A Different Kind Of Life

Door DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 53

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Door DreamzOfGold

"What the hell took so long?!" Logan asked as Collin walked into the clinic office where he was unpacking boxes with Rory.

"He's still not gone yet."

"Are you freaking kidding me!?!" Rory asked.

"You weren't kidding about him being a disrespectful prick!"

"So where is he now?" Logan asked.

"There are 4 of our security officers and 2 from NYPD escorting him out."

"Under different circumstances that would be a photo opp."

"Right?!" Collin laughed. "What am I supposed to be helping you with?"

"Everything! We have a furniture delivery coming, and more office supplies."

"My mom and Dad are on their way."

"You pulled the Daddy card to get him to bring his tool box and put everything together for you."

"Well duh! Who did you think was going to put everything together? Certainly NOT the two of you!"

"Hey, I know how to build furniture!" Collin protested.

"Of course you do! You know how to hire a handyman!"


"I would offer to call stooge number 3 to come help, but Doyle reminded us earlier that with OSHA coming for an inspection at any time, we could be completely shut down for drinking while at work, so we need to keep the alcohol out of the building."

"I would definitely advise that. OSHA is a hard fight to win. When are they supposed to be coming?"

"Thursday. But Doyle said they tend to show up whenever they want to."

"Which probably means they'll be here sometime mid-day Wednesday, if not tomorrow."

"Great! Something to look forward to."

"It's actually good news. If they show up tomorrow, they'll do a preliminary inspection and tell you everything that is wrong with the office, and everything that needs to be fixed, then schedule a time to come back Thursday to do a final inspection. Then on Thursday, they'll show up 2 hours early. But at least you'll know exactly what needs to be fixed, and none of the stuff on the preliminary inspection will actually count against you unless it's one of their extreme no no items, in which case you are completely screwed no matter what you do."

"Do you have a copy of that list?"

"I do actually. I'll have it faxed over." Collin said as he reached into his pocket for his cell phone. "Hey, it looks like your jailbird is coming out."

"Someone help me up!" Rory said holding her hands out for one of the guys to help her up from her spot on the floor. Logan pulled his wife up, then followed her to the clinic door where they watched Sylvester being escorted out of the building.

"Carlos! Follow him out of the parking garage." Logan said as the security team passed by the office door. "I want to make sure he's completely gone, and off the property."

"I'm on it."

"Doctor Huntzberger, here is Mr. Huntzberger's company ID and security card." one of the other security officers said, holding the two cards out for Logan.

"Will you give them to Doyle for me? Have him put them on Rory's desk."

"No problem, Sir."

"Thank you for your help today, James."

"You actually know my name?" the security officer asked, completely surprised that Logan had used his name.

"I'm not my Dad. I make it a point to know everyone in this building. You've also been here for several years."

"I had no idea that you knew any of that."

"I make it a point know who everyone is. Especially the valuable employees. Thank you for everything that you do for us."

"You are very welcome Sir. Thank you and your wife for being so gracious."

"It's our pleasure. Hey, would you mind sending Carlos in to see me when he has a few minutes?"

"I'd be happy to. I'll track him down right now." James said, reaching for his radio microphone that was clipped to his security jacket. "Carlos, what is your location? Alright, Doctor Huntzberger asked for you to stop by the clinic office to speak with him when you have a free moment . . . Thanks, I'll let him know." James answered. "Carlos will be right out. He's in the camera office watching as the police get Mr. Huntzberger off the grounds."

"Thanks James. Oh, Rory's Dad is on his way here with his tool box to help us build furniture. Please don't let anyone give him a hard time and insist on searching his tools. Just wave him and Lorelai through, and send them in here."

"Rory's Mom is coming?"

"Yes, both her Mom and Dad."

"Rory's mother is gorgeous! All the guys think so."

"Yes, she is. Rory definitely has some great genes." Logan smiled.

"I'll send them in when they get here. If you guys need extra help, I'm pretty good at doing furniture assembly. I'm happy to help."

"I'll let Carlos know that he's free to send you in if he doesn't need you. Thank you James."

"You're welcome, Sir." James said, then walked away, and went back to doing his job.

"Oh James, one more thing . . ."

"Yes Sir?"

"I know there is a movie shooting in the area. This week, if you happen to see Dwayne Johnson shooting nearby, and Lorelai is here, see if you can convince him to come say hi. Lorelai will love you forever!"

"Lorelai is a Rock fan?"

"She calls him her boyfriend."

"I'll see what I can do."

"I appreciate it."

"I need donuts." Rory announced as she headed back inside the office with Logan.

"So go get some." Collin told her.

"Excuse me, what?"

"If you want donuts, go get them. There's a shop around the corner."

"Collin, she's pregnant. Did you really just say that to her?" Logan asked, seeing the look on his wife's face.

"Rory, I'm sorry. You know my smart ass mouth. I didn't mean it like it came out. I'm just an asshole." Collin apologized.

"You really are." Rory agreed, pulling her phone out of her back pocket. "Hey Doyle? I need a preggo favor. Collin is an asshole!"

"What do you need?" Doyle asked.


"I'm on it. Give me a few minutes, ok?"

"I love you Doyle. You're my favorite person in the entire world!" Rory said shooting a look at Collin.

"Tell Doyle he can take my card." Collin spoke up.

"Doyle has a company card." Logan told him. "And I heard that you are buying lunch."

"That works."

"We also have an account with the donut shop."

"That's probably smart."

"Hey Babe, do you think the donut shop will deliver for us?" Rory asked.

"They might. We can always ask. The worst thing they can tell us, is no."

"Hey Doyle, while you're there, ask them if we can get delivery."

"That's a great idea. I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you! You're the greatest!" she chirped as she ended the call, and went back to where she was unpacking a box on the floor.

"Rory, would you like a chair? I'm sure we can get you one."

"Thanks, but I'm ok right now. There is a ton of furniture being delivered, and I don't want anything extra in the way, or for anything to get confused with clinic stuff and lost."

"I already tried to get her to sit somewhere more comfortable." Logan told him.

"Hey Collin?"


"You're coming on Friday, right?"

"Of course I am! And I'll be here Thursday to help out with the inspections."

"What about Stephanie?"

"Valerie is going to Grandma's house Wednesday night, so we are all yours for whatever you need."

"Oh, that's awesome! We have so much to do this week, it's' crazy!"

"Do you want me to call Finn and Robert to come help?"

"I don't know . . . Do you think they'll actually help, or do you think they'll mess around?"

"They'll mess around. I wouldn't bother. Luke is on his way. We'll be fine." Logan told her.

"Doctor Huntzberger, you have a delivery." James said walking into the office carrying a large box.

"Thanks James. Let's open this side door, and everything can come indirectly from the street rather than being carried through the building."

"Give me a second before you open it, I need to verify the alarm is off." James said reaching for his microphone controller again. "Camera office, I need access to the exterior clinic door. Yes, go ahead and disable the alarm. There are deliveries coming through. Thank you, I'll let you know when it can be rearmed."

"Such a high tech business you have here." Collin said as he stood watching James.

"Comes with the billion dollar company." Logan shrugged.

"You had no idea the door was alarmed." Rory told him.

"None at all!" Logan chuckled as James unlocked the door, and pushed it open.

"Any door that isn't open with security standing next to it, is alarmed."

"How do you know?"

"Because Carlos told me that when I first took over this place."

"So what you're telling me is that the clinic will have its own security for this door?"

"If you're going to have it open, my guess is yes."

"It's probably safer to have everyone go through the metal detectors."

"That would be why we have them. Hey Carlos? Can I get a couple security badges?" Rory asked as the head of security walked through the door.

"Sure, who do you need?"

"My Mom and Dad are coming to help with everything this week. I was just thinking that it might be easier to just give them their own badge."

"What about me?" Collin asked.

"No, I don't like you."

"Mr. McCrae, we all know you." Carlos told him.

"Collin can have one too."

"Collin, I can get you one right away. Rory, let me know when your parents get here, and I'll take them to get pictures and thumb prints. Is that all you guys need?"

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about Friday." Logan spoke up.

"Sure. What can I do for you? I have us fully staffed for all day Friday, and an extra outside security team coming to help with crowd control."

"I just want to be sure that we are ready for complete chaos. This is the first event we've had since Rory and I took over, and this is really the first time that everyone will know that Rory is pregnant. We obviously can't really hide it anymore now that she's showing."

"It doesn't exactly look like just a food baby anymore." Rory laughed, placing her hands on her growing stomach.

"I have a feeling that things are going to get just as insane as they did when we first took over, and then got married."

"No problem, I'll take care of it. Everything will be fine. You guys have nothing to worry about." Carlos assured them. "Would you like security added to your home?"

"We live in a gated community."

"Like that makes a difference." Carlos chuckled. "Get me the information for your HOA, and I'll take care of everything."

"I think my sister might be on the board."

"Would you like me to call her?"

"Do it." Collin told him. "Mitchum lives with Honor, so you'll definitely need to beef up the neighborhood.

"I hate having security following me around." Logan told them.

"I'll instruct everyone to try to be more discrete. Well take it day by day. Once things calm down, and go back to normal, we'll dial back the protection. But I do think it's best, for the safety of your wife and child, to add extra protection." Carlos told him.

"My sister is pregnant too."

"So we'll add protection for her, and Mr. Rothschild as well. I'll take care of everything."

"And I need security at my parents' house in Hartford as well. No one has been living there in months, but I have a cleaning crew coming once a week, and the alarm company is keeping an eye on the cameras."

"I'll send a team there as well. Do you think Rory's parents need anyone?"

"My parents live in a super tiny town. They were just fine last time, I'm pretty sure they'll be fine this time too. Plus, they'll be with us through the weekend." Rory told him.

"Let me know if that changes."

"I will. Thank you Carlos."

"I'm sending someone to keep an eye on this door while it's open."

"Thanks Carlos." Logan said as Carlos left the office, and radioed for another security officer to man the open office door.

"Damn this place is fancy!" Collin chuckled. "You basically have your own secret service."

"Except that they don't have machine guns." Rory told him.

"But they could!"

"Carlos gives the roof crew sniper rifles for events."

"Even if the events aren't ours." Logan confirmed. "Any nearby events, and our crew gets sniper rifles, just in case."

"I always wanted a sniper rifle. Can I come play security detail for you guys one day?"

"No offense Collin, but every one of our security guys is twice your size."

"Hey, I've tried to bulk up. It's not my fault I was born this way."

"If it makes you feel any better, Logan isn't getting any bigger either."

"I'm almost twice as big as Collin though." Logan laughed.

"This is true." Rory agreed.

"It never mattered how much Collin worked out, or even ate. He never gains weight. He's like you. He can shovel food and alcohol into his hollow leg, and never gain an ounce."

"What can I say, it's a talent!" Rory said with a shrug.

"Rory has only gained 5 pounds so far, and she's almost halfway through her pregnancy."

"Stephanie is going to completely hate you! She gained like 50 pounds, and twenty of it was right away." Collin told them.

"Stephanie knows that I take after my mom though, so she probably expects me to not gain anything."

"Good point." Collin agreed as large boxes started coming through the door.

"Where do you want these?" one of the delivery guys asked.

"Doesn't matter, pick a place." Logan told him.

*~ * ~ * ~ * 2 Hours Later * ~ * ~* ~ *

"Loin Fruit!!!" Lorelai cheered as she walked through the door to the clinic, and saw her daughter sitting on the floor in the corner, surrounded by boxes.

"Hey Mom!"

"Do you need help getting up? Which one of these evil boys made you sit in the corner? And on the floor?"

"Hey, she chose that spot herself!" Collin defended himself, giving Lorelai a quick hug.

"Hey Collin. It's nice to see you again."

"You too Lorelai."

"Hey, if you help me up, we'll take a quick field trip." Rory said holding her arms out toward Lorelai.

"A field trip? I hope we're going somewhere fun!"

"We are going to the security office to get you and Dad finger printed and photographed."


"Because I decided that it was time you two had your own security badges."

"So after all these years, we've finally earned your trust?"

"Something like that." Rory said as Lorelai helped her up. "Thanks for coming Dad. I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem Sweetie. I'm happy to help." Luke said as Rory gave him a hug.

"You really have grown in the last few weeks." Lorelai said as she reached her hand out to rub Rory's stomach.

"I told you so!"

"Hi baby girl! It's Nana and Pappa! We love you! Luke, say hi to your granddaughter."

"Hi Ayribella. You sure are growing in there." Luke said quickly rubbing Rory's stomach as instructed.

"She's getting bigger every day." Lorelai said excitedly.

"Logan, where do you want me to start?" Luke asked.

"Why don't you run to the security office with Rory, and then once you get your badges, you can come help me, and we'll send the girl to get us lunch."

"Good deal! We'll be back then." Lorelai said as Luke set his tool box down in the corner, then followed Rory out the door.

"Rory, April wanted me to ask you what time she needs to be here on Friday for Logan's party. She isn't sure she can make it for the office opening, but she's going to jump on the train right after school." Luke said as he followed Rory through the building.

"Whenever she can get here is fine. I'll have someone pick her up whenever she gets here."

"Is there anything else that you need for Logan's party?" Lorelai asked.

"I will call Stephanie while we go grab lunch. I actually don't know of anything, but we'll find out. I have Stephanie and Honor taking care of all of that for me."

"You didn't have to have your friends take care of Logan's party. I could have done it. I can handle more than one event at a time, you know?"

"I know that, but I didn't want to overwhelm you, or risk Logan finding out about it, so I had honor and Stephanie take over everything. But we are going to have a little problem."

"What's that?"

"The press is about to find out that I'm pregnant."

"So big paparazzi party then!"

"Pretty much! We are getting extra security though, so we should be ok." Rory said as she knocked on the door to the security office, which immediately opened.

"Hey Rory."

"Hey Carlos, you remember my parents, right?"

"I do. It's nice to see you both again." Carlos said shaking both of their hands.

"Hey Carlos, about the extra security this weekend . . . Logan's birthday is on Friday, and we are throwing him a surprise party."

"I  actually just talked to Mrs. Rothschild about that. You will have guards at the door, and throughout the property."

"Thank you. I'm sorry, I didn't want to say anything in front of Logan."

"It's ok, I completely understand. I will be there myself, just to make sure everything runs smoothly."

"You are amazing! Thank you!"

"It's my pleasure." Carlos told her. "Mrs. Danes, let's get your thumbprint registered. Come right over here." he said holding his arm out toward a machine in the corner of the office.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look like my boyfriend The Rock?" Lorelai asked.

"Did Rory tell you that The Rock is filming down the street all week?"

"She did not. She only told me that she saw him at the coffee shop this morning."

"Maybe you and I will have to talk a walk a little later."

"YES!!!" Lorelai said excitedly. "I would LOVE that!"

"I'll make a call and get everything arranged. Dwayne and I are old friends."

"You're lieing!"

"I'm not. I've known him for years. I used to be part of his security detail."

"No way! That is so cool! My partner at work has the goal of having Jennifer Lawrence come stay at our Inn next time she's in town."

"Well, why don't we go introduce you to Dwayne today, and maybe you can give him your card, and then he can come stay with you too."

"Oh my gosh, that would be amazing! Do you think that he would?"

"Yeah, definitely! I loved it when I stayed there last month.

"Oh that's right, you were at our Christmas party, weren't you?"

"I was. I wanted to say thank you before we left the next day, but you weren't there."

"Sorry, I was exhausted so I slept in that day."

"I don't blame you. You were there pretty late."

"Thank you so much for bringing your team in to help. We never needed security in the past, but all of a sudden our crazy town selectman decided that it was necessary, and I had no idea who to call."

"It's not a problem at all. I am happy to help. You can call me any time. In fact, if things get crazy for you with the pregnancy announcement this weekend, here is my personal cell phone number. You call me right away, ok? I'll get a full team out to your town." Carlos said as he handed Lorelai his business card.

"Do you really think that's necessary?" Luke asked.

"Luke, do you remember the pictures I showed you of the paparazzi when Rory's engagement happened?" Lorelai asked.

"Yeah, but that was at the Huntzberger mansion in Hartford."

"And they're married now."

"You never know with the paparazzi. I've learned to not underestimate them." Carlos told him. "Those camera guys are completely crazy. They would do just about anything to get the shot they're after. If they descend on your town, you call me, and I'll have a team there within an hour."

"Thank you Carlos." Lorelai smiled as she tucked the card into her purse.

"Alright Luke, let's get your thumbprint, then it's picture time for both of you."

"So random question." Rory started.

"What's that?" Carlos asked.

"Does the roof crew have rifles this week?"

"Every roof crew in the city has them. We aren't unique."

"So it's common to have sniper rifles on the roof?"

"This is New York City. If something is going to go down, it will most likely be here. The taller the building, the greater the risk of attack. However, having a roof crew gives us a good vantage point. Between and crew on the roof, and all of our cameras all over the place, we can see 100% of the building and neighborhood around us. I have 360 degree views of everything within about a mile radius of us. And from the roof, I can see further out."

"You guys have sniper rifles on the roof?" Lorelai asked in a shocked voice.

"Pretty much every skyscraper in the city has them. It became a common practice after 9/11."

"Were you here for that?" Rory asked.

"For 9/11? No, I wasn't. I'm not much older than you are. I was finishing up college when that happened, and going through the local police training academy where I lived in Los Angeles."

"You're from LA? Lorelai asked.

"I am. I grew up north of Hollywood."

"Is that where you met The Rock?"

"It is. After I finished the police training academy, I worked for the LAPD for two years before moving into private security."

"So you like doing private security better then?"

"I really do. It's more mellow, but also more entertaining. Literally. I don't have to deal with all the drama that the regular police deal with every day, and I get to be around bigger names, and go to a lot of fun events that I would never get to go near otherwise."

"When did you come to HPG?" Rory asked.

"I've been here for about five years, but I've only been head of security for the last two years."

"So personal opinion, who's a better boss, Mitchum or Rory?" Lorelai asked.

"This conversation doesn't leave this office . . ." Carlos chuckled. "I'll deny it ever happened. Definitely Rory!"

"I'm guessing everyone feels the same way." Luke commented.

"Pretty much. I've heard some grumblings, but they've all been from the older Huntzbergers who have been here since the beginning of the company, and don't like the younger generation much at all. But then again, most of them weren't particularly fond of Mitchum either. Having Rory and Logan in charge has been a breath of fresh air. Everyone around here is a lot more relaxed, and seems happier. One of my employees came to me a little while ago, completely shocked that Logan knows his name."

"Logan knows everybody's name." Rory told him. "I'm still learning, but I rely on name tags a lot. I know the important people. I think I know about half your crew."

"Mitchum didn't even know my name. He called my crew 'security guys'. Everyone of them he identified as 'one of your guys'."

"See ,I can at least read their names, and tell you who was involved in what."

"You and Logan make it a point to be polite to everyone. It takes you around a half hour to get from your car to your office because you stop to talk to everyone on your way. Mitchum never did that. People actually used to scatter before he walked into the building. As soon as his car hit the parking garage, one of my crew would announce his arrival over the radio, and the news spread like wildfire. It was like cockroaches scattering. I used to watch it on camera and just cringe. But with you guys, the announcement comes over the radio, and it's all smiles. No one drops anything they are doing unless they are rushing to talk to you about something. I've actually noticed the last few weeks, that my crew are the only ones who really care about your arrival anymore. I text Doyle to let him know that you've arrived on the property, but that is really the only announcement that goes out now."

"Which is why I was met at the elevator this morning." Rory mused.

"Do you want me to stop alerting him?"

"No, it's totally fine. I was just wondering how long he had been standing there waiting for me."

"I think it was only around 5 minutes. Can I ask you a question now?"


"Is there any news about when Mitchum will be coming back?"

"None. Mitchum is out until Logan and his team decide that he is fit to return. And if Logan and I have any say in it, he won't be back at all."

"That is the best news I've heard in months! Just in case something changes, will you let me know?"

"Of course! I'll be going out on maternity leave in May, but Logan will still be coming in every so often, and Doyle will of course be here. I'll be working from home a lot more."

"I will make sure to beef up your personal security when that happens."

"You take really good care of us."

"Well you've been a pleasure to work for. Alright, Luke and Lorelai, let's get these pictures done, so we can get you out of here."

"Carlos, do you happen to know what streets are blocked off right now? I need to figure out lunch."

"You can only go three blocks to the west. Everything is blocked off after that. They roped off about two miles in all directions."

"So we can't get to the Chinese place then?"


"That's the one."

"They're blocked off by the film set. The restaurant is being used as a holding area. I think they're helping with the catering."

"Lucky ducks! That place is amazing!" Lorelai commented.

"Polly's Deli is open and will deliver."

"Polly's delivers?" Rory asked.

"For me they do. My niece works there. If you want to go down there, I'll go with you and get them to set you up with an account."

"That would be great! I'll probably eat there a lot more if they'll deliver."

"Most places around here will deliver if you set up a corporate account."

"Good to know."

"Mitchum used to have burgers and steak delivered from Barney's."

"Luke's burgers are better."

"You make good burgers Luke?" Carlos asked.

"I have a restaurant in Stars Hollow." Luke answered.

"Luke's diner. It's amazing!" Lorelai told him. "Best coffee on the east coast!"

"Best everything!" Rory added. "Luke cooks for us whenever he comes to visit. My freezer is always full of his cooking. All I have to do is pick a meal and heat it up."

"That is awesome! You are here so much that I'm sure having meals ready to go is really helpful. Alright Luke, on the count of three . . . One, two, three." Carlos said as the camera flashed. "Lorelai, it's your turn. Switch places with Luke."

~ * ~ * ~ * Ten Minutes later –Huntzberger Clinic Office * ~ * ~ * ~ *

"Hey Logan, I don't have my purse down here, can I borrow your card?" Rory asked as she walked back into the clinic with her parents."

"What card?"

"Bank card, credit card, whatever."

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Mom and I are taking a walk down to Polly's with Carlos."

"It's January and twenty degrees outside. You're going to need your coat."

"Actually, I was hoping to borrow Collin's since it's sitting here. Collin, do you mind?"

"Rory, you can take mine." Luke said as he shrugged his coat off.

"That works! Thanks Daddy!" Rory smiled as Luke helped her get the coat on and zipped up.

"You're going to Polly's?" Logan asked.

"Carlos says his niece works there and they'll deliver for him, so he's going down with us to set up an account so we can get delivery too. He also said that most restaurants in the area will deliver if you setup a corporate account."

"Most places even not in the area will deliver for corporate accounts." Logan said as he handed over his black American Express card.

"You have a black AmEx?!" Lorelai asked.

"I've had it since I was like 15." he shrugged.

"Your life is so different."

"Carlos is going with you?"

"Yep. We're walking."

"Please be careful."

"I'll take good care of her. I promise!" Lorelai told him.

"Any requests?" Rory asked.

"Club sandwich and maybe some soup." Logan told her.


"Whatever is fine." Collin answered.

"Same for me." Luke told her. "You guys be safe."

"We will." Lorelai said as she linked her arm through Rory's.

"Are you ladies ready?" Carlos asked as he walked in the clinic door a moment later.

"Please be careful. Watch for patches of ice." Logan said giving Rory a kiss.

"I'll take care of them." Carlos told him.

"We'll be fine. We'll be back with food." Rory told him, then turned to head out of the office with her mom.

"We have one additional stop to make while we're out." Carlos said as the trio walked through the HPG doors, and stepped out onto the sidewalk.

"Where is that?" Lorelai asked.

"Well, a friend of mine is on a quick lunch break at the sushi place a block up from Polly's. I told him I would stop by to say hi real quick."

"Would this friend happen to look like you, but bald?"

"He might." Carlos answered. "You'll just have to wait to find out."

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