A Different Kind Of Life

By DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 38

80 2 0
By DreamzOfGold

"Rory, Honey, what do you think about this?" Emily asked, holding up a pink frilly dress for Rory's approval.

"I think that's a lot of lace, Grandma! I'm honestly not sure where the baby will ever wear that, other than maybe once to your house, for you to see."

"You don't like it?"

"It's really not my style. You know me, I'm pretty simple. I don't do lace. And I've never been a pink person either. I know that pink is big for baby girls, but I actually prefer an assortment of color."

"Alright then, we can definitely work with that. Have you thought about a theme for the baby's nursery?"

"No ,I have not."

"Do you like flowers? Or maybe animals?"

"What about books? Like . . . Grandma, I've got it! What about The Secret Garden?"

"The Secret Garden . . . I love it! That is actually a great idea! I can just picture it now. Lots of green everywhere with splashes of bright colors in the form of flowers and animals. We can put a large tree in the corner, and incorporate vines and grass, lots of different flowering plants. That is the perfect theme for your baby shower too! Everything will be kind of rustic antique with bright flowers and animals. We can incorporate butterflies and different birds. Rory, everything is going to be absolutely gorgeous!" Emily said excitedly. "We can even use a lot of the same party décor for the nursery. I am so excited! This is just perfect!"

"I love it Grandma! Let's do it! I need to call Logan, give me just a second." Rory said pulling her phone out of her purse while Emily walked through the baby section of Bloomingdales.

"Hey Ace! How's shopping with Emily going?" Logan asked, answering the facetime call from Rory.

"Logan, I came up with the best idea, and I just HAD to tell you!" Rory said excitedly.

"What's that?"

"The Secret Garden!"

"The Secret Garden . . . That's a book right? And I'm pretty sure they turned it into a movie that my sister was obsessed with growing up."

"Just one of my favorite books when I was little. Grandma asked if I had chosen a theme for the baby's nursery, and I hadn't even thought about it yet. We are standing in Bloomingdales, and all of a sudden ,it hit me. The Secret Garden! And it's absolutely perfect for a baby shower too! Grandma says everything will be rustic antique with lots of green, and bright pops of color coming from flowers, butterflies, birds and different animals. There are trees, and vines, and moss, and grass. It's wooded and gorgeous!"

"I love it Ace! And I think it perfectly fits with her name.!"

"I do too!" Rory agreed, practically bouncing with excitement.

"It sounds absolutely amazing!"

"Logan, I am so excited !!!"

"I can see that!"

"Grandma says that a lot of the baby shower party décor we can use in the nursery."

"It sounds perfect!"

"You really like it?"

"I do. I really love it. And I love how excited you are right now. I haven't seen you this excited about anything in years!"

"I can already picture everything, and it's just absolutely incredibly gorgeous! I can't wait to go find everything. I might have to custom order a lot of stuff, but that's ok because we have plenty of time, right?"

"That's right! Go crazy Ace! Get anything and everything that you want. If it makes you happy, then buy it."

"I need to go find a book store!"

"Well then go find a book store! And remember, you have Pinterest right there on your phone to help you."

"Logan ,I have to go, I have to call my mom!"

"You do that. I love you Ace. I'll see you later tonight."

"Love you too!" Rory said, then quickly ended the call, before dialing Lorelai's number.

"Well Hello there favorite daughter!" Lorelai greeted, upon answering her phone.

"The Secret Garden!" Rory shrieked.

"The book, or the movie?"

"The baby shower and nursery!"

"I love it! That was your favorite book when you were a little girl."

"Everything will be rustic antique, lots and green and brown with bright beautiful colors everywhere! Flowers, birds, butterflies, animals."

"Yes!!! I'm in!!!"

"I'm shopping with Grandma."

"Are you in Hartford? I can meet you there."

"No, Grandma and Grandpa came to visit for the weekend. Grandpa has a meeting here in the city, so Grandma and I are having a girls day and making up for the shopping trip we missed after Thanksgiving."

"Oh Honey, I'm so glad! Did you tell Grandma your idea?"

"Of course! She's the one who came up with everything after the idea hit me."

"Rory, it's going to be completely gorgeous, and absolutely incredible! I am super excited to start working on this!"

"Everything finally seems so real now! The idea suddenly came to me, and I can see everything so clearly in my head right now."

"Honey, I have so many ideas!"

"I know, me too! I just called Logan to tell him. I'm going to be custom ordering so much! I am so excited Mom!"

"Good! That makes me really happy!"

"Crap, I need to go. I think I lost Grandma. I'll call you later." Rory said, then disconnected the call, and went in search of Emily.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Scene 2 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"Hey Baby, how was your day?" Rory asked as Logan walked into their bedroom late that night.

"It was a day. We got a couple concussions, a few broken legs, several people needing stitches, people with the flu needing fluids, a few Christmas decorating disasters . . . It was a typical Friday. How was your day? How did shopping go?"

"It went great! I'll show you all the stuff we bought tomorrow. I'm sure you're exhausted."

"Pretty much. What are you watching?" Logan asked, sitting down on the bed next to Rory and kicking his shoes off."

"Oh my gosh, so you might completely love this show that I just discovered! I'm only a few episodes in, so we can start it from the beginning if you want to."

"What show it is?"

"It's called The Resident. And get this, there is a doctor who looks EXACTLY like you! He could totally be your twin!"

"Oh really?!"

"He's even got your arrogant cocky attitude down."

"I doubt that."

"You've gotta check this out."

"So it's a medical show?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, but it deals with real life situations. Like things that are actually happening in the real world. And they emphasize medical injustices. But check out this episode that I was just watching. I was laughing so hard, I just about choked on my water!"

"Yeah, let's not do that."

"So look at this . . . This guy here, he's a college professor." Rory said, hitting play on the tv. "Kind of reminds me of a few Yale professors. But he comes in walking all funny, and the doctors and everyone clearly know him. The dude has a history of being in the ER, so they assign the new resident doctor to take over, and they find out that this guy has a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth stuck in his rectum, and the poor newbie has the misfortune of having to figure out how to get it out. And then, to make things even more hilarious, one of the other doctors starts texting the new guy's phone with pictures of other random things that have been stuck in the same place." Rory told him, trying to not laugh too hard while explaining what she had been watching.

"You know, I actually did hear about this show a couple times, but I hadn't had the chance to watch it. But I can definitely assure you that every hospital as that one patient."

"Really?! So you're saying that you have one too?"


"How many times have you had to deal with him?"

"Quite a few actually. I've been there way too long. It's tradition to give that patient to the new guy. It's good fodder for razzing them later."

"Seriously?! You guys REALLY have a patient who does this stuff?!"

"We've had several. One specifically that has been seen for it multiple times. But the others it's usually just a one-time thing. Their stuff is usually fairly small. But the patients who are repeat offenders, the objects only get larger."

"Ewww!!! You're serious?!"

"I wish I was kidding."

"Babe, that's just creepy!"

"Tell me about it! The one guy comes in several times a year. I actually haven't seen him in a few months, so he's about due for another mishap."

"What in the world is wrong with people?!"

"Trust me, I will never understand it, and I quit asking a long time ago!"

"Some people's children!"

"Tell me about it!" Logan chuckled.

"Ok, so check out this doctor . . . Conrad Hawkins . . . Doesn't he look EXACTLY like you?!"

"Eh, I have better hair."

"Logan. . ."

"He looks a little scrawny."

"Maybe in this scene. But check this out." Rory said picking up her phone, and pulling up the Pinterest app that she had been looking at. "Look at these pictures. This is that guy from other episodes. Here's one from the first episode where he has his shirt off. Look how buff he is. He looks exactly like you."

"Maybe a little, but I'm not that scrawny. I have way more muscle than that guy."

"Logan, you guys look identical!"

"Maybe we look a little bit similar, but I'm definitely more built than he is. And my hair is way better."

"You're just being a spoil sport." Rory said, flipping off the tv as Logan got up, and headed into their walk-in closet.

"I'm kind of hungry, what did you guys have for dinner?"

"Grandpa took us out. We went to an Indian place."

"So there's no leftovers?"


"What snacks do we have?"

"Same stuff as the other day. You're the one who did the grocery shopping."

"I wonder if Honor is awake and will let me raid her fridge. They usually have all kinds of stuff in the fridge over the weekend, before their chef gets his days off."

"Babe, it's 1am!"

"Look out the window and see if the lights are on over there."

"Logan, you can't be serious!"

"Fine, I'll call her." Logan said pulling his phone out of his pocket, and hitting the speed dial button for his sister."

"Logan? Is everything ok?" Honor asked, answering her phone after the third ring.

"I'm hungry, what do you have to eat."

"Logan, it's 1am!"

"I know that. I just got home from work, I'm hungry, and I don't want anything that we have. What did your chef leave in your fridge for you this weekend?"

"Logan, you have your own house. You're a big boy now."

"So you're saying that I can't come over and raid your fridge?"

"Aren't Richard and Emily staying with you?"

"Yes they are, but they're asleep. It's just Rory and I up. Can I come raid your fridge?"

"You really don't want to eat anything that you have?"

"Nope. And I have breakfast being delivered at 8am. But I'm hungry now. Can I come over?"

"Geez, you're like a drunk college kid, all over again!"

"So is that a yes?"

"Fine! I'll meet you in the kitchen."

"I love you Honor! We'll see you in a couple minutes." Logan smiled, then hung up the phone. "Here's your shoes." Logan said walking over to Rory with a pair of slippers in her hands. "Is your coat downstairs?"


"Let's go then!"

"I can't believe you woke your sister up at 1am!" Rory said climbing out of bed, and following Logan out of their bedroom.

"I can't believe she was actually asleep."

"It's 1am Logan! Of course she's asleep! The only reason that I'm not asleep is because I was waiting for my crazy husband to get home from work."

"Honor used to stay up way later than this, all the time when I lived there."

"Because she had to make sure you got home safe, and didn't need her to go pick your drunk self up."

"That's not entirely untrue."

"Really Logan?! Not entirely untrue? Who are you trying to fool here? Are you forgetting who you're married to? I used to be your designated driver."

"Yeah, you did it one or two times."

"One or two times?! Are you for real right now?!"

"Maybe 3 times."

"Logan, don't make me slap you!" Rory said as she reached for her jacket from the coat closet in the foyer. "I wonder what your sister has to eat. I'm craving Mexican food."

"Maybe we should just go find a taco shop?"

"You already woke Honor up."

"So let's go get her, and take her with us!"

"You're insane!" Rory said as Logan pulled his phone out again.

"Hey, grab your shoes and coat. We're going to the taco shop! Is Josh up?" Logan asked when Honor answered her phone again.

"No, he's asleep."

"Do you want to come, or do you want me to bring you something back?"

"Bring me a nacho supreme with everything on it and a California burrito."

"We'll be there shortly." Logan smiled, hanging up the phone, then walking into the kitchen to grab his car keys. "Honor wants a nacho supreme with everything on it, and a California burrito."

"That sounds so good right now! We need to get taquitos too. And some street tacos. Oh, and a taco salad!"

"Geez, you pregnant people and your cravings!"

"There are 4 of us with Honor and Josh. I'm sure you and I can eat most of that ourselves."

"You probably can. I doubt I can eat more than a burrito."

"Well then I'll share the nachos, taco salad and taquitos with Honor, and you can eat a burrito. I'm sure Honor will share her burrito with me."

"That burrito may be for Josh."

"So we'll get two of them then."

"You pregnant people . . ." Logan laughed as they headed into the garage to get into his car.

"Hey, this is just as much your doing, as it is mine!" Rory said, pointing to her stomach.

"Yeah, it was definitely a happy little accident, wasn't it?!"

"The happiest." Rory agreed as Logan opened the car door, and helped her in.

"You might have just been to gorgeous to resist." he smiled, kissing her, then walking around the car before climbing in himself.

"The same could be said about you, mister not so scrawny kill joy."

"Hey! That's not fair!"

"You're the one who says that hot doppelganger doctor doesn't look like you."

"Because he doesn't."

"We're going to ask Honor when we get over there with all the food. Ten bucks says that Honor agrees with me!"

"My sister is not going to agree with you. She's been looking at me for my entire life. I think she knows how unique I am."

"How unique you are? You're jealous!"

"Jealous of what?!"

"Jealous of the hot doctor." Rory said as Logan started the car, and backed out of their garage. "You're jealous that I think he's hot."

"I'm not jealous of anything."

"You are so! You're jealous of the tv doctor, who looks exactly like you!"

"I think you've definitely got pregnancy brain Babe, because that tv doctor does not look like me."

"He does so! I'm going to pull up photos of both of you on my phone, and put them right next to each other. Honor is going to think they're identical."

"Whatever you say!" Logan laughed. "I think you're losing it."

"How am I losing it?! Maybe I'll just have to post your side by side pictures to social media, and see what everyone else has to say about it. Maybe I'll even tag the actor, and tell him that he's got a long lost twin."

"You are insane!" Logan laughed.

"You know what I just realized?"

"What's that?"

"This might be one of our last late night food runs before the baby comes."

"You aren't even halfway through your pregnancy yet."

"I know that, but we don't do this much anymore. I think this is only the second time in the 3 months that we've been back together."

"And I'm pretty sure that the further into this pregnancy that you get, the more that you will be sending me for food in the middle of the night."

"Yeah, sending you, not going with you."

"I'll just have to drag you with me then."

"We'll see if I feel up to it."

"There's still a lot that can happen. We have another 6 months left."

"I know, but still. That's only 6 more months of it being just us. We won't be able to do this anymore, once the baby is here. We'll have to actually act like responsible adults."

"Eh! Being a responsible adult is overrated!" Logan laughed as he pulled into the taco shop drive thru. "Let's all go back to being brainless teenagers again!"

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