A Different Kind Of Life

נכתב על ידי DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 35

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נכתב על ידי DreamzOfGold

"Hey Ace, it's freezing in here! Why is the door open?" Logan asked, walking into the kitchen from his office, and seeing Rory sitting in a chair in front of the door to the backyard, with a blanket wrapped around her.

"Doyou smell it?" Rory asked, looking up at Logan.

"Smell what?" Logan asked. "Babe, it's like 30 degrees outside, and you're letting all the heat out and the cold air in. Not that I'm worried about not being able to afford a large electrical bill, but come on, why is the door open?"

"Logan, smell it! Take a deep breath, and smell the air!" Rory said excitedly.

"I smell nothing. Come on, it's freezing Ace!"

"You really don't smell that?!?" Rory asked.

"What am I supposed to be smelling?"

"I smell snow!" Rory announced excitedly.

"You smell snow? Are you serious?! Babe, I think you're losing it. Snow doesn't have a smell. Come on, let's shut the door and get you warm."

"No, Logan, for real. Can't you smell that?"

"Ace, is this some kind of twisted pregnancy joke that I don't understand?"

"You really don't smell it?"

"I don't smell anything. Come on, close the door now."


"Rory, why are we having this conversation? Snow doesn't have a smell, and it's not snowing anyway. It's just cold. This is probably just some crazy pregnancy craving type thing. Maybe you're dehydrated? How much water have you drank today?"

"This isn't some crazy pregnancy thing. Ever since I could remember, my mom could always smell it when it was getting ready to start snowing. She would smell it before it ever started, and she would sit there, and relish in it. I never understood her crazy fascination, or random ability to be able to smell snow, but I get it now. I finally get it! I smell snow. And it's almost here!"

"Ace, as a medical professional, I can tell you with 100% certainty, that snow does not have a smell. I love you, and I love your mom, so please don't take this the wrong way, but I think you've both lost your minds. Now come on, shut the door. It's cold!" Logan said walking over to Rory, and pulling her chair away from the doorway, then shutting the door she had been sitting in front of.

"Logan! We're going to miss it!"

"Miss what?"

"The snow!"

"What snow? There isn't any snow. It's not supposed to snow today. Not for a few more days if I remember correctly. It's just cold."

"You see Dear Husband, that's where you're wrong!" Rory said pulling her phone out from under the blanket that she was wrapped up in, and pressing a few buttons. "Hey Mom!"

"Rory, do you smell it?!" Lorelai asked as soon as she answered the phone.

"For the very first time ever, I actually do! I smell it!" Rory said excitedly.

"You two are insane!" Logan said rolling his eyes as he opened the refrigerator.

"Mom, Logan doesn't believe me! He walked into the room and immediately told me to close the door because it's cold. Hold on, I'm switching you to Facetime . . . Here, you tell him!"

"Logan? What are you doing?" Lorelai asked, seeing Logan's back as he stood in front of the refrigerator.

"Looking for dinner. One of use needs to be the adult here, and figure out what we are going to eat tonight."

"You need chili cheese fries, smores and hot chocolate." Lorelai told him.

"That's not dinner."

"No ,but it's first snow food."

"It's not snowing! And what the heck is first snow food?!" Logan asked.

"It's the magical foods that go with the first snowfall. You'll need both chocolate and powdered donuts too."

"And twizzlers!" Rory added.

"Ok, first of all, NONE of that is dinner! Second, it's NOT snowing! And third, do I need to remind you that you're pregnant, slightly anemic, and need to eat a decent meal?" Logan said closing the fridge, and turning to see both Lorelai and Rory staring at him, expectantly.

"Do you see what I'm dealing with?!" Rory asked.

"Logan, you really need to get on board here." Lorelai told him.

"On board with what?" Logan asked .

"Dinner!" they heard Luke call through the phone., then saw him appear behind Lorelai with plastic bags of food in his hands.

"What are you guys having tonight?" Logan asked, almost nervously.

"Here are your donuts, both chocolate and powdered, Mallomars, marshmallows, graham crackers, Hershey bars, hot cocoa, twizzlers, and your chili cheese fries." Luke said, piling Lorelai's dinner items onto the table in front of her.

"And what is that other box in your hand?" Lorelai asked.

"A steak and a salad for me. There is no way in hell that I am eating any of that fist snow crap that you insisted on me getting."

"See!" Lorelai said proudly into the phone.

"See what? Who are you talking to?" Luke asked looking around the kitchen.

"It's Rory and Logan. Rory smells the snow too, and Logan thinks we're insane."

"That's because you ARE insane!" Logan laughed.

"Thank you!!!" Luke agreed. "See! I told you that snow has no smell! But for years and years, you've sat here insisting that you smell the stuff, and shoveling all kinds of junk food into your mouth all night while you get all excited about the possibility that maybe your crazy imagination will suddenly make mother nature spring snow on us."

"See, even Luke knows that snow doesn't have a smell!" Logan told them.

"Logan, you're a doctor! This is some kind of mental illness, right?!" Luke asked.

"I would hope so, because it's definitely not logical!" Logan laughed.

"For years, these two have been doing this. Every freaking time it snows, they think that they can smell it. And the first snow of the year, is this crazy magical thing to them. I swear, they think that they can predict it, or will it to happen, or something." Luke told them.

"No Luke, that was always just a mom thing." Rory told him. "I always just went along with it. But it finally happened today! I can actually really smell it now!"

"Rory, I think you've probably had too much coffee, and that baby is so jacked up on caffeine, that she's never going to sleep again."

"You two just don't get it." Lorelai told them. "You see, this happened to me when I was pregnant with Rory. I developed this crazy sense of smell, and ever since, I've been able to smell when there is snow coming. I was never able to do it before, and it never went away. I just got this crazy twitch in my nose, and I just knew. It smelled like snow!"

"Logan, you see what I have to deal with?!" Luke asked.

"Yeah, and apparently I have her twin, right here!" Logan laughed.

"I think maybe it's a Lorelai thing." Lorelai told them. "Like maybe only people named Lorelai can smell it?"

"I wonder if Gran could do it?" Rory asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we'll have to ask Grandpa."

"You two are insane!" Luke told them.

"How are we insane?! You're insane for not believing us!" Lorelai told him.

"Ok, call me crazy, but I'll bite . . ." Logan started. "What does snow smell like?"

"It smells like magic!" Lorelai smiled excitedly. "It smells like magic, and happiness. It smells like a warm blanket, fresh out of a drier full of warm chocolate chip cookies that melt in your mouth, and hug you with tasty aroma. It smells like excitement and freedom."

"Ok, now I know that you're hallucinating!" Logan laughed. "That was the most wacked out, drugged up, high as a kite, tweaker description that I have EVER heard! And I'm an emergency room doctor!"

"That was right up there with what does a pink number 3 taste like." Luke told them.

"For real!" Logan agreed. "I'm going to leave you two crazy women alone for a bit, and go out to pick up some dinner."

"Get all the first snow foods that mom told you." Rory instructed him.

"Absolutely NOT!" Logan told her. "You're pregnant with my baby. You are NOT going to load up on crap tonight. I'm getting you a salad. And maybe some steak, because Luke made it sound really good!"

"Good man, Logan!" Luke said proudly.

"Don't worry Honey, mommy can have all the first snow essentials delivered to you within an hour." Lorelai told her. "You and my sweet baby jelly bean will be eating all of the yummy first snow foods with me tonight. Mommy always has your back!"

"Thanks Mommy!" Rory smiled as Logan just shook his head behind her.

"Rory, I'm leaving. I'll be back shortly." Logan said, reaching into a drawer behind him, and pulling his car keys out.

"It'll be ok kid. He'll eventually come around. It took me years to train Luke." Lorelai said as they watched Logan leave the kitchen. "Eventually he'll get it."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Scene 2 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"Hey Logan! How's your Dad doing?" Doyle asked, seeing Logan and Rory walk into the HPG building the next morning.

"He's alright at the moment. As long as he stays stable, they may release him to Honor at the end of the week."

"How long has it been since his surgery?"

"8 days."

"That's good. I'm glad he's doing well. What about your Mom? How is she doing?"

"Mom is at the Betty Ford Clinic. Inpatient rehab." Logan smiled. "And it's about damn time!"

"You guys finally got her to go?"

"Emotional blackmail, my friend!

"How long will she be gone?"

"At least 12 weeks."

"Hopefully it'll help her."

"That's the plan!"

"Is she being released for Christmas?"

"Nope! Holidays are major addiction triggers. She'll gone until the end of February."

"You seem excited by that."

"You have no idea!" Logan laughed as they walked into Rory's office, and put their things down.

"You guys have that meeting you requested with the hospital board and the insurance company this morning at ten. Is there anything special that you need before everyone starts arriving?"

"Actually, would you mind running down the street to the bakery on the corner and get a couple boxes of pastries?" Rory asked.

"Sure, I'll do that right now. Is there anything else?"

"Grab some drinks to go with them." Logan told him. "Milk, orange juice, coffee, maybe some eggnog if they have it."

"No problem. I'll be back shortly!" Doyle said, then left the office to get the requested items.

"Are you ready for the meeting?" Rory asked as Logan helped her out of her coat.

"I think so. I talked to Sookie's friend the other day, to get the details of what her company provides for all the employees, and I did some research about what other companies have done. We basically just need the partnership from the hospital, and a fee agreement with the insurance company. If HPG has to pay for supplies for our personal clinic, then that's an expense we will have to cover, but as long as we can get the hospital partnership, we should be good to go. I have a contract with Columbia for another 3 years, so if they like me enough, they should be excited to get on board. It's a big win for them with all the guaranteed patients they would get."

"Well, we just need for them to agree then. I for one would be really happy to have you running your own office right here in the building."

"And why is that?"

"Because I would get to see you a lot more, and not have to give you up on weekends."

"That is true. But I would basically be doing two different jobs for HPG. I would be running the clinic and being your partner CEO."

"At least you finally admit that's what you are."

"Only to you. Don't you dare say it to anyone in my family!" Logan said pulling Rory into his arms.

"And what's in it for me if I keep quiet?"

"Nothing that is appropriate here at the office, that's for sure!" Logan laughed as Rory wrapped her arms around his neck. "You look beautiful today. Have I told you that?"

"You might have."

"Well maybe we can sneak out of here early today, and I can show you just how much I appreciate your efforts?"

"Don't be threatening me with a good time." Rory said softly as Logan kissed her, holding her tight against him.

"Knock knock!" a voice said from the door.

"Hey Sandra!" Rory smiled, turning to see her secretary. "Come on in."

"I'm sorry to interrupt. I'm still not used to all the happy smiles and lovey dovey stuff in this office. It's never been this cheerful in all the years that I've worked here."

"It's definitely not the Huntzberger style, is it?!" Logan laughed, taking a seat behind the large desk, and turning on the computer.

"Not at all. You guys are cute though. It's nice to see you happy Logan. I'm so used to you and your Dad yelling at each other, that walking into PDA is an entirely new concept for me."

"It's definitely NOT what my family is known for, that's for sure."

"It's a good thing though. This office definitely has a much calmer demeanor now that you two have taken over. No one is running skiddish, around fearing for their job all day."

"I've noticed that too. Everyone seems a lot happier."

"And no one is afraid of you. I think that's the biggest change. You guys aren't very intimidating."

"I think that's Rory's influence. She's definitely softened me up."

"Well it's really nice to see you so happy. I'm still getting used to having you both in here, but it's definitely a great change. I just came to let you know that your cousin Randy asked for a meeting with you, Logan."

"Do you have any idea what he wants?"

"He did not say anything to me."

"Ok. Let him know that I'll call him in after my conference this morning."

"No problem. I am getting the conference room set up, and I'll let you know when everyone arrives."

"Thank you Sandra." Logan said as Sandra left the office, and Rory approached him with a cup of coffee.

"Mrs. Huntzberger, I do believe that is cup number two this morning."

"Number 3 actually."

"Rory. . . We've talked about this."

"I know, but I didn't even drink all of the other ones. I only drank less than half. Which really only makes this almost number 2."

"You're cut off after this one."

"What if I bribe you?"

"It better be a damn good bribe, because it's not good for the baby."

"But I like it, it wakes me up." Rory whined, sitting down on Logan's lap. "And it makes me happy."

"But it's still not good for the baby."

"But if I'm happy, then I can turn around and make you happy . . ."

"But what if I'm already happy?" Logan asked, wrapping an arm around her waist, and reaching for the cup of coffee she had set in front of them on the desk, and taking a sip.

"Hey! No fair! That's my coffee!"

"Yeah, well, you're my wife, and New York is a community property state, so what's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine too."

"Oh really?! Is that how it's going to be?!?" Rory laughed as Logan took another sip of her coffee, before setting it back on the desk in front of them.

"I'm kidding, New York isn't a community property state at all. It's an equitable property state, which means everything is divided fairly."

"Not like we'll ever have that problem, right?" Rory asked in a serious voice, looking into Logan's eyes.

"Not if I can help it. I'm not planning to ever let you go. You're it for me."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Ace." Logan said with a smile, kissing her gently. "No more coffee today, ok? Baby girl doesn't need to come out jacked up on caffeine."

"About that . . . I thought of a name."

"What's that?"

"Lorelai Ayribella Huntzberger. We can call her just Ayribella, or even Ayri."

"That sounds beautiful."

"You like it?"

"I do. It's perfect."

"I was trying to decide if we should continue the Lorelai tradition, an dI couldn't think of any good reason not to, so Ayribella will be Lorelai the fourth."

"It's a great tradition. Especially with the Gilmore name dying out. It's one way to keep your family heritage alive."

"I thought so too."

"So baby Ayribella." Logan smiled, laying his hand on Rory's stomach. "Do you like your name Baby Girl? Lorelai Ayribella Huntzberger. We're going to call you Ayribella. That is such a pretty name. It's perfect for our beautiful baby girl. Daddy loves you Ayribella."

"You are such an amazing father." Rory smiled as tears threatened her eyes. "Every time you talk to her it makes me tear up."

"I can't wait to meet her."

"Only about 6 more months." Rory chuckled, trying to hold her emotions in.

"I hope she is just like you. Beautiful and smart."

"Well, she's definitely got the looks and smarts going for her, no matter which one of us she takes after."

"She's not allowed to date, ever!"

"Good luck with that one!" Rory laughed.

"Especially not a guy like me. I know what a jerk I am!"

"Oh come on! You might have been a jerk in the beginning, but you're an amazing, kind, gentle man now. I'll be proud to have a son just like you someday."

"Is that your way of saying you want to have another baby after this one?"

"Not right away, no. But someday. I want you to have that perfect son. Someone who is just like you, and you can be proud of, just like you always wished your parents would be. I want that for you."

"I'm so glad I married you." Logan said softly. "You make me believe that everything is going to be ok. That everything will work out perfectly, the way I always imagined it."

"It will. We're in this together, and we aren't your parents. We can do this." Rory told him.

"I love how much you believe in me."

"I never stopped believing in you." Rory said gently stroking his cheek. "You are the most amazing man I've ever met. Ayribella is so lucky to have you."

המשך קריאה

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