Ninjago Dragon's Rising - The...

By Wise_Cloud

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After the battle against the Crystal King Aka the Overlord, everything was at peace in Ninjago. Like usually... More

The Merge: Part 1
The Merge: Part 2
Croassroads Carnival
Beyond Madness
Writers of Destiny
Return to Imperium
Mindless Beasts
I Will Be the Danger
The Calm Inside
The Battle of the Second Monastery
The Temple of the Dragon Cores
Gangs of the Sea
The Last Djinn
They Call it Doom
Land of Lost Things
The Mysterious Shadow
Another Cole...?!
Absolute Power
We Are All Dragons
The Power Within
Special: Ninjago Dream Team (Lego Dreamz X Ninjago Crossover)
Dragon's Rising | Elemental Mechs
Elemental Mechs | "What the Mech?"
Elemental Mechs | "The Mech Master"
Elemental Mechs | "A Pain in the Mech!"
Shattered Dreams
Shatter-What Now?!
Beyond the Phantasm Cave
A Loving Mother, A Tormented Sensei
The Force From the East
The Spell at the Waterfall
To Mysterium
Their Universe
Fugitives From Madness
What it Means Being a Family

The Blood Moon

515 14 27
By Wise_Cloud


-Angel, out!


It was another day in the Crossroads. The Mechanic could be seen terrorizing the streets, making numerous citizens flee.

Arin saved someone from being attacked by the villain before using his grappling hook and went to the rooftops, "Up here, bolts for brains!" He shouted to get the Mechanic's attention away from the innocents.

The Mechanic took the bait and followed Arin, but my brother and I were there to hit him with Spinjitzu. Lloyd took off his hood to smile at his student.

Adam waved happily at the camera filming us while I did the same, now uncovering my face. Arin took off his hood and waved back.


Another day rolled in. This time, there was a fire in a building, and Sora and I with Riyu went to evacuate the people still inside. Zane and Nya took care of the blazes.

"Are you alright, dear?" I asked the Tech Master who only smiled, "I'm fine, Sensei! Smoke inhalation won't stop me."

I smiled, shaking my head, "That just makes me even more worried."

Riyu appeared, nudging my cheek, "Haha! Okay, okay! I'll stop nagging. You'll make me get worried as well, big guy!" I laughed, petting the larger dragon to calm him down.

"Wheee!" Adam cheered, being on Rocky's back, flying around in the skies.

I gasped, running after the dragon carrying my son, "ADAM! I told you! No dragon riding until you're older! You're uncle and I haven't trained you on that yet! And STOP using beast cookies to feed Rocky! You're SO gonna be grounded when I catch you!"

I merely stopped running after them since I was too worn out from the earlier missions, "He's only five...'He won't be too much of a hassle' they say. They lied!"

"Well...That was something...?" Sora blinked, not knowing what to do, Riyu growled, also feeling her emotions.


Wyldfyre was on Riyu's back, trying to get a cat out of a tree. It did not end well...She was being attacked by the frightened cat.

"It's okay, Fugi-Dove. I gotcha," Kai consoled the man, going to get him out of the tree.

As someone filmed the rescue, Adam was seen running by, still on Rocky's back, "GET BACK HERE, ADAM BROOKSTONE!!!" I could be seen flying after them, extremely furious.


"Oh, Lobbo, not again!" Arin whined, he and my brother went to get him out of the mech.

I used my powers to direct the mech away from the bystanders. Sora used her Elemental Powers to transform the mech into a set of speakers, making music, "Hey, look at this!" Some of the citizens went to join the dance floor.

Adam was dancing with Wyldfyre, showing him a cool dance move. (It ended up making her fall face first...She insisted it was part of the dance...)

Arin and Sora appeared on top of the speakers, leading the dance floor.

I smiled at the scene, taking out my phone to capture the memory, "Cole's going to love this!"

"Hey, it's your girl, Ninja-Fan Infinity." A girl appeared nearby, streaming our rescue with her friend, "And me, Spinjitzu-For-Days99! Like and subscribe."

"We're coming at you from the site of the Ninja's latest victory!"

"They just saved three people on this street corner from an out-of-control racing mech!"

They panned the camera near me, I waved to be polite before smiling at Lobbo who high-fived Kai before leaving the street, "Hi guys!" Adam was present, blocking the way before going back to dance.

"New Ninja, classic Ninja, working together! Love it!"

"Don't forget to smash that like button and don't forget our Ninja merch."

The group decided it was time to head back to the Monastery.

"But! Look at all these fans waiting for me to sign their shirts and merch! It's calling out to me...!" Kai didn't want to leave yet since there was a large group of girls fawning over him. (As usual.)

The Ninja and Lloyd gave a bored look, "No, Kai. Autographing merch is not on a Ninja's to-do list. We must get back and prepare for the next time someone decides to terrorize the Crossroads." The Green Ninja stated, using his stern voice.

The brunette scoffed, "Oh, come on, Lloyd! Live a little! These guys have missed their favorite heroes for a while! We should at least give the ladies a farewell present." He winked at the group of women who fainted on the spot or sighed dreamily.

"Here we go again..." Nya rolled her eyes at her brother, and Sora only chuckled.

Arin with Riyu shared some looks, "Is this normal...?" The dragon shrugged its wings.

"I find this way highly illogical. We are no longer needed here. We should head back to the Monastery to rest and train if we have time," Zane stated.

Wyldfyre smirked, "Yeah! I got some sticks to burn!"

"And I want to keep on flying with Rocky!" My son yelled, still on Rocky's back for some reason, flying around near our group.

My eye twitched but I sighed to calm down, "Adam...Please...In the name of my grandfather...get off Rocky..."

"You okay, sis?" Lloyd walked over, seeing if I was alright, "I'm fine, just dealing with a 5-year-old who flies on dragons. Nothing new!" I grinned sarcastically.

The rest of the team and my brother gave worried glances, "Yeah...She's NOT having it..." Arin mumbled.

"So? Sensei! Can we satisfy these fans before we go? I wanna have some fun before we leave!" Kai asked me for permission before he indulged in his needs.

That was my breaking point, I quietly walked over to Kai, grabbed him by the back of his Gi, and dragged him away, "Ow...Ow! That hurts! What's with you today?" He asked.

My eye twitched again, "You...You..."

"IDIOT!!!" I bellowed, my students hid behind Zane while Lloyd and Nya backed away.

"I have been taking care of not only you but the WHOLE team! THE ENTIRE TEAM! I HAVE BEEN TRAINING OUR STUDENTS FROM DAWN TO SUNDOWN!"

"AND FINALLY, I AM TAKING CARE OF MY CHILD!!" I shouted, "You want to know what's with me...?"


Kai winced at my yelling but I didn't care, "Ow! Ow! But...You're dragging me-OKAY! Shutting up, now!" I glared at him, getting the Red Ninja to silence himself.

I turned to the others, "Lloyd, you're in charge of the others. I'm getting this firecracker and my son back at the Monastery." I told my brother before yelling at my son, "Adam! Let's move!"

"Okay, mom!"

"Man...she is on EDGE!" Nya sighed, Zane and the others could only nod in agreement.

"Being a mother isn't always as blissful as most would describe it as..." Lloyd sighed, and he and the others walked behind me.

"It's stressful since you have to make sure your baby would survive on their own or have someone help them." Nya stated, "Girlfriend is doing this without her husband. Not only is a mother, but also Sensei and a Ninja. There's many more but I doubt you'd wanna hear me talk about this all night."

"Precisely," Zane agreed, "Without Sensei's countless selfless acts. None of us would be here


I yawned, wiping away the tears in the corner of my eyes. I walked in the corridor of the Monastery.

'I gotta make sure that Adam isn't causing any trouble...I've been chasing him and Rocky around for what seemed like hours to no end...' I said in my mind, rubbing my left cheek to wake me up better.

My eyelids felt so heavy I thought I was being forced to shut them closed.





"GAH!" My reflexes kicked in, punching the closest person or thing near me.

A thud was heard, but my vision was still blurry from re-opening my eyes.

"What was that for?!" That sounded like...

"Kai?" I mumbled in slight surprise, turning to Zane, "Ah. Zane, hello. Playing video games again, I see? Cool." I said, giving a lopsided smile.

The Red Ninja stood up after adjusting his attire, "Your punch felt like a whole building fell on me! I didn't do anything this time! I swear!" He said, rubbing the sore area that I hit by accident.

"Other than trying to make Adam learn how to use a sword at an early age-Whoops! Haha! That slipped! I meant I forgot to teach Adam how to play baseball!" I gave them a stern glare but decided to not punish him since I was too exhausted.

"You did scare, Sensei, Kai. It is normal to be like this when you frighten someone," Zane informed before giving me a worried glance, "Are you alright, Sensei?"

I gave a small hum, "Huh...? Oh! You're talking to me? Oh-uh...I'm fine. Just a little stress is all!" I gave a weak smile.

Kai hardened his gaze at me, "It seems more than just stress. You don't hit anybody, ESPECIALLY me when you're ONLY stressed. Something's up."

"Nothing's going on! Nothing! I'm fine!" I yelled in protest, making the two flinch, "Oh...Sorry..." I apologized.

"May I scan you, Sensei?" Zane asked making me nod tiredly, "Go ahead."

"Hmm. It appears your body's vital operations are under fatigued, stressed, and overworked." Zane assessed me, "What?" Both Kai and I didn't understand a word.

"You're overworked, tired, exhausted." He simplified, "Have you been having difficulty sleeping?"

I only stared at the Nindroid before laughing, "Yeah...I think you should add, 'gone crazy' as well, Zane-OW!" Kai spoke up before I hit him by throwing an object at his head while still laughing.

The Ice Ninja only frowned, "The way you're reacting to this is adding more to your vital signs, Sensei. It is no laughing matter."

Eventually, I calmed down, "Me? Tired? Stressed? Overworked? No! I'm fine! I'm the Guardian of Light, Protector of the Source of the Dragons, Sensei of the old and new Ninja with also being a mom to a wonderful bundle of joy. Of course, I am okay." I smiled, not buying it at all.

"Sensei...Maybe you should listen to Zane. I know you want to act as someone that we can confide in and all. But...Overworking yourself so you can help everyone is unhealthy. You're ruining your health." Kai tried to reason with me.

Zane gave a nod of agreement, "Indeed. Taking a break will help you."

" FINE!!" I yelled again, and the two backed away in shock, "I'm not tired, not overworked, and especially not exhausted! I have been doing this for my entire life and now it hits me? Ha! I can't call myself a Ninja if I succumb to this."

"Momma! Can you make me my favorite dessert? It's this yummy pie and-what happened...?" Adam ran into the room, grabbing my leg before noticing my slightly angered face.

I immediately turned sweet, "I'm fine, sweetie! We were just having a grown-up talk. Now, what about this pie you wanted me to make?" I ignored his concern, not wanting him to worry about me.

But the child saw right through me, "But...You look...Unwell...Are you sure you're-"

Then, before I could hear my son's question, I fell back. My vision succumbed to darkness.



I woke up to see a sea of red with a red moon, "What is...?" I mumbled before gasping, seeing Wolf Masks.

I saw my teammates fighting a losing battle, being ambushed by the beings wearing a Wolf Mask.

"Sora!" I tried to run to her but she was crushed by boulders, "SORA!!! NOOO!!!"

"ARIN!" I tried to help but I was pushed back.

I then saw each one of my teammates being attacked by a group of people wearing the same masks.

"Who are you?! What do you want?!"

I heard no reply before it all turned black.

"Mom...? Dad...?"

I gasped, hearing a familiar voice, "Is that...Woah!" A dragon appeared and blasted its energy directly at me.


I woke up in a cold sweat, heaving in breaths that felt too heavy to breathe.

Looking around, I found myself in my shared room with Cole, I sighed in relief, "Thank goodness..." I mumbled before trying to get up, but felt a weight on my lap.

There laid Adam, snoring softly. My heart melted at the sight before it shattered since I realized that I probably worried him when I passed out, "I'm so sorry, Adam. Your mother made you worried over her just getting a little tired. Thanks for watching over me." I whispered soothingly, ruffling through his hair.

"Mom...Dad won't like it if you're overworking yourself...Please sleep more..." he mumbled in his sleep.

It broke my heart to hear him worry over me when I was supposed to reassure him, "Sorry, I'll be more careful. Sleep well, sweetheart." I kissed the crown of his head before placing him in my bed so he could rest better.

I left my room and found it was nighttime, 'Better check on the young ones if they're asleep.'

Checking every single room, I smiled in reassurance, "Arin, dear? Sora, sweetheart? Are you two sleeping yet?" I whispered lowly to try and not wake them up if they were asleep.




"Huh...? They're not here...?!" I started panicking, checking every nook and cranny to see if they were present.

"Oh no...! A-Arin...? S-Sora...?" My breath quickened as I quickly left the room to get some air.

On the way outside, I stopped in my tracks to spot Mr. Frohicky, "Mr. Frohicky? Aren't you supposed to be in bed by now?"

Mr. Frohicky gave a warm smile that turned sour to express what happened, "Yes. but two young Ninja a dragon decided to ruin the corridor! They said they'd clean it up but they haven't returned. And I do NOT put off cleaning for another day."

"What? Those kids need to be the ones cleaning up after themselves." I stated, being confused, " 'Haven't returned yet?' Does that mean...Oh no..."

"Yes, they were already out on their way to-huh? Oh. She left," I didn't let him finish since I ran off to find them.


"Thanks, Rocky! You're a big help!" I thanked my friend who roared in response.

While flying over the Crossroads I used my powers to see where Sora, Riyu, and Arin would be, "At the antique that had their opening. Quick!" I told my friend, who flapped his wings faster.

As I approached the antique shop I looked in fear to see Arin, Sora, and Riyu being outnumbered and badly injured by a person who had the power of Smoke, 'There's a new Elemental Master of Smoke...? Does that mean he and Ash are related or something...?'

I saw my brother there as well but he seemed kind of out of it based on his fighting stance.

"Rocky," I stated seriously, earning the attention of my friend, "Dive down and make a concentrated quake. Strong enough to push back the enemy." I instructed glaring at the smoke elemental.

Rocky grunted in acknowledgment before doing as I instructed. As I planned, a large quake ensued, pushing back the enemy.

I got off of Rocky, taking out my buster sword, ready to attack. The new Elemental Master of Smoke gasped when seeing me.

"Sensei...?" Sora asked, "When did you get here?" Arin questioned right after, having Riyu near him.

" kids alone!"

Lloyd gave a shocked glance at me, "Did you just-"

I merely pointed my weapon at the Elemental Master, "If you want a fight, then you'll get one! But if you hurt them...I won't hesitate to end you."

"Ha! Fiesty. I like this one," The grey-haired male smirked.

I jumped into action first, swinging my large blade at the Master of Smoke, unfortunately he evaded my attack. He went to counterattack me while I was caught off-guard but I predicted his movements and blocked it.

The mysterious man threw smoke bombs at me, but I cut them in two, not minding them exploding near me, "Awesome...!" I heard Arin say out loud.

One of his allies got rid of my weapons, but I used my fists and legs instead to fight them off.

I sensed someone behind me and realized the Master of Smoke had tried to hit me. Barely enough time to react, I poorly parried the attack, making us push each other back, trying to see who was the strongest.

"You're strong! I like people like you. Call me Cinder. And who do I owe the pleasure of meeting?" The man now named Cinder, asked me a question of who I was.

My gaze hardened at him, "Based on your fighting skills, you were training to fight us. I'm sure you know who we are." I stated, pushing him away.

"Aw! Trying to act mysterious.~ That's one way to reject me, Ember. But, unfortunately...I'm a stubborn guy," Cinder teased.

"Ember...? Oh great, he gave me a nickname." I mumbled, going to pick up my buster sword, "And too bad for you, I'm taken. And happily so." I informed him, not interested at all.

Sora pumped a fist in the air, "Yeah! Beat them to the ground, Sensei!"

Arin also cheered, "Kick his butt!"

'Wait a second...Those masks...I saw those in my vision...' I said in my head, remembering vividly the vision I had before arriving here, 'Could this mean...'

"Lloyd, are you okay?" Sora asked.

I backed up, looking at my brother, "Lloyd...? Did you have the same vision?" I asked but I realized he was spacing out.

With the mallet, Cinder gave it to his ally, "Come on, let's get out of here." He threw a smoke bomb at us.

"Hey! Come back here!" I yelled, getting back up and trying to catch up to the Master of Smoke.

"Sorry, Ember! I gotta go! We'll see each other soon, though." He waved at me before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

"It's not a dream...!"

"It's real..."

"It's all real...!"

"Brother?! Are you alright?!" I shouted in worry, running to his side, he clutched my hand.

"The Blood Moon is coming."

"The Blood Moon is coming!!"

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