Pokémon Lockdown

By black_fox_otaku

134 8 3

Oh, hey there. I'm sure you have heard this little speech so many times before, welcoming you to the world of... More

Pokémon Lockdown Episode 1: Welcome to Solitaire City
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 2: Champion Cassie Maru
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 3: The Job
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 4: Battle with a Turf Leader
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 5: Two Rising Stars
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 6: High and Trippy
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 7: Struggle
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 8: Going to Nightcare
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 9: A Stimulating Battle
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 10: Advancing to the Next Level
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 11: The Makings of a Pokémon Trainer
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 12: Bonding Evolution
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 13: Turf War
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 14: Fair Game
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 15: Evo Island
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 16: The Pokémon Bonding Link Part 1
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 17: The Pokémon Bonding Link Part 2
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 18: The Pokémon Bonding Link Part 3
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 19: The Pokémon Bonding Link Part 4
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 20: An Appointment With the Mayor
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 21: Being Number One
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 22: 13X2
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 23: Fighting For a Purpose

Pokémon Lockdown Episode 24: Goodbye Solitaire City

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By black_fox_otaku


Gen would stare down Evolnort with a cold glare. While Evolnort smiles back as his Metagross protected him.


"Gen! Are you crazy? You shouldn't have done that."

But Gen was silent, not really listening to her words. Cassie couldn't help but notice the intense look in his eyes.




"Such an emotional response number 7. You always preform actions without thinking. I suppose number 13 had a bit of struggle pairing up with you."

Evolnort shakes his head. Dragonite would perform extreme speed to tackle Evolnort, but he was once again saved by his Metagross who guards against the hit.


"Cassie, you stay out of this."

Gen walks forward and releases Lucario to battle. Dragonite unleashed its powerful Dragon Rush, relentlessly assaulting Metagross as it maintained a vigilant defense. Metagross was taking heavy damage from the onslaught. With a sudden burst of strength, Metagross forcefully pushed Dragonite, creating a gap between the two. But would soon be hit on top of the head by an aura sphere from Lucario. Metagross would be knocked down, barely able to pick himself back up. Lucario would then come down hard on Metagross, slamming a light blue bone energy staff on its head. Lucario would then proceed to whale on Metagross with her rapid fired fist using close combat, beating Metagross mercilessly till it was no longer conscious.


"Gen, call Lucario off. It's over!"



Lucario would stop and get away from Metagross. The dents Lucario made on Metagross's head was easily seen. Gen would have his eyes stare at Evolnort.


"Simply remarkable. You were able to link with both of your pokémon simultaneously. My Metagross simply stood no chance. Excellent work number 7. I know my other pokémon stand no chance against you. I give up."

Evolnort smiles as he returned his pokémon. Gen would stay silent as his hair covers his face hiding his emotion.


"Lucario... Dragonite."

The two pokémon would then begin to charge up their attack. Dragonite open his mouth ready to fire another hyper beam, while Lucario creates a massive aura sphere.


(To Evolnort)

"The only thing you are going to give up is your life."


"Heh, I have no regrets. I have seen the results of my work at first hand."

Evolnort still smiled even at the face of his doom. Gen gritted his teeth as he simply hated the look of satisfaction on Evolnort's face. As soon as he was about to give his pokémon the command. Cassie stood in between them and Evolnort, stretching her arms out protecting the man. This surprises everyone making Dragonite and Lucario pull back from their attacks.


"You've done enough, Gen."

Cassie looks at him.


"What the hell do you think you're doing, Cassie?"


"Stopping you from doing something stupid. I get that he's a monster, but that doesn't mean you have to turn into one."


"You want this bastard to live after all the pain and suffering, he caused? Did you forget that he made this city a complete shithole, just so he could do some test on us?"


"Of course not. But killing him is not the way. Let him face his crimes and pay for his actions."


"His death is the ultimate payment for all the lives he took. Now this is my one and final warning. Move."

Gen gives Cassie a cold glare, as his mind was set on this.


"A challenge then. If you beat me in a one-on-one battle with only one pokémon. I won't get in your way of revenge. But if I win, you have to let justice take care of him properly."

Cassie made her demands, her voice stern and unwavering. Gen was silence as he continues to stare at Cassie.


"You can be such a pain in the ass, you know."

Gen shakes his head.


"Lucario, Dragonite, you two keep an eye on Evolnort. He makes a run for it, blast him off the roof."

Gen walked up to face Cassie. Gen then looks at Twil.


(To Twil)

"I'm sending you in for this. Let's just get this over as soon as possible."

The Twileon would hop off Gen's shoulder and face off against Cassie.


"I really don't want to fight you, Twil. You know we can't let Gen do this."

Twil stares at Cassie before taking her fighting position.


"You're just as dead set on this like him, huh?"

Cassie could tell the intention behind Twil's eyes. She then pulls out Quilava's pokéball.


"Well, then let's battle!"

Cassie releases Quilava, who would look surprise facing against Twil and Gen. Quilava looks at Cassie confused.


"Cyndi, I need your help on this. This is a fight we have to win."

With the bond that they had, Quilava quickly understood the situation and was ready to battle. The two rising star challengers that worked together were now against one another.


"We won't let anyone get in our way. Twil and I had made it this far. All we got to do is beat her."


""We won't let you become a killer, Gen. We got to save him."

Both pokémon understood the feelings of their trainers. Twil would make the first move, dashing at such a blistering speed that it was nearly impossible to keep up with. She moves from side to side to confuse Quilava. Then jumps up to go for an iron tail as her two tails begin to glow. Quilava would fire a smokescreen at the ground, quickly creating a big black smoke cloud that blinds Twil. Now in the black cloud Twil tries to locate Quilava that was hiding. Twil quickly opens her mouth to fire stars that fly up in the air. While doing that Quilava would come out of hiding to get close to Twil. He begins to charge up electricity to perform spark. But the stars soon quickly rain down fast and hit Quilava on the back before he could reach her. The cloud dissipates showing the two pokémon, with Quilava laying on the floor while Twil stood close holding a shadow ball in her mouth.


"This is pointless, Cassie. Just quit already so Quilava doesn't have to get hurt anymore."

Cassie would say nothing as she looks at Quilava. Quilava's tail begins to spark electricity. Twil would notice and quickly step back to avoid the set-up spark attack. Twil would then fire her shadow ball, getting a direct hit on Quilava. He would fly back a bit from the impact.


"You really tried to trick us like that?"


"You should know better than to tell me to quit a pokémon battle, Gen. It goes against my Pokémon trainer honor, remember."


"Tch, that childish honor."


"Cyndi and I will win this battle to stop you."

Cassie declared as Quilava slowly gets back up ready to continue.


"Fine then, no more holding back."

Twil would perform a swift attack again, firing multiple stars at Quilava. Shooting out a flamethrower, the fire mouse wastes no time in obliterating the stars. Twil however quickly took that opportunity to attack from the right side of Quilava and hit him on the back with an iron tail. The powerful tail swipe made contact, however Quilava would electrify himself to damage Twil who made contact. This stopped Twil applying more power into her attack and would leave her open to a tackle from Quilava, sending her back a few feet. Twil would feel a bit paralyzed from the attack.


"Cydni. Full power blaze tackle."


"Twil, psychic barrier and tackle him."

With determination in their eyes, both pokémon harnessed every ounce of power within them. Twil's eye shimmered with a luminous blue hue as she ascended slightly from the ground, enveloped by a soft, light blue sphere she had conjured. As Quilava ignites his flames, he lets out a powerful roar that echoes through the air. Soon covering himself in his own flames like a veil. As both pokémon show immense power, they then speed blitz towards one another. When they clashed, the force was so intense that it created a powerful shockwave. The air crackled with energy as the two pokémon locked eyes, their wills colliding in a fierce struggle. Twil would be affected by the paralysis, giving Quilava the edge to break through Twil's barrier and hit her would his powerful tackle that created an explosion that rocked the area. The battle had taken its toll on both pokémon, leaving them sprawled on the ground, their energy drained.





Both pokémon would slowly stand back up. Both seemed ready to continue, but Twil would slowly fall back down as she could no longer battle. Declaring Cassie and Quilava the winners.


"We won."

Quilava roars for their victory. Gen could only look at Twil in silence.


"Gen... Understand I won't let you be a killer. I don't want you to be like him."

Gen would then look up at Cassie and for a moment saw Holly beside her.


"Heh, a deal's a deal. You win champ. We'll do things your way."

Gen smirks then went over to pick up Twil. Once holding her in his hands, Gen turns to look at Evolnort who was still smiling. Gen glared at him for a moment then sighs.


(To Evolnort)

"You'll get what's coming to you soon."

Cassie and Quilava walk up to Gen smiling. Cassie places a hand on his shoulder, as she was proud of him. The fighting down below seems to have calm down with Evolnort's grunts defeated by the turf leaders and the people. Cassie and Gen look out towards the ocean and would see the sun rise over the horizon. But then see a single bird pokémon flying toward the city.


"Hey, is that?"

Cassie tries to get a better look at the bird. The bird let out a loud caw, and as she looked closer, Cassie realized it was none other than her Braviary.


"It is! Braviary!"

Cassie happily waves to him. Everyone in the city would soon hear horns go off in the distance as tons of boats were heading towards the city. It was the Unova's police unit that came to rescue Cassie.


"I can't believe there's actually an island out here. It's nowhere on the map."


"Cassie, we made it here. You better be okay."

She then received a text from Cassie, telling her thanks for the rescue.


"This is the place captain."


"All right then, boys our pokémon champion is on that island. Time to bring her home."


EXT. Solitaire City Beach – Day

As soon as they boarded the island people in Solitaire City gathered around to meet the outsiders. Police try their best to calm everyone down. But with the help of Mr. Paulmer and the rest of the turf leaders, they managed to get things under control. Eventually Gen and Cassie would meet back with everyone.


"Braviary! I'm so glad to see you again big guy."

As Cassie hugs her pokémon, she feels its soft fur against her cheek and hears it coo with joy.


(To Lynn)

"I'm glad to see you too, Lynn."

Cassie looks over at her. Lynn however gives Cassie a glare that show that she was very angry.


"I swear girl, you have no idea what kind of panic you put me through. Do you have any idea how hard it was to talk to your parents telling them that you were missing?"

Lynn pinches and pulls Cassie's cheeks.


"Ow! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Cassie apologizes as she tries to handle this punishment. Meanwhile Evolnort was being escorted by police getting on a boat.


"So, that was the mayor of Solitaire City."


"Never got the chance to really get a good look at the guy."


"That guy's got a bad smell around him."


"Such a waste of a handsome face on an ugly man."


"Good riddance to such a heathen criminal."

Evolnort then turn his head to look at Gen, Twil, Molly, Vance, and Wix all look at him. Evolnort would say nothing as he turns his head up front and smiles as gets on the boat to be locked away.


"Hey, you going to be okay?"

Cassie walks up to Gen.


"It just feels a little bit unreal. But I think Holly and the others could be at peace, now."

Gen looks up at the sky. He then looks at Cassie.


"Thanks for your help back there."

Gen smiles at her, making Cassie blush a little.


"Well, I simply had to stop you from doing something stupid. You really can be a handful at times, you know."

She crossed her arms and looked away from Gen.


"Oh, look who's talking. I had to deal with your constant complaining and doing things your way."


"My way was the way that doesn't make us criminals, or a big jerk for that matter."

The others would watch them argue.


"They're bickering seems a bit annoying."

M7 commented while camouflage.


"It's something you're going to have to get used to."


"I find it rather funny."

Molly giggles.


"Having one final goodbye kiss to you lover?"

Lynn walks up to Cassie and Gen.


"We're not lovers!"

After settling down a bit Cassie introduced Lynn to the group and what she had gone through over the past few days.


"Damn Cass, that's surely is one hell of a story."

Lynn then looks at Gen and the others.


"I got to thank you all for taking good care of our champ here. The people of Unova gives you, our gratitude."

Lynn bows to show her respect.


"It's too bad that I'll miss out on the championship. I really was looking forward to that."


"Well, there's actually good news. Turns out this island isn't too far from the Kanto and Johto regions. We managed to get in contact with some of the law enforcement over at those regions and they'll come by to help out the civilians here on this island soon. There seems to be a lot of people that wish to leave and go back to their homes. It's sad to hear that so many people were held captive here."


"Yeah, we were in complete lockdown here."


"I got the chance to meet with Mr. Paulmer. He seems like a pretty good guy and he sounds determined to fix up this city."


"Seems like everything is going to turn out okay for everyone."


"Well, we should get going. If we plan on getting you to that tournament, it's time for us to leave this island. There's a boat waiting for us, so you can hop on after you say all your goodbyes."

Lynn then walks off.


"So, I guess this is it."

Cassie looks at Gen and the others.


"We're going to miss you Cassie."


"Good luck on the tournament. After everything you've gone through, I'm sure that will be a cakewalk."


"Thank you once again Ms. Maru, I mean Cassie. I hope we'll meet again."


"You guys."

Cassie was trying to hold back her tears as she spreads her arm out for a group hug with everyone, all except for Gen.




"Don't tell me you're being a complete stick in the muk."


"I'm not doing something so cheesy like group hugs."

Everyone stared at him.


"Twil, you mind?"

Cassie looks at Twil. The pokémon understood and would use her psychic powers pull Gen into the hug.


"Huh, T-twil! You can't use your powers on me."

Gen blushes, as he gets wrapped into the group hug.


"It's okay Gen. I'll come by and visit again soon."

Cassie smiles at him. Gen blushes and slightly smiled back. After that group hug Cassie would return Marowak to Vance.


"Thanks for letting me use him during my battles. You sure got one heck of pokémon Vance. But that because of his great trainer of course."


"Maybe next time I'll get to go around with you. See if I have a chance against a pokémon champion."


"I welcome the challenge."

Cassie smiled. She then returns Haunter back to Wix.


"I'm sure Joyce is busy assisting the mayor with crowd control, but give her my thanks for letting me rent out pokémon."


"Aren't you forgetting a certain deal you made."

Cassie shiver.


"I don't know what you're talking about."

Cassie tries to play dumb.


"It's wrong to trick a ghost pokémon Cassie. They can be rather vengeful and will haunt you till the day you die."


"Does it have to be now in public? I don't want to get caught."

Cassie blushes. Gen walks up to Wix and presses the pokéball button to releases Haunter. The ghost glares at Cassie with a sinister smile.


""Ah~ N-no, don't... H-hey, too rough. Ngh~. Quit touching me there. Ahhh~."

Cassie blushes as she breathes heavily.


"Three... two... one... And time. Okay, Haunter that's enough."

The ghost pokémon would stop and reveal himself as he floats beside Wix.


"I counted four squeezes, you perverted ghosts"

Cassie tries to regain her composure while still blushing.


"My, my. You certainly have a cute face when you're flustered sweetie."

Tifa walks up.


"What do you want, Tifa?"


"Mayor Paulmer wanted us to find you so we can give you a good send off. But it seems you were busy having a little fun with your ghostly friend."

Tifa looks over at Haunter who was mesmerized by her presence. Haunter was unable to control himself would go ahead and grope Tifa right in front of everyone.


"Haunter! No!"

Tifa however didn't seem to mind as she showed no reaction.


"Oh my. Well, aren't you the bold little ghost. I certainly like how you move your hands. How much would you give this one away, Cassie sweetie."


"You can have him for free."


"He's not even your pokémon."

After that moment Cassie and Gen would meet with Mr. Paulmer and Joyce, along with the rest of the turf leaders that were near her boat.


"Miss Maru. I can't thank you enough for helping this city putting a stop to Evolnort's corruption. We may not have the credentials as of yet, but we the people of Solitaire City would like to commemorate you as one of Solitaire's pokémon champions."


"I never expected to be a champion of two places. But wait you said as one of the champions does that mean..."

Cassie then looks over at Gen.


"This all started thanks to the two rising stars. So, the city also sees Gen as a pokémon champion as well."


"I'm a pokémon champion?"

Gen would find it hard to believe. Cassie would be happy for him wrapping an arm around his shoulder and she smiles at him.


"I knew I would make you a good trainer, but I'm really amazed to make you a champion. Way to go Gen."

Twil happily meowing with joy with her. Crowd behind them cheered, as the whole city recognize the two as their champion.


"Ready to go champ?"


"Just one more thing, Lynn."

Before getting on the boat, she turns to Gen and hands him Quilava's pokéball.


(To Gen)

"You better take good care of him, you hear me."


"Not going to say goodbye to him. You know he'll miss you the most."


"Trust me, I'm barely keeping myself together as it is. If I were to say goodbye to Cydni... I think I'll break."

She then looks over at Molly.


(To Molly)

"Molly, if Gen becomes a big jerk to any of his pokémon be sure to hit him for me."


"I understand the order."


"You hit him too, Twil."

Twil meowed in response understanding.


"Hey, what's with this team up against me?"

Cassie giggles and would hop on the boat. It begins to sail off and Cassie would wave goodbye to Gen, Twil, and everyone in Solitaire City itself. The big island that she once stayed at was slowly getting smaller.


"Miss them already, huh champ?"



A single tear slides down her cheek. She wipes her eyes for moments only too soon be surprised as she spotted something coming her way.


"What kind of pokémon is that?"




"Cassie! Catch!"

Gen threw a pokéball at her. Cassie would catch it in the ball would open revealing to be Quilava.


"Cydni! Gen, what is this?"

Cassie looks up at him.


"You beat me remember? I didn't have any money, so I had to give up something. Congratulations champ you stole my pokémon. Now I can tell everyone in Solitaire you're just like us."

Gen laughs.


"It's not stealing if you give them away you, Gen. Gen!"

Cassie yells out to Gen as he flies back to the island. Cassie then looks down at Quilava as he smiles at her.


"Thanks a lot, you jerk."

Cassie smiles as she hugs Quilava.


INT. Kanto Region 26th Pokémon League Regional Championship – Day

In the Kanto regions, fireworks would pop as the crowd cheered with excitement as the next match for the 26th Pokémon League Regional Championship was soon to start. Cassie and Quilava were waiting on their side of the stadium entrance. Cassie would be pacing back and forth while Quilava watches her.


"Oh man, I'm so nervous. This is our first match and I haven't even gotten much time to train with the others. We don't even know what we're dealing with and our opponent's main pokémon seems to be a real problem."

Quilava would speak, interrupting Cassie's thoughts.


"Heh, you're right, Cydni. I shouldn't let this intimidate me." (Sigh) "I still wish I had a little bit of time of training. But when we arrived at a hotel, I was so exhausted and slept through the entire day. Gaaah!"

Cassie closed her eyes feeling annoyed.


"Geeze, do all pokémon champions complain like this or just you?"

Cassie open her eyes and turn around.


"Gen, Twil, Molly. What are you guys doing here?"


"M7, managed to fly and teleport us here."

M7 revealed himself standing next to her.


"We wanted to come by to wish you luck. But you seem to be having one of your episodes. As a trainer, you know that you have to always remain calm in the heat of battle."


"Heh, that's quite the advice. I wonder who you learned that from."


"You're going to be fine. Just go out there and kick some ass like you always do."


"Ladies and gentlemen, their opponent is from the Unova region."


"It's go time, Cydni. Ready?"

Cassie looks at Quilava who nodded his head answering her question. The two begin to run out into the arena.


"2-year champion of the Unova region and is a champion of Solitaire City. Cassie Maru!"

the crowd cheered for her.


"Let's do this, Cydni!"

Cassie sends him out to battle.


EXT. Mount Silver – Day

A few days later.


"Come on you guys we're almost at the top."

Molly runs up ahead.


"After so many hours of climbing, are you sure we couldn't just fly the rest of the way up?"

Gen was completely exhausted.


"Molly won't accept the easy way. After all it's the journey that getting up there will make the view more wonderful."


"Says the one who's been floating the entire way."


"Oh quit complaining Gen, we're almost there. Besides after all the work that our pokémon help get us through I'm sure you can deal with moving your legs a little longer."


"Guys you got to see this!"

The others would quickly follow her out of the cave and would be welcomed by the cool windy breeze that blows on their faces. The others would then climb up the staircase heading to the top of the mountain to meet up with Molly.


"Quite the view, right?"

Molly smiles as the others were admiring the beautiful landscape.


"It definitely beats those pictures you see online."

Quilava agreeing with her.


"Gen, Twil, what do you think?"

Molly looks at him smiling. Twil happily meowed.


"Yeah, this place is really amazing."

Gen and Twil then look up at the sky.


"We did it Holly, we kept our promise."

Up in the sky Holly would be smiling down at them.


"I'm glad everything turned out good in the end. Once again thanks for helping me out back there."

Holly said to Mew who would floats beside her. Mew happily meows.


"I'll be honest, I was a little worried about them but I know that they'll be fine. The bonds that humans and pokémon can make with one another is truly amazing. The link that can never be broken as we're all connected."

Mew would soon pop a bubble in front of Holly.


"Oh. Hehe, I guess we should be going. Come on let's play that game of tag with the others."

Holly Mew begins to fly off.


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