A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4

By tanishatribe1118

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Ash and Hayley Ketchum are continuing their journey in following Ash's Dream in becoming a Pokemon Master. As... More

Alola to New Adventure
The Guardian's Challenge
Loading the Dex!
First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style
Yo, ho, ho! Go, Popplio!
A Shocking Grocery Run!
That's Why the Litten is a Scamp!
Lillie's Egg-xhilirating Challenge!
To Top a Totem
Trials and Tribulations
Young Kiawe had a Farm
The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair
Racing to a Big Event!
Getting to Know You!
Rocking Clawmark Hill
They Might Not Be Giants!
A Seasoned Search!
A Guardian Rematch
Partner Promises!
One Journey Ends, Another Begins...
A Shivering Shovel Search!
Getting the Band Back Together!
Alolan Open House!
A Team-on-Team Tussle!
So Long, Sophocles!
A Glaring Rivalry!
Pulling Out the Pokémon Base Pepper!
Lulled to La-La Land!
The Ol' Raise and Switch!
The Island Whisperer!
Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!
Big Sky, Small Fry!
A Crowning Moment of Truth
Currying Favor and Flavor
Trials and Determinations
Rising from the Ruins
Mimikyu Unmasked
Mallow and the Forest Teacher
Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence
Mounting an Electrifying Charge
Alola, Kanto
When Regions Collide
A Dream Encounter
Now You See Them, Now You Don't!
Deceiving Appearances
A Masked Warning!
Night of a Thousand Poses
Mission: Total Recall!
Faba's Revenge
Family Determination
Revealing the Stuff of Legend
Rescuing the Unwilling
10,000,000 Reasons to Fight
The Professors' New Adventure

Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!

39 0 0
By tanishatribe1118

A crime-drama was playing on tv inside of Kukui's house. "The culprit in this case is exceptionally cunning, indeed." said the detective. "To avoid suspicion, the culprit made Mr. Makani hide his treasure, the Princess Tear, himself."

"What?" asked Mrs. Makani. "My husband hid the Princess Tear himself?"

"Ma'am, your husband was coerced into doing so without realizing it." said the detective, with a Smeargle by his side. "Afterwards, he just disappeared into thin air, just like he was told to."

"You keep repeating culprit." said the chauffer. "Just who are you saying this culprit actually is?"

"Great question!" said the detective. Gathered around the popcorn, Ash, Jordan and their Pokémon took handfuls as they watched the show.

Narrator: What's this? It looks like everyone's watching TV together. This is an extremely popular program in the Alola region, Alolan Detective Laki.

Hayley, head in her hands: Its Rotom's favorite TV program and I'm already bored out of my mind.

"If you want to know who I think did it....it's this fellow, no doubt in my mind!" said Rotom, pointing to the chauffer.

"I'm not so sure." said Kukui, chuckling. "I believe that its Makani's wife."

"Really?" asked Rotom, floating over to the Professor. "I must say that's a bold guess."

"I'd say you're hooked on Laki too." Kukui said to Rotom.

"It's a good show. Why not?" said Rotom, causing both Pokedex and Professor to giggle at each other.

"Mm. Hey, what's with the hair?" asked Ash and Hayley.

"Pika? Lucar?" asked Pikachu and Meeko.

"Great question! You see, it's part of my Laki dress up kit!" answered Rotom. "The professor bought it for me and with seven detective tools, it's a super-duper deal!"

"Seeing you wear a wig is freaking me out." said Hayley, before placing a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"Not only is it freaking me out....it's just plain weird." said Meeko.

"Wigs never freaked you out before." said Ash.

"That's because it was normally Team Rocket who wore the wigs......and those crazy disguises." Hayley pointed out. "Not us or the Pokedex."

"You got me on that, sis." said Ash.

"Lucario." said Meeko.

"That's because you know that I'm right." said Hayley as Meeko eats some popcorn.

"Don't worry, Hayley." said Kukui. "Rotom will keep the wig wearing to a minimum."

"Pikachu." said Pikachu, touching Rotom's wig.

"Thanks, Professor Kukui." said Hayley.

"The culprit is the only one who knows where the Princess Tear is hidden." said Laki, walking to one side of the room. "However, the culprit hasn't realized I know where its hidden as well." Everyone in the room was shocked at Laki's statement.

"Who's the culprit of this case?" Laki asked, then points to the suspect. "Why, it's you. You heard me. It's you, doctor." The others gasped as Kukui and Rotom did. "Incredible." they said, shocked.

"You suspect me?" the doctor asked. "Nonsense! I demand to see the proof!"

"Happy to oblige, Doctor." Laki said, calmly as he walks over to the doll, picking it up off of the shelf. "The proof is in this Sableye doll."

The doctor snarls at the discovery as Laki continues. "And there's more." said Laki, walking back to his partner. "Now Smeargle."

"Smeargle." said Smeargle, jumping over to the couch and grabs the doctor's bag.

"Thank you. When it comes to assistants, you're the top of the list." said Laki.

"Smeargle." said Smeargle, pulling out an identical Sableye doll from the doctor's bag.

"Doctor, you prepared this Sableye doll, so you could swap it out with this one in secret at a later time because...." said Laki, revealing the hiding spot of the Princess Tear. "The Princess Tear was kept hidden in this Sableye doll right under our noses here in this room."

The doctor sighs as he sits back down after being found out. "I found it as I promised you, Mrs. Makani." said Laki, handing over the Sableye doll to her.

"I'm grateful." she replied, taking the Sableye doll from the detective. "The jewel may have been rescued, but it won't bring my husband back!"

"Everything was going according to plan." said the doctor as Mrs. Makani sobs. "Oh!"

"You thought you could deceive everyone, but you can't deceive Alolan truth and Laki, ace detective!" said Laki. "Yes, I've never met a case I couldn't solve! Alolan Detective Laki. Count on me!"


"He's so cool!" said Rotom and Kukui.

"Such logical crime-solving with a bold approach!" said Rotom. "Alolan Detective Laki is the best!" He then turns around to face the siblings.

"Hey, A...." said Rotom, seeing them on the couch, fast asleep. "They're fast asleep."

"Huh?" said Kukui, seeing the brother, sister and their Pokémon were asleep on the couch. "Oh, come on, you two. Wake up. If you both doze off sitting up, you're going to be really sore tomorrow!"

Waking up with their eyes half opened, Ash and Hayley yawned and grunted as they went up to the loft. Ash hits the couch as Hayley stretches out on the floor, both falling asleep very quickly.

"Ash, Hayley? Do you both want to know who the culprit was?" asked Rotom, floating around both siblings. "If you really want to know, I'd be glad to tell you."

"I don't want to know, Rotom." grumbled Hayley.

"Luca...rio." added Meeko.

"I'm tired. Can you tell me tomorrow?" asked Ash. "Rotom? You know you're still wearing that wig, right?

"No. There." said Rotom, finally taking it off. "Ash, Hayley, the culprit was...." Rotom couldn't finish his sentence as Ash was snoring and Hayley cuddled up to Meeko. "Asleep again?"

Rotom looked up at the window and started to practice his Laki imitation on his reflection. "The culprit....it is you!" he said to his reflection. "Let me try again. It is you. It is you. It is you!"

"Komala." yawned Komala as it rings the Pokémon school bell.

"It's gone! It's gone! It's gone! Where? Why?" said Ash, rummaging through his backpack before going through Hayley's.

"Hey!" Hayley exclaimed, trying to grab her backpack from her brother. "You could've just asked to look in there."

"It's not here!" said Ash, tossing Hayley's backpack behind him, causing her to go after it as he looks underneath his desk. "It's not here either!"

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"Ruff." barked Rockruff.

"Cario." said Meeko.

"What are you looking for, Ash?" asked Mallow. "Is there anything I can do?"

"I can't find my Electrium Z." he replied.

"Great! Now I have to put everything back inside." said Hayley, walking back after catching her backpack.

"Idiot." grumbled Meeko, glaring at Ash's back.

"Oh, my." said Lillie, seeing Hayley's things tossed around Ash's desk as Ash starts to sob a little.

"My Normalium Z's right here." Ash said, showing the others the proof.

"Isn't Electrium Z the Z-Crystal you received instead of the other one?" Lillie asked him.

"It was after Hala's grand trial, right?" said Lana.

"It sure is and its super-special because I got it from Tapu Koko too while Hayley got a Fightinium Z." said Ash, stressing out even more.

"Oh, no!" said Lillie, Lana and Mallow.

"I haven't seen him act like this in a long time." said Hayley in a monotone voice before looking at the others. "Last time he was acting like this, it was with a Ghost Pokémon back home."

"Tapu Koko's going to be so mad!" said Ash.

"Not to mention Kiawe." said Sophocles. "He's going to be furious when he finds out you lost a Z-Crystal."

Ash whimpers as he imagines what an angry Kiawe would say to him.

[Ash's imagination]

"I can't believe you would lose a precious Z-Crystal!" said an Angry Kiawe.

"Sorry, Kiawe!" said Ash.

"Sorry isn't good enough!" he said.


"Use Inferno Overdrive!" shouted Kiawe.

"Turtonator!" shouted Turtonator, sending Ash into the air and breaking the 4th wall.

[Ash's imagination ends]

"Oh yeah. They're both going to be extremely livid with you." said Hayley, imagining the look on Tapu Koko's face. "More like Kiawe will be angry with you than Tapu Koko. I suggest you run while you still can, Ash. Save yourself."

"Hayley's right." said Sophocles. "But if I were you, just give up while you still can."

"You still have your Z-Crystals, right Hayley?" asked Mallow.

"I sure do. Their right here." she answered, showing the others a light blue case that held her Z-Crystals. "I got the case from Professor Kukui after Hala's grand trial so I won't lose them."

"How thoughtful." said Lillie.

"Leave it to me!" said Rotom, behind them.

"Huh?" they said.

"Rotom!" said Ash.

"Oh, no.....not the wig!" said Hayley, slightly freaking out as Meeko huffs.

"I can solve this mystery!" said Rotom. "The name's Alolan Detective Rotom and I'll get your Z-Crystal back!"

"Bounsweet." said Bounsweet.

"Toge." said Togedemaru.

"Popplio." said Popplio.

"Cario." said Meeko.

"Pika." said Pikachu, reaching up towards the Laki wig.

"Stop! Not my hair!" Rotom scolded Pikachu.

"I'm counting on you." said Ash.

"I won't let you down." said Rotom.

"This is either going to be really funny at the end or going to go wrong." said Hayley.

"I'm betting on the second one." said Meeko.

"Alola!" said Kiawe, entering the room.

"Ah!" screamed Ash, turning around.

"Uh....Alola." said the others.

"What?" Kiawe asked them. "Did I miss something?"

"Ash....don't you have something you want to tell Kiawe?" asked Hayley, pushing her brother towards the fire type trainer.

"You didn't miss a thing!" said Ash, waving his arms for no reason.

"Uh, okay." said Kiawe.

"Chicken." muttered Hayley, causing Ash to glare at her as she crosses her arms.

"Am not." Ash whispers to his sister.

"Hurry, Rotom Dex." whispered Lana.

"I'll go gather the data." whispered Rotom.

"Pikachu, you go help Rotom, okay?" asked Ash.

"Pika." Pikachu replied and follows Rotom out of the classroom.

"Pikachu? Starting now, you're my assistant." Rotom said to Pikachu out in the hallway and heading towards an office. "Gathering information is basic detective work. And I'll show you how you do just that."

"What? Ash lost his Electrium Z?" asked the professor.

"Right. It could've happened at school, or at home." said Rotom. "It could be anywhere, so let's review!"

"Uh, yesterday, while I was on my lunch break...." Kukui said, thinking back to the day before.


Out on campus, Kukui was watching his students from his classroom.

"the last thing I remember is watching Ash and Kiawe as they worked on their Z-moves." Kukui tells Rotom. "Ash was practicing with Rowlet, so he must have been using his Normalium Z."

[Flashback ends]

"It's quite possible he dropped his Electrium Z somewhere in the schoolyard while he was busy practicing." Kukui said, giving out a theory.

"In the school yard." said Rotom, chuckling. In the bell tower, Rotom and Pikachu were looking out into the school yard.

"The Pokémon school's school yard is way too big!" said Rotom, looking through a pair of binoculars. "The chances of finding something as small as an Electrium Z are 0.000002%." He then turns to face the sleeping Pokémon on the bell. "Komala! Have you seen Ash's Z-Crystal?"

In response, Komala only yawns at Rotom. "I wish you'd answer my question." said Rotom, flipping a strand of his Laki wig while behind him, Pikachu tries again to get something out of it. Before Pikachu could, Rotom quickly turned around causing Pikachu to look away innocently.

"Huh?" said Rotom, looking at Pikachu, before turning away. "Come to think of it, Komala is always napping. Huh?"

Pikachu was still looking innocent. "It just isn't possible." said Rotom.

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu, making another attempt when Rotom glared at the mouse.

"I would've seen it." said Rotom as Pikachu brushed the wig.

"Pikachu." Pikachu said again, causing Rotom to get frustrated.

"Don't you have anything better to do than pull my hair?!" screeched Rotom.

Outside in the schoolyard, using his magnifying glass, Rotom and Pikachu take a close look at the ground. "Aw!" he said. "It's nowhere to be found."

"Pi. Pi." said Pikachu, sniffing the ground. "Pika!"

"Success?" asked Rotom.

"Pika. Pika. Pika!" said Pikachu, pointing to the ground and starts digging.

"Wow!" exclaimed Rotom. "You're the best assistant a detective could hope for."

"Pika?" questioned Pikachu, looking at what he found.

"Hm?" said Rotom and something popped up.

"Diglett!" said Diglett, popping out from the ground. "Dig. Dig. Dig. Dig...." Diglett heads back into the dirt as Rotom and Pikachu came back down. "Pikachu." said Pikachu.

In a classroom, Principal Oak sighs as he pins a picture to a corkboard when Rotom and Pikachu spots him. "What are those pictures?" asked Rotom, entering the classroom.

"Oh, Rotom." said Principal Oak. "A cameraman from Alola TV came here yesterday and took them."



"They're going to use them for next year's Pokémon Pancake Race Poster." Principal Oak tells Rotom.

"They're excellent." said Rotom, complimenting the pictures of the principal. "A skilled photographer, indeed."

"I agree! With Vulpix like these, I'll win again!" said Principal Oak, with another Pokémon joke.

"Vul!" squealed Vulpix.

"Thanks for the encouragement. Vulpix, my top pick!" he said, smiling at the Kanto Pokémon.

"Pix!" said Vulpix, beaming back at him.

"Vulpix, my top pick!"


"Pika?" said Pikachu, confused.

"I'm training Vulpix to respond when it hears its name." the principal explained. "As a Pokémon pun, of course."

"Not funny." said Rotom.

"What?" Principal Oak asked. "The cameraman thought it was so funny. He decided to shoot a video all by his Mothim-self."

"So, Principal? You and Vulpix. Were you his only video subjects?" asked Rotom.

"Of course not." he replied. "He recorded many events here at the Pokémon school. He was especially impressed seeing Ash and Kiawe practicing. They were polishing off their Z-Moves."

"Of course! That's it!" said Rotom. "Yes, I've never met a case I couldn't solve. Alolan Detective Rotom. You can count on me! Let's hurry! Alola TV, here we come!"

"Pika!" shouted Pikachu as he ran after Rotom.

"If we watched the video the photographer shot, I'm certain we'll know where the Electrium Z went!" said Rotom as he and Pikachu went off grounds.

"Pika. Pika." said Pikachu.

"Our next lesson is dealing with Pokémon moves." Kukui said to his students. "Let's meet up out on the schoolyard."

"Come on, Bounsweet." said Mallow.


"Popplio? Come with me!" said Lana as she bends down to Popplio's level. "Let's work on making even bigger balloons than ever before!"

"Pop. Pop." said Popplio.

"Ash? Where's Pikachu?" Kiawe asked the oldest Ketchum.

"Huh?" said Ash, causing the others to gasp.

"Well....you see, Kiawe...." said Hayley.

"Pikachu had other stuff to do." said Ash, quickly coming up with the lie.

"That's a shame." Kiawe said to the siblings. "And today I really wanted to practice being attacked with Gigavolt Havoc too."

"Giga....Gigavolt Havoc, huh?" asked Ash. "Sorry. I was going to train with Rockruff today. Funny how things work out, huh?"

"I guess so, yeah." said Kiawe.

"Yeah! Rockruff! Good idea!" said Mallow, walking over to Ash and Hayley.

"Rockruff! Rockruff, nice Rockruff." said Lana.

"You don't need your Electrium Z with Rockruff." said Sophocles.

"Sophocles." warned Lillie.

"My bad." Sophocles said, guiltily.

"Electrium Z? What about it, Ash?" asked Kiawe.

"You're so funny, Ash." Lillie said, ignoring Kiawe's questions.

"I suddenly feel crowded." said Hayley.

"Me too." added Meeko.

"Okay, let's go!" said Mallow, as the group takes the siblings with them.

"What's with them?" Kiawe asked, confused more than ever.

"Alola TV!" Rotom said happily, arriving in front of the TV station. "Just like the map indicates."

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu.

"Alola!" said a man, coming out of the doors of the station.

"Alola!" said the security guard. "Good work today."

"Alola!" said Rotom, sneaking by with Pikachu.

"Hm? Hold it right there!" said the security guard, seeing Rotom and Pikachu.

"Pi. Pika?" asked Pikachu, as the guard snarls at him. "Pika."

"A Pikachu!" the guard said, smiling.

"Pika." said Pikachu, taking a step back.

"You're adorable."

"Pi. Pika. Pikachu!" Pikachu said, banging on the door as it closed on him.

"Bring your trainer too." said the security guard, then looks to see if Ash was around. "Where's your trainer, Pikachu? Huh? Sorry, but Pokémon aren't allowed inside without their trainers."

Pikachu glanced back at the guard. "Yeah. Rules are rules and we have to follow the rules." said the security guard.

"Pikachu." grumbled Pikachu, wishing that Jordan was there with him and Rotom.

Inside the station, Rotom didn't notice that Pikachu wasn't with him. "I'm sure you know this, but you and I are here to find a video of the Pokémon school that was shot just yesterday." Rotom said. "All right, Pikachu? Pikachu?"

Rotom finally turns around to see that he accidentally left Pikachu behind at the front doors. "Pikachu's disappeared!" he shrieked, before regaining his composure. "Well, that's okay. Finding that school video is job one at the present time!"

Passing by a woman who was mopping the floor, Rotom stopped to ask her for directions. "Huh? Excuse me for a sec." he said to her.

"Yes, what do you want?" the woman asked, looking up. "Say, I don't believe we've met before."

"The name is Rotom Dex. Alola Detective!"

"The way that you toss your hair, you must be a serious Laki fan." she said. "See, I am, too."

"Then that means we're friends!" exclaimed Rotom.


"I'm looking for a video that was recorded yesterday at the Pokémon school." Rotom explained.

"Pokémon school, you say?" asked the woman, then remembers. "Oh, yes. The Pokémon Race interview. Of course! In that case..." She then points down the hallway to a man near boxes and equipment. "That cameraman is the one who shot it."

"Thanks so much." said Rotom.

"You're most welcome." she replied, waving the Pokedex off.

"Excuse me for a sec." Rotom said to the camera man.


"Would you kindly show me the video you shot at the Pokémon school yesterday?" asked Rotom.

"Did you say Pokémon school?" asked the cameraman.

"Yes." said Rotom. "It might provide a clue to solving a mystery."

"Solving a mystery? I have no idea what you're talking about." the cameraman said to Rotom as he gets back to work. "It hasn't been edited yet and I'm kind of in a rush right now to head over to my next gig. Sorry."

"But I'll be quick." said Rotom. "I just need to interface with your camera for a little bit of time!"

"As long as its quick!" he said.

"Great. Thanks a lot." said Rotom, as he interfaces with the camera. "Employing Pokedex function! This is the first time I've used this function. Its electrifying. What a strange feeling! I can actually feel the data deep within my core. All right! Rotom Dex video camera function activated! I'm going to copy a portion of the video right away!" Back at the Pokémon school.

"Now, Popplio, balloon!" said Lana.

"Pop!" said Popplio, creating a balloon.

"That's amazing!" said Lillie, impressed. "That's the biggest balloon I've witnessed so far."

"Nice job, Popplio." said Kukui as the balloon rose into the air.

"Hey, Lillie, may I try putting Snowy inside the balloon next if you don't mind?" Lana asked.

"It's a whole lot of fun." said Mallow. "What do you think, Bounsweet?"

"Bounsweet." said Bounsweet.

"Want to try it then?" Lillie asked Snowy.

"Vul!" said Snowy and runs up to Popplio.

"Pop." said Popplio and creates a balloon big enough for Snowy, who then squeals as she was lifted up into the air.

"Look at that! Snowy's having a ball!" Lillie said, smiling at Snowy. In another part of the school yard, Ash had Rockruff sniff the Normalium Z. "Got it, Rockruff? Now make sure you remember the scent. It's important." said Ash. "I might have dropped my Electrium Z right around here somewhere."

"Cario?" Meeko asked Hayley as they stood on the sidelines.

"Yeah, I still think he should've told Kiawe about what happened." said Hayley with her arms behind her head. "But this is what I get for having a chicken for a big brother."

"I heard that and I'm not a chicken!" Ash shouted.

"Lucari." said Meeko.

"You're right, Meeko. I should've used that instead of chicken." Hayley said, nodding as Rockruff barks and sniffs the ground with Ash following it.

"What's going on?" Kiawe asked, watching Ash follow Rockruff. "Ash!"

"Hey, Kiawe. What's up?" he asked him.

"Oh boy...." said Hayley.

"I thought you were working on Rockruff's moves." said Kiawe.

"Uh, working?" Ash asked nervously.

"It looks to me like you're walking around." Kiawe tells him. "I haven't seen any training at all!"

"We've been....That's right!" said Ash. "We've been working on Odor Sleuth."

"When did Rockruff learn Odor Sleuth?" asked Kiawe.


"Uh-oh!" said Sophocles.

"Good question, Kiawe." said Hayley, looking at her brother. "Care to explain, Ash?"

"Um, Rockruff was just helping me out with Snowy's training." said Lillie, coming up with a quick answer for Ash.

"That's the ticket! Right, Snowy?" asked Ash.

"Vul." she replied.

"Snowy? Show them." Lillie said to Snowy. "Pretend like you're Rockruff. Woof! Okay?"

"Hm." Kiawe said suspiciously.

"Poor Ash." said Sophocles.

"He's toast." said Lana and Mallow.

"He's a goner." said Hayley as Meeko sighed. As Kiawe glares at Ash, Rotom finally appears with Pikachu.

"Ash?" Rotom called out.


"Pika! Pika!" Pikachu called out as he runs into the schoolyard.

"Pikachu! Rotom!" cried Ash. "Did you find out anything about my lost Electrium Z?"

"What?" asked Kiawe as all but Hayley gasped.

"Well....there goes all the new cover stories you guys had planned." said Hayley.

"Cario, Lucario." said Meeko.

"What will you guys come up with now?" Hayley asked.

"What's the plan?" asked Meeko.

"Pika! Pika!" shouted Pikachu, jumping into Ash's arms.

"The mystery's finally been solved." said Rotom.

"Thanks so much, Rotom! Thanks, buddy!" said Ash.

"Pika." said Pikachu as he and Ash feel the angry heat coming off of Kiawe, causing Ash to yell out in fear.

"And here comes the anger of Kiawe." said Hayley, pointing to the fire-type trainer.

"Lucario." said Meeko, pointing to Kiawe as well.

"You what?" he asked in a low voice. "You lost the precious Z-Crystal that Tapu Koko gave you? Ash, how could you?!"

"Yes, I did." said Ash, starting to run away from Kiawe.

"Come back here, Ash!" screamed Kiawe as he chases Ash.

"Yup, Ash is on borrowed time." said Sophocles.

"Mm-hm." said the girls.

"If my brother had taken my suggestion in the first place," said Hayley. "he could have avoided all of this by now."

"Lucar." said Meeko, nodding.

"Inferno Overdrive!" shouted Kiawe, about to use a Z-move when Rotom stops him.

"Hold it right there!" said Rotom.

"Turtonator." said Turtonator, falling on top of the two boys.

"Don't be angry before you heard my theory. Agreed?" said Rotom.

"Fine." said Kiawe.

"All right, Pikachu!" Rotom said, doing his Laki pose. "Bring everyone back to the classroom!"

"Pikachu!" said Pikachu, leading the way.

"Now, Alolan Detective Rotom has finally solved this perplexing mystery." said Rotom once they were back inside. "And by that, I refer to the mystery of the missing Z-Crystal."

"Pi. Pikachu." Pikachu said, turning towards Rotom's wig.

"Rotom, would you please stop keeping us in the dark and show me my Z-Crystal, if you found it already." said Ash.

"Yeah." said Hayley.

"I can't do that, Ash and Hayley." said Rotom.

"Why not?" they both asked.

"Because the Z-Crystal is still in the culprit's possession!" exclaimed Rotom.

"What do you mean, culprit?" Kukui asked Rotom as the kids gasped. "Don't you think you're over doing this just at least a little bit?"

"I need quiet, if you please, professor." Rotom ordered. "The last sequence where I reveal the extent of my skills!"

"Oh. Right!" responded Kukui.

"What skills?" muttered Hayley, sharing a look with Meeko.

"And so, the culprit of this mystery is you, Kiawe." said Rotom, pointing to the dark-skinned boy.

"What?" shrieked Kiawe as the others gasped unenthusiastically.

"No. Kiawe is the culprit?" asked Kukui.

"There is no way that Kiawe's the culprit." said Hayley.

"How could it be me, Rotom?" asked Kiawe, agreeing with Hayley.

"I have the evidence right here." responded Rotom. "Allow me to play you a video. This is the important part."

"Become a raging fire and...." said Kiawe on video.

"Allow me to fast forward." Rotom said, fast-forwarding the video.

"Thank you for staying and working with me." Ash said to Kiawe in the video.

"That was a pretty good Z-Move." said Kiawe.

"Pay close attention here!"


"According to my investigation, this is the moment when Ash gave Kiawe the Electrium Z." said Rotom as he zooms in closer on the video.

"Huh?" asked Kiawe.

"I'm confused." said Hayley.

"So, Kiawe did it?" asked Ash, causing Kiawe to groan.

"Pika." said Pikachu, pulling on a strand of Rotom's wig.

"That's the only theory I came up with." replied Rotom.

"Yadda, yadda." said Kukui.

"It's totally without merit. Come on." Kiawe tries to tell them. "If there were a crystal in my hands, anyone would noticed after shaking it."

"Hey, I didn't feel anything." said Ash.

"Right!" hollered Kiawe. "Because the Electrium Z wasn't there!"

"You thought you could deceive everyone, but not the Alolan truth!" said Rotom, posing his Laki pose. "I've never met a case I couldn't solve because I'm Alolan Detective Rotom."

"You're about to be a deactivated Alolan Detective Rotom in a minute if you don't stop posing like that." said Hayley, feeling uncomfortable with Rotom's posing.

" Hayley!" shouted Ash, Sophocles and Mallow.

"What?" she asked. "Him posing like that is creepy."

"It's making us uncomfortable." added Meeko.

"Argh! It makes no sense!" shouted Kiawe.

"Rotom? One second, please." said Lillie, raising her hand. "Can you play the video a little earlier? The part before they started training."

"It's my pleasure. Rewind and play!" said Rotom, rewinding the video and plays the video.

"Right around there." said Lillie as the video closes in on the Pokémon school.

"The only thing I see is Lana and Popplio. With Hayley and Meeko playing hide and seek in the background." said Sophocles.

"Please rewind just a little bit more." said Lillie as Rotom does so. "Stop! There it is! In the corner!"

"That's Ash!" said Mallow as Rotom zooms in. "See? He's putting something in his pocket."

"Whoa, that's it!" said Ash, jumping up. "My pocket!"

"So you remember now?" asked Kukui.

"Please say that you do." said Hayley, looking at her brother.

"Yeah." said Ash as Pikachu continues to deal with Rotom's wig. "When we were practicing, I switched the Electrium Z from my Z-Ring with my Normalium and I put the Electrium Z in my pocket."

"Uh, really?" asked Rotom.

"Yeah. I forgot all about it and took it out of my pocket right before going to bed in my room." said Ash. "You know, right after the end of the TV show!"

"I remember that." said Hayley. "Meeko and I had just did our stretches on the floor before falling asleep. We told you to tell us about it the next day."


Ash places his Electrium Z on the desk as Hayley did her stretches on the floor.

"And just before Hayley and I were about to go to bed, Rotom showed up." said Ash.

"Ash, Hayley? Do you both want to know who the culprit was?" asked Rotom, floating around both siblings. "If you really want to know...."

[Flashback ends]

"So the Electrium Z is still in Ash and Hayley's room?" shrieked Rotom, becoming frustrated.

"Pika." said Pikachu, dealing with another strand of the Laki wig.

"Probably. Yup! Sorry, Rotom." said Ash with his arms behind his head. "I guessed it slipped my mind."

"Pikachu..." whispered Hayley, watching the mouse closely. "What are you doing?"

"Pika, Pika." Pikachu tells her, pointing to the wig.

"Oh...." said Hayley.

"Impossible! No!" screamed Rotom, falling towards the desk just at the right moment for Pikachu.

"Pika. Pika." said Pikachu, rummaging through the wig. "Pikachu. Pika! Pika. Pika. Pikachu!" Pikachu pulls out the Electrium Z from the wig. "Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"Huh?" said Rotom.

"No way!" said Hayley as the others gasped.

"It was in his wig the whole time!" Meeko said, laughing.

"My Electrium Z! All right!" Ash happily said, holding it in his hand.

"Could it be?" asked Rotom as he remembers where he put his wig from the night before. "The Electrium Z got caught in my lair last night?"

"So, the culprit...." said Kiawe, becoming angry with Rotom. ".....is Rotom!" Rotom squeals as he gets chased out of the school by Kiawe.

"You know what? Rotom's on borrowed time." said Sophocles.

"Mm-hm." said all four girls.

"Rotom! You won't get away from me!" grunted Kiawe as he runs after the Pokedex.

Later that day, at Kukui's house, Rotom decided to make it up to Kiawe. "This is great." said Kukui, watchin a replay of Kiawe.

"This will come in handy for practicing moves." added Kiawe.

"I edited it just for you, Kiawe." said Rotom.

"Wow, Rotom, that's so cool!" said Ash and Hayley.

"Pikachu! Lucario!" said Pikachu and Meeko.

"If you ever want to record training, just let me know!" said Rotom. "I'm your Rotom Dex!"

Narrator: Unexpectedly, Rotom has discovered a new Pokedex capability, video recording! It appears Rotom's potential to learn and grow is endless, as our heroes' journey continues.

Hayley: See you guys next time!

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