A Different Kind Of Life

By DreamzOfGold

11.6K 247 8

What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 30

103 4 0
By DreamzOfGold

"Rory, Logan, come in come in! It is so good to see you!" Emily Gilmore said beckoning her granddaughter into the house Wednesday morning. "I am so glad you could both make it. I hope it wasn't too much trouble for you to get the day off from work at the hospital, Logan."

"No, it wasn't any trouble at all. I wouldn't dare miss our first Thanksgiving together."

"Let me take your coats. Go on into the living room. Are you hungry? Can I get you a drink?"

"Is Mom here yet?" Rory asked as Logan helped her out of her coat, then handed it to Emily along with his own.

"She is.  She's in the living room with your grandfather. There are some delicious pastries in the kitchen if you would like something to eat."

"I'll just have a ginger ale if you have it. Or a club soda." Rory told her.

"What about you Logan? What can I get for you?"

"I'll have the same as Rory."

"Alright then, you two are nice and easy today! Richard, look who's here!"

"Rory, Logan, it is so great to see you!" Richard smiled as Rory and Logan entered the living room with Emily right behind them.

"Richard, do we have any ginger ale to drink?" Emily asked.

"No, I don't believe that we do. Do I need to go get some? I don't mind running out if need be."

"I've actually got some right here." Lorelai smiled pulling a large bottle out of her purse.

"You travel with ginger ale now?" Emily asked.

"I might have made a stop on the way here. I knew Rory has been drinking it a lot lately, and you normally don't keep it in the house."

"It's always good to be prepared." Richard commented, standing from his chair, and taking the bottle from Lorelai.

"I have two bottles here, and several more in the car if needed."

"Thanks Mom." Rory said taking a seat on the couch next to Lorelai.

"Rory, are you not feeling well? Ginger ale isn't normally your drink of choice. You didn't have to come all this way if you are feeling ill. You should have stayed home, in bed."

"No, I'm ok Grandma. I actually have some news to share with you guys."

"Is everything going well at work?"

"Everything is great!" Rory said tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Rory, what in the world did you do to your hand?!" Emily gasped noticing the brace on Rory's right hand.

"I might have accidentally fallen out of bed and sprained it."

"You did what?! How in the world did you accidentally fall out of bed?"

"I don't really know. Logan was at work when it happened, so I called Honor for help, and she took me to the hospital to have Logan check it out."

"I had x-rays, and MRI and some blood tests done to try to figure out exactly what happened and if there was any damage done. Especially with it being the same hand I stitched up a couple months ago. There are no broken bones, or torn ligaments. She'll be in a brace for a few weeks, but otherwise she'll be fine." Logan explained.

"You did blood tests for a sprained wrist?" Richard asked.

"I wanted to see if we could figure out why she fell. Rory doesn't know what happened. Either her foot got caught getting out of bed, or it slipped when she stepped onto the floor. She doesn't really remember, which could be an indication that she blacked out for a moment. I just wanted to rule out any underlying problems that could have caused her to lose consciousness, or even become dizzy and briefly unresponsive. Rory is slightly anemic, but that is easily treated. The anemia probably caused her to become dizzy, which would explain why she fell and doesn't really know what happened. She could have simply sat up too quickly after waking up, then gotten a blood rush when she tried to get out of bed and it would make her fall. All that matters is that she's ok. Sprains take a while to heal, but she'll make a full recovery. I've already changed her vitamin intake, so the anemia is taken care of. Rory is in great health."

"That is good to hear." Richard told them.

"So what is this news that you have today?" Emily asked handing out the drinks Richard had just prepared.

"Well. . ." Rory started. "I was just wondering how the two of you might feel about becoming Great Grandparents?"

"Great Grandparents?" Richard asked.

"Great Grandparents . . . Rory are you pregnant?!?" Emily gasped.

"I might be almost 10 weeks along."

"Might be?" Lorelai chuckled. "Honey, there is no might about it. You either are or you aren't. There is no might in pregnancy."

"Did you hear that Richard?! Rory is having a baby!" Emily excitedly announced.

"I did hear that! This is spectacular news! Spectacular news indeed!"

"Just imagine Richard, her blue eyes, and Logan's blonde hair, on an adorable little baby!"

"Sounds like a beautiful child! Congratulations Honey! We are very excited for you!"

"Thank you Grandpa!" Rory smiled.

"Rory, when are you due?" Emily asked.

"May 23rd."Logan answered. "We haven't told anyone else yet. We are going to tell everyone at the housewarming party on Saturday."

"Which means that you two need to act surprised when they announce it Saturday night. Not even Christopher knows yet." Lorelai explained to her parents.

"Rory, you haven't told your father yet?" Emily asked.

"I want to do it in person, and we won't get to see him before Saturday night."

"Well don't you worry my dear. Your secret is safe with us." Richard told them.

"Thank you Grandpa. And just a fair warning, morning sickness has been getting the best of me lately, so if I suddenly disappear on you today, I apologize ahead of time."

"Don't even worry about it Honey. I got terrible morning sickness with your mother. I was sick for months!" Emily told her. "Just let us know what we can do to help you."

"Thank you Grandma. Actually, do you happen to have any bread that I can snack on?"

"You want bread?" Richard asked.

"Let's go to the kitchen and see what we can find you. Then we'll head down to the basement and see what we can find for your new house."

"You are going to come up on Saturday, right?"

"Yes we are. Your mother says your new house is lovely. We are very excited to see it." Emily said as she led Rory into the kitchen with Logan and Lorelai right behind them. "Whatever we don't find for you in the basement and you still need for yourself after your party on Saturday, you and I can go shopping for on Sunday. Maybe we can even look at some baby things?"

"That sounds great Grandma. You have impeccable taste. I'm sure that between you Mom and I, we can finally get the house done."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Scene 2 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"Rory, this house is incredible!" Lane said as they walked through Logan and Rory's house Saturday afternoon, passing by a window looking out into the backyard. "The boys love your yard! Look how happy they are outside, playing basketball."

"Logan loves it too. He goes out there are plays catch with Rocky. We have a built in grill out there and everything. I'm actually curious if they've found the trampoline yet."

"You have a trampoline?

"There is an in-ground trampoline on the other side of the yard."

"At least it's in ground, so it's only mildly dangerous. The boys will still try to bounce each other off of it."

"Maybe we shouldn't tell them then." Rory laughed.

"We can make Zach watch them . . . Actually, you're right, let's not tell any of them. Zach will likely participate in the insanity."

"How do you survive with 3 boys?"

"I hide a lot." Lane told her. "And I eat a lot of chocolate."

"Knock Knock! Anyone home?!" a voice called from downstairs.

"Who's that?!" Lorelai's voice echoed through the house.


"Polo! You better have girl scout cookies!"

"Must be my dad." Rory laughed leading Lane to the stairs and heading down to see her Dad standing in the foyer with Gigi.

"Sorry, no cookies today, just housewarming presents for the daughter." Christopher said seeing Rory and Lane descending the stairs, then Loreleai walking out of the back of the house followed by Emily. "Hey Kiddo! Nice crib!"

"Hey Dad! Thanks for coming on such short notice. Hey Gigi! Lane, you remember my Dad and sister, right?"

"I do! How are you guys? Gigi, you are so grown up!"

"Thanks." Gigi smiled.

"Where do I put this stuff?" Christopher asked nodding at the boxes in his and Gigi's arms.

"Come to the kitchen." Lorelai told them. "Hey G! How are you honey?"

"I'm good, how are you?" she asked as they followed Lorelai.

"Wow Ror, look at this place!" Christopher said as he looked around.

"I'll give you the official tour in a little bit." Lorelai told him.

"You're giving the tour?"

"I am. Rory is needed elsewhere." she said, nodding toward the living room.

"What is that about?" Lane asked under her breath.

"Logan and Mom have me on a strict rest schedule after falling out of bed last weekend. Logan ran all kinds of tests and they came back saying I'm anemic and he thinks it caused me to get dizzy and light headed from getting up too fast, and I blacked out for a few seconds causing me to fall. That's how I sprained my wrist." Rory said holding up her right hand as they walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Is it bad that I thought that was left over from the whole stitches and cast thing?"

"Not at all. That's actually what most people are thinking, so they haven't even asked about it. It's for the best. It makes me not have to explain things."

"You have to give them credit for looking out for you. They just want what's best."

"I know. It just gets a little old having a babysitter all the time."

"Seriously? Logan has you being babysat?"

"I think it's the doctor in him. He has too much knowledge and I'm  the one having to suffer. He's very over protective sometimes."

"He loves you though. It's sweet when they're so protective."

"Oh hey, now that we are alone, I need to tell you something." Rory started as she watched her mom leave the kitchen and head upstairs with Christopher and Gigi. "You have to keep this quiet for a few more hours because only my mom and Grandparents know until later tonight, but you're my best friend, and you told me first when you found out that you were pregnant . . ."

"You're pregnant?!" Lane shrieked quietly as Rory nodded her head. "Oh my gosh! Rory! I am so excited for you!"

"Thank you! I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I didn't want to tell you over the phone, and there were way too many ears everywhere when I saw you Thursday."

"No, I totally get it. But you are telling everyone later?"

"Yeah. We are kind of having a gender reveal party later tonight, disguised as a housewarming party."

"Which is how you got everyone to show up without telling them what is going on."


"So you are far enough along already to know the gender?"

"I guess so. I'm 10 weeks now."

"How is it possible to know the gender at only 10 weeks? I had to wait until 20."

"I have no idea. Paris ordered a blood test on Monday. I googled it, and it says that you can find out the gender through a blood test as early as 7 weeks."

"That is incredible! I didn't know you could even do that! So, are you going to tell me what you are having before you tell everyone else?"

"I wish I knew!" Rory said rolling her eyes. "Paris is holding the results hostage. Only she knows what they are."

"Gotta love Paris!"

"Right?! She actually blackmailed us into having the party today. She wanted to throw a gender reveal with mom, and wasn't going to let us know what we are having until the party. We weren't even planning to tell anyone for a few more weeks, but then she pulled the blackmail card, and with how sick I've been lately, and everything else going on and with Logan's Dad being in rehab in California, we realized the other day that we should just come clean this weekend while Mitchum is intown because it'll be pretty obvious with me running off to throw up all the time. I had to tell Grandma and Grandpa on Wednesday when we were at their house for first Thanksgiving, just so they wouldn't get all upset when I was sick and disappeared."

"That totally makes sense. The morning sickness is the worst part of pregnancy. Did Paris at least give you good meds?"

"Logan gave them to me. We found out in the ER when I fell out of bed and sprained my wrist. Logan was at work when it happened, so I called Honor for help, and she took me to the hospital to have Logan check me out. He had to do a test before I could get x-rays, and then of course he had to do a blood test and call Paris in to do an ultrasound just to make sure the baby was ok after I fell, and to have her give me medication for the MRI he ordered. It was a really long day at the hospital."

"I'll say! But at least you are both ok. Do you have pictures?"

"They're on my phone over on the counter by the fridge." Rory said as she started to get up.

"No, you stay, I'll get it. I now understand the babysitter and mandatory rest thing." Lane said as she got up and walked into the kitchen to retrieve Rory's phone, bringing it back to the living room for her.

"Right?! I still think it's kind of over kill, but it's super sweet too. He just worries."

"Does he talk to your stomach too."

"Yes, and it's adorable! I started crying the first time he did it. It was the night we found out. He came home from work, and my mom and Luke were here, but had gone outside to get some stuff from the car. We were alone in the kitchen for a few minutes, and I was sitting on one of bar stools, and he kissed my stomach and started talking to the baby, telling the little jelly bean that he loves him and can't wait to meet him. And no, I don't know what the baby is, I just don't want to call the baby it, or them because it's just one and I just don't know what pronoun I'm supposed to use."

"Have you picked out any names yet?"

"Not yet. We haven't even really talked about it. This entire thing was a complete surprise. Like you, it literally happened on our first night back together."

"So you weren't trying at all."

"We haven't been not trying either. I went off the pill years ago because I was so busy and just didn't care to date. You know how crazy my life was."

"And how in love with Logan you always were, so no one ever measured up."

"Exactly! I wasn't dating, or even trying to hook up with anyone, so I went off of it, and didn't even think about it when Logan walked back into my life. Everything happened so fast that I didn't even realize that we hadn't been using protection or anything until he asked me at the hospital, if there was any chance that I could be pregnant. I just froze. I literally didn't know one way or the other. Things have been so insane since we got back together that I couldn't remember if I had even had a period since getting back with him. I was sitting there wracking my brain, trying to remember, and I just couldn't. So then when the test was positive and Paris came in, she asked a bunch of questions and did some measurements and stuff to determine how far along I am."

"Your life is definitely never dull."

"I can't believe we've only been back together for 10 weeks. It literally feels like it's been a lifetime with everything that has been going on lately. I haven't even had a chance to stop to catch my breath yet. I ran into Logan at the coffee shop, then got hurt a few hours later and ended up in his ER. Then Mom, Dad and Luke came to town that night, Logan and I got back together the next night, and it was still a few more days before everyone left town and we got a few days of quiet to enjoy being together. Then all of a sudden Mitchum had a heart attack, and I suddenly was taking over the family business, total pandemonium happened, we ran away to elope, then we had to come right back the next morning for my birthday, then it was all about getting Mitchum's care figured out, and figuring out work schedules and teaching me the business. Then we left town to take Mitchum to the rehab center out in Malibu, and Logan surprised me with a really fun trip. We had business meetings in the morning, then in the afternoons we went to Knotts Berry Farm, Magic Mountain, Disneyland, and Universal Studios. Then we came back, the next day I got hurt and we got the news, and then we had to fly out to Europe for a week, two days later. We just got back Sunday night, I had a doctor appointment first thing Monday morning, then Wednesday was first Thanksgiving with my grandparents, Thanksgiving at the Dragonfly on Thursday, mom came back here with us that night and we went Black Friday shopping yesterday, and now all of this today. It's literally been one thing after the next since the run in at the coffee shop. It's like my life is in warp speed or something."

"Wait, you got to go theme park hopping?!" Lane asked.

"We did. It was awesome! Completely exhausting, but totally awesome too. It was the only real break that we've had. Logan scheduled all the meetings we had to do into two big morning meetings rather than 6 different smaller ones, and it freed up a lot of time. It was pretty awesome."

"I'm kind of jealous right now. Maybe we need to take a girls trip when things calm down." Lane said as Lorelai passed through the living room with Christopher and Gigi, handing Rory a bottle of water and a sandwich from the fridge.

"Thanks Mom." Rory said as Lorelai continued on her way with the tour of the house.

"I love that your mom just walked through here and nonchalantly handed you food and a drink without even saying a word, or stopping what she was doing. It was like it was part of her tour." Lane whispered.

"She's stealthy for sure. Logan has me eating every few hours."

"So where did your grandma disappear to? I saw her for literally a second."

"I don't know. She's kind of all over the place. We went shopping in her basement while we were there on Wednesday, and mom arranged to have movers bring everything up today, so Grandma has been busy directing them around, and getting things set up. Grandpa was here for a while, but I think he's out playing golf with a friend or something. I haven't seen him in a couple hours."

"Your grandfather is setting up your office upstairs." Emily said as she walked through the room.

"He is?" Rory asked as she took a bite of her sandwich. "I didn't even see him when we were up there."

"He was down here setting up Logan's office, then moved upstairs when he was finished."

"Logan's office is finished?"

"Just about."

"Wow, the things I miss when I'm not in charge!"

"We'll give you a tour when we get things completed. You and I will still need to go out tomorrow for some other things, but your mom sent me pictures of the rooms the other day, and I had some things ordered that were just delivered."

"How did I not know about any of this?"

"Did I not tell you? I'm sorry, it must have slipped my mind. Oh well, you know now." Emily said, then walked away to go back to what she had been doing.

"Geez, it's like I'm a guest in my own house today."

"Enjoy it while it lasts. And if you completely hate everything they're done, we can redo it all later on." Lane told her.

"Good point!"

"So Logan's dad is in town right now?"

"He is. Honor flew out to get him from rehab and brought him back Wednesday afternoon, then had a driver bring Shira up. They're staying with Honor across the street."

"Have they seen your house yet?"

"Nope! Honor told them that she doesn't have a key. She's going to bring them over later on after Grandma is done doing her thing and Logan is home from work."

"Have you seen them at all?"

"I actually haven't. I was out with Mom yesterday when Logan went over to see them."

"Do they know your news yet?"

"Nope! They'll find out with everyone else."

"I'm curious how that will go over."

"Me too." Rory admitted. "Logan swears everything will be ok, but you never know with Shira. Last time I saw her, she didn't even give me the time of day. Logan and Honor have her on a very short leash."

"Maybe they should add a muzzle."

"They kind of have. Logan apparently attacked her at a party a few years ago when she randomly started bad mouthing me."

"He attacked her?"

"Verbally lashed out at her in front of everyone! She's been afraid of him ever since."

"Wow! That's crazy!"

"You're telling me!" Rory agreed looking up as they heard someone enter the kitchen, and drop a set of keys on the counter.

"Hey Ace! How's your day going?" Logan asked seeing Rory in the living room with Lane. "Hey Lane! Welcome to the chaos!"

"Hey Babe! I didn't expect you home so soon." Rory said as Logan walked into the living room, giving her a brief kiss, then sitting down in a chair next to the couch.

"Doctor Greenley took over early to return the favor from the other day."

"Wait, you've been at the hospital all day, and you come home looking like that, and not smelling like a foot?" Lane asked.

"Logan takes clothes to work with him, and showers before leaving the hospital so he doesn't bring any germs home." Rory explained.

"Well damn! I wish my husband showered the way you do! Heck, I wish my boys would just shower!"

"Logan showers any time he leaves the hospital. Even if it's just to go grab lunch." Rory told her.

"Do you teach lessons?" Lane asked. "Because I know 3 boys that could really use them!"

"Where are your boys? Did they come up with you?" Logan asked.

"They're outside playing basketball."

"I'll douse them in Lysol when they come back inside."

"They might need more than that."

"Are you guys staying up here tonight? Because I could make them go shower before the party if they have extra clothes with them."

"I wish we could. We have to get back to the Hollow tonight. Zach has a work thing that we have to go to tomorrow."

"Bummer! You'll have to come up again another time."

"I definitely will! Rory told me your news. Congratulations! I am so excited!"

"Thank you! We are too."

"Logan, do you want the rest of this sandwich? I can't finish it." Rory said holding her plate out toward Logan.

"Sure. I haven't eaten since breakfast. Is Sookie still cooking today?"

"I think so. She'll probably be here pretty soon to get started."

"Sookie is already here. I think she's at your sister's house." Lane spoke up.

"She is?"

"We drove up with her. She said something about helping your sister with a baby party for a friend, which now makes complete sense. But question, how is your sister planning a baby party with your parents over there, and them not knowing anything?"

"That is actually a REALLY good question! I have no idea!"

"Honor is pretty sneaky when she wants to be. She probably sent Shira to a spa for the day, and Mitchum out to play golf with Josh." Rory told them. "I'm willing to bet that your parents aren't even there right now."

"You're probably right." Logan agreed as the doorbell rang. "I'll go get that. You two relax."

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