Ninjago Dragon's Rising - The...

Per Wise_Cloud

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After the battle against the Crystal King Aka the Overlord, everything was at peace in Ninjago. Like usually... Més

The Merge: Part 1
The Merge: Part 2
Croassroads Carnival
Beyond Madness
Writers of Destiny
Return to Imperium
Mindless Beasts
I Will Be the Danger
The Calm Inside
The Battle of the Second Monastery
The Temple of the Dragon Cores
Gangs of the Sea
The Last Djinn
They Call it Doom
Land of Lost Things
The Mysterious Shadow
Another Cole...?!
Absolute Power
We Are All Dragons
The Power Within
Special: Ninjago Dream Team (Lego Dreamz X Ninjago Crossover)
Dragon's Rising | Elemental Mechs
Elemental Mechs | "What the Mech?"
Elemental Mechs | "The Mech Master"
Elemental Mechs | "A Pain in the Mech!"
The Blood Moon
Shatter-What Now?!
Beyond the Phantasm Cave
A Loving Mother, A Tormented Sensei
The Force From the East
The Spell at the Waterfall
To Mysterium
Their Universe
Fugitives From Madness

Shattered Dreams

367 16 14
Per Wise_Cloud

I woke early to announce a meeting with the rest of the team about yesterday.

"So yesterday you had a dream about these warriors in Wolf Masks?" Nya asked my brother.

The blonde gave a nod in agreement, "They've been so terrifying. I haven't been able to sleep for weeks. I thought they were just nightmares." I held his shoulder to indicate I was right with him.

Arin spoke up, "But after fighting those Wolf Masks last night, we now know they're actually visions."

"Visions of terrible dangers to come," Lloyd hummed, "And they always end with someone called a Blood Moon. Then I wake up screaming."

Adam hugged Lloyd's side, "Don't worry, Uncle Lloyd. I'm here to keep you safe!"

"Thanks, Adam," my brother smiled at the young boy, "That means a lot."

"My brother's visions are the same as mine," I added before dreading the thought of the said images, "Though...Mine is more...uh how do you put it? Emotional? Like...I saw Sora and Arin get hurt in front of me...Then everyone else succumbed to darkness after being attacked by the Wolf Masks. But then...This familiar voice called out to me...And then I wake up screaming like Lloyd." I explained my visions to the team.

Mr. Frohicky appeared with two mugs, "Drink, sir, madame! My dear mummy's very own Fetid Swamp Tea recipe," I retorted in disgust with my brother, "It'll calm your jangled nerves."

As Lloyd took one cup I politely refused, "S-Sorry...I drank tea earlier this morning! But K.S. can drink it!"


Riyu went to chase the flies, "Ooh...That looks so good." Wyldfyre drooled over the drink, quickly wiping it off.

Sora grew concerned about the attraction of insects, "What's with the flies?" She gagged.

"That's how you know it's working," the frog smiled.

We looked to see my brother take a large sip before gagging, "Are you alive still?!" I asked, getting worried, "I'm fine, (Y/N)." He muttered, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Compared to that tea, my panic attack doesn't seem so bad." Lloyd smiled nervously.

Mr. Frohicky was delighted to hear some positivity, "See? I told you it would do wonders."

"Even if they are visions," The Elemental Master of Technology spoke up about the visions, "it doesn't mean that what you see is definitely gonna happen, right? We're in charge of our own destiny."

"Hehe..." I lowly chuckled, "Say that to all the times we've almost been killed by my uncle not specifying what kind of villain we go against every season."

"Add on the fact that we lose our elemental powers all the time before they reappear like nothing before going away again. We also get powerups but the writers never bring it back up for some reason." I spoke up, picking up my son from the ground and giving him his daily snack before placing him down somewhere.

"Uh...Sensei...Did you just-" Kai was first to address me, "Bite your tongue, Kai Smith." He made a motion of zipping his mouth at my order.

Arin gave Sora a solemn look, "We weren't so in charge last night," he grew angry at how he didn't do much, "My wonky Spinjitzu was no match for that new Elemental Master."

Nya walked up to him, holding his shoulder, "Don't be so hard on yourself, Arin. You were caught off guard. Next time, all of us Ninja will be there." She smiled.

"Yeah," Kai agreed with his sister, "where there's an Elemental Master of Smoke, there's an Elemental Master of Fire." he showed his powers, making Wyldfyre smirk in agreement.

"Mortal Combat reference...?" I mumbled to myself.

"I'll always be there for you guys!" I added, "I am your Sensei after all. What kind of example would I be if I wasn't?" I held Sora's shoulder, smiling sweetly at her and Arin, "You guys are precious to me. I would never let anything bad to you guys."

"Ahem!" Kai cleared his throat, "Oh! And K.S. with the others as well!" I pretended to be aloof making the Fire Ninja a little offended, "But I know they can take good care of themselves. So I'm not worried about them."

The Red Ninja turned bashful, "Aw! Sensei! That's so nice of you! And of course! I am her best student after all."

Sora blinked in confusion, "I thought it was Zane?"

"Excuse me?! Who told you that?" I turned away to not meet Kai's gaze, "Oh! I think Adam needs to get his daily nutrients for healthy growth! Ehehe...!"

"Hmm. You're right." Lloyd smiled at our exchange, "I don't know what I'm so scared about. Ninja never quit." He soon burped near me, "Ooh, except for maybe this tea. Sorry, sis."

I swatted my hand at the scent, "By the First Elemental Masters...! I think it'll take a bit of time to get this scent off..."

Riyu prepared to catch a fly but Mr. Frohicky beat him to it, he also burped after ingesting it, "Ooh. Pardon me." He excused himself.

Nya pondered on what happened last night, "So this Elemental Master took the mallet he stole to Lord Ras. What does Ras want with it? We know it can't be for something good."

One of my students spoke up, "Well, I can think of one place to look for answers. Uh, Sensei? Any inputs?" She turned to me, getting everyone else to look my way.

I yawned before blinking, "Huh? What? Just because I predict everything, doesn't mean I can do it willingly."

"That...does not make sense, girlfriend," Nya informed.

I huffed, "It makes sense in my head. So there."

The group gave each other looks at my personality change, "It's her insomnia talking. Alongside stress and overworking," Kai alerted the group.

"K.S. We don't talk about people behind their backs. OR in front of them." I instructed.

The said Ninja flinched, "Oh gosh...No matter what, her stern voice makes me freeze up..."

"So, we can go with my idea?" Sora implied, trying to dissuade the situation of me almost deciding to end Kai's life.

Giving a sweet smile to her, I gave a nod, "Of course, dear! Let's go! Zane, Lloyd! Come on! You too, Arin, sweetie!" I called out to the others while holding Sora's shoulders.

"No fair! You're way nicer to the students than your own legal and bonded family!!" I heard Kai yell but I merely rolled my eyes, "Don't mind him."


Zane, Lloyd, Sora, Arin, and I walked through the busy streets of the Crossroads.

"I heard Fedulian, the guy who owns this place is kind of sketchy," Lloyd informed the younger Ninja, "Since you two know the people of Crossroads better than we do, I feel like you'll have more success getting information from him."

Sora nodded. She turned to Arin, "Which means, Arin, we gotta stay tough when we interrogate him."

The dark-haired boy gave a confused look, "Why wouldn't I?"

"Ah," Sora chuckled, " 'cause you're so nice you believe anything anyone tells you. Remember when Kreel convinced you she was a robot?" She smiled, asking him about a memory.

The Orange Ninja thought about it, "I didn't think a human could dance like that."

"Really? You gotta show me proof next time!"

"GAH!!!" Sora and Arin yelled in shock when seeing appeared near them.

"Hello!~" The boy waved to them before I called over to him, "Adam." He smiled when he saw me, "Mommy!"

He went to hug me then Lloyd, "Uncle Lloyd! Uncle Zane!" and finally Zane, before crushing the trainees, "Hi, Arin! Hi, Sora!"

"G-Gah...Lungs..." Sora heaved, trying to breathe, "C-Can't...a-air...!" Arin mumbled.

"Adam. You need to work on your killer hugs, okay? You might someone's bones." I instructed my child, calmly telling him off.

The students thankfully were able to breathe again, "I've ask...this...HOW IN THE WORLD IS A 5-YEAR-OLD THAT STRONG WHEN IT COMES TO HIS HUGS?!" Sora shouted.

"I wanna...-too..." Arin couldn't make proper sentences yet, Lloyd had to pat his back to help out.

Zane was the one to inform them of the genetics after I gave him the all-clear, "It is because of the strength of his father he gained through his DNA. Sensei's husband trained for years to be stronger than most people. In genetics, most of the features come from the mother, but some from the father. In Adam's case, he's physically a spitting image of Cole, but has Sensei's personality."

"C-Cool...! In English, please..." Arin pleaded.

I chuckled, rubbing his back, "Adam got my killer hugs from me, but his strength comes from his father. My husband: Cole, The Master of Earth. He might be the next master one day because of that."

Lloyd picked up the boy, spinning him around, "And you need to stop sneaking around us, you little ninja!" He laughed.

"Haha! Whee! This is fun!" Adam cheered before being put down.

Since Adam surprised us by coming along, I told the group to be even more cautious, "Keep an eye on him, or else he'll run off like his father used to do when he was young."

Lloyd chuckled, "Cole would've been offended," I gave a tired smile, "Well, he can come over and tell me himself."

I caught my son's collar, "Pie! And cake!" He yelled wanting to get it but I stopped him, "See? Always keeps you on your toes." I pointed out, "No, sweetie. No pie or cake before lunch."

"Now, I respect Sensei so much more now," Arin, "I did already but it grew," Sora hummed in agreement, "Yeah, I agree. Hey...Didn't she call us her kids, too...?"

Sora and Arin were first to walk up towards Fedulian, "Mm, the Ninja."

"And me!" Adam appeared behind Fedulian who blinked in shock, "Adam! Don't do that to strangers!" I soon apologized to the seller before scolding my son.

"Can I help you?" The Merlopian asked.

Arin walked up to him, "What can you tell us about the ancient mallet that was taken from your shop last night?" He pointed at him.

The sea serpent hummed, "Mmm...I don't know anything about that." He acted bashful.

"Cool," Arin smiled, "thanks for your time." He went to go back but Sora forced him to stay put.

I giggled alongside my brother at the scene, "We know a mallet was stolen from this place, Fedulian. Do you want your property back? We could help, but we need to know why someone would want it." Sora went to ask questions.

The Merlopian shrugged, "Who knows? Look, people bring me old stuff, I sell it. I can't research everything in this place." He picked up a book, "Like, what's this? A doorstop? A helmet?"

I gave a bored look, "That's a book. You're not that smart to give out examples are you?"

Adam and Lloyd snickered at my quips, "You-!" Fedulian was about to retort before finding the situation useless.

"There's no way to know. I'd love to catch the ruffian that broke into my place, but I have a business to run." He walked away, taking the trash.

"So? What plan of action, Sora?" I asked my student, wanting her to take the lead to see if her training had done her well.

"Hmm...Let's go," she walked ahead, "He's definitely hiding something."

Her friend was perplexed, "Are you sure? I mean, he seemed sincere?" That made the woman sigh, "Arin, I love you, buddy, but you gotta realize that not everyone tells the truth."

he scratched his head sheepishly, "Ah." I held his shoulder, "Don't worry. I trusted a little bit too many in my lifetime. It made me realize the way of the world the hard way." Arin smiled in appreciation, "Thanks, Sensei."

"Any chance you can get us up there to that rooftop there?" Sora pointed to the said rooftop, "Uh-huh." With his grappling hook, Arin helped us get to the top. I used my powers to lift Adam in the air.

Even with his powers, weapons, and more, he gets from Pixal, I, or Nya. My brother still thinks that Arin's grappling hook is amazing, "I gotta get one those grapplers."

Adam lit up but I shot it down, not even looking at him since I needed to rub my sore and tired eyes, "No. Not until you're 18."

"Aw! But that's so long to wait." He whined.

"Good. You'll learn patience, sweetie!" I laughed before leading him to our hiding spot to spy on Fedulian.

He was speaking to a female Serpentine, talking about how we asked about the mallet. (Not before calling us gross. Eh, we've heard worse.)

Fedulian then warned his friend about us possibly going over to Hantro's hideout to interrogate her, "Wow, I'm really bad at spotting liars." Arin felt disappointed in himself for believing a person's word so easily.

"Don't worry, Arin. You wouldn't have known." I assured him, "There was that time my brother believed and witch-like princess once. It did not go so well."

The said brother turned to me, "Sis...Don't."

I raised my hands in surrender, "I know, I know. Sorry. Couldn't help myself for talking about the old seasons."

Once Fedulian stopped the video feed, Sora noticed something, "That graffiti on the wall behind her, I know it. I drew it. I was young and bored. But let's go."


We arrived at where Sora's old graffiti was, "There it is, your noodle graffiti."

"That's a cat."

I tilted my head to get a better grasp on the drawing, "Oh. No wonder, the ears on the head and the small lines for whiskers."

"Why are there meatballs on its face?" Lloyd asked, "I thought they were laser beam eyes!" Adam jumped in with his inquiry.

Sora felt offended, "Those are the eyes, argh!"

Zane went to scan the drawing, "Scanning... Zero cats detected in this image."

The Master of Technology soon walked in front of the others, "Yeah, okay. We didn't come to dunk on my old art." She reminded the group of our mission, "Hantro's hideout has gotta be around here somewhere."

I looked at the drawing a realized there was a part of the wall that was slightly different, 'It might be a hidden door.' I thought, seeing my brother stand in front of it.'

"You might want to step away from there, Lloyd," I mumbled but he gave me a weird look, "What do you mean? It's not like your theory of someone jumping on my head from above will happen." He teased.

I scoffed, "Ha-ha-hilarious, brother. It's actually you getting run over."




"Don't ask." I shrugged off the group's looks as my son blinked in confusion, "Mom? What does that mean?"

Zane gave Adam a light pat on his shoulder, "Your mother was just making a small joke, Adam. Do not fret." He smiled at my son, "Okay, Uncle Zane!"

"Let's a search in a pattern expanding out from-" Just as I said, Hantro appeared from the hidden door and bumped into Lloyd, literally running him over.

"I told you." I smiled, "You okay, Uncle Lloyd...?" Adam poked my brother's head, trying to see if he was awake.

Hantro gave a surprised look at us, "Oh, hey, Ninja, nice to meet you." Lloyd got up to his feet, thanking Adam for helping him up.

"I'm just cleaning up this non-valuable junk as part of a city beautification plan," The pink serpent explained while stuttering, "And, uh, uh, the best part is, none of these antiquities were looted, and all of them are super legal." She showed some of the said items.

I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow at her horrible excuses. My brother did the same.

The rest of the team had similar expressions and stances, "Looks like you're not buying that, so...magic attack!" Hantro then threw a supposed genie lantern at Zane's face. Luckily it hit him and the others, or else that would've caused permanent damage.

"Sweetie, take cover behind me," I instructed my son, who did as told.

The pink snake blinked owlishly at the failed attempt, "Okay, turns out that item was not actually magical," she went through her cart of items, "My mistake. But hey...killer butterfly swarm!" Hantro quickly opened a jar of "killer butterflies" but they were just normal blue butterflies.

One butterfly flew to me, "Hello," I smiled, seeing it rest on my finger before going to follow its swarm.

Hantro threw the pot away, a cat cried out at being hit with the pot, "So, not the killer kind. Hard to know sometimes," she went through some more items, "But how about...psychic orb blast!"

It was a doorknob she showed us.

"I see the problem now," she there the item away, hitting a window this time, "It's just a doorknob," she facepalmed, "Sorry, I'm kind of new at this looted ancient artifacts game."

"Oh really...?!" I started, "We DIDN'T notice!" I shouted in annoyance.

Lloyd gently pushed me away before I ended up scaring the serpent, "Breathe, elder sister. Breathe. I'll take care of this."

"It's okay, Momma. Uncle Lloyd is strong!" Adam reassured me, "Thanks, sweetie. That's very nice of you."

"Are you done trying to fight us?" My brother asked Hantro, "Did I even start, really? Look, I just find artifacts and sort of nab them. It's- it's not like I steal from actual people. Am I in trouble?"

Sora went to speak to the artifact seller, "Depends on how well you answer our questions. The mallet you gave Fedulian, what's its purpose?"

"And do NOT lie to us, or ELSE," I warned, glaring at the serpent who shuddered under my gaze.

Arin laughed nervously in the background, "Adam...! Your mother is scary..."

"Huh? Oh, Mom does that all the time to dad and I. I find it cool!" Adam smiled, "Before it gets too scary for me or Dad..." He mumbled making Sora giggle.

"That thing? Rumour has it the mallet to something called the Gong of Shattering." Hantro explained the purpose of the mallet.

Lloyd grew confused, "Gong of Shattering?"

"Please don't tell me it's a myth from the Wyldness..." I pleaded, holding my face, "It is. Supposedly, someone can hit the gong with that mallet and it releases their dark energies. Oooh!~" The serpent informed.

Arin was first to speak, "Are we believing her?" He held his head in confusion, "Uh, I can't tell anymore."

"Would I lie?" Hantro asked, I gave her a glare making her let out a small squeak, "Eh, yes, I totally would, but right now I'm not, this is just what I heard," she looked around before leaning in to whisper to us, "Apparently, everyone has some good inside them. But if you're wearing a weird Wolf Mask and then hit the gog with the mallet, it shatters the goodness inside you."

My brother looked in shock, "A Wolf Mask...?"

The visions that my sibling and I explained come back to my mind, "That means that there's a connection to the masks and the gong..."

"Weird, right?" Hantro inquired, "And once you shatter your goodness, you not only get stronger, apparently you can learn all kinds of evil things."

"What kinds of evil things?" My student asked, interested in the artifacts.

Hantro then explained the details, "Fighting techniques, mystical powers, all the stuff your goodness was holding you back from. If you believe that 'mystical cursey' garbage." She hissed.

I gasped a little, Lloyd and I shared a look before we told the group we were returning to the Monastery.


Back at the Monastery, our group stood in the courtyard, "So you buy Hantro's story? A gong that shatters goodness?" Sora asked her Master and me.

"It matches my sister's and I's visions exactly." Lloyd replied, "Except mine are more vivid about the team. I still can't figure out whose voice is that..." I mumbled the last part, holding my chin.

We heard knocking at the door, Mr. Fohicky went to answer it, "Welcome to the Monastery of Spinjitzu. How can we-" he was shocked to see the people behind the large gates.

It was Percival, "Percival, what are you doing here?" Arin smiled, going up to his friend of Imperium.

"Euphrasia!" Sora said in shock, I saw her limping, "Goodness! What happened?! You're hurt!" I was worried when I saw her putting pressure on her left leg.

Lloyd helped me keep her balanced as she spoke, "Uh...Ninja, we need your help."

"What happened?" My brother asked.

"Here, sit over here, sweetheart." I softly spoke to her, sitting her down by the fountain and healing her injuries the best I could.

"K.S. We're going to take the Bounty. Can you fly the ship to the Could Kingdom?" I asked my teammate who gave a thumbs up, "Right on it, Sensei!"

I turned to the others, "Got it, sis! Come on, let's move!" Lloyd didn't need me to explain as he told the rest of the group to prepare for departure. I helped Euphrasia to get to the ship.

"Can I come, Mom?" Adam asked.

I gave Euphrasia to my brother before turning to my son, "I'm sorry, Adam. But you'll have to stay with Mr. Forhicky for today. It's too dangerous."

He sighed in sadness, "Right...Okay. Be safe, okay? Come back soon?" He held up his pinky making me smile, "Promise." We sealed our promise before I left.


After healing her wounds, we helped her get to the Bounty before heading to the Cloud Kingdom. On our way there, Euphrasia explained what happened. While we were interrogating Hantro, she was fighting the said Wolf Masked army, Cinder and Ras. She failed to do so, so she went to get our help.

"I tried to fly to your Monastery but came up short. That's where Percival found me," Euphrasia informed, "Don't worry, you did your best. That's all that matters." I consoled her making her smile warmly to me in return.

Arin was confused about why Ras wanted the archives of the Kingdom, "The Cloud Kingdom Archives is a bunch of scrolls and research. What would Lord Ras need to learn about?"

"The Blood Moon," Lloyd answered making me nod, "It has to have something to do with it. If my visions are real, and so of the ones my sister had. I know the Blood Moon is important and very, very bad."

"By what I've learned of the said mallet, Gong of Shattering and the Blood Moon...I have heard it was originally banned from all realms long ago. I found it in some ancient scroll my uncle had. But he forbade me to read it, as it was some ancient language that looked evil." I stated.

"Where did you get this information?" Nya asked, "By accident. I was only sorting out a few scrolls one day after a mission before the Merge, and I found it away from the other scrolls. But again. My uncle forbade me to read it and threw it away. But, it's probably some ancient tale from the Wyldness from what Hantro said."

As I finished my theory, Kai stationed the ship near the edge of the kingdom. Arin used his grappling hook to get onto the land, "Seriously, this grapple rules." Lloyd smiled.

Arin felt a little sad though, "I'd trade it for an Elemental Power."

My brother held his arm, "Don't get impatient, Arin. Every Ninja has a different path."

Using his grapple, Arin was first to enter the Cloud Kingdom's grounds, the rest followed.

I stood near my student, "My husband and the rest of the Ninja have saved Ninjago without powers before. And you did it with your version of Spinjitzu by beating Beatrix. I think that's an amazing feat for someone like you."

"Thanks, Sensei," Arin smiled, "That means a lot to me. You're kind of like a mother to me, to be honest, hehe..."

My heart melted at how sweet his words were, "Aw! Arin! I feel honoured to hear that! You and Sora are just such sweethearts!"

"Speaking of which, remember last night?" He asked, "You called me and Sora, 'your kids'. Was that a mistake?"

"Huh...? Oh!" It hit me like a brick when remembering the scene, "That...uh-sorry! I was just super tired and everything... I saw red when you and Sora got injured. It hurt me seeing you two and Riyu alongside my brother getting hurt. I was REALLY angry, so I let out some steam on Cinder. Sorry If that made you uncomfortable..."

"No...I felt happy."

"Arin..." I started, "It's fine. It's just...I felt alone after the Merge since I lost my parents. Even if Sora was there. I wanted to have someone older than me that I can look up to or confide in and everything," He gave me an appreciative look, "And then you appeared...So thank you."

"Anytime, Arin." I smiled under my mask, holding his shoulder.

We got back on track for the mission, "It's so quiet." Arin mumbled.

"I think you mean 'creepy'." Sora implied.

Lloyd turned to his students, "Be prepared for anything. And don't start, sis." He turned me, and I raised my hands, "Hey. it's not we're going to get our tails handed back to us."




"You...JUST....did-" Kai spoke but stopped, "Urgh... never mind. It'll just start a new theory. Let's just go."

"What? Hey! Guys! Wait up!" I was left behind, still not understanding what they meant.

We spotted the Writers of Destiny being forced to write something, "The Writers of Destiny, thank goodness you're okay." Euphrasia was happy to see that her friends weren't injured.

The people with Wolf Masks forced the writers to keep writing, "Maybe not the most okay."

"Zane? Can you scan the language they're writing?" I asked the Ince Ninja, "Of course, Sensei," he went to scan the writing, "They are translating from some ancient language, but not one I recognize. It's a language that looks... evil."

I gasped lightly, "Remember what I said about the scroll I found? And the ancient language that looked evil?" I asked the group before nudging my head towards the writers, "It's that, I can't understand it, but I know for sure it's that writing."

Sora grew a little skeptical about the language looking "evil", "How can a language look evil?" She asked me and the Nindroid, "Trust me, it does."

I heard grumbling making me and Kai go to check it out, it was some sort of cocoon. Being guarded by a Wolf Mask. I signalled to Kai he'd attack the guard and I'd free the person. He gave a nod as we went with the plan.

After getting rid of the watchful eyes of the enemy, I pried open the cocoon, "Suetonious?" I whispered in shock, "Thank you, Ninja." He gasped for air before thanking us.

He was glad to see The Master of Wind, "Euphrasia, you're alive."

The said elemental master chuckled, "Barely. What happened?"

"It was awful..." The man started to explain the story as Kai and I helped him get to the ground. It all started with him and Marcus trying to stop Ras from getting into the archives of their kingdom. Suetonious informed us that the lion was the one that cursed the worms of the archives, making him stuck in a cocoon of string ever since.

"Gross!" Wyldfyre retorted, "But kind of awesome gross." She smiled, I blinked at that before shrugging it off, "I'm too tired to scold people today..." I mumbled to myself.

Lloyd went to ask a question to the master Writer, "Do those scrolls have anything to do with the Blood Moon?"

"Ras wouldn't, he couldn't..." Suetonious spoke in fear of the future.

Arin felt a little uneasy, "That sounds like a yes."

"The Blood Moon rises once every few millennia in the Wyldness. And on this rarest of events, there is an arcane ritual that can be performed to resurrect...The Forbbiden Five." The writer stated.

Sora did not like the mention of them, "They sound a little intimidating."

"They are," Suetonious replied, "The Forbbiden Five were once Elemental Masters Masters. Thousands of years ago, they discovered evil powers no other Elemental Master could stop. They conquered their realm and destroyed all who stood in their way."

"Nothing could stop them?" Arin asked the writer.

Suetonious gave a hesitant look, "It seemed impossible, but a mystical force arrived from the East and banished them beyond all the realms forever. The Five's discoveries, teachings, and even their language have been banned for centuries. If Ras can unlock their secrets and then enact the Ritual of the Blood Moon-"

"He could bring them back." Both my brother and I spoke in unison.

Woah...This just got even more serious...

Continua llegint

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