Marisa even going as far as to lock our arms. We slowly began walking the same route, filled with many paintings and large windows overlooking the kingdom and forest edge. Each window was separated with a wall and a painting decorating it. Marisa walked back to where she and I had come from and it wasn't until she was out of hearing range that Caspian spoke.

"I see that you take your role as our luna serious." His words were coated in a dripping sweetness that seemed almost poisonous to listen to. I wasn't sure what he meant but when I peered up at him, he hinted at my neck with a jerk of his head.

I let out a mix between a huff and a laugh while awkwardly pulling some hair forward to cover the mark. "Yes, I do." I began feeling nervous. Although he was smiling as brightly as ever I felt uneasy under his stare. It didn't seem nearly as friendly as he did.

Caspian let several beats pass between us before he spoke again. "Of course I would expect nothing less from the mate of my beloved cousin." He spat the word beloved out as if it meant anything but that, like it almost hurt him to say.

I decided to stay silent, hoping that my inability to entertain a conversation would bore him enough to let me go. Unfortunately my plan didn't work and he just kept guiding me past windows and walls until he stopped us in front of one of the windows. His eyes scanned the landscape before him and his smile dropped slowly. The temperature around him seemed to drop along with his demeanour, turning the atmosphere into a cold embrace.

"My gift to you, my queen, is a word of advice." His dead eyes met mine, all the light from them was now vacant. "Be careful of who you trust," his eyes went to the mark I was hiding beneath my white locks of hair, "especially those close to you."



Don't we love cliffhangers?

Just to preface, I know there's probably lots of typos in this one but I'm trying to get the chapter out asap.

Are you guys happy with the beginning of the chapter? I know a lot have been waiting for this moment for a while so I hope it was worth it<3

Any thoughts on Caspians warning?

Also how did you find this story out of curiosity?

As per the usual, I'd love to hear from you guys! Voting does really help! You are all greatly appreciated<3

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