Levi Ackerman One-Shots

By The-Traveling-Poet

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One-Shots, Headcannons, drabbles and more for Levi Ackerman~ More can be found on my Tumblr @the-traveling-po... More

~Request Page~
Soft Touch
Semi Sweet
Drabble ~ Cuddles
Drabble ~ Jealousy
Drabble ~ Clingy
Drabble ~ Work in 20mins
Drabble ~ Flirtatious
Drabble ~ Hair Cut
Headcannon ~ 1
Headcanon ~ 2
Headcanon ~ 3
Headcanon ~ 4
Headcanon ~ 5
Headcanon ~ 6
Drabble ~ Jealous Pining
Silent Confession
Drabble ~ Picnic
Drabble ~ Snuggles
Drabble ~ Caught
Drabble ~ Head Scratchies
Drabble ~ Shifting Scars
Drabble ~ Cosetted Captain
Headcannon no. 7
At Long Last
Drabble~ Stress
Surprise Visitation
Headcannon no. 8
Bold Statments
Headcannon no. 9
Headcannon no. 10
Shifting Scares
Drabble ~ Loss
Drabble ~ Freezing
Autograph (Actor Pt. 1)
Event: AOT Finale
Event: Levi's Birthday Special
Hearcannon no. 11
Drabble ~ Tease
Phone Call (Actor Pt. 2)
The Story~
Drabble ~ Painting
Headcannon no. 12
Drabble ~ Family Time

Coffee Shop (Actor Pt. 3)

160 9 6
By The-Traveling-Poet

The day had finally arrived; in which you would meet your idol for a late lunch at a local cafè. And what a head rush just the idea of such a thing gave you.

Amidst the not so subtle interrogation and polite pleasantries passed back and forth between the two of you over tea, the spark that had started this whole ordeal grew into that of a flame.

A flame he seemed to take and run with...
SWF, fluff, Modern!au, Actor!Levi

(( Part 1 - Autograph  Part 2 - Phone call))

The day had come....

Steeling your nerves, you took in a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. The door stood closed before you, and only a gentle tug would open it up to the cafè inside; yet you paused with your hand hovering over the silver handle.

You'd already peered through the shop's windows to see if he was here yet, and concluded he wasn't. And with the lack of some shiny, expensive looking car parked near the curb out front, you figured you'd beat him here. You were early, after all. So why couldn't you just make yourself go in and have a seat?

Relax, you thought to yourself as you finally grasped the handle in the palm of your hand.
You've gotten this far already, you can't mess this up...

Walking into the rather aesthetic looking cate, you looked around with bated breath. The cafè was small, but very pleasing to the eye; menu boards written in cursive print above polished countertops, floors spotless and organized, windows without a single speck upon them.

Even the scarce customers sat strewn about the tables seemed poised and of a higher class than you were used to seeing on a daily basis.

Suddenly, you felt just a tad under dressed.

Shaking the thoughts away, your eyes continued to study the room around you, until you were met with the steady gaze of a man sat a table at the back wall of the cafe. And oh, how those silver eyes always managed to captivate your entire attention; in person even more so than from through a screen.

Stiffening your posture where you stood, you shook yourself out of your daze with a mental slap in the face.

"Shit..." you whispered, shuffling your feet forward to approach his table. Of course he would be early and beat you...to being early.

Once you stood only a foot away from his table, Levi took a stand. After subtly looking you up and down, he reached out and pushed back the chair opposite him and gave you room to take a seat, after silently motioning to hang your coat up on the back of your chair for you.

With a whispered thank you, you shrugged off your coat and let him place it on the back of your chair before scooting you forward and then returning to his own seat.

"You're early," you blurted out after he sat, still in a bit of a daze.

"I'm always early; though, I'm surprised to see you're twenty minutes early. I'm impressed." He commented softly, keeping his gaze firmly fixed on your ever shifting eyes.

Once you managed to hold eye contact with him, you noticed the worn leather jacket hanging off the back of his chair, contrasting the grey turtleneck shirt he wore. The look was quite dashing on him, and you had to refrain yourself from blurting out this observation.

"You're extra early," you pointed out, taking a moment to look out the window to your right.
"I didn't see any overly expensive cars outside, so I had assumed l'd beaten you here."

"I always am. And, didn't drive my car," he answered plainly as he too looked out the window.

Before you could ask, he was already pointing to a sight just near the curb. Perched on its stand near the window was a bike; sleek black and shining in the dull spring sunlight.

"That's the bike you drive?" You nearly gasped, ogling over the bike. Sure, you'd learned enough about him from your obsessive research to know he rode. But never once had you seen the actual bike he owned.

"No, stole it from a man a couple blocks back." Levi scoffed, but not aggressively so. When you looked back over at him, he seemed more curious than sarcastic when he looked over at you from the corner of his eye as he continued to face the window.

"Though, I never told you I rode."

Realizing you'd soon be found out about your obsession into his personal life, you decided to downplay the fact you knew with an absent smile.
"Oh... well, you mentioned it once or twice in interviews. I'd never seen the bike itself, though."

"I seldom post to my socials, unless one of the guys naggs me to," he shrugged, picking up a menu off the table previously stacked by the rack of simple condiments lining a thin rack at one edge of the table.

"You seem more informed about me than I had assumed you'd be. Are you one of those fans who obsessed over and took to heart every interview and discarded show clip they can get their hands on?"

Gulping down you nerves, you hastily waved your hand in a dismissive manner.

"Oh pftt, no. I just.. liked the show a lot, and had some free time to binge its content."

He regarded you with a deadpan expression, as though not fully buying your half truth. But after raising a brow, he seemed content to let the matter sit.

"Well, either way, it's nice to be out of the spotlight for a bit and unwind. I'm still surprised with myself that I gave my number out to a fan, but...l can't say I regret it after this past week. You're entertaining."

"Is...is that a compliment? Or should I take offense to being generalized?" You smiled, also picking up a menu to look through.

"Which would you prefer?" He hummed, already seeming to have decided what he wanted, as he folded his menu back up and set it aside.

"I'll take it as a compliment. A compliment from my favorite actor seems nice," you hummed, beginning to loosen up a little more now that conversation had moved along.

Levi only hummed thoughtfully, peering over the top of your menu to see your crinkled eyes as you scanned along the cursive print. Unbeknownst to you, he made sure.

By the time you decided and set the menu aside, a waitress came along to jot down your orders.

Listing off the tea and pastry you desired, you glanced back at Levi, who had yet to speak.

"I'll take the black tea. No sweeteners, please.
Thank you," he said softly, briefly looking up at the waitress with a nod.

The waitress sent him a dazzling smile, loitering by the table a moment longer than was needed, before scurrying off towards the kitchens behind the front counter. With a snort, Levi resumed his attention towards you.

"I have a funny feeling there's not much about me you don't know. Am I right? You seem the type to do your research."
He murmured, propping his chin onto his hand as he leaned ever so slightly closer across the table towards you, with his elbow supporting him on the table top.

Blushing, you opted to stare down at the napkin holder to your right.
"That-that may not be true-"

"How old am I?" He interrupted, with a brow ever so slightly raised in amusement.

"Twenty five...but that's common knowledge to anyone who has access to Wikipedia."
You huffed, crossing your arms as you defended yourself.

"I suppose so. That was a silly thing to ask...alright then, I'll test you further; what was my favorite shoot?"

"The 'Royal Government arc"," you answered immediately. Too fast, you realized, only a moment too late.

"Alright then, something not related to the show...
What's my cat's name?"

"Eros," you sighed, already knowing you'd lost.
"But to be fair, you've brought up your cat numerous times in interviews-"

"Keep digging sweetheart, you're just burying yourself further here," he hummed, a hint of a smile pulling at the corner of his lips.

"Alright, alright...So I may have gotten a little obsessed." You murmured, feeling your cheeks burn a tad hotter than before as you finally admitted to his claims.

"To the show, or my character? Better yet, perhaps me?" He lifted his elbow off of the table and leaned back in his chair with crossed arms.

And for a moment, you could have sworn he was teasing you. It worked in flustering you, if that had been his angle. But before you could finish stuttering out a response to his cocky claims, he flashed a minuet smile your way.

"I suppose you do know quite a lot about me, so I'll ask my own questions. Ones I didn't ask over the phone already." He stated calmly as his boot nudged your foot under the table.

Ceasing your poor attempt to stutter out any form of defense, you nodded with an embarrassed sigh.

"Alright, that sounds fair." You murmured, mentally bracing yourself for any kind of question he might throw your way.

Seeing your compliance, he started firing off his own questions.

It nearly felt like an interrogation; like last weeks interview role's had been switched on you. Only, he wasn't so shy in asking what he pleased.

Your place of employment, your college major, your pastimes, family, social life. Hell, he even asked for your favorite arcs in the show and which of the scenes he starred in you liked the most.

By the end of it, you'd relaxed significantly and opened up more than you had expected to. And in turn, he became a tad more expressive himself.

"Ever rode a bike?" He asked after finishing his cup of tea, with his unoccupied arm resting over the back of his chair as he raised a brow. His sudden curiosity threw you off a bit.

After calming down from a fit of giggles from his previous question, you raised a brow his way.
"No, I cant say I have."

With a tilt of his head he regarded you curiously, as though coming to a a silent decision with himself. After a brief span of silence he sighed and placed his hands in his lap.

"Well...Perhaps I could make an exception and allow you to ride with me. I could use a backpack."

"An exception? To what rule?" Furrowing your brows, you regarded him curiously.

A backpack? What rules?

Hiding his slight smirk with a tilt of his head, he replied; "The rule I have against anyone touching my bike. l'd hate for it to get dirtied or scratched, but I'm sure you'll be carful."

"You're asking me if l'd like a ride?" You murmured, suddenly feeling as allert as you had the moment you wanking into the cafè. With a nod, he confirmed your suspicions.

"Unless there's something else of mine you'd like to ride?" He replied with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Though after just a moment, he cleared his throat and looked away.
"I'm sorry, that was a bit...abrasive."

"No! I-Id love to!" You grinned, unable to help but stare once more out the window towards his bike as you discreetly hid your blush.

"I'd be down for any kind of ride."

Now it was his turn to appear surprised and maybe a tad flustered, for the first time this afternoon. He opened his mouth, then abruptly closed it; eyes darting about the table between you. Suddenly, two feet of table never felt so far of a distance before.

With a grunt he stood, taking his jacket in hand as he reached into his left pocket.

"Well then, unless you have plans this afternoon...My bike and I are free."

Biting at your lip, you also stood.
"No, I'm free. If..If you're offering."

"I was under the impression I was doing more than that?" He grumbled back in responce as he fumbled out his wallet.

Catching his movement, you went to do the same. That is, until his slender fingers wrapped around your wrist at your waist to stop you.

"Ah ah, I proposed this meet up. The least I could do is pay." He scoffed, a click of his tongue to follow. Though you attempted to disagree, he placed your hand holding your wallet back into your back pocket; much to your stunned surprise.

"I've got it," he whispered, placing down a check on the table top. Only seconds later, you found yourself standing outside near the curb, watching him mount his bike. And oh, what a sight that was.

Unexpectedly he pulled out a secondary helmet, similar in appearance to his own. Taking is hesitantly, you fumbled with the chin straps as you took a step closer to the bike as it roared to life.

"You just carry around a second helmet?" You questioned uncertainly as he reached out his hand to you.

"No...Stopped by a store before arriving here," He mumbled, his voice becoming more muffled as he adjusted his own helmet. Swallowing down your growing nerves and hiding a grin behind the helmet, you allowed his hand to guide you into the spot just behind him.

Suddenly, he revved the engine, causing you to startle, only slightly. One look around the smaller bike showed you there were no handle bars to hold onto, causing your eyes to flick to his expectantly.

Oh shit...

"Well? Hold on, else you'll go flying off the back." He rolled his eyes before pulling down the visor of his helmet and slipping on a pair of leather gloves.

Doing the same, you gave a nervous nod.
Hesitantly you reached out, your arms barely grazing his sides as color filled out your cheeks.

With the noise of the bike revving, you missed the way he groaned to himself.
"Fuck's sake..."

Suddenly the bike jolted forward, sending you crashing forward into his back with a muffled gasp of shock.

Behind the tinted visor, Levi allowed himself a smirk and a satisfied hum, as he used one of his gloved hands to hold yours into place at his abdomen.

"Like I said; hold on, stubborn brat," he called out, barely turning his head to see you. Though you couldn't make out every feature of his face through the shield, you gave a shaky chuckle and nodded back; tightening your grip around his middle. He was quick to look away, before fumbling with the kickstand and shifted gears a second time.

As he skillfully merged into the lane, you raised your chin up just slightly over his shoulder.
"Where are we going?" You called over the wind as it gradually picked up speed.

"I figured around a couple blocks; unless you have another idea?" He called back, still able to hear you surprisingly well.

You thought on this a moment, before an idea struck you. Humorously, you called back.

"Well, unless you have another photoshoot this evening, there is a nice city park a few blocks up."

You never heard a response from him, until he pulled you both up pulled to a stop light. He raised the visor of his helmet after putting down his kickstand once more and raised a brow over his shoulder towards you.

"A park, huh? I can do that...but I'm taking the longer route."

"The longer route?" You questioned uncertainly.

"The highway, yes. Wouldn't you like for first ride to be memorable?" His eyes seemed to sparkle as he spoke.

"So long as you don't kill us," came your mumbled responce. Yet he seemed to hear it, as he only rolled his eyes.

"Don't you fret, princess. I wouldn't let my first ever passenger fall off or become injured. Cant let our first date become our last."

"First date?"

He merely chuckled at your sudden squeak as he turned to face you better.

"Unless you'd rather not call it that. Would you rather this be considered a VIP backstage pass?"

Your heart twisted and flipped pleasantly in your chest as you quickly lowered the visor of your helmet once more to hide the expression of bewilderment on your face.

"You'd go on a date with a fan?" You managed to croak out just as the light turned green.

Tugging down his own visor once more and lifting the stand, he hummed thoughtfully before reviving the bike.

"I gave my number to one, didn't I?"

Holding your hand tight to his chest, he used his free hand to rush forward, rushing through traffic as young radually increasing speeds. All the while his hand stayed on top of yours, until the need to pull away became undismissible.

And you didn't dare to let go. Not now, nor ever. Especially if he was promising a second date...

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