A Different Kind Of Life

By DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 42

150 8 0
By DreamzOfGold

"Hey Rory, is it ok if my Mom come on Wednesday, instead of Friday?" April asked, walking into Rory's bedroom where she was sitting on the bed folding laundry.

"Yeah, of course! That would be great!" Rory said, seeing April holding the phone to her ear. "Are you talking to her right now?"

"Yeah, do you want to say hi?"

"I would love to!"

"Mom, I'm putting you on speaker. Rory wants to say hi." April said, plopping down on the bed next to her sister, and hitting the button on her iPhone, to put it on speaker, then setting the phone on the bed.

"Hi Anna, how are you?" Rory asked.

"I'm good Honey, how are you? Are you guys all ready for Christmas?"

"I'm doing great! We're almost ready. April and I are going to be doing some more shopping later today. I am so excited that you are coming to visit! Is there anything that we can do or get for you, to make your visit easier or more comfortable?"

"Thank you Sweetie, but I'm pretty easy going. I'm sure everything will be great."

"Did April tell you that we are all going to see The Nutcracker on Friday?"

"She did not. That will be so fun! The Nutcracker is my favorite!"

"That's what April was telling me the other day. It's going to be so much fun!"

"It definitely is. Honey, I hear that you are pregnant with a little girl. Is there anything that you need for the baby? I absolutely LOVE baby shopping! It's one of my favorite things in the world! Have you picked out a nursery theme yet?"

"I actually have no idea what I need. My Mom and Grandmother have been going crazy buying things. The theme I chose is The Secret Garden. It was my favorite book growing up, and it's going to be so amazing with all the pretty flowers and greenery."

"I love that! April and I love The Secret Garden too! I can totally picture a beautiful baby nursery, right out of the movie garden."

"Yes!!! That is exactly what I was thinking! I've been on Pinterest for the last month, pinning all kinds of ideas, and ordering a ton of stuff. We're going to use the same theme for my baby shower too. We figure we can use a lot of the same decorations."

"That is a great idea! I would love to help you with it, if that's alright with you?"

"I would love your help! Thank you so much for offering!"

"Listen girls, I've got to get going. I have some work to finish up, but I'll see you both in a couple of days, alright?"

"I am so excited! Just text me your train information, and we'll be there to pick you up." April told her.

"I will Sweetie. I love you. I'll see you both really soon."

"Bye Anna! See you soon!" Rory said cheerfully.

"I love you too, Mom." April told her, then ended the call. "You realize that my mom is about to go all baby crazy on you, right?"

"Please, have you met my Grandmother?! She's been buying things like crazy since she found out."

"Have you guys picked out a name yet?"

"We have, but we aren't telling anyone until Christmas."

"Is it a name from the Secret Garden?"


"So you're really not going to tell me?"

"Nope! I've gotta go into the office for a little while today, do you want to come? Doyle needs me to go do a few things, so I figured we could run down there, then hit the mall."

"Sure, that sounds like fun." April said as they heard a phone start to ring.

"Honor, what's up?" Rory asked, answering the phone that sat on the nightstand.

"Rory, hey, is my brother available?"

"He's downstairs working out in his gym. Do you need me to go get him?"

"I have a little problem that I was hoping you guys could help me with."

"Sure, what's going on?"

"Dad's nurse called. She's sick and won't be able to make it over today, and the agency she's with doesn't have anyone able to take her place this week. I need to finish up some Christmas shopping, and I was hoping maybe I could talk Logan into hanging out with Dad today."

"I think he can probably do that. Let me go down and talk to him about it. I need to go down to the office to take care of a few things, then April and I were going to head to the mall. Do you want to go with us?"

"I would love to, as long as Logan is ok to stay with Dad."

"I'll go talk to him right now, and I'll call you right back, ok?"

"Thank you Rory, I really appreciate it!" Honor told her.

"It's no problem at all. I'll talk to you in a few minutes." Rory said, then disconnected the call. "Want to learn how to bribe Logan?"

"You need to bribe Logan?" April asked.

"There is no way that he is going to want to hang out with his Dad today. Mitchum is staying across the street with Honor for a reason." Rory told her as she got up from the bed, picking up a pile of clothes, and putting them away in the dresser before heading for the door as April followed behind her.

"Hey Babe!" Logan said as the girls walked into the home gym a few minutes later to see him lifting weights.

"Hey, Honor just called. She needs a favor." Rory told him.

"What's going on?"

"Mitchum's nurse is sick and can't make it today, and the agency doesn't have any replacements this week."

"Honor needs a babysitter?"

"Pretty much."

"For how long?"

"She didn't say. She just said that she needs to finish up her Christmas shopping. April and I have some shopping to finish too. Doyle needs me to stop by the office to take care of a few things, so I was going to run by there, then hit the mall. I invited Honor to join us."

"That sounds a lot more fun than babysitting my Dad."

"You could take him out to lunch or something. Maybe your Dad has some Christmas shopping to do. You are the perfect person to take him out, and make sure he doesn't over do it."

"Do I get a choice in the matter?"


"Tell Honor that I'll come over when I'm done with my workout."

"Which will be when?"

"Give me another 20 minutes or so."

"So 20-30 minutes, then a shower . . . You need an hour?"


"I'll let her know that we'll be over in an hour to pick her up, and for you to stay with your Dad."

"Hey Babe?" Logan started as Rory headed for the door with April

"Yeah?" Rory answered, turning around to see Logan holding an arm out toward her. "I'll meet you upstairs." Rory said, looking to her sister, then walking back to Logan. "What up?"

"Is that what you're wearing today?"

"Uh, jeans and a sweater . . . Yeah, that was the plan. Why? Does it look horrible? Do I officially look too fat to leave the house dressed like this?"

"No, definitely not. Just the opposite actually."

"What?! You've lost your mind."


"Yes you! How in the world you are so turned on by me getting fat, I will never understand!"

"Well, for starters, you're beautiful. Second, that's my baby. And third . . . Your boobs have gotten huge lately."

"Logan!" Rory laughed, playfully slapping him across his bare chest.

"What? It's true, and you know it."

"I need new bras." Rory pouted.

"You won't see me complaining." Logan laughed as he pulled his wife into his arms. "I'll take you bra shopping whenever you want me to."

"I can just get some while I'm out with April and Honor today. Or even on Wednesday when I go out with April and Anna."

"You don't want to go shopping with me?"

"We don't have any time to go shopping together this week."

"Says who?"

"Says the calendar! You're sitting with your Dad today while I run to the office to take care of some stuff for Doyle, then go shopping with April and Honor. Tonight, we have the HPG office party, tomorrow we have to finish getting the house ready because Anna will be here Wednesday morning. You have a meeting with the construction crew that afternoon, and I'm going shopping with April and Anna. Then Thursday we need to make sure we have everything else ready for Christmas because the rest of the family will be here Friday morning."

"We can go Wednesday night."

"No we can't. Anna will be here and we aren't going to be rude and completely bail on her and April unless they decide to bail on us."

"Ok, so how about if they bail on us, then you and I will go out?"

"IF they somehow decide they don't want to hang with us, then we can do something. But don't go making any stupid comments, or getting your hopes up. It's Christmas, and we're spending it with the family."

"So you and I get no alone time?"

"Oh please! You are so needy!" Rory laughed.

"No, I just miss spending all day with you." Logan said leaning in for a kiss.

"Actually, I just remembered something . . . Wednesday won't work either . . ."

"Why's that?"

"You're working tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday to make up for having the weekend off for Christmas."

"Crap!!! You're right. And I'm still on call all weekend."

"You're on call tonight too."

"I hate being on call at night!"

"Well let's hope that it's a slow night then."

"How about next week we take some time together, just the two of us."

"We have a lot going on at the office next week. It's the end of the year. And we have Finn's annual New Year's Eve party."

"I hate it when we're busy!"

"I know, but quit pouting, because it could be a lot worse."

"Maybe we should start scheduling date nights."

"We might have to."

"I hate that!"

"You realize that once the baby comes, we'll have zero free time, right?"

"I'm sure we can find someone to watch her every so often."

"You are not leaving Honor with two newborns!"

"I didn't say it would be Honor. But I'm sure she'd be the first to volunteer."

"Don't go getting any stupid ideas."

"My ideas are NOT stupid."

"Some of them are. Hurry up and finish your work out. I need to go get the laundry put away so I can head to the office."

"I could go with you."

"No you can't, you're babysitting Mitchum, and you know better than to allow him near that place."

"Damn! They really don't have any nurses that can come sit with him?"

"Honor said she was told there isn't anyone. It's a few days before Christmas. Just suck it up. You can deal with hanging out with your dad for a few hours."

"Because I love hearing about how I'm doing the family a disservice by being a doctor, and how having my wife step up to do my job running the family business is disgraceful and an embarrassment."

"He said that?!?"

"Not him, but I've heard it from certain other family members."

"They all realize that I can quickly cut them off, right?!"

"There's my little titan!" Logan said proudly. "You have my permission!"

"I need names."

"You already have them."

"Are termination notices too harsh?"

"Probably not harsh enough. Or at least not as harsh as they deserve."

"Merry Christmas, you're being replaced. Go clean out your desk!"

"I don't hate it."

"It's pretty mean."

"I don't even care." Logan laughed.

"Can we call a shareholder's meeting next week, and offer to buy people out?"

'If that's what you want to do. But kicking them out would be a heck of a lot cheaper."

"I'm not sure that's legal though.

"I'll have Collin look into our options."

"Probably a good idea."

"Go finish the laundry. I'll be up to shower in a few minutes."

"Ok." Rory agreed as Logan let go of her.

"I love you."

"I love you too." she smiled giving him a kiss, then turning to head for the door. "Hey Logan?"


"You look hot without a shirt on."

"I could say the exact same thing about you." Logan smiled, then watched as Rory left to head back to finish the laundry.

"Is everything ok?" April asked when Rory passed by the kitchen.

"Yeah, everything is great! He's just being Logan. He doesn't want to babysit his Dad today."

"I can't say that I really blame him."

"Neither can I!" Rory laughed. "He's jealous that he doesn't get to hangout with us."

"You two are inseparable."


"You have a really good relationship."

"It's taken a lot of work to get there. We weren't like this when we were together before."

"Do you remember my friend Mason that you met at Dad and Lorelai's wedding?"

"I think so."

"He just texted me. He's in the city for Christmas. Would you mind if I went out for dinner with him tonight?"

"No, not at all! You make whatever plans you want to make while you're here, and don't even worry about offending us or anything. You aren't a child, or a prisoner. You deserve to have some fun."

"Have I told you that you are the coolest sister in the world?"

"I've heard some talk of that."

"Can he pick me up here?"

"If that's what you want to do. Logan might threaten him though."

"Better Logan than Dad."

"True story!" Rory laughed. "I won't tell Dad you said that."

"I'm going to go call him. Let me know when you want to leave and I'll be ready to go with you."

"Will do." Rory told her, then headed up the stairs to her bedroom.

15 minutes later, Logan walked into the bedroom he shared with Rory to shower and get ready for his busy day, babysitting his Father.

"Want to take a shower with me?" Logan asked, seeing Rory standing in the bathroom brushing her hair.

"Do you not see me getting ready to go?"

"You can get ready after."

"I'm already almost done." Rory laughed as Logan snaked an arm around her.

"That never stopped you before." he said placing a kiss on her neck.

"Go shower. You're all sweaty."

"Come with me."

"Not today. Go, and I'll tell you some fun news when you're done."

"Why isn't the fun news that you'll be joining me?"

"What if the fun news is that you can have date night tonight?"

"I'm on call tonight. And we have the HPG party."

"April has a date. We have the party, but we can do something after."

"I was thinking that we could do lunch with Dad today, after you're done at the office."

"Do we have to?"

"I was thinking that it might be nice. We haven't taken him out anywhere in forever. Getting him out for a decent meal could do him so good."

"Do you think he's ready for that? He's only been out of the hospital for two weeks."

"I don't think it'll hurt him."

"Do you think he'll be nice to April?"

"Do you think he's going to get a choice?"

"If you think it's safe, I'll go along with it."

"I'm thinking we can go to The Grille. We haven't been there in a while."

"Isn't that a little too 'low class' for your Dad?"

"Probably, but I don't really care. We like it there, and they have healthy food. Dad can get a sandwich and some salad. Maybe even some soup."

"I love it there."

"I know you do. That's why I thought of it."

"Why don't you go shower and I'll head to the office with April and then we'll meet you, Mitchum and Honor at the restaurant in two hours."

"Are you having Frank take you?"

"The snow isn't that bad. I'm not worried about driving in it."

"I would feel better if Frank took you."

"Logan, I'm pregnant, not helpless. I appreciate you worrying about me, and I do really love you for it, but I need to be able to do things myself. I am perfectly capable of driving myself a few miles to the office."

"It's not really you that I'm worried about. It's other people's crazy driving."

"We'll be fine, I promise! If it will make you feel better, I'll text you to let you know that we got there safe."

"That would help."

"Deal! I'm going to go get April and head out. You go shower. I'll see you at the restaurant."

"Please be careful." Logan said as Rory kissed him goodbye.

"I will."

"I love you Ace."

"I love you more!" Rory called as she walked out of the room, and headed downstairs.

~ ~ ~ 2 hours later ~ ~ ~

"Rory, April, it's nice to see you." Mitchum said as Rory and April pulled out seats at the table he was sitting at with Logan and Honor.

"Hey Mitchum. You look well today." Rory smiled.

"Hi Mr. Huntzberger. How are you feeling?" April asked.

"I'm not doing too bad. How are you doing? Still studying at MIT?"

"I'm doing great, thank you for asking. I graduate in May."

"Any fun plans in the works?"

"Not really. I'm hoping to get a position in the lab at Columbia, and Rory and Logan were kind enough to offer for me to stay with them while I get settled. They'll have the baby around that time, so I'm pretty excited for that."

"You like babies?"

"Usually. I'm still not so sure about wanting any of my own, but I'm excited for Rory and Logan. And of course for Honor's baby as well. They'll be a fun addition to the family. Are you excited to be a Grandpa?"

"I am. It will be different getting two babies at the same time. We always expected that Honor would have the first baby, and Logan would follow suit a few years later."

"You never thought that maybe Logan would have the first baby?" Honor asked.

"At one time we thought maybe it would happen, back when Logan was younger and messing around with all those different girls."

"Dad. . ." Logan said sternly.

"You had quite the reputation back then, son. I'm sure Rory knows all about it."

"I haven't been that person in over a decade."

"No one expected you to settle down so suddenly."

"No one expected most of what I've done, but you all need to just accept it and let go of the past."

"Hey April, when is your Mom getting here?" Honor asked, quickly changing the subject.

"She'll be here Wednesday morning. Rory and I are picking he up from the train station at 9am."

"I can't wait to meet her! Your mom sounds like such a fun person."

"She is. She was great to grow up with."

"How was everything at the office?" Logan whispered in Rory's ear as he slid his arm around her, kissing the side of her head while Honor and April chatted.

"Everything is fine. Doyle just needed me to go over a few contracts. I emailed them to you for approval. You can go over everything when you take your dad home."

"You didn't want to approve them yourself?"

"We're a team, remember? They look good to me, but I want you to go over them too."

"What kind of contracts?"

"One of them is the insurance coverage for the business for next year. They need that one back by tomorrow afternoon."

"And the others?"

"They're media contracts for advertising."

"Has legal gone over them?"

"Yep. They just need your final approval in case there are changes tha tyou think should be made."

"It's Monday, shouldn't we have a conference call with the London office today?"

"I took care of it."


"Everything we talked about last week has been implemented. They're sending over the new numbers this afternoon."

"Is readership up or down?"

"Up this week by about 20%."


"Could just be the holiday calendar."

"Maybe, but it's up, so I'll take it."

"Pretty much."

"Is there anything that I need to worry about?"

"Everything is in the email I sent you."

"Should I read it now?"

"No, you can wait until you're home. There isn't anything urgent at the moment."

"Are we on budget?"

"We are."

"Is everything ready for the party?"

"As far as I know. Doyle is taking care of it."

"Rory, how is everything at the office going?" Mitchum asked. "You two are whispering over there, is everything ok?"

"Everything is great! You have nothing to worry about." Rory answered.

"Which means?"

"Which means that Rory has it all handled, Dad. We're whispering because we don't want you focusing on any business stuff. Your only job right now is to get better. You had two heart attacks in a month. You need to focus on your recovery, and only your recovery. HPG is thriving in Rory's hands!" Logan told him.

"Maybe I'll go back after the holidays."

"Over my dead body!"

"Logan, I helped build this company for the last 40 years! HPG is my legacy!"

"Calm down Dad." Honor said shooting a look at Logan. "You know that Logan is your doctor, and that he is in charge of your recovery. You aren't going to be going back to work any time soon, and you know that. Until your team of doctors and therapists release you from their care, your job is to just rest and recuperate. You have physical therapy 3 days a week, and that is what we are focusing on right now. Rory is doing a wonderful job running HPG, and there isn't anything for you to worry about. Why don't we change the subject. How would you like to do a little Christmas shopping today? You and I have done some online shopping, but how would you like to maybe go to a couple stores today?"

"Did you send your mother's present?"

"I did, and it's already been delivered to the rehab center. They have it all ready for her."

"What did you guys get Mom?" Logan asked.

"Dad picked out a Cartier necklace and bracelet set."

"Mom will like that."

"Did you send your mother something?" Mitchum asked.

"We did. We sent her a new purse."

"What kind of purse?"

"The new Burberry bag that was just released."

"She wanted another Birkin."

"And she can get one when she gets home." Logan told him. "I didn't really want to send an $8,000 purse across the country. At least with the Burberry bag, I could have it delivered by the local store, and it's several thousand less."

"Those are some expensive purses." April muttered softly.

"I know." Rory agreed in a whisper. "Rich people live very different lives."

"What are you two whispering about?" Honor asked.

"Just talking about presents." Rory answered with a smile.

"Rory, what did you get for your parents?" Mitchum asked.

"We got my Mom tickets to a concert she's been wanting to go to."

"And your Dad?"

"Both of my Dads we got sports stuff for. Luke is a big Yankees fan, so we got him tickets to some of the games, a jersey, and some other stuff. For my other dad, my younger sister and I got him Patriots season tickets."

"You didn't get season tickets for both of them?"

"Luke wouldn't go to every game. He has his restaurant that he runs, and it keeps him pretty busy."

"Christopher is way more into sports than Luke is." Logan told him.

"Honor tells me that your entire family is coming for Christmas."

"Yes ,they are. My grandparents are staying with you guys." Rory answered.

"Emily, Richard, and Francine." Honor told him.

"Francine?" Mitchum asked.

"Francine Hayden." Rory clarified.

"Oh, that's right. I forgot that you're a Hayden."

"How do you people possibly forget that Rory is a Hayden?!" Logan asked. "I swear, you and Mom are so hyper focused on Rory being Lorelai Gilmore's daughter, that you completely forget the fact that she's a Hayden too."

"I had a heart attack Logan. I tend to forgot things. I'm still recovering, or have you forgot that?"

"Ok, so your heart attack is an excuse for you to forget things, but yet you think you are capable of going back to work . . . Yeah, it sounds like you're fully recovered and able bodied there! Please, don't bother with the stupid bs excuses with me. I'm a doctor, not an idiot! Recovering from a heart attack isn't an excuse to forget who Rory's parents are. You and Mom just choose to focus on one single part of Rory's DNA, and completely forget that she is way more blue blooded than all of us are! You just don't want to admit that Rory is better than us. Whatever Dad! That's just fine. Just remember who runs the company now, because it isn't you!"

"Logan. . ." Honor warned.

"Will you guys please excuse us for a moment?" Rory asked, standing from her chair, and reaching for Logan's hand, pulling him to follow her. "Hey, what's going on with you?!" Rory asked once they were outside.

"I won't allow him to treat you that way. He's sitting there belittling you in front of your sister. It's one thing to do it in front of me and Honor. That makes me crazy enough. But for him to do it in front of April?! It's making me really mad!"

"He's just making himself look like a jerk. I already warned April, I'm sure she's not too surprised by any of it. The expensive purses on the other hand . . ."

"I won't allow him to disrespect you like that."

"I need you to calm down. Let's let Honor handle it."

"You're my wife Rory. He needs to treat you better!"

"I know. But I also know exactly how your family feels about my existence, and I expect this crap from them."

"How are you so calm about this?"

"Because I have you jumping down his throat for me."

"You deserve better than all of this."

"I know. But like you said, I'm the one running the company, and I'm more blue blood than all of them! I won!"

"You are a much better person than any of those jerks can ever hope to be."

"I know I am. And you know what else I know?"

"What's that?"

"I know that Emily Gilmore will be putting your Dad in his place in just a few short days."

"I like it!"

"Me too! So, can we go back there, and at least try to enjoy our lunch?'

"You are amazing, did you know that?"

"Only because I have you to love me." Rory said as Logan wrapped her in his arms.

"I really want to leave this place right now, and go somewhere else, just the two of us."

"It'll be just us tonight."

"Unless I get called into work."

"Let's try to think positive, ok?"

"I owe you big time for dealing with this crap."

"Well, lucky for you, Christmas is a few days away, so maybe you can get me something nice."

"Who says I didn't?"

"Can we go eat now? I'm starving!"

"Order something really unhealthy and eat a ton of it, just to make my Dad jealous."


"God, I love you!" Logan laughed as he took Rory's hand, and headed back inside the restaurant.

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