A Different Kind Of Life

By DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 11

132 4 0
By DreamzOfGold

10:45 the next morning

Huntzberger Publishing Group Tower

New York City

"There he is." Rory said as Doyle met both her and Logan outside of the massive HPG building.

"Huntzberger, you seriously want to over pay me, to be Rory's assistant?" Doyle asked.

"We originally thought Paris would be the perfect person for the job, but there is no way in hell she would ever do it, but we knew that you would." Logan laughed.

"Plus, you're a lot less bossy, easier to deal with, and just as good as Paris is, so it's a win win." Rory told him.

"Wow, there is nothing like being second best to my wife!" Doyle laughed.

"Oh come on Doyle, you know you aren't offended." Rory said rolling her eyes.

"You ready to piss some people off?" Logan asked them.

"Let's do this!" Doyle smiled as they headed into the building.

"Rory, come here for a second." Logan said, quickly pulling her to the side.

"What's up?" Rory asked as Logan reached into his pocket and pulled a small box out. "Wait, what is that?!"

"It's yours. We'll talk about it later. Right now, it's kind of a power play. Damn, that sounds really bad . . . I really don't mean for it to sound bad. But I think you having it on shows the board that we are serious. I wasn't planning to ask you like this. So I'll definitely do that at a later date. But you can keep it. I can get another one. I just . . . I don't want any push back. I love you, and I am confidant that you are the right person for this job. And the right person for me."

"Logan, it's beautiful. Of course I'll wear it. You can have it back when we're done."

"We'll talk about it. I promise."


"I love you Rory." Logan said as he slipped the engagement ring he had bought Rory 9 years prior, onto her finger, where it had always belonged.

"I love you too." Rory smiled, giving Logan a quick kiss.

"You are going to be amazing! I am so glad we are doing this."

"I'm really nervous."

"I know. But you are going to do great! I've got your back, no matter what. But we've really gotta get in there. I'm the one who called the emergency meeting, and we're going to piss them off if we are too much later."

"Ok, let's go." Rory said taking a deep breath, letting it out slowly, then heading inside the HPG building.

5 minutes later, Logan, Rory and Doyle walked into the HPG boardroom, to see every board member sitting around the large table in the center of the room. They all looked up when the door opened, and several people looked shocked to see Logan walk in.

"Thank you all for being here on such short notice." Logan started as he moved to the front of the room. "There is a situation that you all need to be made aware of, but know that it is being handled, and everything will be fine."

"Where is Mitchum?" someone asked.

"That is exactly what I am here about. Last night, my father suffered a heart attack. He is currently inpatient at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, where I am a doctor. He is under the care of myself, and our cardiology team, and he is in great hands. Dad underwent bypass surgery last night, and is currently is stable condition, and expected to recover. However, he will be unable to work for a while. I have no plans to release him from my care until I am positive that he is fully recovered, and that coming back to work will not jeopardize his health. So, until that time, we will need to fill the void. To that extent, I would like to introduce you all to your new interim CEO, Rory Gilmore-Hayden. My father has always wanted HPG to stay in the family, and it will do so with Rory at the helm. I have known Rory since college where she was the editor of the Yale Daily News, and I am confidant that she will do a fantastic job. Rory is currently on leave as a a features writer and editor for the New York Times, and previously worked on the campaign trail with President Barack Obama. Rory knows the business just as well as I do, and will be stepping into my Dad's shoes while he is out. When Dad is ready to return to work, we will discuss Rory's future at that time, and where we see her being placed. But Rory is now the boss, effective immediately! I've already negotiated her salary at half of what my Dad gets from you, plus benefits starting today. I will have HR take care of all of her paperwork as soon as we finish with the meetings today. I will not be leaving my position with the hospital, but I have taken a brief leave of absence to help Rory and her assistant Doyle McMaster get settled in, and I will be in attendance at all board meetings, as well as any other meeting that I can manage with my schedule at the hospital. I know that several of you are going to have an opinion on this news, and frankly, I don't even care. This is happening, and anyone who has a problem with it can come talk tome in private. This is MY family's company, and as the family heir, I have every right to make any appointments that I want. So please keep in mind that should Rory, Doyle, or I receive any attitude or push back from any of you, I am more than happy to buy your shares, and you can go find another company to bully. Now, with all of that being said, does anybody have any questions?" Logan asked looking around the room, seeing a few hands raise. "Yes, Uncle John?"

"Rory here, wasn't she your college girlfriend?"

"We are in a relationship, yes. Next? Damon Dixon?"

"Is your father aware of what is happening?"

"He knows that I am handling everything, yes. I have his phone, and am fielding all of his calls until further notice. And don't any of you even think of trying to back stab me to him like I know several of you will try to do, because there is an approved visitor list at the hospital, and no one can get into the cardiac unit to see Dad without my permission, nor can you call. All communication will be going directly through myself, Rory and Doyle. Anyone who has a problem with that, can just resign right now. I will not allow any of you to jeopardize my father's health. You all know that I am more than capable of running this company, and that my father hoped to someday hand it over to me. However, I don't want it! I have my own career that I love, and that I have practically killed myself to build. But I have someone right here who I trust, and is just as capable of running this company, if not more so than I am. I don't care what garbage any of you might have heard in the past, but you will respect Rory, or you can see yourself to the door. This is NOT up for debate. Any other questions? . . . Maxwell?"

"You said Gilmore-Hayden . . . Who are they?"

"My parents are Lorelai Gilmore, daughter of Richard and Emily Gilmore, and Christopher Hayden, son of Strobe and Francine. All of them from Hartford, Connecticut." Rory spoke up.

"I knew Strobe. He was a good man." Maxwell said sternly.

"Thank you." Rory smiled. "It is nice to meet you all. I am excited to get started, and help move this company forward. This is my assistant Doyle McMaster, who was also the editor of the Yale Daily News before my reign, and has most recently been working for the Wall Street Journal before joining me here." Rory said gesturing to her side toward Doyle. "If there is anything that you need from me, please let me know. I am really friendly, and easy to get along with. I hope that you will all give me a chance to show you what I can do."

"Now if you will excuse us, we will be in Rory's new office so I can get her acclimated to everything my father has been doing before our editor meeting at 2:00. Thank you all for coming in today. We will meet again early next week. I will send out an email with our contact information this afternoon." Logan said, then turned and headed for the door with Rory and Doyle right behind him, holding the door for both of them to exit as Logan took one last look around the boardroom at all the surprised faces before exiting himself.

"That was fun." Doyle commented as they walked down a long hallway.

"Frankly, some of my family can be real assholes, so I had to let them know that I'm not messing around here, and I will cut them out." Logan said sternly. "Anyone who dares give you two any attitude can find themselves a new company. They're all a bunch of gold digging jerks anyway. Everyone is replaceable, and I won't hesitate to remove them.

"I kind of like asshole Logan." Rory smirked. "He's kind of hot!"

"Families can really suck sometimes." Doyle told them.

"Well the good news is that only the board is family members. There are a few who aren't, but most of them are my Dad's cousins and uncles. They can be a royal pain in the ass. No one else in the company is family, and most of them are much easier to deal with. But I'll belaying down the law at the editors meeting this afternoon too." Logan explained.

"So do I get my own office too?" Doyle asked.

"No, you are sharing with me. I don't want to be left alone." Rory told him. "This place scares the crap out of me!"

"I guess that works."

"You are basically Rory's bodyguard when I'm not here. Anything of importance or any attitude you get, I need to know about." Logan said as they stopped at the door to Mitchum's office. "This is your new home. Feel free to change whatever you want, Dad can just deal with it later."

"I need a coffee maker." Rory told him as they walked in the door.

"We'll have one delivered today. I'll also get you both a company computer and phone. Whatever you need, we will get, just let me know. I want to get you settled in as quickly as possible, and make things as easy for you as I can."

"Knock knock." a friendly voice said from the door.

"Hey Sandra, come on in." Logan said turning toward the door. "Sandra, this is Rory Gilmore, and her assistant Doyle McMaster. Dad had a heart attack last night, so they are stepping in to take his place while he recovers. Rory, Doyle, this is Sandra, Dad's secretary. She'll take care of anything you need."

"Hi, Rory, Doyle, it's nice to meet you. Logan, how are you doing? How is Mitchum?"

"He's stable and expected to fully recover. But it's going to be a while. I have Dad's phone, and I'll be picking up his computer and a few other things from his home office later today. All calls, emails, everything goes thru me. If anyone asks, there is a restriction on calls and visitors to the hospital. No one can get into the cardiac unit without my permission. Once I get Rory and Doyle up to speed, I'll be turning everything over to them, but all contact with my Dad must go through me. He won't be coming back to work for several months."

"Please give him my best and let him know that we are thinking about him and wish him a speedy recovery."

"I will. Question, who handles the company charge card account? I need to get new cards ordered."

"I believe Frank in accounting handles everything. Would you like me to message him?"

"Please. Have him come up here. It'll be easier to explain everything in person. Also, I need someone from HR to bring up new hire paperwork and I need security badges. Is Carlos still head of security?"

"Yes sir."

"Please ask him to come up as well. I'll be sending out an email detailing all the changes happening this afternoon. Please hold all calls unless it is an emergency. If any board members come up to whine about something, let me know. Is there a desk we can move in here for Doyle or should I just order one?"

"I am sure we have one somewhere in the building. I'll get something brought up right away."

"Please also send the head of IT and whoever handles the company phones."

"Phones are IT as well."

"Perfect! I'm ordering lunch to be delivered. Would you like anything?"

"No thank you, I'm ok. I'll let you know when your food arrives."

"Thanks Sandra!" Logan said as Sandra left the office. "What do we want for lunch?"

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

By 4pm, Logan, Rory, and Doyle were exhausted, but had accomplished al ot so they left the office for the day, Doyle heading home to his family, and Rory and Logan to the hospital to check on Mitchum and meet with his care team.

"It's been a long day, and we still need to go to Hartford." Logan said as he drove to the hospital.

"I need a nap!" Rory told him, yawning as she sat next to him in the car.

"Me too. I think I'll call a driver to meet us at the hospital. We can leave my car there. Do you want to spend the night in Hartford tonight and come back in the morning, or should we just drive back tonight?"

"Whatever you think is best. Getting some decent sleep tonight sounds good."

"We can get a hotel in Hartford, crash at my parents place, or whatever you want to do. Heck, we can stay with the Gilmores if you want to.

"Is anyone at your parents' house?"

"Other than the maids, no."

"Oh, that could be fun!"

"Defiling the Huntzberger mansion it is!" Logan laughed.

"Oh, here, you can have this back." Rory said as she started to remove the ring Logan had put on her finger that morning.

"No, keep it. It's yours."

"Logan. . ."

"I want to marry you Rory. I would marry you right now if I thought you were ready and you would say yes."

"What if I would say yes?" she asked, fiddling with the ring.

"Are you saying that you want to get married?" Logan asked looking over at Rory for a brief moment.

"I'm not saying that we have to get married right away."

"But you want me to ask you . . ."

"There are worse things that you could do . . . I mean, I am the current CEO of your family's company."

That you are." Logan chuckled reaching for Rory's hand, and bringing it to his mouth to gently kiss it as they pulled into the hospital parking garage.

"Is Honor meeting us here?"

"No. She was here with Mom earlier. Mom was being mom, so Honor is dropping her off at a spa."

"So in other words, Honor hired a babysitter for your mother." Rory laughed.

"Pretty much!"

"How annoyed do you think your Dad is going to be with me taking his place?" Rory asked nervously.

"I don't know. Part of me thinks he might expect it to happen someday. But at least if he blows, and it causes another heart attack, he's in the best place possible. I just need to grab my doctor stuff from my office before we go up." Logan said as he parked the car, and they headed toward the hospital doors. "Hey Frank, it's Logan Huntzberger. You still have a contract with HPG right?" Logan asked, placing a call to his old driver as they walked through the hospital doors. "Wonderful! Would you mind picking me up at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital and driving me down to Hartford tonight, then back to the city sometime tomorrow morning? . . . You are a saint! Thank you so much Frank! Just let me know when you are ready. There's not rush . . . No problem, we'll see you soon." he said as he ended the call. "Frank said it would be about an hour. He'll text me when he gets here. I'm thinking we should start using Frank while you are working in the city. It will make your life a lot easier."

"I'll think about it." Rory told him. "Do you think we can convince Frank to drive me thru Chic Fil-A when we leave the hospital?"

"I'm sure he would be happy to. Frank always loved you."

"Can you imagine what my mom and Grandparents are going to say when they hear that I am running HPG?"

"Actually, I was just thinking that maybe we should meet up with them when we get to Hartford tonight. I have a feeling there is about to be a media storm. Do you think your mom could meet us at Richard and Emily's around 8 or 9?"

"Probably. I'll call them right now." Rory said reaching into her purse to grab her phone, and hitting the speed dial number for her mom as they walked through the hospital, heading toward Logan's office in the Emergency Department.

Ten minutes later Logan and Rory walked into Mitchum's room to see him watching the news.

"Hey Dad, how are you feeling?" Logan asked.

"Like I've been hit by a truck. Do you know where my phone is? Honor said you might have it."

"I do have it, and I am keeping it. There is no way that I am jeopardizing your recovery. I've been talking to your care team all day, so I know everything that is going on."

"Logan, I am not a child!" Mitchum told him.

"I never said that you were. But you had a heart attack Dad, and you just underwent a bypass. As your personal doctor, I am not releasing you to return to work until I am confidant that your work will not hinder your recovery. I have your phone, and as soon as Frank gets here, I will be heading down to Hartford to get your computer and a few things that we need from your home office. I have Rory taking over as Interim CEO, and I've hired our friend Doyle McMaster as her personal assistant. We already met with the board this morning, and the editors after lunch. Everyone knows what is going on, and that everything will be going through Rory and myself until your care team and I feel comfortable releasing you back to work. But that won't be for several months."

"Don't be ridiculous Logan. This is my business, not your personal play thing."

"And Rory and I will insure that the business is still running, and better than you left it, when you are ready to go back. We've got this Dad. You just need to trust me. We are only doing what is in your best interest."

"What did you tell the board? They couldn't have been thrilled."

"Uncle John, and Damon were definitely less than thrilled, but I told everyone that if they have a problem with it, they can take it up with me personally, and that I am more than happy to buy their shares, and they can go find a new company to play with."

"You sound like your father." Mitchum chuckled.

"Yeah, well, they needed to know that I won't be taking their crap. The editors were a lot more welcoming."

"A few of them already know Rory."

"And they were very happy to see her. They are excited for what she brings to the company." Logan said as Rory's phone rang.

"Excuse me, I need to take this." Rory said, then slipped out into the hall.

"Dad, I need to talk to you about something really quick before Rory comes back."

"What's going on? I noticed a ring on her finger."

"We aren't engaged yet. But I'm going to ask her tonight."

"Where did the ring on her finger come from?"

"That is the ring I bought her when I asked her to marry me back at Yale. I was going to use it ask again. I put it on her on our way into the office this morning as a power play. She already tried to give it back, but I told her to keep it. I bought it for her, and it is where it belongs. I'm not going to take it from her, just to give it right back."

"You want my mother's ring from the safe . . ." Mitchum concluded.

"If you wouldn't mind. Grandma did say she wanted me to give it to my wife someday."

"Your mother is going to flip."

"So you are fine with me taking it while I'm there tonight?"

"I'll expect a formal announcement within a week."

"I'll let mom throw a party when you are doing better."

"My mother would have liked Rory."

"Elias hated her."

"Elias hated everyone. Your mother included."

"That's true." Logan laughed as Rory walked back into the room.

"I'm sorry, that was my grandmother." Rory told them. "She said 9:00 is fine."

"We are meeting with Lorelai and the Gilmores tonight, to let them know about the shakeup at HPG. I have a feeling there will be a media storm hitting before morning." Logan explained.

"That is a good idea to get ahead of the storm." Mitchum agreed. "Family never likes to be blind sighted."

"We are staying at the house tonight. I am giving the staff time off until you and Mom return home. Honor is checking mom into a spa right now."

"She hired a babysitter." Mitchum smirked.

"Rory said the same thing."

"Great minds . . ." he smiled toward Rory.

"CanI get you anything Mitchum? Are you doing ok?"

"They won't give me any decent food."

"Can he have a smoothie?" Rory asked looking to Logan.

"I think that is probably ok, but let me ask just in case." Logan said moving over to the computer and logging in. "Hey Dad, would you mind hitting the call button for me?"

"Can I help you?" a voice asked over the intercom speaker.

"Hey It's Doctor Huntzberger. I'm here checking on my Dad. Is Doctor Levan still here today?"

"Only for a couple more hours, would you like me to page him for you?"

"Yes please!" Logan answered, then heard the intercom disconnect. "It looks like you are on a liquid diet for the next few days, but you should be able to have smoothies and soup."

"I have a great idea! We'll have to stop by the Dragonfly on our way back tomorrow." Rory said as she reached for her phone again.

"You're calling Sookie?" Logan asked.

"Of course! Best soup on the east coast!"

"You're in for a treat Dad!" Logan smiled. "The chef at the Dragonfly is absolutely amazing!"

"Maybe I'll have to offer a higher salary." Mitchum commented.

"She won't take it. Sookie is co-owner and would never walk away. She would be nice to you about it, but she would laugh later. You can probably get someone to deliver to you in Hartford, but that is as close to being a personal chef as Sookie will do." Rory told him. "Hi Sookie, it's Rory. I was hoping I could ask a favor of you . .."

"Hi Honey! How are you? What's going on?" Sookie asked on the other end of the phone line.

"Logan's Dad is in the hospital. He had a heart attack last night."

"Oh no! Is he ok? How's Logan doing?"

"They are both doing well. Mitchum is on a liquid diet . . ."

"And hospital food sucks! How many kinds of soup would you like?"

"Whatever you would like to make. I'm coming to Hartford tonight, so I can stop by the Inn tomorrow, on my way back to the city."

"No problem Sweetie! I'll have a cooler ready for you. All you will need is a microwave."

"Thank you so much Sookie! We really appreciate it!"

No problem Honey. I'll see you tomorrow. Give Logan my love."

"Thank you, I will." Rory smiled, disconnecting the call. "Sookie sends her love."

"I am actually excited for Sookie's cooking." Logan told them. "It's been years since I've last had it."

"I'm thinking I need to text Luke to bring us something to Grandma's." Rory told him. "Mitchum, I'm going to go get you a smoothie from the cafeteria. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Thank you Rory." Mitchum said, watching as Rory left the room.

"She sure takes charge quickly, doesn't she?"

"That's Rory for you. You should have seen her in the Editors meeting today. You would have been proud. Rory was right in her element." Logan told him.

"Maybe if she does a good job, I will keep her on when I go back."

"I was thinking that instead of me taking over when you retire, you should give the company to Rory."

"We'll see." Mitchum told him. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves here."

"I don't want the company Dad. I have no plans to leave this hospital. I am doing a lot of good here. And having Rory take over for you keeps the business in the family, just like you've always wanted. Plus, she is way more qualified to run the company than I am. I think Rory is your best option. You'll see when we let you go back. But you are going to take your time to heal and recover properly. It will be several months before I will even think about possibly allowing you to go back, even part time."

"Doctor Huntzberger. It's nice to see you today." Doctor Levan said as he walked in the door. "Your Dad is doing very well today."


8pm that same evening, Logan walked thru his parents backyard, seeing Rory sitting by the pool.

"Maybe we should enjoy the hot tub while we are here tonight." Logan said stepping up behind her.

"This house is beautiful! I can't believe you grew up here."

"It wasn't so great for a little kid. I wasn't allowed to touch anything. But we did have a swing set over in the far end of the yard. Honor and I spent a lot of time out here."

"I always wanted my own swing set."

"We'll get one when we have kids. Come here, I want to show you something." Logan said reaching for Rory's hand, then leading her out through the yard. "This is my favorite part of this house. Really, the only part that I actually like. Honor and I used to hide out here during parties when we were little." he told her, as he lead her down a gravel path to a small gazebo, decked out in twinkling fairy lights, and surrounded by rose bushes.

"It looks magical!" Rory smiled, taking in the scene before her.

"Honor picked out all the flowers around the gazebo. She called it her magical retreat from Huntzberger life. She still escapes out here to get away from the insanity whenever she is in town.

"I can see why. It is absolutely gorgeous!" Rory said as she dropped Logan's hand and stepped into the gazebo. "Those flowers smell incredible! I can see why Honor loves it so much." she said turning around to look back toward Logan, just to see him kneeling in front of her holding out a small red velvet box. "Logan . . ."

"Rory Gilmore, you are the most amazing woman that I have ever known. You are beautiful, and smart, and incredibly dedicated to everything you set your mind to. You make me happier every day, than I ever thought possible. And I can't imagine living my life without you in it. Everything I am, is completely in love with you. Will you marry me?"

Rory gasped as Logan opened the small box revealing a beautiful ring that sparkled brilliantly in the twinkling gazebo lights.

"Yes! YES!!!" Rory cheered excitedly as Logan's smile grew exponentially. "I will marry you! A million times, yes!" Logan stood up, and pulled Rory into a passionate kiss, holding her as tightly against him as he possibly could, kissing her deeply until they were both completely out of breath.

"Where did you get this ring?" Rory asked as Logan gently slid it onto the ring finger on her right hand.

"It was my grandmother's. Before she died, she told me to give it to my bride someday. It has been in Dad's safe for years. The diamond I put on you earlier is still your official engagement ring. I didn't want to take it from you, just to give it right back. I bought that one specifically for you. This one is just a family ring. I think it was originally my great grandmother's.

"It's really pretty." Rory said as she admired the thin gold band with the ruby center stone surrounded by small diamonds. "I love how much it sparkles."

"What about this one?" Logan asked reaching for Rory's left hand, and fingering the diamond ring he had spent so much money on years before, and placed on Rory's finger earlier that morning.

"This one is my favorite! I can't believe you kept it all this time."

"Even when I thought about getting rid of it, I couldn't. It was always meant to be yours."

"I kind of feel like I got 2 engagements. One spur of the moment and one more planned out."

"I don't know about planned out." Logan chuckled. "I just decided to do it a few hours ago, after you told me it was what you wanted. I talked to my Dad while we were at the hospital, and asked him for grandma's ring"

"So he knows then . . ."

"He noticed the ring on your finger. I feel really bad for giving it to you the way I did. I almost feel like I tainted it."

"No, Logan. I know that had you known I would say yes, you would have already asked. Plus, you did ask. Back at Yale. I just wasn't ready then."

"Speaking of ready, we need to get going, or we will be late getting to your grandparents."

"I actually think being late is a good thing this time. You know that if Grandma finds out that we are engaged before Mom does, neither of us will ever live it down."

"Why don't you text your mom and find out when they will be there. We can purposely arrive right after them."

"I have an easier way to find out." Rory said pulling her phone out of her jacket pocket. "Location services will show me right where she is."

"I didn't even think about that."

"Mom and I keep location services turned on just in case of an emergency. She's already at Grandma's."

"Let's get going then." Logan smiled, holding his hand out toward Rory. "We have lots of big news to share."

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