Naruto Shippuden (Male Reader...

By YourMother72

158K 4.9K 2.3K

It's been almost three years since (Y/N)'s disappearance. No one has been able to find him, and Minerva has a... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter L
Chapter LI

Chapter XLIX

1.3K 74 45
By YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Black Zetsu stared through the wall of the makeshift tree Nagato, Konan, and Naruto were in.

His yellow eyes watched in surprise as the emaciated Nagato used the secret seventh jutsu of the Rinnegan to resurrect the people of Konohagakure. His red Uzumaki hair was now white.

Naruto: <shocked> Did you just—?

Nagato: <panting> War inflicts death, injury, and pain on everyone. The truth is, the more precious someone is to us, the harder it is for us to accept that they might die. Sometimes you actually convince yourself there's no way they could die.

Blood dribbled from his mouth as his body shivered.

Nagato: This naïveté can't be helped, especially with a generation like yours. A generation that does not know war. You might try to find meaning in war, but all there is is loss and unbearable pain. All that senseless death, it unleashes a cycle of violence and hatred that never ends. War creates only more war. And those are the things you will face in the coming days, Naruto.

Black Zetsu: <thinking> Hmm... A correct prediction indeed.

Nagato: The parallels between you and that book...

He glanced at the book that Jiraiya had once written in which the main character was named Naruto.

Nagato: almost feels like someone set it all up. Like it was all the work of an actual god.

Black Zetsu grinned wickedly.

Black Zetsu: <thinking> You don't even know how right you are on both accounts, my dear boy...


When (Y/N) woke up, pain shot through his body. He groaned and winced. He felt like he was on fire.

Naruto: (Y/N), you're awake!

He rushed over to the white haired male who realized that he was on top of crumbled pieces of rubble.

(Y/N): Ow... Ugh... I feel awful...

Naruto bent over him and smiled.

Naruto: It's over, (Y/N). Everything's been resolved.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. He sat up quickly, only to let out a groan; his body still in pain.

(Y/N): S-So Pain's been dealt with? The real body, I mean?

Naruto pointed over a few feet away. Konan stood there with two bodies covered in her paper pieces floating next to her.

(Y/N): What the—?! She's Akatsuki, too!

Naruto: I know, (Y/N). Just, listen. It's a little bit complicated, but Nagato—that's who Pain really was—is dead.

(Y/N): He is? Did you... Did you kill him?

Naruto: N-No. He used some secret justu to... <smiles> He broke everyone back.

(Y/N): Huh? What does that mean?

Naruto: All of the people who died in his attack. They're all back!

(Y/N): Wha—?!

His breath caught in his throat. All of the pain he was feeling was pushed from his mind. Everyone who died was back? Did that mean Kakashi and Hinata were—?

Konan walked over to the two boys, the two bodies following her. Naruto eyed one of them.

Naruto: You're taking him too?

Konan: Yes. The Deva Path Pain was created from the body of our dear friend Yahiko. It's something that's very precious to us both.

Naruto: What are you gonna do now? I'd hate to think you're going back to the Akatsuki.

(Y/N): Wait, Naruto, you're letting her go?! She attacked us?! She tried to kill me!

Konan: I'm sorry for that. You don't have to forgive me, just know that Nagato and I have made peace with Naruto. I won't be a bother to you no longer.

(Y/N) didn't look convinced at all.

Konan: You can feel free to come chase after me if you wish.

(Y/N) pursed his lips, thinking.

Naruto: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): If everyone back in the village is alive, then I won't. But if you're going back to the Akatsuki...

Konan: I'm leaving the Akatsuki. Yahiko and Nagato meant everything to me. Yahiko's dream, and then Nagato's dream. Both of their dreams have been entrusted to you, Naruto. You now embody those dreams. Nagato chose to put his faith in you, so now I will do the same. And we of the Hidden Rain Village will continue to pursue our dreams together with you.

(Y/N) was surprised by her statement. Just what happened between Naruto and this Nagato?

Naruto: The name Naruto, the guts to never give up, and now more pain. They're the things I've inherited from my master and from my sibling student.

(Y/N): Sibling student? Is he talking about this Nagato?

Konan created a bouquet of flowers out of paper pieces and handed it to Naruto.

Konan: This time I wish that you will be the blossom of hope that will never wilt away.

Naruto smiled at her. Konan nodded, turned, and began to walk away.

Konan: I've spent my life thus far being a support for both Yahiko and Nagato's dreams. Perhaps it's time I find my one of my own.

She stopped before glancing back at the two boys.

Konan: There will be a confrontation soon with the remainder of the Akatsuki. Whether it be all-out war, I don't know. However, I promise that the Hidden Rain Village will be your ally should open war break out.

(Y/N): Whoa.

Naruto: Thanks. So you'll becoming the new leader of the Hidden Rain?

Konan: I suppose I am. Call on us whenever you are in need, and we will try our best to aid you. Farewell, for now. Never lose that spirit of yours, Naruto. It may very well save the world.

When she was gone, (Y/N) looked at Naruto.

(Y/N): Something tells me you resolved this conflict with words, not fighting.

Naruto: <smiles softly> Yeah, that's about right. Sometimes that's all it takes I think.

(Y/N): I'm proud of you, Naruto. You've matured so much. You saved our village.

Naruto: Well, you played a part in it too.

(Y/N): Yeah, but you're the star. Not me. Right now, I can't even walk. You'll have to help me. I want to see if everyone really is back.

Naruto: I need to make a quick stop first, if you don't mind.


(Y/N) and Naruto trekked through the forest after paying their respects to a memorial of Jiraiya that Naruto made.

He had laid Konan's paper bouquet and a book that Jiraiya had written on it.

As they got closer to the village, Naruto started to stumble, causing (Y/N) to fall against a tree.

Naruto: S-Sorry... I'm just...

(Y/N): <smiles> You're exhausted too. Hm. Guess I'll have to tough out the pain.

He stood up and put Naruto's arm over his shoulder. He took two steps before wincing in pain.

(Y/N): Agh—! No good!

Naruto: Sorry, (Y/N).

(Y/N): You should be the last person apologizing right now. Dammit, my body hurts so much...

The two started falling forward, only to be caught by a familiar face.

Kakashi: Good job.

Naruto smiled, while (Y/N) stared at him in shock. Nagato really did bring everyone back.

Naruto: Kakashi-sensei.

(Y/N): Y-You're...

He got teary eyed as he wiped his face. Kakashi smiled and put Naruto on his back, while putting (Y/N)'s arm around his shoulder.

Kakashi: I'll help you guys.

The three boys made their way out of the forest and were greeted by the sight of a cheering village. Citizens and Shinobi all whooped and hollered at Naruto's appearance.

Naruto stared at them, gobsmacked. (Y/N) just smiled.

Kakashi: They've all been waiting for you to return.

He set Naruto down, and a bunch of kids ran up to him, laughing and cheering.

Naruto: What's this?

Katsuyu emerged from Naruto's jacket.

Katsuyu: I've already relayed to the others every detail of what transpired between you and Pain.

The kids started tugging on him and asking him a bunch of questions.

Naruto: Hey, cut it out, will ya?

As (Y/N) laughed, Sakura made her way through the crowd, looking upset.

Naruto: Oh, hey, Sakura.

Sakura: You're just so reckless. Both of you!

(Y/N) and Naruto both flinched before they were pulled into a hug by the pink haired girl.

Sakura: Thank you.

Teams 8, 10, and Guy hurried over to Naruto and (Y/N), eagerly, as Sakura separated from the two.

Guy: Nice going! That's what the power of youth's all about!

(Y/N): Oh. When did you guys get ba—?

His question trailed off when he saw Hinata. She stared at him, blushing slightly.

Hinata: (Y-Y/N)...

The white haired male leapt forward, pulling her into a close hug, causing her to yelp and blush furiously.

(Y/N): <voice cracking> H-Hinata...!

Naruto grinned at the scene, before being pulled into a conversation with Lee and Neji.

(Y/N): You're alive...

He kissed her on the forehead, causing Hinata's brain to short circuit. She nearly fainted. Shino and Kiba sweat dropped.

Minerva: Move!! Outta my way!!

Minerva shoved past a group of people. Akio followed her.

(Y/N) gulped as he pulled away from Hinata. Minerva was glaring angrily at him.

Minerva: You... You bastard... How dare you ignore me back there?! And you could've died! You could've fucking died!!

Guy: Language, Minerva! There's children around!

Minerva sent an evil look to Guy. A dark, menacing aura surround her, making Guy shrink.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, Minerva. I really am. I...I was just so angry back there...

She threw her arms around (Y/N) and burst into tears.

Minerva: I-I was just so scared, (Y/N)! If something happened to you... I couldn't live with myself!

(Y/N): <smiling> Nothing happened to me. Well, that's not entirely true.

Minerva stared into his eyes and saw the changed Sharingan.

Minerva: A Mangekyo... I guess it makes sense you'd get one from this incident...

(Y/N): That's not all. I think the needle Yugen put in me's gone. I used my alien form against Pain.

Minerva's eyes widened.

Minerva: What?!

In a tree in the forest, Zetsu emerged from a branch, having watched the entire assault in full.

White Zetsu: I never imagined Pain would be talked down.

Black Zetsu: We've got to tell Tobi. Let's go.


Sasuke walked over to his team, who were reclining and resting in a dark room.

Sasuke: Get ready.

Suigetsu: Huh... You're all healed up?

Sasuke: Yeah. We're heading out to Konoha.

Karin: Can't wait to see (Y/N) again!

Jugo: I can...


In the dark chamber where the Gedo Statue resided, Zetsu was talking to Tobi and Kisame.

Black Zetsu: And that's it.

White Zetsu: What are you gonna do?

Black Zetsu: Konan's not coming back here.

Tobi: We need more pawns to synchronize with the Gedo Statue, again.

He turned to Kisame.

Tobi: Kisame, you go track down Eight-Tails. I've got some other business to take care of.

He made eye contact with Black Zetsu that went unnoticed by both Kisame and White Zetsu.

Eventually, Kisame left, and Black Zetsu separated from White Zetsu.

Tobi and Black Zetsu waited for White Zetsu to go off and do his own thing before leaving the cavern.

Tobi: I have reservations about this, Black Zetsu.

Black Zetsu: All these years and you still have no trust in me? Remember whose will I am, Madara. If you can't trust me, you will accomplish nothing.

Tobi didn't say anything. The two walked outside until they were in the middle of the nearby forest.

Black Zetsu: I know what I am doing. You of all people should know that if I even suspect the slightest hint of danger or betrayal, I would not follow through with this.

Tobi: Yes.

A swooshing sound was heard. Tobi and Black Zetsu turned to the side and saw Horikiri and Furuse standing near them.

Yugen, hood over her face, appeared behind them. She walked towards Tobi, smirking.

Yugen: Ah, the true leader of the Akatsuki. How lovely to finally meet you.

Tobi: Yugen.

Yugen: We should get right to the chase. Let's discuss our alliance for the upcoming war.

Tobi: Potential alliance.

Yugen: Whatever you want to call it, dear.


Naruto, Sakura, and (Y/N) were sitting on stacks of wood that were being used to help rebuild Konohagakure.

Citizens and Shinobi all pitched in to help restore their village.

The three had just gotten back from visiting Tsunade, who was in a coma after having used up so much chakra during Pain's attack.

Naruto: There's so much that I want to tell Granny Tsunade...

Sakura: It's okay. Lady Tsunade will wake up soon. I mean, she's really strong, and she's Hokage. Don't worry.

She didn't sound convinced in what she was saying. (Y/N) patted her on the shoulder.

Off in the distance, Yamato was using Wood Style to create buildings much easier.

A voice then called out over to the three.

???: Long time no see, Naruto! Sakura! (Y/N)!

The three shot up, staring in shock at Tazuna and Inari from the Land of Waves.

Inari: I can't believe I'm getting to see our hero again, big brother Naruto!

Sakura: <shocked> You're...

(Y/N): Wow... Inari and old man Tazuna!

Naruto: Inari, you've grown up! And you've gotten even older, old man.

Tazuna: Aw, now...

Inari: I'm a carpenter now. I accepted Konoha's commission. And here we are! I figured we'd say hello to you all while we were here. Big sister Sakura, you're so pretty now!

Sakura: <flustered> Really?

(Y/N): It sure has been a long time.

He thought back to Haku and Zabuza.

Tazuna: I'm so sorry for having embroiled you all in that Gato incident, but thanks to you, the Land of Waves is very prosperous now.

Inari: That's why this time, it's our turn to repay you!

Naruto: Inari, thanks.

(Y/N): I see you're not holding a beer bottle in your hand, Tazuna.

Tazuna: Heh heh, I knew you'd notice. I decided to stop drinking after you saved the Land of Waves.

(Y/N): Whoa, really? Wow.

Inari: You look really cool, big brother (Y/N). Very tough.

(Y/N): <flustered> Oh... Thank you.

Tazuna: Finally accepting your white hair? No hair dye I see.

(Y/N): Yeah, I did. A lot's happened since that mission way back then...

Kakashi walked over to the group.

Kakashi: Oh? You're already here?

Tazuna: Ah, Kakashi! Konoha's in crisis, so we rushed over!

Kakashi: Of course.

Tazuna: <frowns> Hmm...?

Kakashi: What is it? If there's anything you need, I'll have someone get it for you.

Tazuna: Where's Sasuke? I'd like to talk to him too.

The four Shinobi all flinched. Kakashi started sweating nervously.

Kakashi: Uh...

(Y/N) stared at the ground, clenching his fists. Sakura and Naruto both glanced at him, worried.

Tazuna and Inari both looked confused.

Naruto: W-Well... Sasuke's, Sasuke's not around right now. We kind of had a fight, and he left the village. But don't worry. We'll go get him! You can say hello to him when we get back. I'm sure Sasuke would be really glad to see you, right, guys?

Sakura: Of course.

(Y/N): Y-Yeah.

Tazuna: What? You guys were tangled up in a love quadrangle or something?

Naruto: What the—? No way!

Sakura giggled, while (Y/N) smiled softly.

After saying goodbye to Tazuna and Inari who went back to work, Naruto suddenly became serious.

Naruto: Now I finally understand how Sasuke feels... What vengeance is about. I thought I knew how Sasuke felt, what he was going through, but I didn't. Whatever I said to Sasuke in the Final Valley, he wasn't going to...

Kakashi: Naruto...

Naruto: Without understanding Sasuke's pain, there's no way we could ever laugh together, or even argue with each other again. It's probably going to hurt really bad, but next time, I want to have a proper fight with him. And then, someday, Team 7, including Sasuke, can all laugh together like we used to!

Sakura and Kakashi both smiled, while (Y/N) remained expressionless.

(Y/N): Will it really come down to a fight between you and Sasuke, Naruto? Or will be it me and him?

Before anyone could answer, Kiba, on top of Akamaru, landed in front of them.

Kiba: There you are! There you are! Hey!

Sakura: Kiba? What's the matter?

Kiba: Listen up...and just stay calm, all right? Lady Tsunade has been relieved of her Hokage title!

Everyone: What?!

Kiba: The sixth Hokage is apparently some guy named Danzo! I don't know too much, but he's supposed to be some inside guy!

Sakura: <shocked> Did you say Danzo?!

(Y/N): No way!

Kakashi: This can't be good...

Kiba: And that's not the only shocker! This sixth Hokage declared Sasuke a rogue Shinobi, and issued a decree permitting his disposal!!


Minerva was sobbing her eyes out as she knelt over the wreckage that once was her library.

Minerva: <wailing> A-All of my b-book!! Gone!! Dammit!! A-All of my p-paintings!!

Akio stood behind her, staring at her in sympathy.

Minerva: <crying> And a-all of my P-Playninja magazines...

Akio deadpanned and rolled her eyes. He turned to leave, but stopped in his tracks when he saw Nyssa walking over to them.

His face broke out into a blush.

Nyssa: Hello, Akio-san.

She bowed, her cheeks a little red as well. Akio just scratched the back of his head, smiling nervously.

Nyssa glanced at Minerva, who sniffled loudly. She held a letter in her hand.

Nyssa: Is this a bad time? I have an important note that's for Minerva-sama.

Minerva perked up. She stood and turned to look at Nyssa.

Minerva: A note? For me?

Nyssa handed her the paper. Minerva's tears stopped as she looked at it.

Dear Miss Minerva of Konohagakure,
     This is a notice for your mandatory attendance at the coming Five Kage Summit. Your knowledge on the actions of the mysterious woman known as Yugen will be essential to the discussion that will occur between all five Kage. She is one of the topics that will be covered along with the Akatsuki.
     We've been in contact with the Leaf Village for some time in case the need for a summit arrived, and the fifth Hokage had previously left in the records a letter of recommendation for your knowledge on the subject of Yugen due to your close relationship to her only free experiment, (Y/N) (L/N).
     Regarding (L/N), his attendance at the summit will be not permitted due to certain risks that will undoubtedly rise up if he should make an appearance. The same prohibition will also be in place for the remaining Jinchurikis.
     Please prepare a thorough report on all of your knowledge on the subject of Yugen and her machinations so you can share it with the five Kage of the Five Great Nations.
     The summit itself will be held in the provided address on the provided date. Thank you in advance.
- Mifune of the Land of Iron, moderator

Minerva reread the note twice before gulping. She was going to be a part of a Five Kage Summit?

Minerva: Oh, lord have mercy. I need a drink...

Nyssa: If you don't mind my asking, what was the note about?

Minerva: I have a lot of shit to do. Ugh. And I have to be in the presence of all five Kage. Wait, Tsunade's out of commission... Who's going to be representing—?

As if on cue, Danzo and a couple of Foundation Shinobi walked up to the three.

Danzo: Well, Minerva, the time is nigh.

Minerva: <growls> Danzo. Is this what I think it is?

Danzo: <smirking> Upon my return from the Five Kage Summit, the official ceremony will be held, and I will be officially the sixth Hokage.

Minerva: <thinking> Shit! Shit!! Shit!!!

Danzo: And you know what that means. I will have the power to banish you from the Leaf Village. You and that (L/N) creature.

Minerva: <growling> You piece of—!

She caught herself and took a deep breath to steady her anger. Danzo seemed to be enjoying all of it.

Danzo: You'd better inform (L/N). You only have a limited amount of time remaining here.

Minerva: Why, you—!

Danzo: With the child's powers having been returned to him, there's all the more reason to get him out of this village. It's the only way to protect it from Yugen's influence.

Minerva steadied her breathing. Both Akio and Nyssa were staring at her, shocked. Akio grabbed her hand.

Danzo: I would begin packing your things now. Oh, but it seems as if all of your possessions are gone. Then it should be easy for you.

Minerva: I don't need to hear that. And I guess I'm going to be at the summit with you. Just what I wanted, to be around you more.

Danzo looked surprised.

Danzo: What do you mean?

She handed him her note. He read it over before crumbling the paper in his hand.

Danzo: Very well, then. Once you depart for the summit, you will not be allowed back here. Now you have even less time remaining in this village.

He dropped the wad of paper on the ground and turned to leave.

Danzo: You'd better mark a place to rendezvous with (L/N). And I'll be kind. That mute child of yours can also leave with you. He doesn't have to stay here alone.

Akio gripped Minerva's hand tighter. She gripped it back.

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