A Different Kind Of Life

By DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 54

135 8 0
By DreamzOfGold

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Huntzberger Publishing Group

Corporate Office


"Good Morning Lorelai, it's nice to see you again." Carlos said as Lorelai walked through the office doors with Soookie.

"Hey Carlos! Do you need my badge?" Lorelai asked, as she pulled her security badge out of her purse.

"Just swipe it passed the box as you walk through the metal detectors. It will beep when it registers."

"You have a fancy security badge?" Sookie asked.

"I just got it the other day. Carlos, can I get a visitor's pass for my friend Sookie? She's catering the event tomorrow. We're here to get everything set up."

"Of course! Stop by the reception desk and they'll get you set up. She'll need a state ID."

"Thank you!" Lorelai smiled as she stepped up to the metal detectors, and handed her purse over to the security officer standing guard.

"Mrs. Danes, it's nice to see you again."

"Good morning Kelvin! There are cookies hiding in there for you."

"The cookies you asked me to make yesterday?" Sookie asked.

"I might have told Kelvin that I owed him cookies for helping me move some furniture the other day."

"You owe me nothing." Kelvin told her as he looked into her purse, then waved her through the machine.

"Sookie ,he needs to check your purse. Kelvin, this is my best friend Sookie. She's catering the event tomorrow."

"It's nice to meet you Sookie." Kelvin said as he handed Lorelai back her purse, then took Sookie's. "Lorelai, don't forget to swipe your badge. And take Sookie to reception."

"Will do." Lorelai said as the box beeped next to her as she tapped her badge against it.

"Your daughter is in her office. Would you like me to let her know that you are here?"

"I actually texted her when we parked the car, but thank you. Here are your cookies."

"You owe me nothing."

"Oh you hush! They're delicious!" Lorelai said handed him the ziploc bag of chocolate chip cookies from her purse.

"Thank you Lorelai, you are very kind."

"Thank you for all of your help!"

"You be sure to let me know if you need anything today."

"I will. Thank you Kelvin."

"Here you go Sookie. Come on through." Kelvin told her.

"Thank you, kind Sir!" Sookie smiled as she reclaimed her purse.

"You ladies have a great day!"

"They are so friendly here." Sookie said as she followed Lorelai to reception.

"Apparently it was never like this before Rory took over. I've definitely noticed a difference in the last few times I've been here."

"Which one is the one you think looks like The Rock?"

"The guy who greeted us at the door."

"You're right, he kind of does."

"Good Morning Ladies, welcome to HPG! What can I do for you?" the man at the reception desk asked.

"Hi, I'm Rory Huntzberger's mother, Lorelai, and this is my friend Sookie. I need to get a visitor's pass for her."

"I'll need an ID from both of you. Is Mrs. Huntzberger expecting you?"

"I actually already have a security badge. I just need one for Sookie. She'll be here with me both today and tomorrow. She is catering the clinic opening. And yes, my daughter is expecting us."

"Wonderful." the man said as Lorelai pulled out her security badge, then Sookie handed over her driver's license, which he scanned, then handed back to her, along with a sticker with her name and picture on it. "Here you are Ma'am. Your daughter is in her office. Would you like an escort?"

"Thankyou, but that isn't necessary. I know how to get there." Lorelai told him.

"Alright then, you both have a wonderful day!"

"Thanks, you too!" Sookie said as she followed Lorelai through the lobby.

"You know what, turn around, let's go check the clinic before we head upstairs. Logan may be down here working." Lorelai said changing direction midstep, and rerouting herself in their quest for the elevator bank.

"The clinic is down here?"

"Yep ,bottom floor, corner office."

"That's convenient."

"Logan is even getting his own personal security guard for the exterior door if they decide to use it. The original plan was to have access from both inside and outside of the building, but then the other day they realized that by having the exterior door open, it would allow people to enter and exit the building without going through security, so they are going trying to figure out if it's easier to have a security officer posted at the door, or if it's easier to just use the lobby doors and make everyone go through security that way."

"It seems a little excessive to have to go through security when going to the doctor though."

"It really does, but for a building and a business like this, I can understand it. Even for as much of an inconvenience as it is at times, at least I know that my daughter is safe. They even have guards with sniper rifles on the roof!"

"Now that is not at all excessive!" Sookie chuckled.

"My thoughts exactly! But then Carlos, the head security guy explained it all to me, so it at least makes sense. It turns out that every tall building in the city has the same thing. It apparently started after 9/11. With their guards and all the cameras that they have all over the place, they can actually see every square inch of this building, as well as a mile in every direction, and even further from the roof. Because this is New York City, if an attack is going to happen, it's most likely going to happen here. By having all the armed guards and cameras, the team is at least able to catch whatever is going down, before it happens, and hopefully prevent a massive nightmare."

"Yeah, that totally makes sense." Sookie said as Lorelai knocked on the clinic door. "I don't see any lights on."

"Yeah, me either. Hey Chuck?" Lorelai said as a security guard was passing by them.

"Oh, hey Lorelai! Nice to see you!"

"It's nice to see you too. Do you know if Logan is down here? Or if anyone is in the clinic?"

"Not that I know of. Let me find out." Chuck said as he reached for his microphone.

"Does anyone happen to know where Logan Huntzberger is, or if there is anyone in the clinic? Lorelai is here looking for him . . . Alright, thank you . . . Logan is with Rory in her office. The clinic door is alarmed, so there is no one inside. Would you like me to escort you upstairs?"

"No thank you, I know the way. Thanks for the help Chuck."

"No problem. Have a great day Miss Lorelai." Chuck smiled, then headed on his way.

"Wow, people know you here!" Sookie said, completely shocked by how well known Lorelai was.

"Only since Monday. I only knew a couple people before then."

"Really? So you're telling me that in the last few days, you've befriended the entire security team?"

"Not the entire team. Just a lot of them."


"Hey, I needed help, and they're all really beefy. It was pretty fun to watch." Lorelai told her as they headed for the elevators.

"I'm sure it was. You seem to have this place completely wired."

"Carlos was telling us that things used to be pretty different here before Rory and Logan took over. Mitchum wasn't at all as friendly and accommodating as Rory and Logan are. He said that from the second they spotted Mitchum's car pulling into the parking garage, the alert would go out about him being on the premises, and people would scatter like roaches to avoid him. But now that he's gone, and Rory and Logan have taken over, that never happens anymore. They've even stopped alerting anyone that they are here because no one even bats an eyelash. The only one that gets the alert, is Rory's assistant, and even he doesn't care most of the time."

"Wow, that's crazy! But hey, it tells you what an amazing job you did in raising Rory." Sookie said as they stepped into the elevator.

"Yep, so amazing that it takes her at least 30 minutes for her to get from the parking garage, to her office, because everyone stops her to say hi, and to chat."

"Wow! That definitely sounds like Rory. You have to scan your badge for the elevator too?" Sookie asked, watching as Lorelai swiped her badge, then pressed the button for Rory's floor.

"Just to get to Rory's office. The elevator opens right onto the main floor, so there isn't any door blocking her off from anyone."

"What did you have to do to get the badge?"

"I had to give them my ID and thumbprint."


"I stopped asking questions a few months ago."

"Probably smart." Sookie agreed as the elevator doors opened, and they stepped out onto the busy 15th floor. "Wow, it's pretty up here!"

"Hi Miss Lorelai!" a lady greeted as she bypassed the duo on her way through the office.

"Hey Lorelai." Doyle said, looking up from where he was talking to another employee. "They're in Rory's office. You can go right in."

"Thanks Doyle!" Lorelai smiled as she headed across the floor to the far wall where they saw Rory working through a window. Lorelai gently knocked on the door, before turning the knob to let herself in. "Hey guys, I found a lost puppy, can I keep her? Can I can I?"

"Sookie!!!" Rory cheered, pushing herself up out of her chair as both Lorelai and Sookiei entered her office.

"Hey kiddo! I love your office!" Sookie said walking around the desk to give Rory a hug. "Wow, look at that baby bump! Can I touch it?"

"Only because you're you." Rory agreed.

"Hi there sweet girl! I'm your Auntie Sookie! I can't wait for you to come out and play with me! Are you feeling any little kicks yet?"

"I am, but nothing that's been able to be felt from the outside. She'sbeen a little quiet this morning though."

"She's probably still sleeping. My kids never really woke up until around lunch time."

"That seems to be about right for Ayribella. She likes food. Or at least she does most of the time. She still likes to make me throw up a lot."

"That's life with a little girl." Sookie chuckled. "Nausea and acne are their favorite curses."

"Where's Logan?" Lorelai asked.

"On the phone out on the balcony. He doesn't like to yell at people in front of me."

"I can definitely understand that one."

"Mrs. Huntzberger?" a voice said, as the intercom kicked on.

"Yes?" Rory answered.

"There is an inspector here for the clinic."

"Thank you, we'll be right down."

"I'll disarm the door."

"You guys can leave your things up here if you'd like. I'll take you downstairs, and show you where everything is going to be, and then you can set things up however you want." Rory said as she walked through her office to the balcony door. "Logan, there is an inspector here."

"Who is he talking to?" Lorelai asked.

"I have no idea. I didn't ask. Maybe Jake, from State Farm."

"I hear she sounds hideous." Sookie chuckled

"Well he should, because he's a man." Lorelai chimed in.

"Hey Jake from State Farm, what are you wearing?"

"Uh, khakis and a red shirt." Lorelai bantered with her friend.

"I love you guys!" Rory laughed. "I miss this!"

"No way!" Sookie said as Logan walked in the door.

"Hey guys!" Logan greeted them.

"Rory, I didn't know that Logan is really Jake, from State Farm." Sookie said between fits of laughter.

"What?!?" Logan asked, giving his wife a confused look.

"Mom asked who you were talking to, and I told her that I didn't know. Maybe Jake, from State Farm. They were mimicking the state farm commercial, and you just walked in wearing khakis and a red shirt. Don't be surprised if they walk around calling you 'Jake from State Farm' all day."

"Oh geez! I'm almost sorry I asked."

"Hey Jake from State Farm, has anyone ever told you that you look an awful lot like my daughter's husband?" Lorelai asked.

"You're hilarious! Hey Ace, do you think I need a tie for the inspection?"

"Why would you need a tie?" Sookie asked.

"I don't know. Would it be more professional?"

"I think you look fine."

"Come on Jake, from State Farm." Lorelai said as she set her purse down on the couch, and tossed her coat on top of it, then headed out of the office.

"They're not going to let me hear the end of this, are they?" Logan asked, reaching for Rory's hand as they began to follow Lorelai.

"I would probably change your shirt."

"You said that you liked what I'm wearing when I put it on this morning."

"I do like it. It looks great on you. I'm just giving you a way to make my mom stop calling you Jake from State Farm."

"I'll text Honor and have her grab me something."

"That's a good idea. But just for the record, you are way hotter than Jake from State Farm."

"Good to know." Logan said, kissing his wife as they stepped into the elevator where Doyle was standing holding the door open.

"Hey Doyle, I didn't know that Jake from State Farm works here." Lorelai joked as the door closed.

"What are you talking about?" Doyle asked.

"How does he not get it?"

"Doyle, have you seen the State Farm commercials?" Rory asked.

"Probably, but I don't watch much tv. I'm always either working or playing with the twins."

"Hey Jake from State Farm, what are you wearing?" Lorelai asked.

"Uh, khakis and a red shirt." Sookie recited, pointing at Logan's clothing.

"Oh, ok. I get it." Doyle told them.

"How are you not laughing? It's hilarious!" Lorelai told him.

"Logan isn't laughing either."

"Only because he's the one being picked on."

"I'll call Honor." Rory said as the elevator doors opened, and the group stepped out into the lobby, and headed for the clinic.

"Thank you. Tell her that I'm desperate."

"Hey Rory! I'm getting ready to leave my house right now." Honor said, answering her phone.

"Honor, I need a favor."

"Name it."

"Would you mind going across the street, and grabbing Logan a dress shirt from our closet?"

"Sure! Did he spill something all over his?"

"No, but I'm sure he's wanting to right now. He's wearing a red long sleeved polo with khaki pants, and my Mom is calling him Jake from State Farm."

"Oh geez! I'll definitely grab him a different color. Is there anything else that you need?"

"Just donuts, but I can have those delivered from around the corner."

"That sounds really good! Get me something fruit filled. Like raspberry."

"Will do. Thanks Honor."

"You are so welcome. I'll see you soon." she said ending the call.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Huntzberger." Logan said as the group stepped up to the clinic door to see two men standing with one of the HPG security officers.

"Doctor Huntzberger, it's nice to meet you. My name is Marshall Sandberg, and I am here from the New York State Medical Board." One of the men introduced himself, holding a hand out for Logan to shake.

"I am Stephan Stevens from New York County." the second man introduced himself.

"It is very nice to meet you both. Thank you so much for coming out today." Logan said as he shook the man's hand.

"Doctor Huntzberger, we've already checked IDs, and distributed visitors passes. They are good to go." the security officer spoke up.

"Thank you Dave. Is this door alarmed?"

"No Sir. It's been disarmed."

"Excellent! Thank you so much for your diligence. Please let me know when the other inspectors arrive."

"Will do Doctor Huntzberger."

"Everyone is so respectful here." Sookie commented as Logan unlocked the door by scanning his security badge, then opened the door, and held it for everyone to enter.

"Mr. Sandberg, Mr. Stevens, this is my wife, Rory Huntzberger. She is the CEO here at the Huntzberger Publishing Group."

"Mrs. Huntzberger, it is a pleasure to meet you." Mr. Stevens said as he shook Rory's hand, with Mr. Sandberg following suit.

"And this is Lorelai Danes, and Sookie Bellville of the Dragonfly Inn in Stars Hollow, Connecticut. They are organizing and catering our grand opening event tomorrow."

"It is nice to meet you both." Mr. Sandberg said, nodding in Lorelai and Sookie's direction.

"And this is my assistant, Doyle McMaster. He's going to be helping out with your inspection today. Anything that you need, please don't hesitate to let him know." Rory said, introducing Doyle to the inspectors. "If you gentlemen will excuse me, I am going to go work with the ladies on tomorrow's event."

"I'll text you." Logan said, placing a kiss on Rory's cheek.

"Ok." Rory smiled, then turned and headed out of the office with Lorelai and Sookie following behind her. Rory headed right for the security desk at the front door. "Hey James, would you mind calling Carlos for me, and letting him know that I need access to the press room, large conference room, and the event room with the adjoining kitchen, please?"

"No problem Mrs. Huntzberger." James said reaching for his microphone.

"Thank you so much!" Rory smiled, then walked away, and headed across the lobby.

"This building is beautiful!" Sookie said, looking around as they walked.

"It's a little more grandiose than I normally like, but it's not so bad." Rory agreed. "I kind of want to redecorate."

"That would be so fun!" Lorelai told her.

"Maybe I should hire Grandma to do it."

"Your Grandmother would enjoy that way too much!"

"You're probably right. Crap, I forgot to call Cassandra!"

"Who is Cassandra?"

"She's the HPG Events Coordinator that I completely bypassed to have you guys plan the Grand Opening. But she's the one with the access to all of the furnishings and equipment that you guys need." Rory explained as she reached into her back pocket to get her phone, and quickly pulled up the number she needed. "Hey Cassandra, it's Rory. The ladies from the Dragonfly Inn are here to set up for tomorrow . . . Yes, we are outside the press room, waiting for Carlos to open everything . . . Alright, thank you." Rory said, then ended the call. "She'll be down in a moment."

"So you have your own event crew that you basically stole work away from to give it to us?" Lorelai asked.

"What can I say, I like you guys better. Plus, Sookie's cooking is WAY better than anything they've ever had at any HPG party."

"Plus, it's Logan's birthday, and you don't trust anyone else to not completely screw it all up."

"That too."

"Well we are honored to work with you!" Sookie told her.

"Hey ladies." Carlos said, as he approached the trio. "I brought 4 access cards. Who needs them?"

"Definitely the two of them." Rory answered.

"Here you go. And here is one for you as well. Is Cassandra helping you at all?"

"Technically. I kind of accidentally by passed her for this."

"Well her crew will need a card as well. I'm being called away, but you've got access to the rooms, so let me know if there is anything else that you need."

"We will. Thank Carlos." Rory said as she took the cards, handing one to her mom, and one to Sookie, then opened to door to the press room. "Alright, so I have no idea what you guys want to do with these rooms, but it's all you. I'm guessing you've got supplies in your car?"

"We do." Lorelai confirmed. And everything we didn't need right away, and couldn't fit into the car, Luke is bringing up later this afternoon."

"I'm thinking right now we need to start by getting the tables set up."Sookie told them. "I have cooking crews going at both your house and Honor's right now, so the food is already going. We just need to get everything set up here, so we have somewhere to put it all in the morning."

* ~ * ~ * ~ * 2 hours later * ~* ~ * ~ *

"Hello Sir, welcome to the Huntzberger Publishing Group." the woman at the reception desk said, seeing a tall man standing in front of her.

"Hi, I'm looking for Carlos Reyes. I was told that I could find him here."

"Yes Sir, let me call him for you. Can I give him your name?"

"Dwayne Johnson."

"Just one moment please." the lady said as she reached for the phone. "Hi Carlos, I have a gentleman by the name of Dwayne Johnson waiting for you at reception . . . Yes Sir, I'll let him know . . .Mr. Johnson, if you would like to take a seat, Mr. Reyes will be right out."

"Thank you Ma'am! You have a wonderful day!"

"Hey Dwayne! It's great to see you!" Carlos said, approaching his friend a moment later.

"Hey Buddy. I had a break from filming for the afternoon, so I thought I would come drop by with some autographs for your friends. I'm so sorry about the other day. I didn't know I would be called back to the set so soon."

"It's not a problem at all, don't even worry about it. Do you have a few minutes? You can give them the autographs yourself if you'd like."

"Sure, of course! That would be great!"

"Awesome! Right this way. They are going to be super excited to see you." Carlos said as he lead his friend through the lobby to the conference rooms. "Excuse me, ladies? I have someone here that would like to say hi to you."

"Hey Carlos, come on in." Rory said as she looked up from the table she was working at. "Oh holy crap! Hey Mom?!"

"Yeah, what's up?" Lorelai called from across the room where she was putting up decorations with Sookie.

"Mom, you might want to stop what you are doing, and come over here." Rory said as she got up from her seat.

"Lorelai, Lorelai Lorelai!!!" Sookie said excitedly, pointing across the room.

"What the heck has suddenly gotten into you?" Lorelai asked as she stepped down from the ladder she had been standing on, and turned toward where her friend was pointing. "No freaking way!!!"

"Hey ladies! How are you?" Dwayne asked.

"My friend Dwayne here just stopped by with some autographs, and I thought I would bring him in to say hi." Carlos told them. "Dwayne, this is Rory Huntzberger, she is the CEO here at HPG, and this is her mother Lorelai and friend Sookie. Ladies, this is my good friend Dwayne Johnson."

"Hi Mr. Johnson, it's a pleasure to meet you." Rory said stepping up to the men and holding her hand out to shake his. "Welcome to HPG."

"It's very nice to meet you, Rory right?"

"Yes, that is correct. Thank you so much for coming by. We are big fans of yours. Especially my Mom."

"Holy crap, I can't believe I'm actually meeting The Rock!" Lorelai said excitedly as she stepped up next to Rory with Sookie. "Hi I'm Lorelai. Can I call you Rock?"

"Sure, if that's what you'd like. Or you can just call me Dwayne. It's great to meet you Lorelai. I am so sorry I couldn't do more than wave the other day when I saw you guys. I had to get back to filming."

"No, don't be sorry, it's totally ok! You're a very busy man!"

"Hi, I'm Sookie!" Sookie smiled, offering her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir."

"Hello Sookie. What a unique name."

"Well thank you!"

"It looks like you ladies are setting up for a party here."

"Kind of." Rory agreed. "We are opening an employee medical clinic, and we have all the grand opening events tomorrow. It's also my husband's birthday, so we are kind of celebrating two big events at the same time."

"An employee medical clinic?"

"Yes, we've partnered with Columbia University and their hospital, Columbia Presbyterian to open a medical clinic right here in our building, where both our employees, as well as University and hospital employees can come receive medical treatment for a lower cost than they would be able to elsewhere."

"That sounds awesome! Where is the clinic located?"

"Right here in this building, on the other side of the lobby. I can give you a tour, if you'd like."

"That would be great, I would love one!" Dwayne told her.

"Wonderful! Just follow me, we'll go right now." Rory smiled, beckoning everyone to follow her. "Hey Logan?" Rory called as she opened the door to the clinic a moment later.

"What's up?" Logan asked, walking out of the back office. "Oh holy crap!"

"Logan, this is Dwayne Johnson. Dwayne, this is my husband, Doctor Logan Huntzberger. He'll be running our clinic."

"Doctor Huntzberger, it is a pleasure to meet you, Sir." Dwayne said holding his hand out toward Logan.

"Hello! Wow! We are all fans of yours. Thank you so much for coming by today!" Logan said as he shook hands with The Rock.

"Dwayne is a friend of mine and stopped by to drop off some autographs, so I thought I'd give him a chance to say hi to everyone, and Rory offered him a tour of your new clinic." Carlos explained.

"Yes! Definitely! Come on in!" Logan agreed. "We are still getting everything set up for our grand opening festivities tomorrow, and waiting on a few more inspections today, but I can definitely give you a tour."

"How long have you been a doctor?" Dwayne asked.

"A few years now. I graduated from Yale University with my BA in journalism, worked for a tech start up in California for about 6 months, then left to go to medical school here in New York at Columbia. I got my PhD in Immunology and Genetics, and my MD in Internal Medicine."

"Wow, that is impressive! Where were you working before you opened the office here?"

"I've been working as an emergency room physician at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, where I completed my residency."

"So you've pretty much seen it all then."

"Pretty much." Logan chuckled. "I'm going to miss it, but this clinic is an extension of the hospital because of our partnership with them, so I can go back to help whenever they need me, or if I get bored and want something to fill some time."

"How did you manage to partner with the hospital?"

"I basically just went to my boss and presented them with an offer that they couldn't refuse. It was the perfect opportunity for them to expand their services, and give employees of the hospital and the university easier and more affordable access to medical care. It directly benefits both companies. We are offering all of our employees lower cost co-pays than they would find going elsewhere, and we are also giving them medical treatment while remaining on the clock and receiving a paycheck. We had a scheduling application added to our computer system, so each employee can schedule an appointment right from their desk, and then an alert comes right to my phone as the appointment is added to my calendar."

"That is very impressive! So is it only employees that have access to this clinic, or is it open to the community as well?"

"It will only be employees of HPG, the hospital, and Columbia University, as well as their family members covered under the company provided insurance policy."

"So I can't come in here if I get hurt on set then."

"Technically, no, but I'm willing to make an exception and treat you free of charge at any time. You can come by any time you need anything, and I'll take care of you."

"You are very kind, thank you." Dwayne told him. "This office looks great! I love the color scheme you chose."

"Come on in, let me give you a little tour." Logan told him, stepping back to lead a tour through the office.

"Your husband is giving The Rock a tour of his office." Lorelai whispered as Rory took a seat in one of the chairs in the small waiting room.

"I know! Did you see the look on his face when we walked in the door?"

"Definitely better than the look on Lorelai's face." Sookie chuckled.

"Logan has met several famous people before, so he's usually pretty cool about it, but he was definitely surprised." Rory agreed.

"Do you think he'll let us take pictures with him?" Sookie asked.

"I don't know. I'm guessing probably since he came over to bring autographs. You can ask him."

"I can't believe that I just met Dwayne The Rock Johnson!" Lorelai said excitedly. "This is the coolest day of my life!""

"Carlos did say that he would hook you up."

"And he totally came through!"

"Rory, you officially have the coolest job in the world!" Sookie said as she took a seat next to Rory.

"It's definitely been pretty cool thus far. I get to travel, meet cool people, and being the boss I pretty much have the freedom to do whatever I want to."

"I am so proud of you Sweetheart! You've come a long way, and done very well for yourself."

"Thankyou Sookie! That means a lot to me. I couldn't have done any of this without both of you always being there for me. You've always been my second Mother, and I really appreciate everything you've done for me over the years."

"You are so welcome Sweetie! I feel like you are one of my own kids too."

"Alright, no tears today." Lorelai said interrupting the conversation as she saw Rory getting emotional. "Rory has had too many crazy pregnancy cries this week.

"You can definitely say that again." Rory chuckled as Honor walked in the door.

"I am so sorry it took me so long to get here, I forgot that Dad had a video therapy session with mom this morning, and it ran longer than it was supposed to. But I remembered to grab Logan's shirt." Honor said holding up the black clothing bag in her hand.

"Hey Honor, he's in the back giving a tour. You should head back there." Lorelai told her.

"Um, ok?" Honor said looking between the women. "I feel like I just walked into something."

"There's someone here that you're going to love." Sookie spoke up.

"Ok, but really fast, Dad wants to come to the opening tomorrow, and Mom wants to watch it on video conference."

"I'm ok with the video conference, but you'll have to talk to Logan about your Dad coming. I'm not too sure how he'll feel about that one." Rory told her.

"I actually need your help with that because there is a really good reason for it. I can't tell you what it is, but I need for Dad to be here. We can take whatever precautions Logan insists on, but Dad needs to be able to be here. It's Logan's birthday, and the launch of his private medical practice. It's a really big day for our family, and we really should all be together for it."

"Ok, I'm on board. I'll help you with Logan."

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!" Honor cheered excitedly.

"It's a small office, but we don't need it to be any bigger. Three exam rooms should be more than enough considering it's just for employees." Logan said as he led the tour back to the waiting room. "And my sister has arrived. Dwayne, this is my sister Honor. Honor, this is Dwayne Johnson."

"Holy cow!!! It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Johnson!"

"Please, call me Dwayne. The pleasure is all mine." Dwayne said as he shook Honor's hand. "This office is incredible! But it needs one thing."

"What's that?" Logan asked.

"It needs a picture. Let's get some pictures together that you can hang up on the wall here. You'll have the official Dwayne Johnson seal of approval right here on your wall." Dwayne said pointing to the wall by the reception desk.

"I love it!" Lorelai cheered.

"That is a great idea!" Logan agreed. "I'll have it printed and put up today."

"I've got my phone." Honor said excitedly.

"Logan, let's get one of you and I together, and then we'll get one with your beautiful wife." Dwayne told him, setting the pictures in his hand on the counter next to them.

"That sounds great!" Logan agreed, posing for pictures with Dwayne.

"Thank you so much for coming by Dwayne! It was a pleasure to meet you." Lorelai said a few minutes later, after they had all finished taking pictures together.

"You are all very welcome. I'm glad I got to meet all of you. Thank you so much for the tour. This clinic is amazing! Congratulations to you Dr. Huntzberger! And happy birthday. It's tomorrow, right?"

"Thank you! It is tomorrow." Logan told him.

"You're welcome! A little birdie mentioned it when she brought me in. These pictures are for you guys. I need to get back to set, but thank you so much for allowing me to come by unannounced." Dwayne said handing the stack of pictures he brought over to Logan.

"Thank you for coming by. You are welcome here any time. Feel free to drop by if you're in the neighborhood." Rory told him.

"And if you ever need a doctor, please don't hesitate to let me know." Logan told him.

"You are very kind, thank you. Carlos, it was great to see you again, brother. Let's keep in touch."

"Most definitely. Thank you so much for coming by today. I'll walk you out." Carlos said as he gave his friend a manly hug, then led him out of the office.

"Seriously, best day ever!!!" Lorelai said excitedly as the door closed. "Like ever!"

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