A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4

By tanishatribe1118

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Ash and Hayley Ketchum are continuing their journey in following Ash's Dream in becoming a Pokemon Master. As... More

Alola to New Adventure
The Guardian's Challenge
Loading the Dex!
First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style
Yo, ho, ho! Go, Popplio!
A Shocking Grocery Run!
That's Why the Litten is a Scamp!
Lillie's Egg-xhilirating Challenge!
To Top a Totem
Trials and Tribulations
Young Kiawe had a Farm
The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair
Racing to a Big Event!
Getting to Know You!
Rocking Clawmark Hill
They Might Not Be Giants!
Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!
A Seasoned Search!
A Guardian Rematch
Partner Promises!
One Journey Ends, Another Begins...
A Shivering Shovel Search!
Getting the Band Back Together!
A Team-on-Team Tussle!
So Long, Sophocles!
A Glaring Rivalry!
Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!
Lulled to La-La Land!
The Ol' Raise and Switch!
The Island Whisperer!
Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!
Big Sky, Small Fry!
A Crowning Moment of Truth
Currying Favor and Flavor
Trials and Determinations
Rising from the Ruins
Mimikyu Unmasked
Mallow and the Forest Teacher
Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence
Mounting an Electrifying Charge
Alola, Kanto
When Regions Collide
A Dream Encounter
Now You See Them, Now You Don't!
Deceiving Appearances
A Masked Warning!
Night of a Thousand Poses
Mission: Total Recall!
Faba's Revenge
Family Determination
Revealing the Stuff of Legend
Rescuing the Unwilling
10,000,000 Reasons to Fight
The Professors' New Adventure

Alolan Open House!

54 2 0
By tanishatribe1118

A suitcase wheels crossed the graveled ground as it was dragged by someone very familiar, walking up to Kukui's house.

Narrator: The Pokémon school is closed today. I wonder what Ash and Hayley are up to.

Hayley, bending her back: Ash is working on a presentation.

Meeko: Lucar.

Narrator: How nice of Ash to do that.

Hayley: You'll have to tell me what you actually think because I honestly don't know how I will react.

Narrator: Oh! Isn't that....

Coming up the sidewalk was Delia and Mr. Mime.

"In some cases, their appearances are different than other regions because the Alola region is an island region and they have to adopted to their environment?" Ash asked himself as he worked on his speech while Hayley was working on her own thing with Meeko in the background. "Huh? That can't be right! It's not adopted. (Groans) Oh, yeah, I know! It just means the Pokémon looks different!"

"Ash!" said Rotom, getting the elder Ketchum's attention. "Hold on! You need to be more precise! The difference between Alolan Pokémon and Pokémon from other regions has long been studied and it can't be summed up as simply as you're stating it! If you look at the data. It's easy to see!"

"Data? Me read that?" asked Ash. "By the time I'm done..."

"Read it." ordered Rotom.

"Rotom, would you give my brother a break?" asked Hayley, walking over to where Ash was.

"No I will not!" screeched Rotom, getting in her face.

"Ah! Boy, your voice went high." said Hayley, leaning back. "That hurt my ears, you know!"

"Lucario. Cario." said Meeko, her hands on her ears.

"Did you finish your part?" asked Ash.

"The writing part of it is done, just need to work on the routine." Hayley happily tells him.

"You're lucky that you have the easy job." grumbled Ash, giving her a look.

"It's not my fault that you're the eldest, Ash." said Hayley before going back to her routine for her presentation.

"....I'll have turned into an old man." said Ash, who's face looked like an older man with black hair, then he pushes Rotom away. "I can't do it! I can't do it!"

"There are important things in this!" shouted Rotom as he waves his arms.

"Oh, boy." said Ash. "I'm feeling older already."

"What?" asked Meeko.

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"Hey, Pikachu, Meeko. I'm ready for my oatmeal now." said Ash in a gravelly voice, causing Meeko to giggle.

"That's funny, Ashy." said Hayley, joining Meeko's laughter.

"You look like an old man." said Meeko.

"Working hard? Looks like you're struggling." Kukui said as he brings a tea tray over.

"Professor Kukui, I can't do this kind of stuff." said Ash. "Lillie and Sophocles are a million times better at this than I'll ever be. Maybe Hayley should do this."

"No way." said Hayley. "I may be observant, but there is no way I'm writing it for you."

"Now don't say that." said Kukui. "A lot of guests are going to be here for the open house. As a student, you have the critically important job of showing how hard you've all been studying while Jordan has the creative one. Just turn up your superpower."

"I'll need more than superpower to do this stuff." said Ash, taking a cookie off the plate.

Rowlet wakes up and trills as it hears the sound of food as Litten takes a piece from the plate. "Examining differences between Pokémon from the Kanto region and Alola." explained Kukui. "Since you're older that your sister, you're the only one who can address that, which is why Principal Oak specifically picked you."

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"So who's coming to this open house anyway?" asked Ash and Hayley.

"Students' parents, townspeople..." said Kukui, chuckling. "Anybody can attend."

"Oh." said the brother and sister.

"Okay, okay! I'll get some for all of you too!" Kukui said over the noise between Rowlet, Rockruff and Litten. Suddenly the doorbell rings, gaining their attention. "Hm?" said Kukui, looking over his shoulder.

"Let me get the door." said Ash.

"Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Let me get it, Ash." said Hayley.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"Who is it?" asked Ash, opening the door with his sister behind him.

"Mr. Mime." said Mr. Mime.

"Hi, sweethearts. How are you both doing?" asked Delia.

"Whoa! Its mom and Mr. Mime!" exclaimed Ash.

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu.

"Mom!" said Hayley, smiling.

"Lucario!" said Meeko. Looking glum, Ash looks up at his mother while Hayley stood next to him, grinning from ear to ear. "Mime." said Mr. Mime.

"Professor, it's nice to meet you in person." said Delia, introducing herself. "I'm Delia, Ash and Hayley's mom. Thank you for looking after my son and daughter."

"No problem." he tells her. "I totally enjoy having Ash and Hayley here They're both great students."

"How nice. Thank you so very much." said Delia, going into her pocket and handing her daughter a Pokéball, causing Hayley to smile. "Hayley, I have something for you. As requested by Professor Oak."

"All right! Thanks, Mom." said Hayley, hopping from one foot to the other, knowing exactly why she asked for this particular Pokémon. "Come on out and play!"

"Pik-Pika!" said Lyra, popping out of her Pokeball and falls right into Hayley's arms. "Pikachu!"

"Pi?" said Pikachu, shocked and surprised that she did this, then jumps towards Hayley with a smile on his face. "Pika! Pika!"

"What? Hayley has a Pikachu?" asked Kukui, surprised at this as Lyra climbs up onto Hayley's shoulder and onto her head. "Who knew?"

"Yep. Pikachu asked her to travel with us when we were back in Kanto." said Hayley as Pikachu lands on her shoulder. "She became his little sister and Meeko's honorary sister. We missed you so much, Lyra."

"Pika!" said Lyra.

"Hayley, Meeko and Pikachu missed you more than me." said Ash.

"Interesting." said Rotom, taking a picture of Lyra.

"Pika, Pika, Pikachu." Pikachu said to Lyra as they jumped down from Jordan's shoulders, hugging each other before doing their secret handshake.

"Lucario." said Meeko, smiling as Lyra gives her a hug.

"So, how did you get here anyway?" Ash asked their mom. "Did Mr. Mime win tickets for a vacation again?"

"Not this time." she tells him as Hayley shows Lyra around Kukui's house. "I heard about your Pokémon presentation for the open house and I certainly didn't want to miss it."

"Cool! You'll love it" said Hayley, once she finished introducing her Alola Pokémon to Lyra.

"Huh?" said Ash, leaning back from his mom. "How did you find that out?"

"Oh, Principal Oak told me all about it." said Delia. "I can't wait to hear what you'll say!"

"She's a proud mother, seeing her son and daughter in the spotlight!" said Kukui.

"Plus, I wanted to see everybody." she said to her children. "Nice to see you, Pikachu and Meeko!"

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed.

"Mama Delia!" squealed Meeko, running around Delia before jumping into her arms.

"I can imagine all the friends you've both made." said Delia.

"Yeah, we sure have!" said Ash and Hayley.

"Mom, look here!" said Ash as he introduced his Pokémon first. "This is Rockruff."

"Rockruff." barked Rockruff.

"And Rowlet." On the table, Rowlet was snoring away.

"Litten." said Ash, motioning to the fire cat on the couch, whose tail slightly went up.

"It's nice to meet you, Rocky and Rowlie and Littie." said Delia, smiling at Ash's Pokémon with Rockruff barking again.

"Mom, do you have to call them that?" asked Ash.

"I think little nicknames are cute." Delia said smiling.

"Whatever mom." he said, before mumbling under his breath. "Now I know why Hayley names her differently."

"These are my Pokémon, mom." said Hayley, showing hers.

"This is Leilani."

"Pikipek!" chirped Leilani, shying away behind her wing.

"Rogue and Harmony."

"Salan." said Rogue, flicking his tail a bit.

"Oricori!" said Harmony.

"And you'll meet Toph when we get to the Pokémon school." said Hayley, causing Delia to nod.

"Right! This is Rotom!" said Ash, introducing Rotom to their mom. "Rotom's also a Pokedex."

"What an honor! Meeting Ash and Hayley's mom." said Rotom.

"That's amazing! You can talk. I'm impressed." said Delia. "Hello there, Dexy Wexy."

"Mr. Mime." said Mr. Mime as Rockruff barks happily at him and turns to Rowlet. "Mr. Mime. Mime."

"Rowlet really likes to sleep a lot." Ash said to Mr. Mime, who gasps as Rowlet wakes up from what seemed like a nightmare, hooting as it rapidly flaps its wings and falls back asleep.

"It looks like you're having a lot of fun here." Delia said to her children.

"Yeah, it's super fun." said Ash.

"And I'm learning a lot." said Hayley.

"Hey, Rowlet, wake up, okay?" Ash asked when Litten stretches its body on the couch as Mr. Mime was making funny faces at Rowlet.

"Mime. Mime. Mime. Mr. Mime." said Mr. Mime with his hands in his mouth. Just as Litten walks by Delia, she picks the Pokémon up causing it to give out a surprised meow.

"Oh, Littie." Delia said to Litten and starts scratching it under the chin. "Your fur is so nice and fluffy."

Litten screeches before finally meowing contently in Delia's arms. "Amazing! I've never seen Litten so calm!" squealed Rotom.

"Yeah. Our mom's just got away." said Ash and Hayley nodding.

"Hey. We were just about to have tea." Kukui said to Delia. "Care to join us?"

"I would! Thank you." said Delia.

"I can take of it." said Ash.

"Thank you very much, Ash." said Kukui as he goes to get cups. Hayley starts to show Lyra what she was working on with Meeko next to them.

"Pika, Pika!" squealed Lyra.

"What's this?" asked Delia, looking at the table with Ash's paper.

"Ash's report." Kukui replied. "It's what he's presenting during our open house while Hayley works on a dance routine."

"I can't wait to hear about what my little boy's been working on and see what my baby girl has come up with!" said Delia.

"I didn't know that Hayley was an excellent dancer and gymnast." said Kukui as Delia starts to tell him.

"Man, what am I going to do?" Ash asked as he ducked behind the counter. "I'm not so sure my report's going to be any good at all."

"Pika!" said Pikachu.

"You have a 20% chance of successfully completing your report, which means you have an 80% chance of failing miserably." said Rotom.

"That's just great." said Ash, his hands going through his hair.

"You know..." said Hayley, crawling behind the counter with her Pokémon behind her. "We could always go back to Kanto."

"Thanks for the idea, little sister, but let's keep that as Plan B." said Ash.

"You got it." said Hayley, then pushes him with her shoulder. "Just remember that I believe that you're going to do great on your report. You and I are a package deal. Wherever you go, I go."

"Lucario." said Meeko, gently punching Ash's arm.

"Pika." said Lyra.

"Isn't there anything I can do to change that?" Ash asked Rotom.

"There is a way." answered Rotom.

"Yeah? What is it?" the siblings asked.

"Littie is the cutest little thing." said Delia as she rubs Litten's fur. Rowlet trills as it tilts it head to the side at Litten. Rogue sits between her and Kukui while Harmony and Leilani were sitting behind her. Litten opens its eyes and meows excitedly, hoping to get out of Delia's arms.

"There, there." she said, calming Litten again.

"(Chuckles) She's got you wrapped around her finger, right?" asked Kukui.

"All right. Come over here, Rocky and Rowlie. You too, Rouge, Leilani and Harmony." Delia said to Ash's other Pokémon. Both barked and trilled happily as they ran over to Delia, piling on top of Litten. "Aw. You're cute too!" she said as Hayley's Pokémon via for her attention as well.

"I'm back!" Ash called out as he brought out the tea.

"Oh, thank you Ash." said Professor Kukui.

"Thank you dear." said his mother.

"Here!" Ash said as he and Rotom giggled.

"Oh, my!" said Delia as the family of three walked onto campus. "It's quite the big event."

"Forget big, it looks like a huge event." said Hayley.

"It's open to everybody who lives in the town as well." said Ash.

"Oh, it's you, Litten dear." said the woman from the fruit stand.

"(Meows)" replied Litten.

"Littie must be your friend too, huh?" asked Delia as Litten meows again.

"She's always looking after us." said Ash. "Alola."

"Alola." said Hayley.

"Alola!" said the woman. "I wouldn't have missed this lovely event for the world. I'm so glad to see my Litten getting along so well!"

"So sweet." said Delia. "Littie's a doll."

"Oh, yes." said the woman, patting Litten's head. "Aren't you?"


"My! It's so big!" said Delia as she sees a paper mache of an Alolan Exeggutor.

"Ash, Hayley, Alola!" Lillie called out as she, Snowy and Hobbes caught up with the siblings.

"Isn't this wonderful?" asked Hobbes. "Alola, Master Ash. Alola, Miss Hayley."

"Alola, Lillie, Hobbes." said Ash and Hayley.

"Master Ash? Miss Hayley? Really?" asked Delia.

"See, Hobbes works for Lillie and her family as their butler." explained Ash. "This is me and Hayley's mom."

"I'm Lillie." said Lillie, introducing herself. "And I'd like for you to meet Snowy."

"Vulpix." said Snowy.

"I'm grateful that Master Ash and Miss Hayley always looks after Miss Lillie in such a nice way." said Hobbes.

"How sweet!" beamed Delia. "Although, I'm sure both Ash and Hayley are the ones being looked after. Wow! A white Vulpix!"

"Snowy's an Alolan Vulpix, so, it's an Ice-type Pokémon." explained Ash.

"Vul!" squealed the familiar red Vulpix, running up to them.

"Hey, Vulpix." said Hayley, petting its head.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"Ruff." barked Rockruff.

"That's the regular Vulpix." said Ash. "It's the one that hatched from Professor Oak's egg."

"Wow. So cute! I remember it well." said Delia as she rubs Vulpix's head. "Nice to meet you, Vulpix!"


"Alola! So nice to see everyone here." said Principal Oak as he made his way around.

"Alola, Principal Oak. Thanks very much for letting me know about this." said Delia.

"No problem at all." he replied. "I'm sure you're going to enjoy watching your children toot their own Rhyhorn!"

"A Pokémon that I was so close to getting at one point." Hayley mumbled to her brother, who smirked.

"Alola! Lillie, Ash, Hayley!" said Mallow, waving to them as they walked into the classroom.

"Alola." replied Lillie

"Alola! Whoa! So many people." said Ash as Meeko ran in with Lyra on her back.

"Pika!" squealed Lyra as she jumped down. Togedemaru took one look at Lyra before looking up at Pikachu.

"Togede?" Togedemaru asked, confused.

"Pika-Pik." Pikachu tells Togedemaru and starts to explain about Lyra.

"Huh?" said Sophocles, seeing another Pikachu.

"Whats wrong?" asked Lana.

"Is it just me or am I seeing double Pikachu?" he asked, causing Lana and Mallow to turn their attention to Togedemaru, Pikachu and Lyra.

"It's not just you, Sophocles." said Mallow, as Pikachu had finished telling Togedemaru his story about Lyra.

"Maru!" squealed Togedemaru, happy to have another friend before rolling over to Sophocles.

"It's okay, you guys." said Ash, as Pikachu jumps up to Ash's shoulder.

"You're not going crazy." said Hayley as Lyra jumps onto Hayley's head while Meeko jumps onto her back. It took all three to realize what was going on. "No way!" exclaimed Sophocles.

"You have a Pikachu too?" asked Lana.

"Yep. Her name's Lyra." said Hayley. "She's Pikachu's little sister."

"Pika-Pika!" said Lyra, waving to them.

"She's so cute." said Mallow, scratching Lyra's head.


"Ash, Hayley, is that your mom?" Mallow asked as they see Delia and Hobbes walk in. "She came all the way from Kanto to see you two?"

"Yeah. She sure did." said Ash. "So, where are your folks?"

"Well, my parents couldn't come because they have to run the restaurant." explained Mallow.

"My parents are working on the farm." said Kiawe as he starts petting Lyra.

"My mom and dad showed up! Hi!" said Sophocles, waving to his parents.

"Oh, hey!" said Ash, waving to Sophocles' parents.

"Oh, boy." said Lana. "My mom and my two little sisters came."

"So many! So many Pokémon!"

"Pokémon School!"

"We want to go to Pokémon school too!" yelled Harper and Sarah.

"All right." said Lana's mom, picking up the giggling twins. "When you're a little older, okay?"

"Okay, mom." said Harper and Sarah.

"Settle down."


"You're presenting in front of all these people, huh?" Sophocles asked Ash. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Are you nervous?" asked Mallow.

"You can do it!" said Lana.

"The thing is...." said Ash, looking away for a sec. "I'll be just fine."

"Keep telling yourself that, big brother." said Hayley.

"He'll be great! As I'm there, too!" said Rotom, causing Ash to sputter and grab him.

"You'll have to ask him if Rotom gets too far." said Hayley.

"You look a little nervous, Ash. Are you okay?" Lillie asked.

"Sure! Rotom and I practiced a lot! I'm going to be just fine!" Ash reassures her.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu, holding Togedemaru away from him.

"Togede. Togede!" squealed Togedemaru.

"Pika-pik!" said Lyra.

"Besides, I think Hayley's more nervous than I am." he tells her.

"No, I'm not. I'm perfectly fine." said Hayley, then turns to Kiawe. "Hey, Kiawe? Did you bring.....?"

"I did." he replied, handing her the Pokeball.

"Thanks! Come on out!" said Hayley, tossing it into the air.

"Mudbray!" said Toph, coming out of her Pokeball and nuzzled against Hayley's hand.

"Mom, Lyra....this is Toph." said Hayley.

"Nice to meet you." said Delia.

"Mudbray." said Toph, looking up at Delia and nuzzles her arm.

"Pika, Pika." said Lyra, climbing onto Toph's back. The bell rings and Kukui walks into the classroom. "Alola, all!" said Kukui.


"I know a lot of your parents are visiting today, but let's make it a normal day and keep learning about Pokémon, like we always do." said Kukui.

"Right." said the students.

"But first, Hayley and Meeko have something they both would like to show us." said the professor. "Don't you, Hayley?"

"Yes, Professor Kukui." said Hayley, standing up from her desk with Meeko trailing behind her. In front of the classroom, Hayley takes a deep breath and starts to sing as she does a dance routine.

I could get use to this heat on my skin.

I can feel every day that I'm a little bit stronger

I only wish each day was longer

Yeah! We're having fun in the sun

Week after week, it's just like we're on vacation

Yeah! Now our journey's begun

Friends till the end, number one's our destination

Under the Alolan sun!

Just as she finished, everyone but Kukui, Delia and Ash blink for a moment before the Alolan professor, her mother and brother started clapping. Up in the bell tower, Komala snores away as Hayley chuckled nervously while Meeko blushed before heading back to Hayley's desk.

"All right, Ash! It's all yours." said Kukui.

"Yes, sir! Okay." said Ash, nervous as he heads towards the front of the class.

"Hm." said Mallow, seeing Ash's strange walk.

"What the...." whispered Hayley, seeing a Pokedex shape object in the back of Ash's shirt. "is that Rotom?"

"Pika." said Lyra.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"Now....I'd like to talk a little bit about the Pokémon who surprised me when Hayley and I first came to the Alola region from Kanto." said Rotom, using Ash's voice. "First, I was surprised how the Pokémon my sister and I knew so well in Kanto looked completely different in Alola."


"If there's a way, tell me what is it!" said Ash, just before Hayley joined him.

"Believe it or not, I now possess the capability of voice sampling!" said Rotom.

"Who is this Sam?" he asked.

"You'll understand if you try it." said Rotom. "First up, simply say something to me."

"Say something to you?" questioned Ash. "All right! My name's Ash and I came here with my sister from the Kanto Region."

"Analyzing. Analyzing. Analyzing. Sampling complete." said Rotom. "I'm Ash. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, man! That's so weird." said Ash, backing away.

"Pika." said Pikachu with his back against the wall.

"Now I can sound just like you!" Rotom said happily. "Will you let me do the presentation, then?"

"Huh? Hm." said Ash, thinking for a moment. "Sure! That would be great!"

"Leave everything to me!" said Rotom.

[Flashback ends]

"Now Rattata's size isn't much different compared to other regions." Rotom said through Ash's voice. "I'll be done in no time."

"But its color whiskers are different."

"It's working!" said Ash and Rotom.

"Furthermore, about the two Pokémon eggs we were observing, one of the Pokémon eggs was brought from Kanto and the other was discovered on Mount Lanakila in Alola. When they hatched, it turns out they were both Vulpix, but they were both different types and different colors."

"Snowy? He means you." said Lillie.

"Vul." said Snowy.

"You see, it was discovered the same Pokémon may have different appearances due to their environments they might be raised in." said Rotom as he moves a bit in Ash's shirt. "There's research, but so far there's no concrete..."

"Wow. That Ash has really been hitting the books, hasn't he?" asked Sophocles' dad.

"Yeah." said Delia, a little surprised at this.

"Since when does Ash understand this complicated stuff?" asked Mallow.

"Not since I've known him." said Sophocles.

"At an academic conference, scientists announce their tests have had great significance, so their research will continue to attract attention." said 'Ash'. Kukui takes a look at Ash's back and sees a Rotom-shaped bulge inside his shirt. He sighs and looks over at Hayley, nodding at him.

"Not my idea." said Hayley. "But I'll have to continue dealing with craziness for 8 more years."

"Lucario." said Meeko, pointing to Rotom.

"On the other hand, recent research is being conducted about whether or not the variants only appear in Alola." said Ash, then scratches his back. "Other research is starting to suggest....Hey, Rotom! You're going too fast!...conducted in other regions. Concerning the Alola regions, Principal Oak say things like...."

"Hey Ash?" asked Hayley, staring at her brother. "If you really know all of this information, then tell me the difference between the Exeggutor from our region and the one from here?"

"Uh...." said Ash.

"This is what I have to deal with every single day." said Hayley, smirking at Pikachu, Lyra and Meeko.

"Lucario, Cario." said Meeko.

"It's solid 'Golduck' luck." said Principal Oak.

"His research is wildly known."

"This is so not cool." thought Ash as Mallow and the others glared at Ash while Hayley walks up to her brother.

"Do either of you want get a running start out of the school or..." Hayley whispered into her brother's ear.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu and Lyra.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"He's a respected Pokémon Roto-Researcher!" said a familiar voice in Ash's shirt.

"Roto?" asked Mallow.

"You're good at imitating Principal Oak, aren't you, Rotom?" asked Kukui as he takes Ash by the shoulders and turns him around.

"With my voice sampling feature, it's a piece of cake." said Rotom, appearing on the other side of Ash.

"That's my Ash." said Delia as they all groaned.

"I knew it was too good to be true." said Hayley, with her head at her desk before pointing at her brother. "He couldn't have memorized all that before getting here this morning."

"Lucario." said Meeko, placing her head on her trainer's back.

"Pikachu." said Lyra, patting her shoulder.

"So it was Rotom speaking the whole time." said Sophocles.

"I knew something really weird was going on." said Mallow.

"That Ash imitation was really good." said Lana.

"Principal Oak's as well." said Kiawe.

"I guess Rotom really wanted to be a part of it." said Lillie.

"That's for sure." said Kukui. "Your amazing report was highly informational. But, Ash, try to stay away from shortcuts."

"Ashy?" said Hayley, causing her brother to look up. "I still love you even if you didn't know all of that, right?"

Soon as she had said that, Ash started to smile and knew she was right. "Thanks, Hayley. I really do have the best sister in the world." said Ash, then faces Professor Kukui. "I'm so sorry."

"Then let's continue! Back to your report." Kukui said. "Tell us in your own words, everything you and Hayley learned since you've been living in Alola."

"Tell us, dear, about all the super-fun Pokémon you've met." said Delia.

"Pika. Pika." Pikachu said in agreement as Rockruff barked and Rowlet trilled.

"Pikachu." begged Lyra.

"See? You've even got my Pokémon begging, Ash." said Hayley as Rogue, Toph, Leilani and Harmony nodded.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"Thanks everyone. I'll try." said Ash, then tries his report again. "I'm not as good as Rotom, but I'll give it a shot! I promise!"

Delia nodded as Hayley and Meeko smiled. "Okay. Hayley and I first came to the Alola region on vacation. We both got so psyched after meeting all the cool Pokémon here, we both wanted to learn more about them, so we decided together as siblings to join the Pokémon school." said Ash. "After that, every day has been nonstop fun and excitement."

"Steenee." said Steenee as she and Mallow giggled.

"Exeggutor's neck is super long like this!" said Ash, demonstrating how long the Alolan Exeggutor's neck was. "And Snowy is as white as snow! You froze me in ice."

"Vulpix!" said Snowy.

"And both my sister and I got the chance to meet Tapu Koko, who's one of the island guardians." said Ash, then shows everyone his Z-Ring. "We battled with it and it was super fun!"

Ash then walks over to his Pokémon while Hayley brings her Pokémon with her. "Come here, everybody!" he said.

"Pika!" shouted Pikachu as he jumps onto Ash's shoulder and Rockruff barks.

"We've both got great sets of Pokémon as good buddies." said Ash as he holds Rockruff and Rowlet in his arms.







"Every day is full of excitement and fun and that's why I'm really glad we came to Alola!" said Ash. "You see? There's a lot to learn and we both want to learn it all!"

"Exactly!" said Hayley, chuckling with her brother.

"I hope you'll let me show you lots more great things about Alola!" said Mallow.


"There are so many things that I want to learn, too!" said Lillie. "What do you say? Let's learn them together."

"We'll go to the beach again. I'll guide you." said Lana.

"Pop. Pop." said Popplio.

"I'll do whatever I can to help too!" said Sophocles.

"Toge." said Togedemaru.

"Ask me anything you like." said Kiawe.

"Thank you, all of you." said Ash and Hayley.

"Pika. Lucar." said Pikachu and Meeko.

"Rockruff." barked Rockruff.

"I wanted to continue my presentation." Rotom said, sadly.

"Don't feel bad, Rotom." said Hayley. "It was good, but I don't think you would want any of us falling asleep."

"They're having a wonderful time!" said the woman from the fruit stand.

"I'm so glad that Ash and Hayley have made so many marvelous friends." said Sophocles' mom.

"I like Ash and Hayley." said Sophocles' dad. "You know exactly where you stand with them."

"That's true. Thank you." said Delia, taking the compliment as Komala rings the bell.


"Now, please feel free to have a look around our Pokémon school." said Kukui.

"Yippee!" said Harper.

"I want to see!" said Sarah.

"Sure, sure!" said Lana's mom as the twins dragged her by her arms.

"What do you say we have a look, dear?" Sophocles' dad as his wife.

"I'd like that." she said as they left the room.

"I think I'll have a look around as well." said Delia, then faces Mr. Mime. "Want to tag along, Mimey? Littie?"

"Mime. Mime." said Mr. Mime as Litten meows in her arms.

"(Sighs) It's all over." said Ash, finally relaxing.

"You did good, Ash." said Hayley, hugging her brother.

"I'm glad you were able to do your presentation properly in front of your mom." said Professor Kukui.

"Yeah." said Ash.

"I'm glad too." said Hayley. Everyone in the public looked around the Pokémon school, seeing what the students were doing. "This school's an amazing place." said Delia. "I'm totally impressed." Outside, there was a huge bang that gained her attention.


"Hey! You're in our way!" shouted Tupp as he and his Team Skull crew arrived.

"Huh?" said a student.

"This roadway belongs to us!" shouted Tupp.

"Team Skull has the right of way so move it!" shouted Rapp. "Every one of you!"

"And that includes you!" said Zipp as he rips a boy off of a ride Pokémon.

"Look you, this is the Pokémon School!" said a student catching the boy who had fallen to the ground. "So if you're not a part of it, then get out!"

"Excuse me, but this open house is open to the public!" said Tupp.

"We're the public and we want to see it." said Rapp.

"But if you want to do things the hard way, then fine!" said Zipp. "Garbodor, use Venoshock!"

"Bodor!" said Garbodor, raising its hand and shoots out its Venoshock, sending dirt up into the air. Team Skull laughs as everyone screams. "Tauros, go!" shouted Tupp and Tauros takes off, causing a mess on campus. "This is awesome. So let's get the lay of the land by stomping all over it!"

"Stop it!" shouted Delia as she steps outside.

"Say what, lady?" asked Tupp.

"How dare you come and do such a thing?" she asked them. "Everyone was having such a good time! Take your bullying elsewhere!"

"You talking to us?" asked Zipp.

"You're asking for a fight." said Tupp.

"Stop if you don't want to get hurt!" said Rapp.

"You won't listen to reason so...." said Delia as she sets down Litten, who then meows while shaking out its fur. "Now, Littie, shut them down!"

"(Meows)" said a shocked Litten.

"Mime. Mime. Mr. Mime." said Mr. Mime as he walks back and Litten meows in fear.

"Oh! Whats wrong, little Littie?" taunted Zipp.

"Let's have us some fun." said Rapp. "Zubat, Bite!"

"Quick, Littie, dodge it!" shouted Delia as Litten jumps back. "You can do it, Littie!"

"Litten!" shouted Litten, getting over its fear and scratches Zubat.

"Zubat!" Rapp cried out.

"Wow! Amazing Littie!" exclaimed Delia as Litten meows in embarrassment.

"Huh?" said Ash and Hayley as they ran up with their classmates.

"It's mom." said Ash.

"Oh no." said Hayley.



"Hey, mom!" said Ash as he and Hayley ran to her side. "What are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh, Ash, Hayley." said Delia, seeing her children. "Those bullies were doing bad things. I was simply teaching them a lesson."

"Uh! You guys!" gasped Ash.

"Not them again." said Mallow.

"What are you guys doing here?" asked Hayley.

"They don't learn." said Kiawe.

"Turto." said Turtonator.

"What!" Rapp exclaimed.

"Those annoying kids are here." said Tupp.

"But what can we do?" asked Zipp.

"Whatever, we can't back down now!" said Tupp. "All right! Today's the day we beat you for sure!"

"Excuse me, ma'am." Lillie said to Delia. "Come with us, all right?"

"Not a chance! I'm staying put!" Delia said to Lillie.

"Wow, Ash and Hayley, I had no idea your mother could battle." said Rotom.

"Well, Rotom...we are her children through and through." said Hayley as Ash groans. "It runs in the family."

"You'll have to deal with all of us!" Ash shouted at Team Skull.

"Pika!" shouted Pikachu.

"Rockruff!" shouted Rockruff.

"Huh? Rowlet?" asked Ash.

"I'm afraid Rowlet's taking a nap." said Mallow.

"Of course." said Ash, hearing Rowlet snoring.

"Lucario!" growled Meeko.

"Piki!" said Leilani.

"Pika!" said Lyra, joining the battle.

"You sure you want to do this, Lyra?" asked Hayley.

"Pika, Pika!" she said, nodding as she wanted to join her brother.

"You'll be sorry." said Tupp.

"All right, use Toxic!" shouted Team Skull.

"Dodge it!" shouted the small family, their Pokémon dodging the poisonous attack.

"Pika!" shouted Pikachu and Lyra as they jumped into the air with Rockruff and Meeko.

"Pikachu, use Quick Attack!" shouted Ash.

"Lyra, you too!" shouted Hayley.

"Pika!" they both shouted and ran within each other in sync, crisscrossing each other.

"Rockruff, use bite!" shouted Ash.

"Meeko, use Aura Sphere!" shouted Hayley. Rockruff bites into Garbodor while Meeko created a ball of aura between her hands before releasing it. "Littie, use Scratch now!" shouted Delia.

"Litten!" hissed Litten as its claws strikes Salandit.

"All right, Pikachu and Meeko." said Ash as he and Hayley got ready to use a Z-Move.

"It's time." said Hayley. Delia and Lyra watched in awe as brother and sister moved in sync with their Pokémon.

"Pi! Pika!"


"Let's show them what power's all about!" they shouted.

"Gigavolt Havoc!" shouted Ash.

"All-Out Pummeling!" shouted Hayley.

"Pika! Pikachu!" screamed Pikachu.

"Cari! Lucario!" screamed Meeko, quickly focusing all her power into punching Garbodor before Pikachu's Z-Move reaches Team Skull's Pokémon. Both Mother and her children groan as Pikachu's and Meeko's attack lit up the sky.

"Pika!" shouted Lyra, running up to her trainer. "Pika, Pika? Pikachu?"

"I'm fine, Lyra." said Hayley, reassuring her Pokémon as Team Skull's Pokémon laid unconscious on the ground.

"Lucar, Lucario." said Meeko, giving Lyra a thumbs up.

"This is why I can't stand those Z-Moves!" said Tupp as he and his team recalled their Pokémon.

"We're not going to forget this." said Zipp.

"Next time, battle us fair and square without your stupid Z-Moves." Rapp cried out as Team Skull ran off the school yard.

"I guess they forgot their bikes today." said Mallow.

"Yeah." said Ash.

"Not the best choice." said Kiawe.

"Nope." said Hayley.

"That was amazing, Pikachu and Meeko." said Delia, praising both Pokémon.

"Pika, Pika!" said Lyra, staring at her brother and sister in awe.

"That move is called a Z-Move." said Ash.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Chu. Pika, Pika!" said Lyra.

"Littie, thanks so much." said Delia, picking up Litten. "Z-Moves are the coolest! I sure wish I could do that."

She then has a little fun, demonstrating with Litten. "Yup. That's our mom." said Ash.

"Litten's really going to be feeling that later." said Hayley.

"Wow. It's truly like mother, like son." said Mallow. "Only in this case, like mother like children."

"They fly off the same handle." said Sophocles.

"And the way they needed to help." said Lillie. "All three have kind hearts."

"Vul." said Snowy.

"Say, everyone. Would you mind helping me to fix up this flowerbed?" Delia asked.

"I'd love to." said Lillie.

"Yeah, lets." said Mallow.

"Let's get some tools, okay?" Kiawe asked Sophocles.

"Okay!" said Sophocles.

"Ash, you can help out too." Delia said to her eldest as Hayley started to work.

"Huh?" said Ash, giving her a smile. "All right! Let's do it!" Walking by Principal Oak and Kukui noticed that Delia and the kids were fixing the flower bed. "Huh?" they both said.

"What a mess!" said Kukui.

"So what?" asked Principal Oak. "Working together is better than working 'Ludicolo'!"

"We'd be happy to help you out as well." said Sophocles' dad as he and his wife walked over to join as everyone worked on the flower bed.

"Well, dears, take good care of yourselves." said Delia as she and Mr. Mime had their luggage.

"Yeah, you too." said Ash and Hayley.

"Mr. Mime." said Mr. Mime.

"Pika." said Lyra, hugging Pikachu and Meeko.

"Pika." said Pikachu, returning the hug.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"So, you want to come with me, Littie?" Delia asked as it squeals.

"Oh!" said Ash. "Mom, you can't! Litten's one of my good buddies!"

"It was a joke." she tells him. "Bye-bye, Littie. Please look after Ash and Hayley, everybody."

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu.

"Lucario!" said Meeko.

"Rowl." hooted Rowlet.

"Rockruff." barked Rockruff.

"Litt." said Litten.

"Professor, please, look after my son and daughter, won't you?" Delia asked.

"Sure! You can count on it." said Kukui.

"We bought way too many souvenirs." Delia said to Mr. Mime as they walked away.

"Mime. Mime." said Mr. Mime.

"See you later! Bye, mom!" Ash called out.

"We love you!" said Hayley.

"Don't give the professor any trouble, okay?" she said, waving back at her children.

Narrator: Ash and Hayley's mother's unexpected visit caught our heroes by surprise, but everyone was happy to hear Ash share in his own words all he's learned so far in the Alola region with his sister.

Hayley: And getting a visit with Lyra was actually nice.

Meeko: Lucar.

Narrator: That's great.

Hayley: Yeah it is. At least Pikachu had fun.

Meeko: Lucario

Narrator, smiling: So, with many happy school days ahead, the journey continues.

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