Little Ba Reum AU - The roads...

By Anki_Carrington

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NEW CHAPTER Instead of hiding his little headspace from his friends for years, Ba Reum is found out sooner. N... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chpter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 30

264 22 24
By Anki_Carrington

Ba Reum froze at the question of the man, suddenly realizing once again that it had been something incredibly stupid to say.

Of course, he shouldn't have called the man's son mama. Now Hyuk was going to deny it all, and he would need to scramble for an excuse why he said that.

"It's me," Hyuk said, a small flush on his cheeks. Ba Reum turned to him and stared open-mouthed at the admission.

"Sorry," Ba Reum said before anyone else could say anything.

"Shh, don't be sorry sweetie," Hyuk said, even while Chang Wook looked confused.

"He calls you mama?" the man asked, and Ba Reum turned his wide-eyed stare at him giving a gasp when Hyuk bounced him a little and patted his behind.

"Yes, he does. It's my parental name," Hyuk said, not thinking that his dad would really have a problem with it, but of course, he never had been able to ask before. So far, his dad had always been very open-minded about everything.

"And this is your first weekend together? And you already got a parental name," the man said, a big smile on his face, "I knew you had it in you, son. You are a great caregiver."

"Dad, it's Ba Reum who's great, not me," Hyuk said, a smile on his face, even while Ba Reum looked at them with confusion.

"Uk?" the little asked when he saw the two man look at him, making sure to not use mama. No one seemed angry, but he really didn't understand what had just happened "Ba Reum bad?"

"No, sweetie," Hyuk said, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and patting his back, "good boy. So, going to the park now?"

"Uhm, okay?" Ba Reum asked, for some reason not really on board with it, but not knowing how he could say no, or if he wanted to say no at all.

"That's great. The sun is shining, and I know an excellent restaurant near the park," Chang Wook said with a grin, "my treat."

"That sounds good," Hyuk said, with a grin, before looking at Ba Reum with a smile, "I think I perhaps take a diaper bag with me, just in case. Can I put you down while I go make it?"

"Okay," Ba Reum said, even while he frowned when Hyuk put him down on the floor in the kitchen in front of his dad.

"I'll be right back. Dad, you keep an eye out, he's quite young in his headspace," Hyuk said, and Chang Wook easily nodded.

"I guessed as much," the man said, knowing how his son fell on the caregiver scale. The short observation of the little, and the fact that his son said something about a diaper bag revealed all too well how young the little was.

Ba Reum stood nervously looking at the man, who smiled at him while he heard his mama going up the stairs.

Looking worriedly at the door, it seemed so long his mama was gone, even if it had only been a minute.

"So, you two found each other again?" Chang Wook asked, making Ba Reum look at him again.

"Mama found Ba Reum," the little said shyly, looking nervously at the ground and fiddling with his fingers. He normally would be fiddling with the hem of his shirt, but it was nicely tucked into his overall, leaving his hands with nothing to do.

"Did he now?" Chang Wook said, still looking happy, "and do you like him? Do you like your mama?"

"Yes. Mama nice," Ba Reum said, looking up slightly before looking down again, "mama big."

"He is," Chang Wook easily agreed, hearing the sounds of his son coming back down from the stairs and soon he entered the kitchen, a backpack in his hand.

"Let's just take a sippy cup with some drinks in there, and I think we should be okay," Hyuk said, frowning a bit, "unless I forgot something?"

"It's not that far from home," Chang Woo said, looking in amusement at his son fussing about the contents of the bag, "we can always return."

"Right, of course," Hyuk said, flushing a little when he realised he was being a little bit too nervous for just a simple outing, "well, let's go put on our shoes and coat."

The big man turned back to Ba Reum, who was standing where he had been put, and stared at Hyuk with a small, confused frown. He guessed it must be all very complicated if he was in such a young headspace.

Gently, he took the hand and was glad when Ba Reum put up no resistance but easily followed him to the front door.

"Let's see, shoes," Hyuk said, taking up the worn pair of sneakers Ba Reum had been wearing before.

He looked at them for a moment, and wondered if the little would accept a new pair of shoes as well as a gift or not.

"Can I have your foot, please," Hyuk asked, and Ba Reum lifted his foot while Hyuk kneeled in front of him, trying to ease the shoe over the foot and frowning when it was more difficult that he thought it would be.

"Is something wrong?" Chang Wook asked, seeing his son struggle.

"They seem to be a bit on the small side," Hyuk said with a frown, before looking at Ba Reum, "are they your size?"

"Is okay," Ba Reum said with a frown, "can wear without toe curly."

"Without toe curly?" Hyuk asked, and Ba Reum nodded, tightening his toes so they were slightly curled.

"They still good," Ba Reum said. He had the shoes for two years already, but his feet had grown a little bit since he bought them. New shoes hadn't been on his necessary items list yet, and they didn't pinch too hard. His toes just brushed the tip, that was all. A tight fit.

"Really?" Chang Wook said frowning.

"Yes. Lookie," Ba Reum said, going to sit on his bum and trying to get the shoe around his own foot, but struggling.

"Here, let me," Hyuk said, taking the shoe back and loosened the laces a little more and managing to get the shoe on the foot. He pressed down at the tip, just to check where the toes were, and frowned when there didn't even seem to be a millimetre place left.

"See, fits," Ba Reum said with a grin, happy that he was able to prove his shoes were still okay.

"Yes, it does," Hyuk said, getting the second shoe on and trying to not frown. He knew that some people struggled financially, but seeing it happen in front of him really hit home.

"I hope the coat isn't a problem," Chang Wook said, feeling a little worried. The worn-out shoes, the fact that the little never had strawberries before. He hoped that his suggestion to go to the park wouldn't wake any insecurities.

"No, his coat is good," Hyuk said, pulling Ba Reum upright and taking it out. It was one of the things that was less threadbare, and Ba Reum was easily zipped up in it.

"Well, let's go to the park, okay?" Chang Wook asked, and Hyuk nodded.

"You ready, sweetie?" Hyuk asked, and Ba Reum nodded as well, delighted when Hyuk took his hand.

"Walkies," Ba Reum said, already happy to be with mama. They started to walk to the park, which wasn't too far from Hyuk's place, and like his dad had said the weather was good.

It was a little difficult for Ba Reum to keep his footing, especially because Hyuk was used to walking on his own, and his steps were a bit big.

"Easy there," Chang Wook said, grasping Ba Reum's other hand when the little tripped over a small rock.

"Sorry," Ba Reum said, and immediately pulling his hand free and pressing closer into Hyuk, his eyes wide.

"Don't be sorry," Chang Wook said, looking at Ba Reum with a frown.

"I was going too fast, that's all," Hyuk said, "let's go a bit slower. We're not in a hurry."

"Is okay, mama. Ba Reum can," the little said with a frown, not wanting anyone to make adjustments for him.

"Oh, can you? That's good," Hyuk said, starting to walk again, but still going slower than before. The small smile on Ba Reum's face when he managed to shuffle next to him without falling was good enough.

"You know, I got another idea," Chang Wook said after a while, making Hyuk, even if Ba Reum kept on staring at his feet, "Perhaps we should stop by a shoe store."

"Ah, yes. Perhaps not a bad idea," Hyuk said, both men not saying out loud that they wanted a new pair of shoes for the little.

"Mama new shoes?" Ba Reum asked, looking down at Hyuk's feet. The shoes looked pretty new to him, but he bet mama had loads of shoes. His mother used to have a lot of shoes as well, and he always had the one pair.

"We'll see what they have," Hyuk said, biting his lip and wondering if he should suggest buying a pair for Ba Reum or not.

"You know, it's fun to just test out a few," Chang Wook said, "would you like that as well, Ba Reum?"

"Me?" the little asked, "don't need new shoes."

"Right, of course. But, you don't have to buy them," Chang Wook said, looking very doubtful about that statement from Ba Reum.

"You know, why don't we all try some on," Hyuk said, catching on to what his dad was trying to do, "here, there is the shop we usually go to."

"Oh," Ba Reum said, looking at the shop. It was a small boutique, several shoes on display, looking all too expensive for his liking.

"Let's go in," Chang Wook said, easily leading the way and taking the other two in the shop.

"If it isn't our regulars," a shop attendant said the moment they were in, already walking to their side, "here for our new collections?"

Ba Reum immediately tried to hide a little behind Hyuk, wanting to make clear that they weren't there to help him but his mama.

"We would like to see for some sneakers," Chang Wook said, "for both my son and I think his little would like to fit a few as well."

"Certainly. Why don't you go sit here. We got Mr Ji's shoesize in the system, but I think it's your first time, isn't it?" the woman asked, guiding them to a pair of chairs and looking at Ba Reum with a gentle smile.

Ba Reum looked wide eyed at her, not quiet knowing how to react exactly.

"Uhm, no need," Ba Reum said shyly, surprised when Hyuk suddenly went moved to the side, so he was without cover.

"Here, sweetheart, why don't you go sit and they'll take your shoe size," Hyuk said, gently guiding him to the chair and pushing him down in it. Before Ba Reum could think about protesting, Hyuk was already taking of his shoe.

"Do you want to take his size?" the attendant asked, holding a shoe measurement device.

"Sure," Hyuk said, taking it from her hand, and following her instructions, "keep your foot nice and straight, Ba Reum."

"Uhm, like this?" the little asked, just going with the flow by now. Once they got his shoe size figured out, he was suddenly in an unknown situation, where the attendant had taken out several pairs of shoes, and Hyuk helped his feet in each and every one of them.

"Could you walk back and forth, sweetie? And tell us how they feel?" Hyuk asked every time, and Ba Reum did what the man said, surprised that most of the shoes felt so much better than the ones he had been wearing.

After what seemed like a gazillion pair of shoes, they were all standing there displayed in front of them, and the salesperson was looking at the three of them patiently. It made him almost feel as if he should buy something, but he really didn't have the money for that right now.

"Which ones did you like best, sweetie?" Hyuk asked, and Ba Reum shrugged.

"All?" the little asked, and the lady did give a small laugh because of it.

"All? Why don't you show me two you liked best?" Hyuk asked, softly patting his head. Ba Reum frowned. Normally his aunt would do something mean after she asked such a question, but it wasn't as if taking those shoes from him would be possible, since he didn't own them.

"The one with the stars," Ba Reum said, pointing out a sneaker, decorated with silver sparkly stars.

"This one?" Chang Wook said, taking the box, "and which ones would you like best when you're big?"

"Uhm, just those," Ba Reum said, pointing out a rather unremarkable looking pair that had sat very comfortable on his feet.

"And this one," Chang Wook said, handing the boxes to the lady, who put them to side on the counter.

"Now is Uk turn?" Ba Reum asked, being careful to not say mama in public.

"My turn?" Hyuk asked surprised, but Ba Reum was already getting up from the seat.

"Buy shoes for Uk," Ba Reum said smiling, and when he saw the shoe measuring device on the side he took it, and with a grin he sat at mama's feet, trying to tug off the shoe.

Hyuk gave a laugh and helped him, putting his foot in the measure and letting Ba Reum mimic the thing they did with him and soon he was in for fitting half a dozen shoes.

While Ba Reum had been calm and quiet when they were fitting shoes on him, he was more than enthusiastic when Hyuk fitted shoes, clapping happily every time the man paraded them.

"Keep them on, son. And you Ba Reum, here wear the stars one," Chang Wook encouraged, and Ba Reum was helped in the pretty shoes again, "good. Now, let me handle the payment and we'll go to the park."

"Wait, my shoes," Ba Reum said, looking wide eyed and trying to take off the new shoes. He couldn't go without paying them. That would be stealing, which was very bad.

"You keep those on. It's a gift from me because you made my son happy," Chang Wook said, quickly swiping his card through the machine, "and there, I paid it, so now you'll have to accept it."

"I..." Ba Reum said, unsure about what to say, frowning.

"It's just a gift, sweetheart. My dad likes nothing more than giving," Hyuk said, patting the head, "so could you please accept?"

"Uhm, I...I guess," Ba Reum said, turning to Chang Wook and feeling a little flustered by the whole turn of events, "thank you?"

"You're welcome. Now let's get our walk going," Chang Wook said, grinning and all too pleased with himself, in his hand a bag with the other pair of shoes and Ba Reum old ones as well. 

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