A Different Kind Of Life

By DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 23

128 3 0
By DreamzOfGold

"Hey Ace, what all do you  to grab to take home?" Logan asked, looking around Rory's apartment.

"I don't even know, this is kind of overwhelming."

"Well the good news is that we are only ten minutes away, so anything that you need but don't have, we can come back to get. It's not like you will never see the stuff again."

"That's true. I just hate moving."

"Ok so let's do this. Let's grab the things that you use everyday; your clothes, shoes, makeup, and hair stuff. Why don't you go grab whatever stuff you need from your bathroom and I'll start taking your clothes and shoes down to the car.

"I guess that works."

"You guess?"

"No, it works. It's just a lot. There are a lot of changes happening right now."

"Well, I can move in here if it's easier on you."

"No, Logan, your place is bigger, and closer to the office and the hospital."

"I don't care about any of that. Why don't we just live here."

"The building doesn't allow pets."

"Please, I'm a doctor, there are really simplistic ways to get around that. Would you like an emotional support animal to help with your anxiety?"

"Do you think I need one?"

"I know for a fact that they help. You'll see, having Rocky around all the time is pretty awesome."

"No, I know. I'm much more relaxed when I'm hanging out with him."

"So I can move in here, it's really not a big deal. We can just go get my stuff."

"No, Logan, I'm being stupid. It's fine. We already decided. I'm just feeling overwhelmed."

"Rory, come here. Come sit down. Let's talk about this." Logan said taking her hand, and pulling her over to the couch. "We really need to talk about your anxiety. You've been having a really hard time lately. I know that we have a lot going on, but we've always been busy, and nothing has ever made you this overwhelmed. We've only been back together for a few weeks, so I have to ask, does this happen to you a lot? I only remember you having a few anxiety attacks back at Yale, but I don't remember them ever being this bad. Can you tell me what is going on in your head?"

"I'm just feeling overwhelmed, I'll be fine."

"Rory, as a doctor, I am trained to spot this type of thing. I need you to talk to me. Let me in. Let me help you. It is perfectly ok to not be ok. But I need you to be honest with me and tell me what is bothering you."

"I don't know . . . There is just so much happening lately that I feel like everything is spinning completely out of control all around me, and I feel like I'm drowning, and I can't catch my breath."

"How often does this happen?"

"I think several times a month."

"Have you talked to anyone about it?"

"No, you're the only one who knows. I usually hide it better. Paris is the one only other person who has noticed it happening."

"Oh good, that actually makes things a little bit easier because now I don't have to involve someone who doesn't know you, who we will have to explain things to death for. I am going to call Paris, and we are going to get a game plan together. I legally can't do it myself, so I am going to have Paris write you a prescription for some medication to help you out while we get you into a therapist that can help you. We aren't going to give you anything that is habit forming, or that is going to change you and turn you into a zombie. It will just be something mild that will help balance the chemicals in your body, and help you stay calm. It could take a few weeks before we can get you into a therapist, and I don't want you suffering, so we are going to start you on the medication today. The next thing I am going to do is cancel our trip. We can take a honeymoon when things calm down and you are able to actually enjoy yourself. And then I am going to send you out with Honor to go get a massage, and I am going to get Finn and Collin over here, and I am going to pack up this apartment myself, and get all the boxes over to my place, and the furniture into storage. Everything that we were planning to do today has now been bumped, ok?"

"Logan, you don't have to do all of that."

"Yes I do. This is your health, and it's important. So right now, I want you go to lay down in bed. Take a nap if you want to, while I make some calls, ok? I'll come wake you up when Honor gets here."

"Ok." Rory agreed with a defeated sigh.

"Everything is going to be ok, alright?"

"Will you come lay down with me? Just until I fall asleep?"

"Yeah. I'm going to call Paris first though. You go lay down, and I'll be right there." Logan said kissing Rory's forehead, then standing up, and helping her up from the couch. "I'll meet you in bed in a minute.

"Logan, what's going on?" Paris asked, answering her phone after it rang a couple of times.

"Hey Paris, I need a favor."

"What kind of favor?"

"It's for Rory. I don't want to involve anyone who doesn't already know her really well, but she said that you've been there for her panic attacks before."

"Is she ok? How bad is it?" Paris asked, suddenly very concerned.

"She says she feels like everything is spinning out of control and she's drowning and can't catch her breath."

"Do you know how often it's happening?"

"Several times a month."

"Damn it! This is exactly what I was afraid of. I saw it coming."

"Paris, we need to help her."

"I know. And I've been trying. She doesn't like to talk about it."

"I just sent her to bed. We came over to her place to pack some things up to move over to my apartment until we find a house, and she completely froze. She's been doing it a lot lately. I thought it was just the one night after I stitched up her hand, and I pushed her into a breakdown thinking that it was good for her to let it all out and stop bottling things up. But now it's happening more and more often."

"I know. She has crippling anxiety. I've been telling her that she needs to think about seeing someone."

"I am going to make some calls and find a therapist. I already told Rory that we are canceling our trip, and I am going to get Collin and Finn to come help me move her stuff, while I pack up this apartment myself. But would you be willing to write Rory a prescription for something mild to help with her anxiety? I would do it myself, but I legally can't."

"Yeah, of course. I am happy to."

"Thank you Paris."

"What pharmacy do you want me to call it in to?"

"It doesn't matter. The hospital is fine. Cvs, Walgreens, whatever."

"You are at Rory's?"

"Yeah, I am going to go lay down with her until she falls asleep, then work on getting this place packed up."

"Do you need boxes?"

"Yeah. I need to go pick some up."

"I only have one more appointment today, so I'll pick up Rory's prescription and some boxes. I'll be there in a couple hours."

"You are an amazing friend Paris."

"Hey, she does it for me all the time. Rory is going to be ok. Go take care of her. I'll be there soon."

"Thanks Paris. I owe you one." Logan said, then hung up the phone, and went and climbed into bed with Rory, wrapping her up in his arms. "Paris will be here in a couple hours. We are going to take care of everything."

"Can you not call Honor? I don't feel up to going anywhere. I don't want anyone else to know."

"OK, but I'll tell you a little secret ... I'm the one who prescribes Honors anxiety medication. She's been on it for years."

"Really? Honor seems so normal."

"Being in this family will do that to you." Logan said kissing the side of Rory's head. "There is no shame in needing a little bit of help. I actually think Honor can help you. She has learned a lot of different ways to control everything. But I won't push you. We can call Honor when you are ready. Just try to get some rest, ok?"

"You can call her if you want to." Rory said softly. "You're the doctor. I have to trust your judgment."

"Ace... I might be a doctor, but I am your husband first. It's my job to take care of you. Being a doctor just gives me extra ways to help."

"Is it weird to feel scared?"

"No... Feeling scared is completely normal. I would actually worry more if you weren't scared."

"OK... I'm glad you're here ..."

"There is nowhere else in the world that I would rather be... Just try to get some rest, ok? It'll help you feel better."

"You'll stay here with me?"

"I'm not going anywhere." Logan whispered, tightening his arms around her small body.

"I love you."

"I know... I love you too."

Text message to Honor:

We need to cancel today

Rory is having bad anxiety

Logan punched buttons on his phone twenty minutes later, texting his sister to let her know the change in plans for the day.

Honor to Logan:

Oh no

Poor Rory

Is she ok?

Logan to Honor:

She's finally asleep

I'm laying here with her

She's scared

Honor to Logan:

How can I help?

Do you need anything?

Logan to Honor:

I called Paris.

She is coming over with medication and boxes to pack up Rory's apartment.

Honor to Logan:

I'll be there shortly with supplies

I need the address I've never been to Rory's apartment.

Logan texted their location to his sister then decided to close his eyes for a short nap.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Two hours later Logan woke up to hear voices in the living room, and quietly slipped out of bed, closing the bedroom door behind him while he went to investigate.

"Hey guys, I guess Paris has a key?" Logan asked seeing his sister and Paris carrying boxes and some bags into the apartment.

"That I do." Paris told him. "Rory gave Lorelai and I keys when she first moved in. She has a key to my place too."

"And I have a key to Logan's so we're good to go on both ends." Honor told them.

"Well I don't have a key to this apartment either, so Paris has one up on me." Logan commented.

"Well, you're moving, so it doesn't even matter." Honor told him. "Where are we moving everything to?"

"The boxes can all go to my house, and the furniture I'll just get a storage unit for until we find a house."

"You don't need a storage unit, I have an empty garage now that all your stuff isn't in it."

"Honor, I can't do that to you again."

"Please, you aren't doing anything to me. I'm offering. And it's not like the garage is being used. You also have a bedroom at my house that you can take over at any time. If you guys wanted to get rid of both apartments until you find a house, I wouldn't mind you staying with me."

"Honor, that is really sweet of you, but completely unnecessary. We have two apartments to choose from. I already told Rory that we can stay here if she wants to, but she wants to move into my place temporarily because it's little bit bigger, and closer to both the hospital and the office."

"Well the offer stands." Honor told him.

"Logan, here's Rory's prescription. I would have her take them at night because at least then she can sleep off the side effects."

"Thank you Paris. How much do I owe you?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?"

"You can babysit one day to pay me back."

"We would be happy to. Thank you!"

"I brought some anxiety supplies for Rory." Honor told them. "I ran out and got her some stuff that has helped me.

"What kind of stuff?" Logan asked.

"I got her a weighted blanket, weighted sleep mask, lavender candles, lavender shower stuff, and some chocolate."

"You realize that we are getting ready to move, right?

"Yeah well, you said she was sleeping, and the blanket will help her to sleep a lot better, and it'll even help when she's not sleeping. And it's not a ton of stuff, or anything huge, so it's easy to move."

"Thank you Honor. You are an amazing sister!"

"Why don't you go put the blanket on Rory, then come back out here, and help us start packing."

"Thank you guys so much!"

"Hey, you don't need to thank us. You and Rory would do the exact same for us. We are all family. This is what family does."

"Rory is going to be ok." Paris told him. "I know several therapists who are happy to take care of her. We'll figure all of this out together. Rory is my best friend. I'm not going to let anything happen to her."

"Where's the blanket?" Logan asked.

"Right here." Honor said, unzipping a plastic bag, and pulling out a large plushy pink blanket, handing it to her brother. "It's 15 pounds. It's supposed to be around 10% of your body weight. I know someone who custom makes them, so I'll order her one later today. I got this one from Bloomingdales."

"I had no idea Bloomingdales had those! I'll have to go get one." Paris said seeing the blanket.

"I have one in every room at my house. They're amazing! I have the one that I had custom made on my bed, but the others are all from Bloomingdales. I've heard that you can get them at Target too."

"It's interesting that they are suddenly trendy."

"Hey guys. When did you get here?" Rory asked, heading down the hall toward the living room.

"Hey Ace, did we wake you?" Logan asked.

"No, I'm actually kind of hungry."

"Ok, we can order something. Here, Honor brought you some presents."

"I got you a weighted blanket, a weighted sleep mask, some lavender candles and bath stuff, and of course chocolate. Everything that helps with my anxiety." Honor explained as Logan wrapped the blanket around his wife.

"Honor, you are so sweet! Thank you so much!"

"You are very welcome. How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok at the moment. I just feel drained and hungry."

"What do you guys feel like eating?" Logan asked.

"Rory wants tacos." Paris told him

"Rory always wants tacos. Question is, what do you and Honor want?"

"I can go for Tacos." Honor told him.

"Yeah me too. Rory knows the best taco place in town." Paris told them.

"Ace, do you want to go get tacos?"

"Sure. Paris, do you want to come with me?"

"Or we can all go? You still haven't showed me your new car."

"Rory, you got a new car?" Honor asked.

"My Dad insisted on buying it for my birthday a couple weeks ago."

"What did you get?"

"Dad insisted on a Mercedes SUV. I would have been fine with a Toyota 4-runner, but Dad wanted me to have something fancy."

"Your Dad loves you. He just wants to spoil his little girl." Honor told her.

"I know, I'm just not used to having fancy stuff."

"Well you're a Huntzberger now, so get used to it. My brother probably would have picked the same car for you."

"If we are going to go get tacos, then we should go." Logan told them.

"Can we go look at those houses when we're done? Paris, Honor I want you guys to come with." Rory asked.

"Sure, I'm completely free." Honor told her.

"I'm free too." Paris agreed.

"Logan?" Rory asked.

"If that's what you want."

"I do, and having Honor and Paris there will help me decide what I like."

"Then that's what we'll do. Do you need to go change, or are you ready to go?"

"I need to go find some shoes. Will you come help me?"

"You need my help finding your shoes?"

"Some of them are up on the closet shelf, and you are taller than I am. And I might want to change, and you are good at picking out outfits."

"Lead the way." Logan said, then followed Rory back down the hallway to her bedroom. "You're awfully indecisive today."

"Don't pick on me. You know I'm having a rough day."

"I know. And I'm not trying to pick on you. I'm sorry, I didn't know that you needed my help finding your shoes or clothes."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Really? You have to ask me that?"


"Ace, come on. You know you can ask me anything. You don't need to ask me if you can ask a question. Of course you can ask a question."

"I just don't want to upset you."

"Why do you think you'll upset me by asking a question? Unless you're asking me for a divorce, I have zero reason to be upset with you."

"No, Logan, nothing like that. I was just wondering because as much as I love it, sometimes it's just a lot and I feel kind of uppity and way too fancy, and you know that's not me . . ."

"Ace . . ."

"Your grandma's ring. Do you want me to wear it all the time, or do you mind if I keep it for special occasions. I really don't mean to offend you because it's beautiful, and I really love it, I just don't usually wear a lot of jewelry . . ."

"Rory, it's fine. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to. It's just a family ring. Don't even worry about it. I don't expect you to wear it every day at all. I already told you that it's not your engagement ring, or your wedding ring. Heck, if you don't want to wear your engagement ring every day because I know you don't wear a lot of jewelry, I'll completely understand."

"No Logan, I love my engagement ring. I want to wear that one. I just don't wear a lot of jewelry and having two big fancy rings is a lot, and I'm just a little worried that wearing so much jewelry is too flashy and it could maybe make me a target or something. I don't want anything happening your grandmother's ring, it's beautiful, and it's been in your family for such a long time, and I know that it means a lot to you."

"Ace, stop worrying so much about everything. You mean more to me than any piece of jewelry. You don't have to wear anything that you don't want to wear. We can put it in your jewelry box, or we can get a safe for it. Whatever you want to do. It's completely fine. I don't want you to be uncomfortable, or worrying about something happening to you when you're wearing it."

"Are you sure? Because I really don't want to upset you. I love the ring, I really do."

"Rory, it's fine. I promise. Stop worrying about it. Your engagement and wedding rings mean way more to me than my grandmother's ring. Why don't we put the ring in your jewelry box, and we'll take it back to my apartment with us tonight. Then when we move, we can get a safe, and keep it in there just so it's secure, and you can wear it whenever you want to."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. Why don't you hand me the ring, and I'll put it away myself. Have you decided on what you want to wear?"

"No, I have no idea what to wear. Is it ok to wear jeans to look at houses?"

"Really Ace? What you're wearing is perfectly fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Rory, we're going to the taco shop. Come on. What's going on with you?"

"I don't know, I just don't want to look too scruffy, or make you look bad."

"Rory, did my mother say something to you this morning?"

"Please, your mother hardly even looked at me."

"Then what's going on?"

"I don't know, I just don't want to not look good enough to be your wife."

"Why would you not look good enough? You could wear a trash bag and you would still be good enough to be my wife."

"I just don't want to not look good enough to be a Huntzberger."

"Are you serious right now?!? Is that what all of this anxiety is all about? You suddenly don't think that you are good enough to be a Huntzberger?"

"I just don't want you to feel embarrassed by me."

"Rory, you are being ridiculous. I could never be embarrassed by you. You are beautiful, and sexy, and you look incredible in everything you wear. So incredible in fact, that sometimes I just want to rip the clothes right off of you. You never have to worry about me being embarrassed by you."

"Are you sure? Because you can tell me if you don't like something."

"Rory, this is seriously ridiculous. Hey Honor! Paris! Come here!"

"What's going on?" Paris asked as she followed Honor to Rory's bedroom.

"Do either of you have a problem with what Rory is wearing, or any of her clothes?"

"What?!" Paris asked.

"Rory is worried about not looking good enough to be a Huntzberger wife, and doesn't want to embarrass me."

"Please tell me that you are joking!"

"Will one of you please set Rory straight because she's not believing anything that I say."

"Did our mother say something to you this morning?" Honor asked.

"She didn't say a single word to me. Just glared my way a few times." Rory told her.

"Rory, don't let our mother's ridiculous jealousy ruin your day. You are so much better than she is, and you know it." Honor said sitting down on Rory's bed.

"If it makes you feel better, Shira hates me too." Paris told her.

"The only person who gets to decide if you are good enough to be a Huntzberger, is Logan, and he made that decision 12 years ago." Honor started. "Mom and Dad don't have the kind of marriage that the four of us do, and seeing us happy makes her crazy. Especially you because mom sees a lot of herself in you. Mom grew up similar to the way you did. Her parents didn't have any money and she never had nice things. But then one day she met dad at some bar, and she managed to get pregnant with me, and Grandpa forced Dad to marry her to make everything look better for the family. Mom and Dad have never cared about each other. They are only together out of obligation and because mom signed a prenup that says she gets nothing. Dad has never been loyal to her, and mom isn't allowed to have a side piece because it'll void her prenup, and she'll loose everything. Even if Dad dies, mom still doesn't get much. Everything goes to Logan and I, and almost nothing to mom. And she knows all of this, but there isn't anything that she can do about it. So she sits there and she pretends that she's happy in front of an audience, and then when she's alone she drinks, smokes, and spends all of her allowance on expensive clothes because it's the only thing that she has. So don't let mom's misery get you down. She's just jealous of your life and your relationship. If you want to feel anything toward mom, feel sorry for her because she was really naive when she met dad and she stupidly signed that restrictive prenup that Grandpa forced her into, which completely trapped her. Mom's life sucks and it's all her own fault."

"Yikes! I never knew all that." Paris said as she took a seat next to Honor. "I only knew that she was raised poor and married rich."

"I didn't know any of it until a few years ago when I started hearing rumors and actually looked into everything, then confronted mom about it. She is on a very tight leash with Dad. Luckily, Grandpa finally died last year, so he's out of her way, but Dad still doesn't treat mom very well. They don't even really like each other."

"That is really sad." Rory told them. "I can't even imagine having to live like that."

"Rory, you have the life that Mom always wanted. You have an amazing husband who loves you and is loyal to you. Your husband refused to ever even consider having a prenup, or marry for anything other than love. Logan doesn't even care about the family's money. Did you know that I'm the one who paid for Logan to go to medical school? Grandpa, Mom and Dad refused to help, so Logan was going to get student loans, but I refused to let him."

"I did know that. Logan told me."

"Mom, Dad, and Grandpa thought that by refusing to pay for medical school, it would force Logan to come back to HPG. They thought that they could manipulate him into doing things their way. But Logan showed all of them, and told them to go to hell. All anyone in our family cares about is money and status. Except for Logan. He is the only person who is willing to say screw it to everything and do what makes him happy. Logan doesn't care what anyone else thinks about him. He's built his own life, and you are the one person he has always wanted to be with. So don't let Mom's misery get you down. You and Logan have a relationship that so many people would kill for. You could literally wear a trash bag for a dress, and Logan wouldn't be bothered by it because he would still have you." Honor told her.

"Rory you know that I never liked Logan when you guys were first together at Yale. I knew how his parents treated you, and I was pretty much in the same boat with your Mom when it came to you and Logan. You are my best friend, and I only wanted the best for you. But Logan has grown on me because he's been good to you. But I think the day I actually really started respecting him was the day we were in medical school and I went to a party at Honor's house, that Shira and Mitchum happened to be at. Poor woman had no idea who she was dealing with when she met me. She found out that I was a friend from Yale, and made the comment that I must have known that 'awful Gilmore girl'. That woman was about to get a beat down, when Logan stepped in and ripped into her. You guys hadn't been together in years, and Logan could easily have ignored Shira, or just told her mind her manners. But instead, he ripped into her in front of everyone. Logan had your back and refused to let anyone say anything bad about you, even when you hadn't said a single word to each other in years. He loved you enough to have your back, even when he had no idea if he would ever see you again." Paris told her.

"I have never seen Logan so mad in my entire life!" Honor laughed. "He was furious when he ripped into her!"

"Mom happened to pick a really bad day to open her mouth. I was having a rough day, I wasn't exactly in the mood to be at a party, and I REALLY wasn't in the mood for her crap."

"I think mom has been afraid of you since that day. I don't think she will ever run her mouth around you ever again."

"Well she needs to learn to watch how she looks at people too, because we are about to have words."

"Rory, the point of all of this is that you can do and wear whatever you want. You can put on ratty pajamas, and you will still be good enough to be in this family because Logan loves you, and he wants you there. You wear whatever you feel comfortable in. I don't even care if you wear pajamas to the office. I'll wear them with you. And if anyone dares to comment on it, I will rip into them for you. You are perfect just the way that you are. Logan didn't marry you to have a trophy wife." Honor told her.

"Says who?!" Logan blurted out, only to be kicked by Paris. "Ouch! Geez Paris, I was kidding!"

"Rory, Logan doesn't want some plastic bimbo trophy wife. He chose you because you are real, and you are beautiful not just outside, but inside too. You changed my baby brother from an ungrateful entitled, self-centered rich little jerk, and you turned him into a doctor. Someone who actually spends all of his time helping others. If Logan wanted some bimbo trophy life, he would have gotten married years ago, to whatever bimbo Mom and Dad threw his way. But he refused to even look at any of those gold diggers, because he wanted you, no matter how long he had to wait."

"Ok, this has gotten way too sappy. Can we please go get tacos now?" Logan asked.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Are you feeling any better?"Logan asked as he climbed into bed next to Rory that night.

"A little bit. I'm sorry, I don'tknow why I let your mom get to me. This entire thing is so stupid."

"I think it's because you like to please people. You might not like my Mom, but you still care what she thinks about you. You always try to make the best of every situation, and you don't want her to completely hate you, so you keep trying to kill her with kindness."

"You know me so well."

"It's one of the things that I love most about you."

"You really attacked your mom at a party?"

"I did. It was about 6 years ago."

"What happened?" Rory asked, snuggling herself into his chest."

"I was living with Honor, and she threw a party for whatever reason, I don't even remember. I was in a craptastic mood and didn't want to be around anyone, much less stuck at a party. I just wanted to sleep the day away, but Honor refused to let me."

"Why were you in such a bad mood?"

"It was the anniversary of the day I asked you to marry me . . ."

"Logan, I am so sorry . . ."

"Anyway, Mom and dad were at the party, and Honor had me invite Paris, Collin and Finn. We were all hanging out, and then mom saw Paris talking to Dad and got all jealous and decided to butt into the conversation. She heard Paris introduce herself as a 'friend from Yale' and the next thing I know I hear her saying that Yale is a great school, and 'oh you must know that awful Gilmore girl that Logan dated. I am so glad that she is finally gone!' And I just lost it! I was already feeling pretty depressed, and I just couldn't handle it. I ripped into her like nobody's business."

"How crazy did she go?"

"I honestly don't even remember. Honor and Paris could probably tell you. I was completely fuming. I remember yelling at her for having the nerve to bring up your name, and telling her that I don't care who she thinks she is, but she had better never mention you ever again or I would be likely to do something that I would probably regret later on, and that she for sure would never see me again. I refused to have anything to do with her for the next 6 months. Honor had to beg me to show up for Christmas, and she had to get me seriously drunk to get me to actually go."

"You were drunk when all of that happened weren't you?"

"I was drunk a lot back then. I was pretty big on self medicating. I tried to stay sober when I had class, but any time I had a free day I was pretty trashed. And you know Finn was always more than happy to help. I would volunteer to babysit him just because I knew that I could count on him to get me plastered."

"There were so many times that I wish you had called me."

"There were so many times that I wanted to call you. I think that was the night that everyone found out just how messed up I was. I had been faking it so well to everyone, that only Honor knew the truth. But that night I was so upset that I just blurted everything out. I was done pretending and I just didn't care to try anymore. I might have even tried to call you that night, but I honestly can't remember."

"I cried myself to sleep a lot." Rory told him. "Especially on days that I looked at the calendar and the date stuck out."

"There are so many days that I wonder what would have happened had I finally gotten up the guts to call you."

"I've wondered the same thing."

"We sound pathetic." Logan laughed.

"I wouldn't call it pathetic. I would call it love sick."

"We've always been better together than we ever were apart."

"I agree."

"I don't like being away from you."

"It's lonely not being together." Rory agreed.

"It's going to be hard to go back to work next week."

"It will be tough, but it's healthy. I heard about this new invention called a cell phone. Apparently they make you able to talk all day, until we can be together at home again." Rory told him.

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