A Different Kind Of Life

By DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 18

121 3 0
By DreamzOfGold

Saturday October 8, 2016


Hartford, Connecticut

"Hey Mom, it's me! I just called to let you know that we are on our way. We should be there within the next hour. I'm not sure why I am leaving a message on your voicemail, so I'll shoot you a text. See you soon." Rory said, then disconnected the call.

"Wow, your mom really didn't answer?"

"It's weird, right?!"

"She's probably just busy. You know how your mom gets when she's up against a deadline. I'm sure she's rushing to put all the finishing touches on whatever party she has planned for you."

"Probably." Rory agreed. "How soon do you think we should tell her?"

"I think she might notice the rings pretty quick, so right away might be the best idea."

"That is exactly what I was thinking. I just need her to answer the phone."

"Have you tried Luke?" Logan asked.

"That's a good idea. Luke always knows how to track down Mom." Rory said, quickly dialing Luke's cell number.

"This is Luke!" Luke's gruff voice came through the phone.

"Hey Luke, it's Rory."

"Hey Rory! Happy Birthday!"

"Thank you! Hey, we are on our way to meet you guys for dinner, but I can't get a hold of Mom. Is she with you?"

"She's not, but I can go track her down for you, if you need me to."

"I don't want to ruin the surprise that I'm sure mom has planned for me, but we have some news that we need to share with you, and it's kind of important."

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah ,of course! It's just something that we need to tell you, and it wouldn't be appropriate to do with an audience."

"Gotcha. . . I don't want to ruin anything either, so why don't you come into town the back way, and meet us at the house. I'll go find your mother, and head home right now."

"Thank you Luke! We really appreciate it!"

"No problem Rory. We'll see you soon." Luke said, then disconnected the call.

"Hey, it's going to be ok." Logan said, reaching for Rory's hand. "I know you're nervous. But she can't really be upset with us when your mother did the exact same thing."

"I know. I'll just feel better once she knows." Rory told him.

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -

45 minutes later Lorelai was pacing around her living room as Luke sat on the couch watching.

"Rory really didn't tell you anything?"

"Only that she had some news to tell us."

"Did she say if it was good or bad news?"

"No, only that it wasn't appropriate to share in front of an audience."

"Did she give you any clues or anything?"

"Not a one. But I'm pretty sure that you are about to find out." Luke said hearing a car pull up outside.

"You don't think that Mitchum suddenly died, do you?"

"I doubt it. Plus, she would probably tell you that over the phone."

"Gah, I hate surprises!" Lorelai said frustratedly as she headed for the door, with Luke following behind her. "Hey there birthday girl!" she greeted her daughter and Logan as they got out of the car. "Happy birthday!"

"Hey Mom! Hey Luke!" Rory greeted them.

"I hear you've got some big news to share with us?"

"We do! And we brought you a present!"

"A present? For me?!? It's not MY birthday, you silly girl!"

"I know, but you deserve presents sometimes too." Rory said stepping into the house with Logan behind her.

"So what have you two been up to since I last saw you?" Lorelai asked as they all walked into the living room.

"Here, open your present." Rory said handing Lorelai a small wrapped gift.

"Ok? I can't believe that I am getting a present on your birthday. I won't lie, I kind of like it. It kind of makes those 19 hours of labor a little more worth it!" Lorelai said as she ripped the paper off of her present, and opened the box. "You guys, it's beautiful! This is a great picture of you! Thank you so much!"

"So this isn't just any picture . . ." Rory told her.

"Ok? Well, it clearly isn't a booking photo."

"No, definitely not a booking photo." Logan chuckled.

"So this was taken last night, just after midnight." Rory started.

"Is that a beach in the background?"

"It is. Logan and I took a quick trip to the Virgin Islands."

"That sounds so fun! You should have told me, we could have rescheduled today."

"I know, but it's my birthday, and we both know how much you love birthdays, and we wanted to spend it with you."

"So you went all the way to the Virgin Islands, for just one day?"

"Pretty much . . ." Logan commented.

"It's so pretty there! You would love it Mom!"

"So why did you guys go all the way to the Virgin Islands, for just one day?" Luke asked.

"Well. . . We went to get married . . ." Rory told them.

"It was a spur of the moment thing. We were sitting at my parents' house in Hartford after the longest day on the planet, and Rory suddenly asked me just how much trouble we would be in if we just ran away and got married. So as crazy as it sounds, we just did it. I chartered the company jet, and we took off to the closest tropical island that we could get to without flying for 12 hours." Logan explained.

"After everything that has been going on lately, and then everything that happened on Thursday, I realized that it's already been 12 years. And had I said yes to Logan back at Yale, we would have already been married, at least 8 years ago. I just didn't want to wait any more, and I'm sorry we didn't tell you, but I just wanted to do it. I wanted to be happy. And I knew that you would understand, because you've been there. You did the same thing one time. We love you Mom. We would have loved to have had you guys there with us. But we can still have the big fancy wedding here, with all of our friends, and you can plan the entire thing however you want. We are so sorry you weren't there, but we are so happy Mom. And we really want you to be happy with us."

"Oh Rory . . ." Lorelai started, pulling her daughter in for a hug. "I could never be mad at you for being happy. Plus, like you said, I did the exact same thing." she laughed. "Yeah, I wish that we had been there with you, to see you get married. But as long as you are happy, we are happy for you. Congratulations Honey!"

"Really? You mean that?" Rory asked as Lorelai loosened her embrace.

"We love you guys. This is wonderful news!"

"Congratulations you two! Welcome to the family Logan!" Luke said giving Logan a manly hug, then hugging his daughter.

"Thank you Luke!" Rory said sincerely. "We have pictures and a video to show you. They're in the car."

"So when and where did you get married?" Lorelai asked.

"On the beach in Saint Croix, at midnight last night." Rory answered.

"Wow! It sounds beautiful!"

"It really was! Maybe we can all go back there one day?"

"I would love that!" Lorelai told her. "This picture is beautiful! It's going on the mantle."

"That is the perfect place!" Rory agreed. "And Mom . . . I'm serious about letting you plan a big fancy wedding, if that is what you want to do."

"I think we might have to. You know that your grandparents are going to completely freak out when you tell them."

"They might murder me."

"Odds are . . ." Lorelai chuckled. "I guess it's a good thing that I didn't invite them tonight, because I was going to . . ."

"You were going to invite them to dinner?"

"Well, it might be just a little bit more than just dinner . . . And you might have just a little bit of explaining to do to a few people."

"How many people?" Rory asked.

"Hey, you brought this on yourself kid! This is what happens when you suddenly decide to run away and get married without telling anybody."

"How many people?" Rory asked again.

"It might be a good idea if we facetimed your grandparents first . . ."

"Do you think that's safe?"

"Do you want them to find out through the grapevine?"

"Fine!" Rory relented reaching into her purse, and pulling out her phone, then moving to the couch to sit down. "Who's phone should I call, Grandma or Grandpa?"

"I would probably go with Grandpa. He's the more stable of the two."

"Let's get this over with." Rory grumbled, pushing a few buttons on her phone, then waiting as the video call connected.

"Rory! It is so nice to see you! Happy birthday Honey!" Richard said upon answering the call.

"Thank you Grandpa! Hey, is Grandma with you? I have some exciting news to tell you!"

"She sure is. She's right here. Emily, it's Rory. She says she's got some exciting news to tell us." Richard said looking across the room toward his wife. "Where is Logan today? I thought he would be spending your birthday with you."

"He is. He's right here." Rory said moving the phone a little bit to include Logan in the picture.

"Hey Emily, Richard." Logan smiled.

"Logan! Hello! Rory, Happy birthday honey! I hope you are having a good day!" Emily greeted them.

"Thank you, it's been a wonderful day! I have some exciting news to tell you!"

"Oh really?" Emily asked.

"So Logan and I took a last minute getaway yesterday, to the little island of Saint Croix."

"That sounds like so much fun! It is absolutely beautiful there! Are you having a good time?"

"It was amazing!" Logan told them.

"We are back home now, but we wanted to tell that we are so sorry that we didn't include anyone, but after 12 years, we just decided that it had been way too long, and we didn't want to wait anymore, so last night, just after midnight, we got married out on the beach. We have pictures, and even a video to share with you. And we know that you are disappointed that we ran away without telling anyone, but you and Mom can still plan that big elaborate society wedding that we know everyone is expecting of us. But honestly, all of that just isn't me, and I am so happy Grandma! We are so very happy! And we really want you guys to be happy with us!"

"Wow!" Richard reacted. "That is huge news! Congratulations you two!"

"Thank you Grandpa!"

"Congratulations Honey!" Emily said with a forced smile. "We are thrilled that you guys are happy. Disappointed that we weren't able to be there, but we are happy for you none the less."

Thank you Grandma!"

"We are sorry we didn't tell anybody." Logan told them. "With everything that has been going on, especially the last few days, it was a total spur of the moment thing. But we definitely want you to plan the big wedding that you've always envisioned for Rory. Plan it for any time in the next year. You and Lorelai can have free reign. Just tell us where to show up."

"Thank you Logan."

"We love you guys so much! Can we come by tomorrow? We'll bring pictures and the video to show you." Rory asked.

"Of course you can. Why don't we do dinner? We can all celebrate. Invite your mother and Luke too." Richard told them.

"That sounds perfect! Same time as usual?"

"Same time, same place." Emily agreed.

"Ok,  we will see you then. Bye guys!" Rory said, then disconnected the call.

"Wow! You got off so easy!" Lorelai told them.

"I know." Rory sighed. "But I have a feeling that tomorrow night, we are in for a good lecture."

"Probably. . ."

"At least you'll be there. You won't let her kill us."

"Sure. Like I'm good protection." Lorelai laughed as there was a knock onthe door. "So I'm thinking that before we go to your birthday dinner, you need to share your news with a few other people . . ."

"How many other people?" Rory asked.

"Just 3. And they're kind of family." Lorelai told them as a few guests joined them in the living room.

"Hey, we've been summoned. What's going on?" Christopher asked, following Honor and Josh into the room.

"Dad! Josh, Honor, what are you guys doing here?" Rory asked, shocked to see them.

"Are you serious? You didn't think that we would forget your birthday, do you?! Happy birthday Kiddo!"

"Thank you!" Rory said getting up off the couch to hug her father. "I had no idea that you guys would be here!"

"Well we came to surprise you. Surprise!"

"Happy birthday Rory!" Honor said giving Rory a hug.

"Thank you guys! I am surprised you are here, but so glad to see you!"

"So why have we been summoned?" Christopher asked again.

"Rory and Logan have some news. I figured they should tell you guys before we get any further into tonight's festivities." Lorelai explained.

"Ok? Rory?"

"I can't believe that I am doing this for the third time in under ten minutes." Rory said looking to Logan, then back to the people in front of them.

"I'll take it this time." Logan said slipping his arm around her. "We just wanted to share with you guys that we took a little trip yesterday, to the island of Saint Croix. And last night, at midnight, we were married out on the beach. We are very sorry that we didn't tell anyone, but we've already told Lorelai that her and Emily can still plan the big elaborate wedding that everyone is expecting of us. But we are really happy, and we want you guys to be happy with us."

"Wow! Congratulations!" Christopher told them. "You are definitely a chip off the old block there, kiddo!"

"Yeah, I guess so." Rory agreed. "And we have pictures and a video that we want to share with you guys too. They're out in the car."

"Congratulations!!!" Honor said excitedly hugging her brother and Rory. "I should be furious that you guys didn't invite me, or at least tell me, but let's be realistic, this has been a very long time coming!"

"Thank you!" Logan told her.

"Congratulations Logan! Rory, welcome to the family!" Josh told them.

"Thanks Josh!" Rory smiled.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you need to tell Mom and Dad." Honor told them. "Before they find out on the news or something."

"I know." Logan agreed. "But this isn't really something that you tell your parents over the phone."

"Well, not Rory's parents anyway. But our parents haven't exactly always been there. I mean come on, mom is at a spa, and Dad is on lock down at the hospital." Honor told them.

"So we shoot mom a text message?" Logan asked.

"I think that might be wise. We can shoot her a text to call us when she has a moment. But we should call Dad. I honestly don't think that he will be too upset."

"Why don't you guys make that call right now, because we've got a birthday celebration to get to." Lorelai told them.

"I'll make the call." Logan said reaching into his pocked for his phone, then heading into the kitchen where it was quieter.

"How mad do you think your dad is going to be?" Rory asked Honor once Logan was gone.

"I don't know. There is really no telling with him. But hey, if he has another heart attack, at least he's already in the hospital, right?"

"Do you know how many times we've said the exact same thing lately?"

"Hey, it's true though. And this is probably the easiest that you guys will ever get off on this kind of thing. It's perfect timing!"

"I feel kind of bad though."

"Don't feel bad. All my parents care about is that big society party. You got to get married in peace, on a beautiful tropical beach. I am actually kind of jealous. Josh, next time we should run away like Rory and Logan did."

"Next time?" Lorelai chuckled.

"Yeah, you know, in our next life after my mother kills us all, and then brings us back to life, to kill us again." Honor explained.

"You really think that it is going to go that badly?" Rory asked timidly.

"It's a definite possibility."

"I'll be back." Rory said, then headed to where Logan had retreated.

Do you really think your parents are going to be that upset?" Lorelai asked.

"With Dad . . . He'll be most pissed about no prenup. But Mom . . .I've been doing my best to get her to lay off and finally give Rory a chance. But she's still mom. I finally told her the other day, that Rory is a Hayden. She of course didn't want to believe it, so I told her that she could call either you or Emily to confirm the information. Hopefully that will soften the blow a little bit, but there is still no telling with her. She's basically a loose cannon."

"Great. . ." Lorelai sighed. "That is exactly what Rory doesn't need right now.

"Well, there is good news with that too." Honor told her. "Logan is really good about standing up to Mom and Dad. Him and Rory are going to be just fine. Logan doesn't have much contact with them lately anyway. Things will be weird for a while, but Logan has Dad on lockdown, so it's not like he can do anything about anything that is going on, even if he wanted to."

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hey Babe. Is everything ok?" Rory asked, finding Logan leaning over the sink with his head down.

"Uh. . ." Logan started, but stopped to take a deep breath, slowly letting it out as he turned to face Rory. "I really want to tell you that things are fine . . . But I won't lie to you . . ."

"Is there anything that I can do to help?"

"No. . . They're my parents, it's my job to deal with them."

"Wanna tell me what happened?"

"Shira is just being Shira."

"What about your Dad?"

"Oh, Dad is fine. Really fine. Like eerily fine. He's actually happy for us. He asked that we go to see him tomorrow."

"Interesting. . ."

"Exactly! That was way too easy! Mom acted exactly the way she always has. She was completely predictable! I fully expected her reaction. But Dad? . . . He didn't even rip into me about no prenup!"

"Maybe he's trying to turn over a new leaf? Maybe the heart attack changed him? Major medical problems tend to do that. Plus, you've got him on lock down. He literally can't do a single thing, including make a phone call, without your permission. You never know, maybe after everything that has happened lately, and our little talk the other night, maybe your dad is actually happy for us?"

"Maybe. . . But what if he's bluffing?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. Something just doesn't feel right. This isn't like my Dad."

"Well, I guess we will just have to go see him tomorrow. But Logan . . . Right now, can we just try to focus on being happy?"

"There is nothing that I want more, than for us to just be happy. And going to the city tomorrow won't so bad. We need to get more clothes anyway. And I was thinking that maybe we can look at places to live."

"Places to live?"

"We are married now, and we have two apartments between us. Originally, I was thinking that we can consolidate down to one. But then I was thinking that it might be nice to just start fresh with something of our own."

"You're serious?"

"Let's go do this celebration thing with our family, and then tonight we will get online and look at our options."

"That sounds perfect!"

"I agree. So let's go celebrate you."

"Ok." Rory agreed with a smile.

"I love you Ace. No matter what happens with my parents. I love you, and you are all that matters to me."

"I love you too." Rory said as Logan wrapped his arms around his wife, pulling her in to a kiss.

"Hey, you guys! We need to get going!" Lorelai called through the house as she headed into the kitchen to check on Rory and Logan. "Well hello there love birds!" she chuckled. "Normally I would tell you to get a room, but first of all, EEEWWWW! Mommy really doesn't want to know about any of that. And second, we're running late! Break it up, we've gotta go." Rory smiled at Logan with a small chuckle, then turned toward her mother.

"Just one question . . . I know that you are up to something." Rory told her. "Luke told us to come into town the back way. There is a party in the square, isn't there?"

"You suck! Just please do me a favor?" Lorelai requested.

"Try to act surprised?"

"By George, I think she's got it!"

"We'll fake it, don't worry."

"I know you will. And Rory . . . Sharing your news with everyone, it's up to you. Nobody will say a word unless you want us to."

"Can we see how it goes?"

"Of course. This is your news to share. You guys can share it when you're ready. But just a heads up . . . Word of your engagement has gotten around."

"Thanks Mom."

"You're welcome baby girl. I just want you to be happy." Lorelai said reaching out for Rory, and pulling her into a tight hug, then also reaching for Logan. "I love you both, ok? And don't worry, I meant what I said out there with Luke. I'm not mad at you guys. A little sad that I wasn't there. But you are both completely right, this was a really long time coming. And as long as my baby girl is happy, that makes me happy, ok?"

"Thank you Mom." Logan said wrapping and arm around each of the Gilmore women, seeing Lorelai's smile brighten. "I love you too."

"He called me Mom!" Lorelai gushed as tears suddenly formed in her eyes.

"Yeah, well, I kind of remember you telling me a couple weeks ago that I need to."

"I'm glad you are part of our family now. You are exactly what my little girl needs. I am excited to have you as my son."

"Do you mean that mom?" Rory asked with tears in her eyes, as she stepped back to look at her mother.

"I really do. I am so proud of you baby girl!"

"Thank you Mommy!" Rory said throwing her arms around her mother. "Thank you so much for everything!"

"Lorelai, can I ask you something?" Logan asked.

"Of course! Ask away!" Lorelai said as she let go of her daughter, and took a step back.

"Can I have another Mom hug?"

"I would love that!" Lorelai told him as tears started streaming down her face. "You can have a mom hug whenever you want one."

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