Piggy a Novel: BOOK 2

By UhhIdunno009

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Taking place mere months after the first book, the group happens to encounter Willow, the treacherous leader... More

The Alleys
The Store
The Refinery
The Safeplace
The Sewers
The Factory (Saviour)
The Factory (Survivor)
The Factory (Bad Ending)
The Port (Saviour)
The Port (Survivor)
The Ship (Saviour)
The Ship (Survivor Ending)
The Docks (Saviour)
The Docks (Survivor)
The Temple (Saviour)
The Temple (Survivor)
The Camp (Saviour)
The Camp (Survivor)
The Lab (Tigry Saviour Ending)
The Lab (Tigry Survivor Ending)
The Lab (Willow Saviour Ending)
The Lab (Willow Survivor Ending)

The Laboratory (True Ending)

47 2 1
By UhhIdunno009

Here we go guys, the big finale. But as my memory failed me, I remembered there are actually two more chapters to write after this one. I'll release them after this one, but I know you're dying to read this one, so let's get on with it. I hope you enjoy it!

I absorbed my surroundings, and took a deep breath, I was so close to the cure, I could weirdly almost feel it. But as I turned around, my setting had changed. The support beams that had previously fallen, were gone, and instead, was a long corridor, with several rooms labeled 'testing room', 'fusion machine'. I took of down the corridor, my two greatest priorities repeating in his mind over and over again. Gathering the others, and of course finding the cure. The first door I stopped off at, was the fusion room, I also made sure to watch out for infected, although I was immune, the infection clearly made me pass out for a while, exactly what happened in the sewers of the school. Inside the fusion room, was a lab like space, counters with different coloured potions inside vials, a huge metal machine was of course the main sight, with three titanic test tubes, the two on either side were signed as 'input' and the middle was 'output', pretty self explanatory. Just then, a sound like a large entity taking a footstep could be heard. And it was close,

"Looks like I got company." I whispered. Diving into a supply closet, and leaving the door a crack open to see what was going on. Then, a towering, disturbing nightmare fuelled beast emerged. It was huge, and bulky, with torn clothes, and gnarly limbs, then there was the head, it was the rotting image of a deceased pig, it had bloody scratches bubbling with pus, and jagged teeth, it had a signature eye of insolence.

"Wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of that thing." I though, barely daring to breath.

The pig creature stumbled forward, jerking with every step. Then, it's nose twitched in the most disgusting manner. Then it plunged it's blistered fist into the closet right next to mine, who's heart was now pounding like the footsteps of the creature. To his horror, the pig wrenched out a person, the man had dirty grey hair with a scraggly beard and faded scientist outwear.

"No, No, Penny, stop!" He begged.

"Penny!" I thought, nearly blurting it aloud. As he recalled, all of Georgie's family were infected by Mr.P, except Georgie obviously. He had previously run into both infected parents, but never Penny, or was it a coincidence. Either way, things weren't looking good for this guy. Squirming and screaming all the way, Penny slung him over her shoulder and tossed him into one of the tanks. Penny noticed icicles had formed in the other tube.

"DON'T!" The man screamed, pleading for mercy, banging his fists on the glass, Penny stumbled over and pulled a lever. Both tubes whirred, and smoke set. when it cleared, there was a frozen figure in the output tube, on it's knees. I gasped, nearly giving himself away. Penny's neck turned like someone had whipped her. After about twenty solid seconds of tension, she turned back. And in one move, she completely shattered the ice sculpture that was a scientist. But then, something just as terrifying entered the room, and it was the opposite build to Penny. This creature was tall and slim, with slimy and oily features, but the worst part was it's head. The feature's head was that of rotten stitched wool, that had...wait...was that an eye of insolence? Right next to it, stood, a slightly shorter version of the creature, expect it's head was teardrop shaped, and had two blazing orange eyes. Penny snorted, then her body changed, it shrunk down until it was a girl, my age. Long hair, long skirt, it was definitely Georgie's sister.

Only, as Penny changed, she was completely a shadow, no visible facial features. But a bright red eye. Then, Penny slunk across the ground in the blink of an eye, before strangling the mini creature and tossing it across the room, it smashed one test-tube and lay on the ground. The insolence creature glared with hatred at Penny, but like more of an irritated glare than a pure angry one. Then, Penny dashed forward, and tried to pummel The wool creature with her bare fists, but it kept dodging, this way, and that way. It ducked and swerved. Penny took a deep breath and stepped back. But now it was the wool creature's turn. It's eye glowed so brightly it looked like the furnace fires of hell. Then it blasted an orange beam of energy at Petra, rasping,

"I AM STITCHY!!" However, Penny had melted in her shadow form, and simply re-formed right behind Stitchy. She punched, but Stitchy created a hole where she punched, and then reformed, trapping her hand inside. Stitchy whistled, and the other creature rose up, it extended it's arms and grabbed Penny, it pulled her and tried to smash her on the ground, but then Penny grew, she reformed into the gnarly pig. It barred it's saliva dripping fangs, before pouncing at the creature. Stitchy charged up another beam and fired, but Penny held out a knuckle, then there was a faint sizzling noise. The beam died out, and Stitchy glared again. The only problem with this, was the fact that I was long gone.

My heart pounded even more as I sprinted out of that room, he I met two creatures that from the looks of they, could have quite simply killed him. But what was Penny all about, she was a write-off, his heart panged painfully when he realised he'd have to tell Georgie what happened to her. He strode up stairs, completely out of breath, and saw commotion unfolding in a room before him. It was Willow and Tigry. Tigry was on one knee, a nasty bruise on his cheek, and Willow standing up, staring down at him.

"Go on then." Tigry snarled. "Finish me, deep down, I know you don't have the heart to." Willow decided to promptly kicked him in the chest, causing him to collapse.

"Maybe you do." He grunted. Willow noticed me.

"Look at this pathetic man." She spat, kicking him again. "Surely you could never trust him." Just something about watching these two endlessly fight, that made my insides squirm.

"STOP IT!" I yelled at them. Both of them looked at me, surprised, before I continued, turning to Willow.

"Willow, stop! If you really have been suffering, then direct your anger towards the infected!" I told her. Willow looked surprised. It wasn't often that I yelled at her.

"Taking each other out like this is not how we survive. We help each other out, that's how we survive." By now, both of them had fallen completely silent, listening only to my words. Next, I turned to Tigry.

"At the factory, you were so focused on getting revenge that you couldn't see everyone in trouble." Then, I focused my attention to both of them.

"You want to make a difference? Start by stopping this." Then there was a brief silence as the weight of my words sank into both of them. I didn't think either of them were going to speak, but then Tigry made the first step.

"You and I are alike, Willow... we keep our pain buried inside." He said, looking at the floor. "We both are alone, separated from our friends and family." Willow was honestly quite surprised, she watched Tigry with careful, intrigued eyes.

"When we first met, you listened to me. I talked endlessly about how I felt, but you never interrupted, you listened." He said. 

"I-I wish we could go back to the way things were." He admitted. I was quite in shock, this was significant progress. For both of them.

"Tigry I-." Willow began.

"I don't mean to butt in on anything." Mimi announced, strolling up the steps. She looked out of breath. "But you guys have got to see this."

Everyone was outside in the violent snowstorm. It was cold, but we held out: Me, Pony, Willow, Tigry, Georgie and Mimi were gathered, when all of a sudden, the sound of helicopter blades could be hard in the snowflake thick sky. Slowly, but majestically, a grey military helicopter floated down, and the side door slid open. Inside, were three people, one was a balding man with a rocket launcher, the other with a blonde Squirell with two pistols, and in the middle, was a tall animal with grey hair and thick eyebrows.

"Greetings." The man in the middle barked, with a thick American accent. "I'm captain Monroe. Someone called us here to secure the area." Mimi stepped forward.

"That would be me, sir." She said. "I have something that might peak your interests." And with that, Molly reached into her jacket, and pulled out a tiny vial containing a small volume of blue liquid.

"That's not what I think it is..is it?" Tigry exclaimed.

"Oh, it is!" Mimi laughed. She handed Monroe the vial and watched his old face light up.

"I guess the rumours were true." He chuckled. "The vaccine is real!" At hearing those words, I felt thrilled but disappointed at the same time. Yes, the cure had been found, but how was that tiny amount supposed to save the world. It looked like barely enough for a small child, let alone the entire population!

"Right, Sandy, John!" Monroe barked. "Patrol check." Both jumped out and darted in an opposite direction.

"Now that we've found it." Pony said. "Who are we giving it to?" Three brains whirred with an immediate answer.

"Well we're obviously saving William." Willow remarked.

"I think you mean we're saving my friend." Tigry growled.

"What about my sister!" Georgie whined. I knew deep down I couldn't say no to Georgie, but actually, I couldn't say no to any of them. I'd grown so close to all three of them. Plus, he knew who he really wanted to save. I was about to say something, but he was interrupted by a blood curdling scream coming from somewhere.

"The infected are here." Monroe sighed. "All right! Let's get them." He proceeded to pull out a machine gun and started rat-a-tat tatting in the direction of the scream. Four more people came out of the helicopter and also started open firing. I was about to help out, when my vision went black and fuzzy. My head and eyes stung, as he felt a mysterious force overtake my body. Before I opened my eyes I already knew who I was going to see.

"You know what." A voice echoed. "I'm upset by this." It was the purple wearing, top hatted figure.

"What do you want now!" I bellowed. "I need to help my friends." The purple wearing figure turned around and flashed an angry glare.

"Don't you see what's wrong?" The figure demanded. "When other nations discover the cure, there will be war like never before, many will lose, carnage will fill the world!" That struck me to silence. He was right, but fighting would never solve anything.

"That doesn't matter..." I went silent again, after all these encounters, the figure had never said his name.

"I suppose I never got a chance to formally introduce myself." Then, a snake of fire materialised and spelled out two letters. T and an E.

"I go by quite a few names." He said, floating into the air and closing his eyes.

"There's The Entity." The snake formed into a T and a B.

"There's also The Being. But my true name..." The fire snake formed into a T, and I and an O.

"My true name, is TIO, The Insolence Overseer." TIO, hovered down to the ground.

"You still can't stop me." I said, turning around to leave, although I knew the only thing for an infinite distance was the black void, but TIO forcefully rested a hand on my shoulder, it was cold to the touch.

"This time, I am forced to use more than words." TIO whispered. Then, he rose into the air, before he snapped his fingers. A huge black portal opened up in the ground. TIO flashed me a toothy smile before he sank into the ground. At first, for a fleeting moment, I thought it was over, but then the hole in the ground vibrated slightly. A split second later, it erupted in black slime. I took a step back, then a huge, slimy hand reached out of the hole shaking the black void, then another did. The hands connected to arms pulled out a breathing, mass of black slime, then there was a longer part of the organism, covered in countless eyes of insolence, then that part lifted up to reveal that the part covered in eyes was a top-hat like part and just under it, were two glowing white eyes, and a mouth full of the same crooked teeth. TIO screamed an ear-piercing scream, and I rolled backwards. And when I looked up, I was staring at a dusty ceiling. He quickly sat up and noticed he was inside a grand maze.

"Willow!" I called. "Pony! Mimi!" At first, there was silence, but then I heard faint footsteps, three sets of footsteps. Then matching those footsteps, were three different people. Willow, Tigry and Mimi.

"What's going on?!" Mimi asked, befuddled. "Where are we?" I didn't know, although, when I heard a wall crack apart, and then a slimy hand shoot through. There was only one place they could be.

"We're inside our own memories." I explained. "The only way to beat TIO is to use that to our advantage.

"Hold on!" Tigry said. "Who's TIO?" Then, TIO's head poked through the gap and screeched, his mouth showing off all of his sharp teeth.

"Got it." Tigry stated. "Me and Willow will look for the boy."

"And I'll look for Georgie." Mimi piped. I turned again around and saw TIO slowly clawing away at the rock, bit by bit, getting ready to come for us.

"What about you?" Willow asked me.

"Go." Was my simple answer. "Get out of here, I'll handle this." Mimi was about to interject, but then TIO fully broke through and started crawling forward. And with that, Willow and Tigry, and Mimi took off. While I faced his enemy, shaking slightly. I bit my bottom lip to sustain myself from passing out.

Mimi ran through the maze, panting, and trying her best to find Georgie in the maze, but it was actually a maze. Several times, she dreaded running into that awful monster, but her friend seemed to have it under control. What was he doing?

"If I was Georgie, what would I be doing?" Mimi thought. And just like that, her surroundings twisted and changed. Then she saw a side-on view of a scary scene. She was looking at an old house, a very old house. Georgie was running up the stairs.

"Georgie!" Mimi yelled. "Can you hear me?" But he couldn't. And the reason he was running up stairs, was because he was being chased. Right behind him, was something right out a nightmare (which she was already in really). It was a mutant pig, with torn clothes, and gnarly knuckles, it's head had a zombie look to it, it had bloody scratches all over it's muscly body, and jagged teeth. Mimi had no doubt why he had every reason to get away from it. However, her desire to save him was stronger than any barrier. She simply imagined herself helping Georgie, and the barrier broke as though it was wet paper.

"Georgie!" She called. This attracted the attention of both the pig and Georgie. The pig dropped down onto all fours and began to head right for her, gutural screams of pain and horror spiralling out of it's twisted mouth. Mimi started to back away, but miraculously, the barrier resealed behind her. Georgie imagined himself with the baseball bat he left at the safeplace, and leapt through the air.

"Sorry big sis!" He yelled. He brought the bat crashing down on the pig's head, and caused it to crash to the floor in a broken heap. Georgie landed quite badly, on his side.

"Are you okay!" Mimi shrilly screamed, rushing to his aid. She helped him up, and Georgie simply brushed himself off.

"I was just happy to do something important for once." Mimi smiled, but as they walked away, George looked behind himself, at his fallen sister. Penny reached out a hand for him, but as they moved away from the scene, his house started dissolving into purple dust. And eventually, so did Penny, she let out one final cry before she became one with the infinite void. Georgie blinked tears away from his eyes as he and Mimi carried on.

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the maze, was Willow and Tigry, with a similar mission, to find Pony.

"How are we gonna manage this?" Tigry exclaimed. Willow hadn't a clue, but her friend did say something about them being inside a memory, and they could use it to their advantage. And whatever that TIO thing was, didn't looked promising. But Willow had a feeling that the mysterious purple wearing figure had a thing or two to do with it.

"I don't know." She replied. "But I have a strong feeling he was right. Plus, what other option do we have?" So she had to use her memories to help them. And Willow had an idea where Peter might be.

The only thing that I want, is to live up to my father's skills as an optometrist. And in school, even if I got a 98%, he'd lecture me on the things that I got wrong, instead of being happy for me about the things that I got right. The only thing on my mind was being the best, to impress my father, and it really stressed me out in school. Sometimes, I wonder if he'll ever be happy for me

That was something Pony had told her, all those years ago, when she recruited him for settlement six. So Willow focused her mind, and imagined Pony, and his father, together somewhere. Soon enough, like she was staring at a side on side view. She was looking directly at Pony on his back atop a roof. A strange man with glowing yellow eyes, clawing at his chest.

"We've got to help the kid!" Tigry blurted, banging his fists on the barrier, but it wouldn't break. From the looks of it, Pony was slowly but surely, giving up the fight.

"Pony!" Willow yelled.

"Kid!" Tigry yelled. But the barrier appeared to be soundproof as well. Willow banged her fist on it and kicked the barrier in frustration.

"What are we gonna do?" Tigry demanded, seething with anger. Willow thought deep and hard about this, keeping in mind that simply imagining seeing Pony had worked. Sometimes, she realised she needed to take a deep breath, and handle things mentally, instead of physically. She simply imagined giving Pony a hand, and the barrier collapsed.

"Pony!" Willow remarked. "Fight back!" Pony seemed to snap back to his senses, he reached into his jacket and pulled out a revolver. BANG!!! The man exploded into purple dust. Willow rushed over and supported his arm over hers.

"It's all okay now." Willow said, soothingly. Pony stared back at her.

"Why are you being nice?"

"Well sometimes, you just gotta take things slow." Pony stared at her in utter shock, his mouth wide open. He adjusted his glasses before he, Willow and Tigry walked on into the void.

TIO crept further and further towards me, growling and snarling, but never attacking.

"You would never kill me." I whispered, keeping his eyes locked directly on TIO.
"You could never kill me! You need to keep me alive! I have the cure!" I produced a glass vial with the vaccine inside it. This caused TIO to howl in agony and irritation. Then, four figures burst to where he was: Georgie, Mimi, Tigry, Willow, and Pony? Who could've known Willow could be so caring.

"Hey!" Molly said, running to his side. "What is that thing?" Shooting a concerned look at TIO. I didn't answer. Then, right behind us, the walls shook. Everyone except me jumped round. Another oily black hand shot out of it, then another. Everyone gasped with fear as a horrible brown wool stitched face with a glowing orange eye emerged from the hole. This time, I did glance around, but only murmured,

"Keep it distracted." The final showdown had begun!

Mimi pulled out a blowtorch, Georgie equipped his wooden bat, Tigry conceived two daggers, Willow couldn't help but worry about Pony, and without a weapon, she wouldn't last long, Willow went to try and console Pony. Tigry rushed in and tried to swipe the creature with his daggers, but it swatted him aside like a fly. Mimi turned up the heat and blasted a ray of heat, but it dodged to the left and lunged forward. However Georgie swung round with all his might and smashed the creature in the face. It reeled backward and shot out an extended arm toward Georgie, but Mimi acted quickly and melted it in seconds with her blowtorch. An ink like liquid dripped to the ground. However the creature look hungry to consume it. Before it could move however, Tigry heaved before stabbing it in the back with his dagger.

"I'll hold it back, you two try to block it!" Tigry called. I on the other hand took a steadier approach, TIO tried to lightly startle me, but I kept completely still and didn't move, keeping my eyes locked, and shouting insult after insult at TIO.

"You will never hurt me!"

"You're to much of a coward to kill people, you just persuade them into doing your deeds."

"The world would be a better place if you disappeared. Each time, he severely noticed TIO growing smaller and smaller, less confident in stopping him. But TIO got an idea, that made it's broken mouth grow wide with glee. It stood up straight, and with an evil, dry chuckle, spread it's arms wide. And from under them, I wasn't quite prepared for what was about to happen next. From TIO's arm-span, walked two people I still thought about to this day. Doggy and Bunny.

The Stitched wool creature tried time after time to push forward, but it was outnumbered, and had limited movement.

"Keep going." Mimi ushered. "It's slowing down." But then the creature saw a shocked Pony on the ground, with one mighty arm, it swept the three to the side and reached out with the other. Willow saw this happening, but at the same time, saw her trusty revolver sticking out of Pony's jacket. She gripped it tightly and aimed at the creature, before firing five powerful shots. The bullets rang out loud, creating holes in the creature's arms. But after a few seconds, the holes filled back up with black slime. The creature then knocked Willow aside too. The creature then picked up Pony tightly, before slamming him on the floor. The creature's arm then melted, forming a mass of black slime that overcame Pony's body, covering his legs, arms, face and soon, his entire body was covered in the black slime. The slime containing Pony then returned to the creature's body. With a laugh, the creature had succeeded. It had absorbed Pony.

"NOOOOO!" Willow screamed.

Bunny strode forward and glared at me, this was bringing back memories of when I escaped the Temple out in the snow. TIO was using the same trick twice.

"You just HAD to leave me alone there." Bunny snarled.

"Yeah, what a useless friend." Doggy growled. Doggy reached out, almost in slow motion, and shoved me to the ground. Pain shot through my elbows as I stared up in disbelief at my two friends. Bunny shot death glare after death glare at him. I held both hands to his head. My heart felt like a cold knife was tearing down the middle of it.

"This isn't real. This isn't real. It's all an illusion." I kept telling himself. Then he felt sticky breath on his face. He opened his eyes, it was TIO. He whispered,

"You better believe it. All your friends will be dead.

"NO!!!!!" I couldn't take it anymore. Pushing Doggy out of the way, I leapt forwards, inside TIO'S body. I wanted to tear him apart, limb from limb until there was nothing left. Sure, he could kill me, maybe he could, but no longer could I stand around and do nothing. TIO looked in confusion, but not before my hand shot out, inside TIO's torso. Soon, my hand grabbed hold of something, it was warm and pulsating. TIO's heart.

Pony suddenly awoke in a place that was completely dark. The wall were black and sticky, even the ground, and he was sinking. Before long, he was ankle deep. He tried to struggle, but a voice that always made him calm down, called out to him.

"Pony, it's okay." The voice belonged to Zizzy. His insides liquifying, Pony looked up, and saw Zizzy was there, standing mere inches away from him.

"Stop struggling. Just let go." She said, feeling his arm, and stroking it. Her hands were warm to the touch against his cold, shivering skin.

"It's alright Pony, just stop. It's perfect here." Pony stopped for a moment, and looked into her eyes. Normally, what he saw were perfect, hazel brown eyes with curved black pupils, and flawlessly white outer rims. But this time, he saw just black, blacker than the night, pure darkness. They sent shivers of pain over his skin. He had been tricked.

"You aren't Zizzy!" He screamed, backing away. Zizzy didn't initially answer. She just tutted, and began talking,

"Maybe not Pony, but you are, and I know you. I know you wanted to be with me after the infection was sorted out, but that's all over now. The infection will never stop, the scientists will never develop a cure fast enough!" She then laughed a cruel laugh and mock punched Pony on the shoulder. At any time, he could have broke down crying, but he remembered what his friend had said 'To use our memories to the advantage.' Pony imagined his old sword in his hand, the one that fit just right. He looked down and saw the sword, then looked at the imposter Zizzy, arms wide open, for a hug that would forever douse his sanity. Pony blinked the tears out of his eyes, before he swung forward with all his strength and sliced Zizzy in half! Fake Zizzy's eyes were wide open in shock, a gurgling noise coming from her throat. The two pieces disintegrated and the whole place shook and collapsed. Pony was shot right out of the creature and landed on his knees. He stared up at it, as the creature, in slow motion, melted to the ground. The only thing that remained, was a horrible-brown wool stitched face, it's orange eye glared at him, and stared to glow white. Pony's heart pounded, but Willow strode up to him, aiming the revolver towards the rotten head.

"See you in hell!" Willow pulled the trigger. A split second later, the head exploded into nothingness, as the others were left standing in silence.

My fingers closed around TIO's heart, the monster tried to swing him around, but I held on, squeezing tighter and tighter. If only, TIO would share his mindset, if only, TIO could experience peace. If only.. TIO tried to wrench me off, but nothing could separate me from the determination of never giving up. I channeled all of his happy thoughts: Birthdays, Christmas time, meeting Zizzy and Pony, finding Georgie at the mall, reuniting at the safe-place, defeating Mr.P, Willow, and now..TIO! A sense of power and strength overcame me, as all of a sudden, white streams seemed to shoot through my fingers and enter TIO's heart. TIO's heart started to beat faster, as the streams of white entered it's heart. Soon, it's entire heart began beating faster and faster, shaking even in place. TIO's entire body started to shake uncontrollably. I watched in amazemnt as TIO started changing back and fourth from his humanoid, to his monster form. A searing sensation spread through TIO's entire body. I was knocked onto my back as the black goo previously making up it's body started to turn white, whiter and whiter, and then there was silence. TIO was left in his humanoid form as he looked at his body, it being pure white.

"IT CAN'T BE!!!" TIO's entire body started melting away into purple smoke. Doggy and Bunny did the same. Eventually, only TIO's head was left. It stared at me with careful, controlling eyes. And then, it said something I don't think I'll ever forget.

"You did it." He spoke, his face a stone, his voice dry. "I don't believe it." After another second, TIO's head faded away. Everything vanished.

Everyone was transmitted to the present, in the cold, blizzard atmosphere, it was quiet, no gunfire, no infected tearing people apart, blanket after blanket of snow on the ground.

"Alright, that should do it." Was a thick American accent. "Get ready to return to base." It could only be one, sergeant Monroe. He happened to notice the group.

"Where the hell were you guys, we could have used extra help." I could barely hear him though, his whole world was like it was underwater. 

"But I guess you could say the mission was complete." Everyone else was lying on the ground. Soon they picked themselves back up, dusting themselves off. When everyone was okay, Willow made sure no one was listening before she started whispering.

"Tigry, I need to talk to you." Willow said, leading him away.

"I'm... sorry for what I've done. Which is... quite a lot, if I'm being honest."

"Yeah, no kidding..Willow." He said sarcastically. "You hurt me."

"I got so caught up in getting revenge, I wasn't thinking about the things I was saying and doing to those close to me." Tigry still wasn't convinced, the water between them had boiled to a point.

"If I want to feel the way I did back then, I need to let go of the past and make a better future for myself."

"You know..." Tigry began. "Despite all the horrible things you've done, I'm willing to give you another chance...If you just stop bullying people." The creases in Willow's face eased a little.

"Well, since I'm pretty..anyway..um.. sure the military is not gonna um.. let us come with them." Willow started, trying to find right words. "What do you say we travel on our own? Hey, you can even call shots this time." There was a brief silence between the two.

"I don't want to be in charge, Willow. You were always a better leader." Tigry said. "I just want to have a say, y'know." The duo came back to the group, and me, who had overheard the whole thing spoke, my voice controlling itself.

"So I guess this is goodbye then." I said. After all this time, he thought he'd be glad to see Willow go, but clearly, something had changed.

"Oh, Willow." Pony said, remembering. "Take this." Peter reached into his jacket and pulled out her revolver, that he confiscated at the factory. Willow took it, and stared over it for a few moments, confused. But then, she handed it back.

"Nah, you keep it, you need a weapon more than I do." Pony seemed almost happy that she said that. He tucked it away again without another word.

"Well, let's get going Willow." Tigry said, spinning on his heel to walk. Willow started to walk, cast on more smile over her shoulder. This was the only time I'd seen her with a genuine, content, happy smile. And with that, she and Tigry were engulfed by the blizzard.

As everyone started to pile into the chopper, I stood out for just a moment more, surveying the scene, and acknowledging just how far he had come. He may have not have saved anyone, or even been able to keep the cure, but to him, this was progress.

Aaaaaand that is a wrap on the Piggy Series finale. Don't worry though, we still have two more bonus chapters to go, and then, trust me, we're really done here. I'm glad if you enjoyed this chapter. I added a lot of new stuff, so it's pretty different to the game, but it's a special occasion. Anyways, we're not quite done yet, we'll get there when we get there. Goodbye for now.

Your author

Doctor of Fun

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