~Addiction~ Lucifer Morningst...

Galing kay PolarisAndMoon

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The 22 year old reader has just killed herself, resulting in her landing in hell. The world around her drags... Higit pa

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Thank you (important announcment)
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Update Competition

Chapter VI

456 21 36
Galing kay PolarisAndMoon

(Warning: power Imbalance, corporal punishment (Spanking) etc. Also mentions of suicide, slight abuse and Depression c:)

Angel Dust had brought (Y/N) back to her room and stayed with her for the whole night, knowing that people usually had a hard time dealing with getting their drinks spiked. He laid the small demon down on her bed and covered her with her blanket, before laying next to her to watch over her for the night and be there for her when she would wake up. Meanwhile Lucifer tried to calm Charlie down and get her to go to bed. He would take care of this tomorrow and she shouldnt worry about this. His anger rose as he thought about how that brat was making his daughter worry so much. It seemed to him that (Y/N) was only here to have a place to stay without having to pay rent and it made his chest feel tight with disgust. But for now, he had to take care of Charlie and make sure to be there for her, now that he was back in her life. He brought his daughter to her room before residing to one of the empty rooms for the night. After all, he wasnt staying here permanently, but he wanted to make sure that his daughter was doing okay, so he would stay over here at night from time to time.

The next morning came way too early as (Y/N) opened her eyes, only vaguely remembering the last night and she still felt dizzy. Luckily, she didnt have a hangover and sat up, noticing Angel sleeping next to her. With a quick beneath her blanket, she made sure that she still had her clothes on and then gently shook Angel to wake him up. He grumbled and turned away, gaining a chuckle from the girl as she shook him again. "What cha want?" Angel groaned and sat up, his eyes still getting used to the light. "What happened yesterday? How did we get here?" The young woman asked, her head tilting to the side slightly. "Ya dont remember? Charlie was hoping you could explain it to her. I'm guessing that Mr. M spiked your drink and when I tried to get you out of there, he send his guys after us. I think the short king handled the situation as I brought you back here" (Y/N) nodded as she listened. She would have to thank Lucifer and apologize to Charlie as soon as she'd get the chance.

As the morning started to pass, Angel and (Y/N) left her room, walking to the kitchen to grab something to eat. The woman was looking around to hopefully spot either Charlie or Lucifer, but she didn't expect Lucifer to walk straight up to her as soon as he spottet her. He had his usual attire on, his coat and Top hat making him look much more intimidating. His shit eating grin was making the girl nervous. "May I have a word with you in private?", Lucifer spoke, his tone calm but also dangerous. She nodded as the fallen angel put a hand on her back to lead her away into a deserted hallway. Once he stopped, they turned to each other, Lucifers smile disappearing completely.

"Okay, listen here. I'm not fond of you and I don't give two shits about what you do, but my daughter does. And you keep showing me how little you care about actually redeeming yourself, making Charlie feel bad in the process. If I see you going overboard again and making my girl sad in any Tiny way, I won't be so nice. This is your only warning before I take care of your little problem myself. Do you understand?" Lucifers tone is stern and the kind look in his eyes he has when talking to Charlie is gone. His red pupils radiate the coldness he feels for her, making her nod quickly. (Y/N) felt scared and intimidated and her gaze dropped, unable to keep her eyes up from the shame she felt. "I'm... I'm sorry, Lucifer... Yesterday, I didn't-", He cut her off. "i don't care if you meant to drink so much or not, you made Charlie extremely worried and should be apologizing to her for what you made her go through". Without telling Lucifer that she didn't drink much, but rather had her drink spiked, (Y/N) just nodded, feeling more guilty than before.

"Understood?", "y-yes, I- I understand." (Y/N) looked up at Lucifer, her voice trembling from the guilty tight feeling in her gut. The look in his eyes caused a shiver to run down her spine in a bad way, making the Sinner take a step back from him. He really didn't like her, did he? Fuck, she had really screwed up with her introduction and all she did seemed to only make it all worse. "Thank you... For yesterday. Angel told me what you did..." (Y/N) tried to undo the damage, but Lucifer only scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I did that for Charlie, not you." "I... I know. Still. Thank you" With that, (Y/N) walked back towards the kitchen where Angel had just finished something he called 'double blowjob'. In reality, it was just a sausage cut in half and stuck into a bread roll. It lifted the girl's mood again, making her chuckle after that serious and intimidating encounter with the king of hell.

"Angel?", "yeah, toots?" There was a short silence between the two of them. "Thank you, for looking out for me... I- I feel like I dont deserve this kindness from you" Angel looked over to the woman that was maybe half his height and he kneeled down in front of her. "Dont worry, Im glad to help, ya know? I... I was in a bad state of mind for some time, and I still struggle with it. It feels good to be able to help someone who is going through something similar." The spider spoke in a soft voice, his smile looking so comforting. "I dont think we went through something similar... I- I dont want to offend you and to be honest, I dont really remember how I died, but..." (Y/N) stopped, showing Angel the holes in her wrists. "I think this speaks for itself. I had no actual reason to do it. Sure, I struggled in life, but all I can think about, is that I shouldnt have done it. I left everyone behind willingly and was so selfish. Thats probably the reason I ended up here" Tears dwelled up in her big eyes as (Y/N) desperately tried to hold them back. The spider demons arms wrapped around her, pulling her close before speaking in a soothing voice. "We all do stupid things in the heat of the Moment. I myself overdosed and died. Sure, it sucks, but I cant change it now. Same 'bout you. But to be honest, Im glad I met ya." A sob escapes the girls lips as she hugged Angel as well, her face resting on his shoulders as the tears ran freely after months of trying to hold it together and be strong.

"Do you have an idea why you cant remember how you died? Have you tried talking about it to someone?" The girl shook her head as she wiped her tears away after minutes of silently crying on Angel Dusts shoulder. "Maybe thats something ya should try. Do you want to talk about it with me? Or would you rather talk to someone else?" It felt good to be so understood and (Y/N) felt like she could open up to Angel, at least a bit. "I... I'd rather talk with you about that. Are you ok with that?" Angel quickly nodded with a smile. He would usually tease her now, but he could see how vulnerable she was and that this wasnt the right time. "Of course. Ill be here for ya. Just tell me what you feel comfortable with sharing."

As soon as (Y/N) had calmed down, she sat down on the floor of the kitchen, next to Angel, her chest trembling from how nervous she was. After all, she had never really opened up about anything to someone. "I- I was 22 when I died and I was living with my boyfriend, who often travelled around the country, leaving me alone for long periods of time. I think I missed him very much, but He changed, just like I did over time. The loving days or weeks we had before his next trip turned to a chore, him making me feel terrible for everything I did For the past 2 years. I longed for the times he would leave, and I could feel like myself again I think that was a big part of why I did what I did. He had once helped me out of my depression and even when the relationship was getting worse with every moment we spend together, I felt like I owed him for getting saved by him..." Tears were starting to roll down (Y/N)s face again as she took a breath, calming herself down as Angel rubbed soft circles into her back. Im fine, I I just never really talked about it to anyone Its fine, dont worry. I just hope ya will feel better after this and Im I feel kinda honored that you feel safe enough with me to open up to me, (Y/N) His soft smile made the girl feel much more comfortable. Thank you, Angel I owe you one Ill- Ill keep talking... I- I- I started to- to cut myself again It kept escalating until I started writing suicide letters, crumbling them every time I came back to my senses But I guess that I didn't come back to my senses that time... But hey, at least I got out of that relationship, right?, a chuckle full of self-hatred for what she did escaped her lips before Angel hugged (Y/N) again. She leaned against him, letting her tears fall silently.


A few hours had passed and (Y/N) was sitting on a couch in the parlor, Angel had left some time ago. Static filled the air next to the girl, when Alastor appeared, sitting next to her with his back straight. His neck was turned and tilted towards the smaller demon in a creepy and twisted way, his creepy grin never leaving his lips. "Poor little lady, I seem to have overheard what happened yesterday. What a predicament, if I do say so myself." (Y/N) had never really talked to him in her short time here and he seemed weird. "And what do you want now? You must have a reason to appear next to me all of a sudden.", "Oh nothing, little lady. I just wanted to talk. After all, you rarely get to talk to a soul whose only sin was suicide." Her eyes widen in shock as she jumps up from the couch. No wonder Angel had called him 'tall and creepy'. "You fucking eavesdropped in the kitchen?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! That wasn't for you to hear!" She raised her voice as Alastor kept his shit eating grin. It really ticked the girl off, but she didnt want to make a scene, so the small demon girl stormed off.

As she walked into the hallway, Charlie and Lucifer were walking down towards the parlor. Charlies face showed worry as she saw how distressed and angry their newest guest looked. "(Y/N), whats wrong?!",- "Oh, Nothing Charlie. Everything's just fine! Ask the fucking host of this hotel, if you wanna know!" (Y/N) replied in a passive aggressive tone that was very uncalled for, while passing, not slowing down in any way. What was the problem of that fucking asshole? A similar thought went through Lucifers head as he watched his daughter flinch from her guests response. That was it. He didnt care for whatever reason (Y/N) had for reacting that way. He had warned her, and she had carelessly kept going. Lucifer saw Charlie walk into the parlor, but decided to walk after the little demon, his teeth gritting in anger. How dare she be so respectless to the person letting her stay here for free?!

Before (Y/N) could reach her room, her arm was grabbed and she was yanked back and spun around, now facing a very stern and angry Lucifer. "I had warned you about this, yet you decided to keep repeating your behavior only hours after I spoke with you about this. Whatever happens next, you have brought this upon yourself, brat.", he spoke, his eyes flickering from how angry he was right now. The fallen angel didnt let go of (Y/N)s arm as he started walking into the direction of his makeshift room on the higher floors. "Wh-where are we going?" – "You'll see. Now shush!" For the rest of the way, both stayed silent, but the Sinner felt her heart beating out of her chest in fear and worry about what he was gonna do now. Once they arrived at the door, Lucifer opened the door, leading the girl inside and letting go of her arm. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him, taking off his top hat and his coat, putting both on a dark wooden chair. "This is gonna hurt and Im not sorry. I warned you after you had already made Charlie feel bad multiple times and you still kept going. What were you even thinking?!" Lucifer sat down on his bed, which looked rather unused, except for a little rubber duck on the fluffiest pillow of the whole bed. "Come here, I wont repeat myself."

(Y/N) complied, stepping up to him, barely taller than him as he was sitting, and she was standing. "L-look, Lucifer, Im sorry, I-", "Im not interested in your sob story. What you did was wrong and made my daughter feel bad for something she didnt even know happened. You knew I was gonna take matters into my own hands if you did something and you did. Now its time to face the consequences of your actions." His words were harsh and unforgiving, the look in his eyes stern as he grabbed the smaller demon by her wrist and pulled her over his lap. Her eyes widened as it dawned to her what was about to come. He wasnt serious about this, was he now? "Wait! C-cant we talk about this?! You- you dont have to do this, you know?", she tried to talk herself out of it, but the fallen angel was having none of it as he raised his right hand, his left one holding her in place by her waist. "Quiet.", was his only response before his hand delivered a sharp smack to the girls butt. A soft gasp escaped her lips as (Y/N) realized that Lucifer was dead serious about this. "Please, Im sorry, okay?"- "Thats not gonna cut, you need to learn, and I will help you on my own terms.", Lucifer explained, his voice calm but stern as he started smacking her butt time after time, slowly getting into a rhythm, and alternating between left and right with every slap.

It didnt take long for (Y/N)s butt to start stinging. The embarrassment was setting in, making her look down on the floor, her brows furrowing as she started to kick her legs. Eventually, Lucifer had enough of her squirming on his lap and stood her back on her feet. Finally, it was over, at least (Y/N) thought so. How could she have seen it coming that Lucifer would grab her jeans, opened her fly and pulled it down to her thighs, revealing her butt that had already started showing a bit more color from the slaps. "Y-you cant do this! Th- this- this is too embarrassing!", (Y/N) squealed, a blush spreading across her cheeks before Lucifer put her over his knee again. The girls left hand reached back to stop him from continuing, resulting in the king of hell to grab her left wrist and hold it behind her back as he resumed his previous unforgiving pace. With only her panty on her butt, she felt the sting even more, his hand making a slapping sound every time he smacked her butt hard. (Y/N)s cheeks, were slowly painted red, be it her butt or her face. "Maybe the embarrassment will help you learn your lesson" The shame shot through her veins, making her whine loudly. This wasnt happening right now, was it? This must be a stupid bad dream. But the pain in her butt was starting to get too much to be a dream. "I'm sorry! Ow! Please!". No reply, Lucifer kept going with his punishment, even as he saw tears building up in her eyes.

The tears formed in the small Sinners eyes, not out of pain, it was still pretty much bearable, no. It was out of shame and embarrassment that she was in this position over Lucifers knee in the first place as he spanked her like a little kid. Sure, her butt was really turning red now and she whimpered with every strong smack of Lucifers hand, that was only a tiny part that got her to start crying. She felt sorry for how she had reacted towards Charlie, and it was weird at the same time, that this situation caused those emotions in her. A tear rolled down her cheek as he turned her head to look back at Lucifer with pleading eyes. His gaze was still so stern and as he saw the look in (Y/N)s eyes, begging for mercy, he started smacking her butt even harder, making her gasp in discomfort and pain with every spank. It played a big part in how fast she started sobbing over his knee, her eyes shut closed, and her cheeks flushed from shame of the whole situation. (Y/N) had barely noticed it when the blonde man had stopped spanking her and instead started rubbing her back softly. He might not like her too much, but he was no monster, knowing how important aftercare was.

"You ok?" A sniffling sound, followed by a sob was the only reply he got. A sigh escaped Lucifers lips as he picked her up and sat her down on his lap. Lucifer made sure he hadn't left any lasting marks, though he wasnt really feeling sorry, but he knew she needed emotional and physical support at the time. With a soft smile on his lips to comfort her, he petted her head with one hand, the other one rubbing soft circles on her back to soothe her crying. "There there, its over now. You did great." (Y/N) was softly sobbing leaning against him on his lap. This was a totally different feeling from when Angel Dust had comforted her, but a wave of relief washed over her when she heard him talk to her in a softer voice than ever. The Sinner closed her eyes and wiped a tear off her cheek before resting her head on his shoulder. "I know this hurts, but I needed to take Action there" (Y/N) replied with a soft mumbling: "I'm sorry.. I'll do better next time", "You will, I believe in you. Now, I think you should rest. I'll bring you back to your room." Despite not liking (Y/N) too much, he did like that the little lesion stuck to her so fast. The woman didn't want to move an inch, but nodded and slowly got off his lap, pulling her pants back to their previous place before Lucifer grabbed her hand in a gentler way than on their way here, leading her back to her room.


We hope you enjoyed this chapter, despite having a much quicker Revelation than anticipated in it. This is gonna be the Point where one of the two starts developing Feelings for the others and some masochistic tendencies start to show, so stay tuned! ;D

Writing: Moon

Inspiration: us both

Simps: us both

Wordcount: 3333

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