Diaries of a nanodroid in The...

By Shadowpotato114

635 31 7

In a clandestine act of scientific subterfuge, a researcher absconds with a cutting-edge combat nanodroid, in... More

1. The scientist
2. N.A.N.O.W.A.R.R.I.O.R
3. Where am i?
4. Bounty hunters guild
5. White fang.
6. Elise
7. Duke Arlen
8. Valardia
9. The axis
10. The frontline
11. The king's help request
12. The trial.
13. The Royal Alchemist
14. Magic research
15. Floknethes battle
16. Western Therabilia
17. Nano's diary
18. Nano's Diaries part ll
19. The prince and Nano
20. Uprising
21. Diplomatic relations
23. Urban warfare
24. Welcome to the Therabilia Axis
25. Rewriting

22. Fall of Eurebia

14 1 0
By Shadowpotato114

As Elise and the others reflect on their encounters with Nano, they recall the day they first met him, initially mistaking him for a simple golem. However, as they spent more time with him, their perception gradually shifted. They witnessed his unique abilities, from his peculiar drones to the devastating power of his advanced firearms. Despite his otherworldly origins, Nano immersed himself in the study of Therabilia and its magic, demonstrating a keen intellect and a thirst for knowledge.

Now, faced with the realization that Nano holds the answers to many of their questions, they grapple with how to approach him. His diary offers glimpses into his past and his connection to another world, but obtaining further clarity seems daunting. With Nano engrossed in repairing his systems, they ponder the best course of action, knowing that the truth about his nature could reshape their understanding of him and their world.

The same night

As the night falls over the unreclaimed territory in the north of Eurebia, dragons soar through the darkened sky, their imposing figures silhouetted against the moonlit clouds. With precision, they deposit their cargo in hidden pockets of the forest, where non-humans toil away, cutting through the thick foliage reminiscent of the forests found in Oregon.In another part of the territory, more non-humans labor to unload the supplies brought by the dragons, guided by Valardian soldiers who direct them on where to place the materials. A sprawling camp takes shape, its various zones dedicated to soldiers' barracks, command centers, and the assembly of siege engines using parts ferried from Valardia.Near the improvised harbor, ships are being laden with fire dust and ammunition, preparing for bombardments on Eureba from the sea. Warlord Eivory observes the meticulous organization of the soldiers, a sense of anticipation hanging heavy in the air.Suddenly, a letter arrives for him, bearing news that prompts a swift decision. Eivory orders the field general to regroup the entire field army, a force numbering a formidable 100,000 soldiers. With resolve, the warlord prepares to address his troops, knowing that the time for action is imminent.

The warlord's speech echoes across the vast expanse of the field, his words resounding with conviction and determination:

"Today, we stand as the embodiment of the Valardian Empire's strength and resolve. We bring an end to centuries of ignorance and defiance in the western territories of Therabilia. No longer shall we tolerate the misguided beliefs of those who cling to the false notion of equality between humanity and the monstrous beings that inhabit these lands.We will expand the reach of our empire until every coastline in the west lies under the rule of Korrin Sothaunn. We shall bring order to the  barbarian nations of the Axis, extinguishing their falsehoods and ushering in an age of prosperity.But none of this will come to pass unless each and every one of you pledges your unwavering support to the will of our Korrin. Together, with your comrades by your side, we shall dismantle the Axis and pave the way for a future where righteousness reigns supreme.Let this year be remembered as the year we brought order and justice to the continent and beyond. Let us forge ahead, united in purpose, to secure the destiny of our empire and ensure the prosperity of generations to come!"

The Valardian soldiers raise their sabers high, the traditional signal of war, and move to their designated positions as the siege engines advance towards the Linonnium River, marking the frontier between Eurebia and the unreclaimed territories of northern Therabilia. In this cold and scarcely populated region, the frontier is lightly guarded, lacking any significant threat or civilization.Midnight is chosen as the opportune moment to launch the attack on both fronts: the city of Condie near Eureba and Conianum across the river. An Eurebian soldier stationed in Conianum notices a red light emanating from the forest on the opposite bank of the river, moments before projectiles rain down upon the city from various directions within the dense forest.Despite the broad span of the river, approximately 150 meters wide, the Eurebian ballistae are unable to effectively target the hidden Valardian bombards. Horizontal siege engines akin to mangonels have the potential to reach the bombards, yet due to the scarcity of fire dust weapons within the city's arsenal, they are unable to inflict significant damage upon the Valardians across the river.Meanwhile, on the lake, small Valardian ships launch an assault on the lakeside city of Condie, prompting a swift message via dragon to be sent to Eureba. In response, Eureba prepares its warships to aid Condie, while the larger Valardian fleet awaits the signal to advance towards Eureba.Conianum suffers considerable destruction due to its size and limited defenses. Valardian forces construct makeshift bridges with the aid of wizards to breach the city's walls. The following day, human citizens are imprisoned within the city jail and fortress, while non-humans are subjected to forced labor and senseless killings—a grim reminder of Valardia's ruthless tactics in conquered territories.In response to the attack on Condie, Eureba mobilizes its entire naval fleet from the lake to assist the besieged city. With the Valardian navy concealed within the dissipating fog, a message arrives via bird to the fleet admiral's ship, instructing them to advance towards Eureba.


Commodore Kerim surveyed the lake, shrouded in fog as the cold season waned, contemplating the recent Valardian attack on Condie. Several Tarrien-type ships remained stationed along the coasts of Eurebia to safeguard against pirates or Valardian incursions. Kerim understood that Eurebia's decision to leave minimal defenses in its shores stemmed from intelligence suggesting the use of small-sized ships by the Valardians. The eastern part of the lake, formerly part of Akromis, presented a strategic challenge, as the Valardians could either be launching ships blindly towards Eurebia or have established a naval presence to threaten them. However, arming larger ships would require time.As Kerim made his way to his office aboard his ship, a soldier's cry pierced the air, alerting him to the emergence of numerous vessels from the fog. Among them were both small and large ships, with Kerim identifying the larger ones as Krony-type vessels akin to those used by Akromis for trade across the lake. Before Kerim's ships could respond, the Krony-type ships executed a half-turn, revealing their broadsides and unleashing a barrage of explosions upon the Eurebian fleet, incapacitating several vessels. Eurebia had allocated the majority of its naval budget to the Armada at the Iroley Sea to the west, leaving the Lake Navy with limited resources, despite the ongoing Valardian invasion of Akromis, which facilitated their access to the lake.Amidst the chaos, confusion arose as shots seemingly originated from the same cannons of the Valardian ships at an unprecedented rate, leading to the swift sinking of numerous Eurebian vessels. A soldier's frantic gesture drew attention to a peculiar ship trailing behind the Krony-type vessels, permitting its passage unhindered. As it approached Kerim's ship head-on, the commodore observed an enormous cannon mounted prominently on its deck. Before he could react, the cannon fired, prompting Kerim to issue a frantic evacuation order as the ship was rent asunder by the impact. Clutching a piece of floating debris, Kerim watched in horror as the bow of the Valardian vessel, sheathed in metal, plowed through the remnants of his ship like a battering ram, leaving destruction in its wake. The chilling realization of the Valardians' overwhelming might left Kerim shaken to his core.

The city of Eureba, once bustling with docks engaged in trade with Akromis, now lay nearly deserted save for the soldiers stationed there in response to the Valardian attack on Condie. Commodore Kerim watched in dismay as these docks faced imminent destruction at the hands of the colossal Valardian ship that had obliterated his own vessel. Despite the valiant efforts of the city's siege weapons to strike back against the Valardian fleet, the armored behemoth remained shielded by a contingent of Valardian dragons that seemingly materialized out of thin air.As the Valardian ships rained fire upon the city's defenses, Kerim's heart sank as he witnessed the ominous turning of the cannon mounted on the armored ship. The grinding of gears echoed through the air, a harbinger of the devastation to come. With a deafening crack, the cannon pivoted towards the city, its menacing presence casting a shadow over the panicked citizens below. In a moment of dread-filled anticipation, the cannon discharged its payload, unleashing destruction upon the once-peaceful streets of Eureba. Debris rained down upon the fleeing populace, shattering the illusion of safety and plunging the city into chaos. It was a sound that would haunt Kerim for the rest of his days, a stark reminder of the brutal reality of war and the overwhelming power of the Valardian onslaught.

As Kerim struggles to recover from the overwhelming cacophony of destruction, he watches in despair as the Valardian ship maneuvers with deadly precision, its side cannons unleashing a barrage of devastation upon the city's defenses. The Krony ships, propelled by wind magic, dart around the behemoth, engaging in a fierce aerial battle with the Valardian dragons sent to intercept them. With each thunderous blast, more of Eureba's once-proud fortifications crumble under the relentless assault.Desperate, Eurebian wizards gather at the harbor, conjuring a massive wave in a last-ditch effort to repel the Valardian onslaught. Yet, their efforts are thwarted as the static Valardian ships counter with powerful air currents, creating a formidable barrier of water that looms ominously over the city.As the Valardian ship prepares its final devastating blow, Kerim's heart sinks further as a wave of dread washes over him. The collapse of a significant portion of the castle serves as a grim testament to the city's dire predicament. Just as all hope seems lost, the horizon is pierced by the arrival of adult dragons, descending upon the city with deadly intent.The realization dawns upon Kerim that Valardia's ambitions extend far beyond Eureba, as the northern frontier falls under simultaneous attack. The sheer audacity and strategic prowess of Valardia's assault leave Kerim reeling, his once unshakeable resolve now shattered by the overwhelming might of their enemy. With the setting sun casting an ominous glow upon the lake, heralding the arrival of yet more Valardian ships, Kerim can only watch in despair as the city's fate hangs in the balance.

As the sun rises over the capital city of Eureba, the streets become a chaotic battleground as Valardian ground forces clash with Eurebian soldiers in a fierce struggle for control. Amidst the confusion and narrow alleyways, many Valardian troops find themselves disoriented, falling victim to ambushes from Eurebian fighters who strike from all directions.In the harbor, what remains of the Valardian fleet unloads siege bombards, relentlessly bombarding the city at regular intervals. However, their naval capabilities are severely hampered by the loss of most of their ships on the lake. The largest Valardian vessel, its bombard turning wheel damaged, struggles to aim its devastating cannon, forcing the ship to awkwardly maneuver in order to fire upon different sections of the city. Reinforcements arriving in the form of small galley-like ships primarily bring ground soldiers, further limiting Valardia's naval strength.In the northern frontier, Warlord Eivory consolidates Valardian control over recently captured towns, converting them into fortified strongholds to serve as bases for upcoming offensives. As shipments of fire dust arrive, essential for sustaining the Valardian war effort, a messenger on a young dragon arrives with news of the destruction of the Eurebian castle in Eureba and the potential demise of the Duke. Despite this setback, reports of fierce Eurebian resistance only serve to steel Warlord Eivory's resolve as he dons his armor, preparing himself and his forces for the next assault.

Eurebia-Ephidrosia frontier

In the frontier between Eurebia and Ephidrosia, a weary and injured man on horseback races through the dense forest, a sense of urgency driving him forward as if pursued by unseen threats. Days pass, the journey taking its toll on both rider and mount until exhaustion forces the horse to collapse. With no time to spare, the man is forced to commandeer another horse, pressing on until he finally arrives at the town of Lamphalicos.Upon reaching the mayor's office, the man is met with hostility from the guards, their suspicion evident as they bar his way. However, the governor intervenes, recognizing the man's Eurebian armor.

Whispering urgently to the governor, the man delivers his message, prompting the governor to hasten to the city hall without delay.Inside the city hall, urgent commands are issued, and a messenger, accompanied by a young dragon, is dispatched with utmost speed to Ephidrosia. Upon arrival at the war office, the messenger delivers grave news to the Marshall, who wastes no time in sending her to the Enaid Temple.At the Enaid Temple, the Fulato Krefkenn receives the messenger, who delivers a terse message: "The city of Eureba has fallen, and the Duke is dead." This alarming revelation prompts Krefkenn to take immediate action, mobilizing all available reserve troops and dispatching an informant to Akromis. The informant is tasked with informing the Inquisitor about the formidable naval capabilities of Valardia on the Exningdon Lake, including details about a ship known as the "Mudraie Rosvot," which translates to "Ironclad Marauder" in Lisanvalar, the language spoken in Valardia.

(Mudraie rosvot or ironclad marauder, valardian siege ship made for siege of port cities, used by first time in the siege of Eureba)

Story by Enyorableroveler114

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