A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4

By tanishatribe1118

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Ash and Hayley Ketchum are continuing their journey in following Ash's Dream in becoming a Pokemon Master. As... More

Alola to New Adventure
The Guardian's Challenge
Loading the Dex!
First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style
Yo, ho, ho! Go, Popplio!
A Shocking Grocery Run!
That's Why the Litten is a Scamp!
Lillie's Egg-xhilirating Challenge!
To Top a Totem
Trials and Tribulations
Young Kiawe had a Farm
The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair
Racing to a Big Event!
Getting to Know You!
Rocking Clawmark Hill
They Might Not Be Giants!
Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!
A Seasoned Search!
A Guardian Rematch
One Journey Ends, Another Begins...
A Shivering Shovel Search!
Getting the Band Back Together!
Alolan Open House!
A Team-on-Team Tussle!
So Long, Sophocles!
A Glaring Rivalry!
Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!
Lulled to La-La Land!
The Ol' Raise and Switch!
The Island Whisperer!
Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!
Big Sky, Small Fry!
A Crowning Moment of Truth
Currying Favor and Flavor
Trials and Determinations
Rising from the Ruins
Mimikyu Unmasked
Mallow and the Forest Teacher
Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence
Mounting an Electrifying Charge
Alola, Kanto
When Regions Collide
A Dream Encounter
Now You See Them, Now You Don't!
Deceiving Appearances
A Masked Warning!
Night of a Thousand Poses
Mission: Total Recall!
Faba's Revenge
Family Determination
Revealing the Stuff of Legend
Rescuing the Unwilling
10,000,000 Reasons to Fight
The Professors' New Adventure

Partner Promises!

27 1 0
By tanishatribe1118

Narrator: Our heroes are at the largest shopping mall on Melemele Island in the Alola region.

"What's that?" Ash asked picking up a heart shaped item. "Is it candy?"

"It looks like candy." said Hayley, taking a closer look.

"It's a kind of Pokémon food called Poke Beans." said Rotom.

"Yeah?" asked Ash and Hayley.

"Poke Beans sounds good." said Ash. "Wonder which one Pikachu would like."

"Want to try some Poke Beans, Meeko?" Hayley asked.

"Lucario." Meeko replied as Hayley picks up a few.

"Look, Steenee!" said Mallow, picking up a package of Poke beans. "Steenee likes these floral-patterned Poke Beans."

"Steenee!" squealed Steenee.

"What? Floral patterned? Updating data!" shrieked Rotom, taking a picture. "I didn't know they had Poke Beans like that."

"This Pikachu colored one might be good." said Ash, picking out a Poke Bean. "What do you think, buddy?"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu exclaimed.

"I'll take this, please!" said Ash.

"Since I don't know which one you'll like," said Hayley, staring at the three Poke Beans in her hand. "so I'll buy you the yellow, blue and green ones."

"Cario." said Meeko, nodding.

"If you like one of them, we'll buy more for you as snacks." Hayley said to Meeko.

"Mallow, Lana, Jordan, I'd like to look at scarves and bandanas for Snowy." said Lillie. "Sound good?"

"Vul!" squealed Snowy.

"Good idea." said Mallow.

"Then let's go." said Lana.

"Pop!" said Popplio.

"You know, they're sure having a wonderful time." said Sophocles.

"I guess." said Kiawe.

"Some statistics have shown when asked if they like to go shopping, over 87% of women answered they really like it, or they at least don't mind it one bit." said Rotom.

"Ugh! They should ask us the same thing!" said Sophocles.

"I'm one of the 87% who actually doesn't mind shopping." said Hayley. The boys and Hayley were outside when Lillie, Lana and Mallow exited the store.

"Glad you found something nice." said Mallow.

"Ha! So, I guess that wraps it up, doesn't it?" Sophocles asked.

"Not just yet, Sophocles." Mallow tells him. "Next, it's off to Alola Sunrise!"

"Yay!" said Lana.

"Oh!" added Lillie.

"You're kidding." wailed Sophocles.

"Alola Sunrise!" gasped Lillie. "I've always wanted to go there."

"Hold on. What's Alola Sunrise?" asked Ash.

"It's an accessory shop for Melemele Island girls and super popular." explained Mallow.

"Oh, boy." said Sophocles.

"Accessory shop?" asked Rotom.

"For Melemele Island girls." said Ash.

"They're made out of heart scales that wash up on the beach and Corsola branches!" Mallow exclaimed. "They have the most amazing accessories and everything is completely natural."

"Totally." said Lana.

"Oh!" squealed Lillie.

"You know, Hayley isn't one of those girls, is she?" Kiawe asked Ash, before both boys glanced over to her and Meeko.

"I wish that she was, but no." answered Ash. "Hayley hangs out with me too much."

"That's because I'm one of those girls who's just a little different, Kiawe." said Hayley, looking up at the boy. "That's all. It has nothing to with hanging out with Ash so much."

"Well, I think I'm going to go home." said Kiawe, standing next to Charizard. "I really want to give my Pokémon back at the farm the Pokémon food I bought for them today."

"Okay!" Ash called out.

"Later!" said Kiawe.

"Bye!" Hayley called out after him. Sophocles cried out for a moment, causing Ash to gasp.

"I forgot to water the flowers in my garden! See you!" said Sophocles, taking off.

"Water the flowers? That's his dad's job." said Ash when Rotom bleeps. "Huh?"

"Yeah....figures." said Hayley.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"What does that supposed to mean, Hayley?" asked Ash, causing his sister to point at the Pokedex.

"Alolan Detective Laki is starting in 17 minutes and 30 seconds, give or take a few." said Rotom as he shows them a timer.

"The DVR will record it." stated Ash.

"That's true. But watching it live and then record it is what a true Laki fan would do!" said Rotom, taking off as well. "See you later!"

"It's a new record. We have the weirdest Pokedex of all time." said Hayley.

"Uh, you know what?" Ash asked the three girls. "We've got something, too."

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"Lucar?" asked Meeko.

"Yeah...." said Hayley, trying to come up with a story as she looks at her brother. "We have to go do this thing for...."

"Right. For Professor Kukui!" said Ash, finishing Hayley's sentence but Lana, Mallow and Lillie weren't having it at all.

"You've got to come!" Mallow tells the siblings as Lillie giggles behind her. "You're going to have a great time."

"Yeah, let's go. Pikachu and Meeko too!" said Lana.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"All right." said Ash.

"Let's go." said Hayley. Once they entered the shop, everyone started to look around and trying on things. Hayley even looked at an accessory for Meeko. While Mallow, Lillie and Lana were still shopping inside, Ash and Hayley went outside on the deck. "Ah!" gasped Ash as he sees an island across the ways. "Ah! It feels great!"

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"This is something that I would never want to do again, unless I'm with Mom or Misty." said Hayley. "At least they have more opinions."

"True." Ash said, after stretching his back. "But you can't have their opinions all the time."

"Yeah, but at least they get me." said Hayley.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" the manager asked as she walks out of the shop.


"It's wonderful to be able to look at the ocean when I'm at work." said the manager, before looking at the siblings. "Did the two of you come with your friends? You must be close."

Ash chuckles as Hayley nodded. "You see? Are you make out that little island over there?" the manager asked, pointing out the island.

"You bet!" said the brother and sister.

"That island's known as Treasure Island." she tells them.

"Treasure Island?" asked Ash.

"Is there actual treasure buried on it?" asked Hayley when the manager shakes her head.

"I go there to find materials to make my accessories." she said. "I really do it for fun. Plus I get to see a lot of wild Pokémon."

"Pokémon? I want to go to Treasure Island, too." said Ash and Hayley in unison.

"What do you say?" Ash asked Pikachu.

"Pika." Pikachu replied.

"How about you?" Hayley asked Meeko.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"You're welcome to borrow my kayak, if you like." said the manager.

"Kayak? Really?" the siblings asked.

"Of course." she said. "I'll lend it to you as my little gift."

"Awesome! Thanks so much." said Ash as Hayley smiled.

"Ash? Hayley?" Lana asked as she, Mallow and Lillie walked out of the shop.

"We got some great things." said Lillie.

"And had such a great time!" said Mallow.

"That's great! Wow! Good timing!" said Ash.

"Huh?" said the three girls.

"Actually, its great timing." said Hayley.

"So you'll let me and my sister borrow your kayak right now?" asked Ash.

"Of course dear." said the manager.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." said Hayley, hugging the woman.

"See, Pikachu, Meeko, Hayley and I are going to explore Treasure Island." Ash explained to the three girls as he points to the island across the ocean. "What do you say?"

"Pika, Pika!" said Pikachu. Getting into the kayak, Ash paddles their way with Hayley sitting on his lap and their Pokémon in front of them towards Treasure Island. "Pikachu." said Pikachu as Meeko enjoys the sun.

"Ocean in the front." said Ash. "Ocean in the back! Ocean to the right. Ocean to the left!"

"Ocean everywhere!" exclaimed the siblings as they chuckled together.

"Pikachu. Lucario."

"Know what?" asked Ash.

"What?" asked Hayley.

"The sky's almost as blue as the ocean." said Ash.

" I never noticed that before." said Hayley.

"Neither did I." he tells her. "Ah!"

To the side of them, a splash of water knocks a group of Corsola into the ocean. "Hm. This's so great. It's so relaxing." said Ash.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Yeah." said Hayley.

"Cario." said Meeko.

"It almost feels like we're the only ones on the planet." said Ash. "Weird, but awesome."


"We should do something like this more often." said Hayley. "It's been quite a while since we had a brother and sister thing."

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"You're right. It has been awhile since you and I did something together." said Ash. "This is great. I'm so psyched."

"So am I." said Hayley.

"All right! We're almost there! Let's step on the gas!" said Ash and continued to paddled towards the island.

"Pikachu! Lucario!" shouted Pikachu and Meeko.

"Oh!" said Ash as he and Hayley looked at one of the cliffs.

"Cool." said Hayley.



The four looked at each other and giggled. "We made it." said Ash once they reached the sandy beaches.

"All right!" said Hayley.



"Let's move!" said Ash as the brother and sister ran along the water with their Pokémon by their side. "Huh?"

"Pika? Cario?"

"What's going on?" asked Ash, as he and Hayley see a group of Crabrawler gathered around in a circle.

"Who's fighting who?" asked Hayley, hiding behind a rock.

"I think they're having a boxing match." said Ash, peering from behind.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Lucar!" said Meeko.

"Some boxing match." said Hayley.

"Crabrawler." said one Crabrawler, swinging its claw back and knocking its opponent out of the ring. As bubbles appeared on the other Crabrawler's face, other Crabrawlers gathered around the champion. "Awesome!" said Ash.

"Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Don't tell me...." Hayley said to Meeko. "He's going to try and catch a Crabrawler."

"Yeah....he is." sighed Meeko, nodding.

"We live with crazy." said Hayley as Ash and Pikachu hopped over the rock.

"That was an amazing punch." Ash said to Crabrawler. "Mind if we hang out and watch?"

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed. The Crabrawler thought for a moment as they stared back at Ash and Pikachu, before taking off. "Oh! Hey! Wait!" Ash called after them. "Aw, man."

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"That was a bust. It would've been nice to have you catch a Crabrawler." said Hayley.

"It would've been fun." said Meeko.

"Yeah. Meeko would have a sparring partner." said Ash.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Cutie." said Cutiefly, buzzing past the siblings.


"Pika? Lucar?"


"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Who's that Pokémon?" asked Ash and Hayley.


"I'd find out if Rotom was here to tell us." said Ash.

"Sounds like its saying...Cutiefly, Ash." said Hayley.

"Cutiefly, huh?" he asked as Cutiefly lands on Pikachu's face.

"Pi. Pi...." said Pikachu.

"Cario, Lucario." said Meeko, backing up and hiding behind Hayley.

"Ah....Ah....Ah...." said Rotom, as Kukui brings Rockruff a bowl of Pokémon food. "Achoo!"

"Achoo!" said Pikachu, sneezing.

"I didn't know you could sneeze!" said a shocked Kukui.

"Someone is talking about me." said Rotom.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Lucario?" asked Meeko.

"Yeah. But I guess not today." said Hayley, pulling out a tissue for Pikachu.

"Pika. Pika." said Pikachu, wiping his nose.

"Your welcome." Hayley replied.

"Hey, maybe it thinks you're a flower, Pikachu." said Ash as Cutiefly flies away. "Let's go follow it!"

"After that Pokémon." said Hayley.



Ash and Hayley followed the small Pokémon to a clearing, causing them both to gasp at the site. "Pika!" gasped Pikachu.

"Lucario!" gasped Meeko.

"Wow." said Hayley as Pikachu jumps down from Ash's shoulder.

"Pika. Pikachu." said Pikachu as he takes a deep breath.

"Comfey." said Comfey, gifting Ash with a flower necklace.

"Huh? How cool is this?" Ash asked.

"Very cool." said Hayley.

"Pika! Lucari!" said Pikachu and Meeko.

"It's just like paradise." said Ash as he and Pikachu stretch out their arms.


"Exeggutor! Exeggutor!" said the Alolan Exeggutor, walking through the pasture.

"A bunch of Exeggutor!" exclaimed Ash, laughing.

"Exeggutor! Exeggutor! Exeggutor!" said Exeggutor as both siblings ran up to them.

"Whoa! Alolan Exeggutor." Ash than added. "They sure are tall."

"Exeggutor! Exeggutor!"

"Pikachu. Lucario."

"Taller than the ones back home." said Hayley.


"Let's follow them!" Hayley said to her brother, who nodded.

"You read my mind." said Ash and both chased after Exeggutor.

"Pika! Lucar!"

"Exeggutor! Exeggutor! Exeggutor! Exeggutor! Exeggutor!" said the Exeggutor as they swayed from side to side, causing Ash, Hayley, Pikachu and Meeko to copy them.

"Exe...." said the first Exeggutor, swaying back.

"Gutor!" said Ash, messing up the rhythm and caused the Exeggutor to look back at the siblings in anger.

"You've ruined their rhythm, Ash." said Hayley.

"Yeah, Ash." said Meeko.

"Ah! Uh... Exeggutor?" asked Ash.

"Exeg....Exeg....." said Exeggutor, confused.

"Exeggutor. Exeggutor. Exeggutor. Exeggutor." Stopping by a small waterfall, the Exeggutor takes a drink. "Exeggutor." said Exeggutor as the Ketchum siblings take a drink.


"Pikachu. Lucario."

"So this is where they were going." said Ash.

"And looks like they're having fun, too." said Hayley. Ash and Pikachu looked at each other, grinning.

"Ah! Oh!"


Both her brother and Pikachu jumped into the water. "I was expecting that." said Hayley.

"Lucario." said Meeko as the water hits them. As the day passes, Ash and Hayley started to have fun with Exeggutor. "Oh, whoa!" said Ash as he and Pikachu attach to the neck of an Exeggutor.

"Pi, Pi, Pi, Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Be careful!" Hayley called out to her brother as she was shoulder deep in the water.

"Don't worry, Hayley." said Ash as Exeggutor flings him and Pikachu towards the water. "Ah!"

"Pika!" screamed Pikachu as they hit the water.

"Thanks, Exeggutor!" said Ash, waving after them later on that day.

"Pika!" shouted Pikachu.

"Exeggutor. Exegg...." said Exeggutor as they filed out. Out on the beach, sitting in the sun, Ash was drying their clothes while Pikachu, Hayley and Meeko yawn next to him. "Are you guys tired?" asked Ash.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Yeah." said Hayley.

"Cario." said Meeko.

"Oh, that's right." said Ash, remembering the Poke Bean in his backpack.

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"What did you remember?" asked Hayley.

"What do you three say to snack time?" he asked.

"I say we eat!" said Hayley.

"Pikachu! Lucario!"

"Pika. Pikachu." said Pikachu when Ash hands him the Poke Bean and takes a bite. "Pika, Pika!"

"Here you go, Meeko." said Hayley.

"Thanks, Hayley." said Meeko as Hayley gives her one. "Yum!"

"Good, huh?" Ash asked them.

"Pikachu. Lucario."

"They both love it." said Hayley, smiling.

"We'll have one two." said Ash, handing a malasada to his sister, before taking one for himself. "Down the hatch!"

"Yummy." sighed Hayley.

"Mm-mm!" Ash said, watching his sister and their Pokémon eat their snacks. "Been awhile since it was the four of us."

"Yeah...it has." said Hayley.

"We've been around so many people." said Ash.

"And had a lot of adventures." said Hayley.

"Pika." said Pikachu.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"Ever since we first met you at Professor Oak's lab, we've done a lot of traveling and battling together." said Ash.

"What about me?" asked Meeko, tilting her head.

"This is when we first got Pikachu." Hayley tells her. "You were given to me as an egg by Professor Oak at the time, Meeko."

"That's right, sis." said Ash. "Then we came to Alola. We met Professor Kukui, Rotom, Rowlet, Rockruff, Litten....Kiawe, Sophocles, Mallow and Lana. We met Lillie, Principal Oak as well."

"And to this day, I think he and Professor Oak could have been twins in another life." said Hayley, causing her brother to laugh.

"You could be right." said Ash. "We've met so many other people and other Pokémon too! You know, I love Alola. It's great."

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Being in Alola is fun." said Hayley.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"Everyone's so warm, like the sun!" said Ash. "People and Pokémon live in peace, surrounded by nature. Hey, guys?"

"Yeah?" said Hayley.

"Pika. Cario."

"See, I want us to become stronger with each other, because we're a team." said Ash. "We've got island kahunas, island guardians and lots of strong trainers and Pokémon!"

"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu tells him.

"They've got some amazing stuff right here in Alola!"

"It's better than amazing, Ash." said Hayley.

"Pika?" Pikachu asked.

"They've got incredible stuff here!" said Hayley.

"You know, you're right Hayley." said Ash, as he looks out into the ocean. "And it's going to help me to become a Pokémon Master!"

"Yeah! Pikachu! Lucario!" said Hayley, Pikachu and Meeko.

"You get me, right, guys?" Ash asked. "I'm counting on you!"

"You know it, Ash. Because I'm counting you to help me become the best Pokémon trainer that I can be." said Hayley.

"I'll help you any way I can, Hayley." said Ash.

"Pika!" shouted Pikachu as he jumps into Ash's arms.

"Lucario!" howled Meeko, pouncing onto Hayley.

"Oh!" said both siblings, laughing as they were knocked down.

"Pikachu, that tickles! Come on!" said Ash as Pikachu rubs his cheek against him.

"Pikachu!" squealed Pikachu.

"Meeko!" shrieked Hayley as Meeko softly headbutts her face.

"Lucar! Lucar!" cooed Meeko.

"Cut it out! Pikachu! Meeko!" said Ash and Hayley as they were tickled by their Pokémon. By afternoon, all four fell asleep until they hear something near them.

"Huh?" they said, sleepily waking up then looked around to see a new group of Pokémon that had circled them. "Huh?"

"Ashy!" said Hayley, jumping into his arms.

"Oh, man! What are they anyway?" Ash asked.

"Pika, Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Cario!" said Meeko.


"Pi! Cari! Pika! Cari!" said Pikachu and Meeko.

"What do they want with us?" asked Ash.

"I don't know." said Hayley. "Maybe your hat?"

"My hat?!" said Ash.



One of the Pokémon bites Ash's foot, causing him to scream and throw Hayley into the air. "Pika!" shouted Pikachu as two other Pokémon rummage through Ash's backpack.

"Knock it off! No!" Ash shouted at them as he yanks his backpack away from them.

"Oof!" said Hayley, landing in the sand.

"Sorry, Hayley!" Ash called out.

"It's okay. At least the sand is soft." said Hayley, pulling her head out of the sand. The group of Pokémon took off with Ash's snack.

"Hey, that's ours! Pikachu!" said Ash, grabbing his and Hayley's backpacks.

"Pika!" said Pikachu, taking off after them and jumps on the Pokémon who took Ash's malasadas. "Pikachu! Pikachu! Pika!" Both Pokémon tumbled towards the water, still hanging onto the malasada bag with Pikachu taking it out of the Pokémon's grip. "Pika! Pika!" Pikachu said to Ash and Hayley.

"Way to go! Thanks!" said Ash as Hayley picks Pikachu up. "We've never seen those Pokémon either."

"But they sure look interesting." said Hayley.



A few Wingull squawked as the tide washes in, causing them to take off. Ash and Hayley were sitting on a rock, watching the sun set before Ash hops down. "We'd better head home." said Ash, reaching out for Hayley to help her down.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"I'm ready." said Hayley. Suddenly they hear a Pokémon.

"Huh? Hm? Huh?" the siblings said, confused.

"Pika? Lucar?" asked their Pokémon. Following the sound, Pikachu tries to locate the Pokémon with his ears. "Pi." said Pikachu, his ears twitched.

"What's that noise?" asked Ash.

"Whoever the Pokémon is, it sounds scared." Hayley as Meeko tries to communicate telepathically with the frighten Pokémon.

"Pi...Pikachu." said Pikachu

"Where's it coming from?" Ash asked, turning around. "Maybe this way."

As the siblings got closer, the louder the gibbering got louder. "Pi...Pika." said Pikachu.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"Huh? What's up?" asked Ash and Hayley as Pikachu jumps off of Ash's shoulder and towards a hole in the cliff. "Huh?"

"Pika, Pika. Pikachu." Pikachu tells the others.

"Cario, Lucario." said Meeko, trying to get a closer look.

"In there?" asked Ash, climbing after Pikachu. "Yeah, you're right. I hear something in there."

"A Pokémon's trapped?" asked Hayley.

"Sounds like it." Ash tells her.

"Pikachu. Lucario."

Further inside, Ash recognizes it was the same Pokémon from earlier. "I remember that Pokémon." said Ash. "It probably got lost and now it's stuck and can't get out."

"Pika..." grunted Pikachu, trying to get in there before falling back. "Pika, Pika."

"Come here." said Hayley, grabbing Pikachu by his waist. "That hole is too small for you and you're not a Pichu anymore."

"Pika....." Pikachu replied, knowing Hayley was right.

"But we still love you no matter what." Hayley tells him, getting a smile out of him and tickled his stomach. "Chubby Pika belly and all."

"She's telling the truth, Pikachu." said Meeko, telepathically as she gains his attention, poking his stomach and cause him to giggle. "Chubby Pika belly and all."

"Pika, Pika." said Pikachu, smiling widely as he pats his stomach.

"She's right, you know." said Ash, looking at the top of the cliff. "I wonder how it got in there. We've got to get it out."

"But how?" asked Hayley.

"We'll figure something out." said Ash. "Huh? I've got to climb that? All right." Ash starts to climb up when he loses his grip. "Pika." said Pikachu.

"Ash!" said Hayley.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"Oh, yeah? You can't beat me!" Ash shouted to the sky as he starts climbing up again. "Ugh! Aaarggh!"

"Pika." said Pikachu as Ash licks his hand.

"Hey, thanks Pikachu." Ash said.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"If you keep going at it like that, you're gonna end up breaking a bone." said Hayley with concern. The trapped Pokémon continued to be in distressed.

"I promise we'll get you out of there, so don't you worry." Ash said to the Pokémon inside.

"Pi, Pikachu. Pika?" Pikachu said, looking around and finds something as Ash was almost at the top. "Pika, Pika!"

"Hey, Pikachu! Where are you going?" asked Ash, only to let go of the rocky wall. "Oh, man. If only Rowlet were here..."

"Or Leilani and Harmony." said Hayley. Outside of Kukui's house, Rowlet was sitting on top of the window while Harmony and Leilani were sitting on either side of the rotating glass, watching the sun set. Suddenly, Rowlet tilts to the side, causing it to wake up and hoot. "Pek?" asked Leilani.

"Ori?" asked Harmony. They both looked at each other and then at Rowlet.

"It's probably asleep." said Ash.

"With Leilani and Harmony watching it." said Hayley.

"Exeggutor." said the Exeggutor, walking up.

"Huh?" said both siblings.

"Exeggutor." said Ash.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu, clinging onto the neck.

"Pikachu, you are one smart mouse." said Hayley.

"Cario, Lucar!" said Meeko.

"Ugh. But, Pikachu, why?" asked Ash. "Uh, what's going on?"

"Exeggutor." said Exeggutor, bending its head down.

"I don't know." said Hayley. "But whatever it is, Pikachu came up with a rescue mission."

"Cario, Cari." said Meeko.

"I see. Great idea." said Ash, helping Hayley and Meeko climb up. "You're a genius, Pikachu."

"Pika, Pika!" said Pikachu as Hayley picks him up and kisses him on the head, causing him to blush.

"I love you, buddy." she tells him.

"Cario." Meeko added.

"Here's the deal." Ash said to Exeggutor. "There's a Pokémon stuck inside that rock! Give us a lift, okay?"

"Exeggutor. Exegg." said Exeggutor.

"All right!" shouted Ash and Hayley.

"Pikachu! Lucario!"

"Thanks Exeggutor." said Ash.

"Thanks for the lift, Exeggutor." said Hayley.

"Pika, Pika!" said Pikachu.

"Lucar, Lucar." said Meeko.

"We're coming down! You just relax, okay?" Ash said, calling down to the Pokémon. It gibbers in fear as a small rock falls. "I know. It's scary, but you've got to stay calm, okay?"

Ash went down first with Pikachu on his head and Hayley, not far above him with Meeko on her shoulders. "Pikachu. Lucario." both Pokémon said, soothing the scared Pokémon.

"One, two, three!" said Ash, jumping to the ground, causing the Pokémon to be terrified even more. "Ah! Argh!"

"Hello? Ash? Meeko and I are still up here!" said Hayley, holding onto the walls.

"Oh, yeah. I've got you, Hayley." said Ash with his arms outwards to catch her. Hayley had let go of the wall, letting gravity take her and Meeko into her brother's arms.

"We scared you. I'm sorry." He tells the Pokémon who now was running around and tries to get out through a small dark hole. "I said I'm sorry."

"He means it." said Hayley as the Pokémon jumps out of the way.


"Pika. Lucar."

"What do you know?" asked Ash as he removes a few rocks. "So this is how you got in. But the rock's in the way and now you can't get out. You're lucky you didn't get squished." He then tries to get the big boulder out of the way.

"Looks like we're stuck here." said Hayley as the Pokémon beside her gibbers.

"You said it." Meeko said in agreement.

"Don't worry." Ash assures them. "Hey, Pikachu! Help me out!"

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"Use your Iron Tail on that rock!" said Ash.

"Pika! Pika!" exclaimed Pikachu, taking a step back before heading towards the rock. "Pikachu! Pika!"

"Exegg!" said Exeggutor, standing outside. "Exeg."

"Oh, man, that was great!" said Ash once the dirt had cleared. "Now you can get out."

"Easy for you to say." said Hayley as she, Meeko and the Pokémon were knocked back.

"Cario." said Meeko, using Psychic to move the rocks out of the way.

"Exegg." said Exeggutor, peering from the other side. The Pokémon runs out ahead of Ash, Hayley, Pikachu and Meeko. "Exegg. Exeggutor."

"Okay. You can go. I'm sure your friends are worried about you." Ash tells the Pokémon.

"Pika, Pika." said Pikachu.

"I bet they're really worried about you." said Hayley.

"Lucar." said Meeko.

"Huh?" said Ash and Jordan as they looked out into the water.

"Look at that. They're your friends, right?" asked Ash, seeing the group in the water.

The Pokémon squealed in delight, seeing its friends in the water. "Bye! Take care!" said Ash and Hayley.

"Pikachu! Lucario!" said Pikachu and Meeko. The Pokémon turns back to the siblings, swimming towards them.


"Pika? Cari?"

"Huh? Yeah?" Ash asked, bending down as the Pokémon gave its thanks to the siblings.

"Have fun." said Hayley as it smiled towards her and heads back towards its friends.


"Pika." said Pikachu as he and the others watched them swim away. "Pika. Pika?" Across the sky, something was glittering.

"Huh?" said Ash and Hayley.

"A Pokémon?" asked Ash.

"A different one at that." said Hayley.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Lucario." said Meeko. The Pokémon, another Island Guardian, flies towards them, sprinkling its 'glitter' all over them. "Lelele." said the island guardian as it flies by.

"Huh?" said Ash as Hayley takes a look at her arms.

"Ash?" she asked as he looks down to see his wounds healing. "I don't get it."

"Neither do I, sis." said Ash. "The scratches, but how? They're all gone. That was great! Thanks so much!"

"Thank you!" Hayley called out. It was already dark enough when Ash and Hayley arrived back at Kukui's house.

"It was probably Tapu Lele." Kukui tells the siblings.

"Tapu Lele?" asked Hayley and Ash.

"Whoa! Does the name mean its Tapu Koko's friend?" asked Ash.

"If it is, can Tapu Koko asked if I can give it a hug?" asked Hayley.

"Correct! Meeting it is exceptionally rare. And the Pokémon you both helped is most likely a Wimpod." said Kukui. "But as to giving it a hug, you'll have to asked Tapu Koko on that the next time you see it."

"Wow. Wimpod?" asked Ash, looking at Hayley, who now started to rub her eyes. "Will you check them out for us?"

"It's my pleasure." said Rotom. "Tapu Lelele, the Land Spirit Pokémon, a Psychic and Fairy type. Tapu Lele playfully flutters around while scattering its mysterious glowing scales. It's said whoever touches its scales is instantly healed."

"That's why our scratches are gone." said Ash.

"Wimpod, the Turn Tail Pokémon, a Bug and Water Type." said Rotom. "From beaches to sea beads, Wimpod lives in all kinds of places. They eat anything, even if its rotten. Natures vacuum cleaners."

"You see, Tapu Lele is the Island Guardian of Akala Island." said Kukui. "And meeting it was a real stroke of luck."

"Yeah! I want to see it again!" said Ash. "Think Hayley and I can?"

"I suppose, if your luck holds out." said Kukui, placing the four plates on the table.

"No, I don't need luck." said Ash. "I'll see it again. We'll see it again."


"Yeah, if the Ketchum good luck streak doesn't run out." said Hayley, swallowing her bite of food.

"You don't know that." argued Ash.

"Neither do you." said Hayley, causing her brother to roll his eyes at her.

"You guys can all meet it too, okay?" Ash said to their Alolan Pokémon.



"Dig in, you guys." said Ash.


Narrator: Our heroes' action-packed day trip has given them a chance to meet new Pokémon and make new memories.

Hayley: And spend one on one time with my brother.

Narrator: Was it fun.

Hayley: It was better than fun.

Narrator: Glad to hear it. But only time will tell if Ash, Pikachu, Hayley and Meeko will ever meet Tapu Lele again, as the journey continues.

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