Blinding Lights: Despite Ever...

By callme_annie

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{DEVIL: Despite Everything, Villain I Loved} Gemini Norawit has many secrets, but the boy next to him seems t... More

*1* The beginning of everything
*2* Mysterious box and what's inside?
*3* Until We Meet Again
*4* Doctor Khaotung
*5* LiMing? But how?
*6* Who are you?
*7* Can't avoid my past forever
*8* Do you believe in ghosts?
*9* You're now my partner for work
*10* Phuwin's love
*11* Is it a date? Heart reveals himself
*12* But I don't believe in love
*13* Why are you mad at me?
*14* Don't ignore me
*15* Gem's weird plan
*16* Change of plan
*17* Nothing goes as planned
*18* It was a good day
*19* Maybe it's all only in my head?
*20* Thank you for being here for me
*21* „It was my first kiss..."
*22* Running away from the truth
*23* The bet
*24* Birthday news. We're not imaginary couple.
*25* What do you know about him?
*26* I heard your heart breaking
*27* "Gun never existed..."
*28* Brothers on a mission
*29* Important talk
*30* Task to complete
*31* Secrets of abandoned school
*32* Go to him...
*33* Do I have to be his nanny?!
*34* Friends with benefits?
*35* Confused. What exactly we are?
*36* Finally the truth...
*37* Unnecessary fight
*38* That's my boyfriend...
*39* Panic over the ocean
*40* Pure madness...
*41* Standing up against father
*42* Music video with deeper meaning
*43* More mysteries
*44* Who is the father?
*45* Livestream with jealousy
*46* Betrayed
*47* Professor Zee and nong First
*48* A bit closer to the truth
*50* In the hospital
*51* It's your fault
*52* Just the two of us
*53* I want to tell them
*54* Silence before the storm
*55* NuNew's secret
*56* The fear is real
*57* My family
*Last Chapter* The lights that blinded us

*49* Who exactly is Prim?

176 7 5
By callme_annie

You want to know the truth, right?  Then come to the abandoned school, the one with scary stories.  I'll be waiting for you there until midnight.”

Gemini read the note he picked up from the passenger seat of his car. He had another hard day at work, and Fourth was still replaced by Gun, which only knew about the make-up artist, P'Tong, who agreed to use all his skills to hide the boy's tattoos.

Gemini had asked earlier if Gun wanted a ride home, but Gun had refused, claiming he had something to do in the city.  Gemini didn't trust him, but he had no excuse to stop him.  He threw up his arms.  He didn't feel like making any stupid jokes.  He wanted to eat something and go to sleep.  He missed his boyfriend, but Gun assured him that Fourth was in a safe place.  Even though he was tired, he decided to check what was going on.

The previous day, First visited Gun in his hideout, but he didn't meet him there, only Fourth, who was getting ready for bed.  Dunk made a new plan for them.

“Listen, don't make any sudden moves for now.  Gemini, you will be working with Gun tomorrow as usual, so you have to pretend that you believe him in everything he says, ok? Don't let him feel like we suspect him”.

Dunk suggested, walking in his pajamas around the living room of the Tangsakyuen house, where his friends Joong, Pond, Phuwin, Gemini, and Dunk were gathered.

“I do not know if I can”.

“You can do it, you have to do it, it's about finding out the truth.  And for your boyfriend's freedom, don't you understand how important that is?”

“Okay, I understand,”

Gemini grimaced. He didn't like it when Dunk treated him this way, as if Gemini couldn't think for himself and was getting himself into trouble on purpose. Gemini only agreed to this plan because they didn't have a better one. They decided to observe Gun closely, hoping to learn more.

Meanwhile, slightly concerned and at the same time curious, Gemini got into the car, started the engine and set off to the familiar school building.

Once he was there, he hurriedly checked all the floors and rooms until he finally reached the top floor.  Only there was a real and not very pleasant surprise waiting for him.

Almost exactly in the center of the room, on a lone chair sat... Fourth!  His hands were tied behind his back and his ankles were tied to the legs of a chair.  He seemed to be alone.  When Fourth noticed Gem, he shouted:

“Get out of here, you idiot!  It's a trap!”

“I won't leave you!” Gemini shouted back and ran to free his boyfriend.  Fourth breathed heavily, as if with difficulty, and repeated:

“You have to leave me! I'm begging you, get out of here before they come back and catch you too.  Go and get help.  Leave me, I think I'm still safe for now. Go!”

“Never.  FotFot, have you gone completely crazy?!  I won't leave you here to your fate, it's too dangerous.  I can't lose you, you are everything to me, do you understand? I missed you and it hurt like a hell, I don't want to feel that ever again!”

“I'm serious, Gem, get out of here before they come back”.

“Who are they?”

“I don't know, the ones who dragged me out of Gun's house.  I don't know who it was, they had masks on their faces and black clothes, but the girl seemed familiar, I just have no idea where I recognized her from.  It must be someone from us, someone who knows a lot about us...”

That was all Fourth had time to say when he was suddenly hit in the shoulder with a piece of brick.  He didn't even make a sound, even though it hurt him.  They both looked away, towards their attacker.

Two masked people, clearly a man and a woman, attacked Gemini, knocking him unconscious.  The woman had a syringe in her hand and without hesitation she stuck it into the unconscious boy's arm.  Fourth shouted.  The second attacker brought a second chair from the next room, and they both sat Gem in that chair, sitting both boys back to back.

“Go away!  Leave me alone with them.  I want to talk to them”.

The woman ordered in a sharp tone, and the man immediately left.  The woman took out a water bottle from her backpack, which Fourth only just noticed.  She unscrewed the cap and splashed water straight into Gemini's face, waking him up.

“As naive, stupid and romantic as ever.  Just as idiotically heroic.  You'll never change, will you, GemGem?”  She asked with grim satisfaction in her voice.  Both young men looked in her direction.  Tiny streams of water ran down Gem's face.

“PRIM?!”  They both exclaimed at the same time as the girl removed the black mask from her face and threw the hood of her black Adidas sweatshirt back, revealing her beautiful, long hair.  The fire of revenge burned in her eyes.

“Yes, it's me.  Hello Gemini, my old friend.  Long time no see, right?”

She laughed, but her laugh sounded cruel and sinister, devoid of the sincere joy that Gem was so accustomed to.  Gemini raised his gun he took with himself from the car, though his hand trembled.  He aimed straight at the heart of the girl who had meant the world to him a few years ago, and who now turned out to be a traitor and murderer.

“Were you the one who killed Heart and LiMing?”

Prim laughed again.

A shiver ran through Fourth's body.  It seemed to him that the temperature in the building of the abandoned and allegedly haunted school had dropped below zero, which was simply impossible in Thailand due to its hot climate.  Prim paid no attention to him.  She glared at Gem with hatred.

“Do you think I'm an idiot?  Why would I do that? I don't care about them, they're useless anyway”.

“If it's not you, then who?”

“You idiot, you think I'll tell you?  Never in my life.  You will die without knowing the truth.  I think this is the best punishment for you.  From now on you will be a tortured soul, wandering the world in search of a truth you will never find.  Same as Heart.  You deserved it.  Remember that everything you get now is a consequence of your own actions and choices. And you made wrong choices way too many times, you'll pay for it”.

“My choices?  Prim, wait, I think you don't understand something”.

“No, Gem, it's you who don't understand.  It was your mother who made me say I prefer girls.  I've never really liked any of them and I'm disgusted by weirdos.  Don't you understand that I did it for you?  I've learned about LGBTQ community for you, I did everything for you and you still didn't notice. You're so fucking blind! Your mother asked me not to disturb you in your career.  She was the one who told me to break your heart.  And you were naive enough to believe it.  I didn't think you would give up so easily.  I believed that one day you would open your eyes and see how I felt about you, but you were always stupid”.

“Gem isn't stupid,” Fourth interjected.

Prim walked up to Fourth and punched him in the face as hard as she could.  It hurt, but Fourth, trained by his fathers, showed no sign of pain.  He successfully pretended he wasn't impressed.  He smiled at Prim with obvious superiority.

“Come on, shoot us,” He encouraged her, feeling like a winner.

Fourth Nattawat was indeed the winner.  He was the one Gemini loved, he was the one Gemini always chose, he was Norawit's boyfriend and he would be his last kiss and the last person he would think about before he died.  For Fourth it was the biggest victory.  He was sure that they would not escape death, they would not escape its sharp clutches.  He had come to terms with it, something Prim had never been able to do.  She never learned that sometimes you have to be defeated to win something bigger. The smile disappeared from her face and Fourth continued talking.

“You can kill us, but we won't become wandering souls, and do you know why?  Because what you feel is nothing more than a disease, but what Gem and I have is a real, honest feeling that comes from the heart not the body.  You can kill us, but you will be haunted by guilt in every life.  You lost, Prim.  He will never love you like he loves me”.

Fourth slipped his hand out from under the bonds that Prim had tied too loosely in her carelessness and reached for Gem's hand.  Gemini took his hand, lacing their fingers together, and then confirmed his words.

“Yes, Prim, everything my boyfriend says is true”. He emphasized the words "my boyfriend" deliberately, knowing it would hurt and enrage the girl even more. That's what he wanted, that's what he expected.

“I will kill you, I will kill both of you!” Prim hissed through his teeth.  She walked up to Fourth and, wanting to take revenge for their words, leaned in to kiss him, he tried to back away, but she caught his face in her hand, making him unable to move.  As soon as her lips touched the boy's, she felt an invisible force push her back, causing Prim to fall to the floor covered with a thick layer of dust, peeling paint and plaster.  She looked up and froze.

“Heart!”  Gemini and Fourth shouted at the same time, and then Fourth added with a slight reproach in his voice:

“What took you so long?”

“Sorry, brothers, I couldn't find Phuwin.  But everyone's coming here now”.

Just at that moment they heard the loud trampling of many people's footsteps rising or rather running up the stairs.

“Faith works miracles, boys.  As long as at least one of you believed, you couldn't lose. Love is really amazing kind of magic”.  Heart smiled warmly at them, and only now did they notice that his soul was shining with a warm, delicate glow.  Having him close made them feel as if someone had wrapped them in a warm, soft blanket and given them hot tea with lemon to drink, slightly sour, but very tasty and comforting.

P'First was the first to run into the empty room, and behind him they saw Namtan, a girl from Gun's gang.  Behind them came the rest of their friends: Pond, Joong, Phuwin, Dunk, and even Professor Zee, who was filming everything with his SLR.

“Professor, you here?!” Prim only now understood the threat.

“Yes, I'm here. Good evening, Prim.  You have a charmingly surprised face, are you probably shocked to see me?  Ah, you students!  You never appreciate your professors, you don't care about our lives, you don't care who we are, that's why it's so easy to follow you.  I have been working for Commissioner Singto since the beginning, Billy and Babe are my subordinates and friends who gathered intelligence on you, it wasn't difficult, Babe has his charm, right? But your hatred blinded you. Babe was never straight, he has boyfriend, he only flirted with you because I told him so. He's one of my best people. ”

Prim gritted her teeth in anger.

She was defeated, but she wasn't going to give up that easily.  She put the barrel of the revolver to Gem's temple.

“Back off or he will die!”

P'First didn't fall for it.  He was already raising his own gun when suddenly someone rushed into the room, breathing heavily as if he had run several miles.  All eyes turned in the same direction.

“Sorry for being late.  I had to take my medical kit.  What did I miss?”  Doctor Khaotung looked around curiously.  “Oh, hello First, honey.  Nice to see you here.  It's wonderful to find out that you were never the bad guy.  When we get out of here, I'd love to be your boyfriend. P'Singto told me everything. You're a hero actually! That's so nice!”

These sentences caused quite a sensation among the gathered people, and P'First himself didn't know whether he should be touched by the way the doctor said it, or maybe he should be angry at him for the moment he chose, after all, it wasn't the best moment for such declarations.

“You silly cutie pie, how could you even believe that I was the bad guy?! I was only doing my job! I was asked to!”

“I'm sorry, but it's your fault, you played your role as traitor too well!”

Prim, taking advantage of the fact that everyone was watching the strange exchange between the doctor and the former Formula 1 driver, unnoticed, took a knife out of her bag and raised it up with the intention of stabbing Gemini in the leg.  Prim had been Gem's friend almost from the beginning, she knew him very well and knew how much he loved dancing.  Damage to his leg could have resulted in permanent disability and the need to give up dancing, and who knows, maybe even the music industry, which was so important to Gemini.

Dunk wouldn't let her do that.  He lunged forward and grabbed her hand.  Prim, however, was faster.  She still held the revolver in her other hand.  Before anyone could react, she pulled the trigger.  The sound of a gunshot filled the room.

“DUNK!  NOOOOOO!!!” Phuwin ran to his brother, who slowly sank to the floor, clutching his left breast.  A dark red stain quickly appeared on his gray T-shirt with the word NASA written on it.  Joong roughly pushed Phuwin away and quickly stripped Dunk of his shirt.

“Doctor, please help me,” Joong ordered in a cool, seemingly calm voice.  He was an actor, years of training turned into muscle memory that helped him overcome anxiety and fear, he acted automatically, taking on the role of a man who had to save the life of his friend.  Khaotung understood and immediately crouched down next to them, opening his suitcase.

“Okay, first of all we need to stop the bleeding.  Luckily, he wasn't hit in the heart, only below.  We will remove the bullet in the hospital, under sterile conditions, I don't want to do it here to avoid infection”.

Gemini felt strange.  He couldn't move or say a single word, and not because Prim had tied him up.  Something terrifying was happening to his body, which stopped responding to commands sent from his brain.  Then he heard Prim's loud, this time triumphant laugh once again.

“So what, Gemini?  Tell me what it's like to feel helpless?  What is it like to watch your brother suffer and not be able to help him?”

Gemini could only blink and breathe.  To his horror, he discovered that his heart rate was also slowing down and getting weaker.  A moment later, everything was covered with darkness.


From author!

Hi my lovely Magical People (Magicals)!!!

How are you today?

Yes, I really want to know!

Do you like this chapter?

And do you like this story so far?

If yes, please support it ❤️

And... What do you think can happen next?

What happened to Gem? Will he be alright?

I want to give you happy ending but if I won't see any comments I will give you the most heartbreaking ending as you can imagine!

Have a wonderful day Magical People ❤️

Love you all!

Also thank you GMMTV Boys for reading this! 🤣😜




(1.04. April Fools was yesterday but I didn't had this chapter back then, I wrote it today, 2.04.)


I really wish GMMtB Boys to read it, they'd be dead from laughing how stupid this writer is! 🤣😂

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