Rather Be (A Camren Story)

By iloveyou1234566

384K 9.3K 3.4K

"There is no place in the world I rather be than with you." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 13

14.2K 324 126
By iloveyou1234566

"Play time! Play time! Play time!" Ashtyn chanted, her little body jumping up and down on the queen size bed.

"Bed time! Bed time! Bed time!" I said, pulling the three year old off the bed and into my arms. I held her close to me, giving her an abundant of kisses.

"Mama," she squealed, trying to squirm out of my grip.

"I love you," I said, giving her one last kiss on the forehead before dropping her on the bed.

"Love you," she reciprocated before standing back up on the bed. "Play time! Play time! Play time!" Ashtyn continued, jumping back on the bed.

"Lauren, how much sugar did you give my child?" Camila asked, coming out of the adjoining bathroom with a sleepy Kayne.

"I didn't give her anything," I said, holding my hands up in defense. "Will is the one who watched them tonight. God only knows how much sugar he fed them."

"They have Will wrapped around their finger," Camila laughed before tucking Kayne under the covers.

"Alright little monkey, bed time," I demanded, pulling her off the bed again.

"I'm a monkey," she smiled before making obnoxious monkey sounds into my ear.

"Camz, come take your monkey child," I said, walking over to Camila and handing off the rambunctious toddler.

"Mommy, I'm a monkey," Ashtyn smiled, wrapping her arms around Camila's neck.

"Well little monkey, it's time for bed," Camila said, kissing her lightly on the cheek before placing her next to her twin sister.

"I don't want to," she giggled.

"You better go to sleep or the tickle monster is going to have to come," I teased.

"I'm asleep," she said, pulling the covers up and closing her eyes shut.

"I love you," Camila said, kissing the already sleeping Kayne and then Ashtyn. "Now go to sleep for real little missy."

"I'm a monkey, mommy," Ashtyn corrected, her emerald eyes still shut.

"Goodnight little monkey," she said before walking over to me with a smirk on her face. "You have twenty minutes until I better find you outside my hotel door wearing that bikini I like on you," she whispered into my ear, grabbing ahold of my ass tightly before walking out of my hotel room.

My cheeks started to turn a bright cherry color as the corner of my lips instantly went up. The little things this girl is able to do to me is what drives me completely insane.

I walked over to my bag, pulling out the only American oriented bathing suit I brought with me. I walked into the bathroom, changing into my bathing suit before throwing the t-short and shorts back on. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and stared at my semi-tanned completion in the mirror. I look like shit.

"Mama," a high pitched voice called out.

I exited the bathroom to find Ashtyn sitting up wide awake.

"What's wrong, Ash?"

"I can't sleep," she pouted.

"Oh really?" I asked, making my way over to the queen size bed. "And why can't you sleep."

"Lay with me," she said, patting the spot in the bed next to her.

"I can't," I relied, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.


"Mama is going to go out for a little, but Aunty DJ is going to watch you and I'm sure she'll lay with you.

"But I want you," she said, her little lip starting to quiver.

"I know, baby."

I moved over to her, pushing the hair out of her face so I could get a better look at her sparkling emerald eyes.

"Where you going?" She asked, her eyes filling up with water.

"Mama is going to go out on a date. Is that okay with you?" I asked looking for my daughters approval.

"With Keke?" She questioned, her voice becoming weak at the end.

"No baby," I replied, shaking my head. "With someone that you and Kayne love very much."

"Who?" She asked with the cutest confused expression on her face.

"I'll tell you, but you have to promise to keep it a secret, okay?" I held my pinky up waiting for her answer.

"Okay," she nodded excitedly after taking a few seconds to process the words I said. She instantly linked her tiny pinky around mine, her sparkling eyes looking up at mine, waiting for me to tell her the secret.

I took a deep breathe before speaking again. "Mommy."

A smile quickly spread across her face, showing her tiny pearly white teeth but quickly faded,

"Aren't you happy, Ash?" I asked, looking at the tiny toddler who looked angry.

"Listen here missy, you better treat my mommy like a princess, or I'll get my monkey army to give you a poly beat down," she threatened.

"Always baby girl," I laughed, pulling her light-weight body into my arms. "Always," I whispered into her ear.

"Aww," I heard someone squeal behind me. "Look at the Jauregui family being hella cute and Instagram worthy."

"Hi Dinah," I sighed, rolling my eyes at the Polynesian who was busy typing away on her phone.

"Aunty Dinah, Mama told me a secret," Ashtyn smiled, breaking out of my grip.

"Oh really?" The Polynesian smirked, raising one eyebrow. "What's the secret?"

"I can't tell you," she replied, zipping her lips and throwing the imaginary key towards the window.

"Then I guess I'll have to tickle it out of you," Dinah teased, grabbing ahold of Ashtyn.

"No," Ashtyn said, her eyes widening. "Mama help."

"Mama can't help you this time," Dinah said, tickling my mini me.

"M-m-ama," Ashtyn stuttered through the fit of giggles.

"Have fun putting her to bed," I smirked before walking over to the desk and grabbing my wristlet.

"Wait a minute," Dinah spoke up, dropping Ashtyn on the bed. "I never agreed to putting your little annoyings to bed."

"Hey!" Ashtyn protested, getting up and standing on the mattress. "I'm not annoyin," she stated, placing her hands on her hips.

"You're very annoying," Dinah teased, playfully pushing her backwards.

Ashtyn fell backwards, falling on top of her twin sister.

"Ow!" Kayne screamed before tears came spewing out of her eyes.

Ashtyn quickly got off her sister, wiping the tears that ran down Kayne's face.

"Sorry, Kayne," Ashtyn said, kissing the top of her sisters head. "Aunty DJ pushed me," she replied, pointing her finger at the Polynesian.

"Are you okay, K?" Dinah asked, crawling onto the bed and pulling the chocolate eyed into her arms.

"Don't touch my sister," Ashtyn said, jumping onto Dinah's back.

"Please don't kill my children," I sighed, watching as Ashtyn squeezed Dinah's cheeks while Kayne laid silently in Dinah's lap.

"There's a better chance of them killing," Dinah replied, pulling Ashtyn's hands off her cheek.

I slipped my shoes on before turning back around to see two toddlers attacking Dinah. "Call if you need anything," I stated.

"I need help right now," she admitted, pulling Ashtyn off of her as Kayne started to mess with her hair.

"You're on your own on this one," I replied before quickly leaving my hotel room.

I walked down the hallway until I got to room 318, Normani and Camila's room. I knocked on the door lightly, taking a step back as I awaited for my brown eyed princess to answer the door.

After a few seconds she finally answered the door. She wore my black The 1975 t-shirt and a pair of high waisted shorts. Her hair was up in a tight ponytail and her face wasn't caked with any makeup. She still managed to look fucking gorgeous when she's in her natural state.

"You're late," she said, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Sorry, I would have been here sooner if a certain Polynesian wouldn't have started world war 3," I said, grabbing a hold of her hand and escorting her down to the elevator.

"Excuses, excuses," she said, shaking her head as she pressed the the 'down' button. "You better hope you planned a killer date to make up for your lateness.

"I thought you were the one planning it," I admitted, following her onto the elevator.

"You mean to tell me you didn't plan anything," she said, her brown doe eyes widening.

"Don't fret, I'm sure we can find something," I said, following her out of the elevator.

"It's the Fourth of July and were in New Orleans. There is definitely a lot of places to go with a bunch of paparazzi and fan," she stated.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Camz, honestly. I know you've been looking forward to tonight after everything that has happened these last two weeks. I honestly would have planned something if I would have known."

"Shh," she mumbled. "I planned the best date you'll ever go on." She connected her soft full lips to mine. I gladly reciprocated, syncing our lips in motion.

"Damn, I miss your lips," she mentioned after we pulled away.

"So much for keeping our relationship a secret," I giggled, locking my eyes with her alluring ones.

"It's not like anyone was watching us," she replied.

She is telling the truth. The only person in the lobby is the young receptionist and she's busy reading her Vogue magazine.

"Have you thought about when we're going to come out?"

"I thought we already came out of the closet years ago," she said, raising one eyebrow.

"Not that," I said shaking my head. "When are we going to tell the world that 'the world's hottest couple' is back together?" I asked, quoting People magazine.

"Well I figured we would tell Kayne and Ashtyn and our families first before we even bring our relationship up to management."

"About that," I said trailing off at the end. "I may or may not have told Ashtyn about us going on a date tonight."

"What she say about that?"

"I'm going to get a poly beat down if I don't treat you like a princess," I laughed as she cupped my face with her freezing hands.

"We have the cutest daughters," she said before closing the gap between us with her lips. I placed my hands on her hips, pulling her body closer to mine.

"Please tell me that is your phone," I hoped, breaking away from her grip and staring at her pocket that was vibrating like crazy.

"Yes you perv," she said, hitting my arm before pulling her phone out of her pocket.

She grabbed a hold of my hand, pulling me out of the hotel and into the black SUV awaiting in front of the hotel.

"Where to Mrs. Cabello?" The driver asked, looking at my girl through the review mirror.

"Her name is Mrs. Jauregui," I corrected, resulting in Camila to slap my inner thigh. "We're not doing this with old man Frank in the driver seat," I whispered, only for her to pinch me in return.

"Pardon me, where may I be taking you two tonight, Mrs. Jauregui?"

"The nearest Subway, please," Camila smiled, placing her hand on top of mine.

"Damn babe, we're eating five star tonight."

"And maybe later we'll get some dessert," she smirked, intertwining our fingers together.

We sat in silence for the rest of the ride, her head resting on my shoulder while I fiddled with her fingers. The scent of her strawberry and cream shampoo lingering through my nose. It's the simple things that we use to do in the way beginning of our relationship that I enjoy the most.

"Are you coming in with me?" She asked, removing her body away from me.

"Uh, I think it's safer if you go in by yourself," I admitted, watching as people walked pass the car towards the local park where a firework show was being held later.

"The same thing I always get," I replied, pulling two twenties out of my wristlet.

"No babe, it's on me tonight," she said, kissing my forehead lightly before climbing out of the car and running into the store.

After ten minutes, she finally walked out of Subway, pushing past a group of fans that surrounded her. She quickly climbed back into the car, slamming the door behind her.

"Back to the hotel, please," Camila said, scooting her body close to mine.

"You have something on your forehead," I laughed, touching the lipstick stain on her forehead.

"I was attacked by a bunch of aunties," she giggled, smudging the lipstick stain.

"So, what are we doing when we arrive at the hotel?" I asked, pulling her body close to mine. Her burning skin warming up my body.

"I figured we could relive our first Fourth of July," she smirked, looking up at my face.

"That was the worse day of my life," groaned, my cheeks turning a cherry red from the memory. "I rather do anything but relive that day."

"That was actually my favorite day," she said, playing with my fingers.

"Yeah, maybe for you. You weren't the one whose top fell off in front of all your horny teenage brothers friends," I recalled.

"That was my favorite part," she winked, she leaned her body up, leaving a lingering kiss on my cheek.

"Maybe this Fourth of July you'll be the one topless," I smirked, pulling money out of my wallet as the driver pulled the car up to the entrance.

"Geez Lauren, who do you think I am? You know I would never go topless on the first date. Possibly on the second date K would consider something like that to occur, but definitely not on the first date."

"I got it babe," I said, pushing her wallet back into her purse and handing the driver my money.

I got out of the car before helping Camila out and following her to our next destination.

"Damn babe, were being classy tonight," I said as she slide her room key into the door.

"I told you were replaying our first fourth," she acknowledge, opening up the door and walking over to an empty table. "And there's also the fact I wanted to see my beautiful wife in a bikini," she winked before pulling my t-shirt over her head.

Her abdomen looked tighter, her boobs popping out of her white bikini top. She seductively slid out of her shorts, showing off her long tanned legs.

"Like what you see?" She spoke up.

My emerald eyes traveled up her beautiful tanned body. Her bottom lip was in between her teeth as she pulled her hair out of the pony tail, letting her chocolate locks falling freely.

"Shit," I breathed out.

"Come get in the jacuzzi with me," she said as she made her way over to the jacuzzi in the corner.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes before following her into the jacuzzi. I slowly sat down in the water, allowing the hot water to relax my muscles.

The petite brunette made her way over to me, situating herself on my lap and resting her arms on my shoulders.

"Hi," she smiled broadly, making my stomach tingle.

"Hi," I laughed.

"You're not wearing my favorite bikini," she pouted.

"Camz, I was 17 when I last wore that bikini. I doubt I still own it," I said, resting my hands on her thighs.

"Have you ever wonder what it would be like to be a star?" She asked, looking up at star filled sky.

"I can't say I have," I replied truthfully.

"How did I get so lucky to marry someone as beautiful as you?" She asked, playin with a loose strand of my hair.

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?" She asked, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"How do you go from talking about me not wearing that bikini you like to talking about stars and then going back to the topic of me?"

"Because you're my favorite super star," she winked.

"I'm going to forget you just said that."

"You didn't think it was cute and clever?" She asked pouting.

"It was definitely clever," I laugh, pulling her body closer to mine so I could taste her lips. I broke away, still keeping her body close to mine. "And you are one of the cutest people I have ever met, so yes, what you just said was cute. Hell, everything that comes out of your mouth is cute," I admitted truthfully.

"Even when I talk about my love for bananas?"

"Even when you talk about your love for bananas," I stated, kissing her lips passionately.

"Who are the other people?" She asked once our lips broke apart.

"What other people?" I asked confused.

"You said I was one of the cutest people ever, so who is the other person?" She clarified.

"The other two would be your offspring."

"You mean our offspring?"

"They don't have any of my DNA, therefore they're technically your offspring."

You do make a very valid point."

"Every point of mine is valid," I acknowledge.

"Whatever you say," she said, tracing some circles on my shoulder blades, leaving a comfortable silence between the two of us.

"I spoke to Shawn last night," she spoke up, breaking the silence. "He's moving in with Bea and Ryker."

Ryker is the son born to Bea and Jacob after Bea graduated from high school. The last time I saw them was a month after Ryker was born, almost three years ago.

"That's great," I half asked, half stated. "But could you please explain the whole Shawn and you think?"

She paused for a second before staring at me with her melting eyes. "Would you like the long or short version?"

"Whatever you want to tell me," I answered, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist. She winced at the pain, pushing my arms away.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking at the pain visible through her eyes.

"Yeah," she nodded, breathing heavily. "It still hurts when someone applies a lot of pressure to my bruise," she admitted, pulling my arms back around her. "But it's definitely gotten better."

"I'm going to murder that bastard for hurting you," I mumbled.

"Can we please just not think about him for one night, please?" She pleaded.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Thank you," she smiled through the pain. "But back to what we were talking about; Shawn," she continued.

"I met Shawn during a photo shoot when I first started modeling and we instantly became besties," she giggled making my heart flutter. "Last year Austin and I got into a fight," she went on, her voice becoming serious. "I was alone, terrified, homeless, I had no way of getting back to Miami. A few weeks later I found out Shawn was renting an apartment in Miami while he modeled for some underwear line. He offered to allow me to stay with him and I gratefully accepted. He helped me get back on my feet, helped me see my daughters again, helped me get you," she said, wiping away a loose tear that rolled down her cheek.

"How'd he help you get me?"

"He became my fake boyfriend whenever we were around you. The kisses, the nicknames, the constant holding of me in his arms was an act."

"I'm lost."

"He helped me make you jealous," she said, caressing my cheek with the pad of her thumb. "That was my way of seeing if you still had the feelings I have for you. I don't know why I did it. I could have easily asked Dinah but when have I ever took the easy way to fine something out?"

"I always have loved you, Camz," I gleamed, pulling her in for a kiss, fireworks exploding in the background making this moment absolutely perfect.

"I love you, Lern," she giggled against my lips, sending vibrations throughout my body. I pulled my lips away, a giant grin plastered on my face.

"Is that our song?" She asked, the cover of "Rather Be" by The 1975 playing in the background from my phone.

"It is," I said, kissing her one last time before getting out of the jacuzzi and over to my phone.

"Babe, where are you going?" She asked, turning her body to face me.

"The hospital."


Hi guys!

So I'm sorry about taking forever to update but a few things were reveled(;

I hope you all have a fantastic day/night!

As always, tell me what you think!

- Ash

Twitter - dinahaddict
Ask.fm - dinahaddict

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