Woso OneShots

By ellatooneswife

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Random One Shots of WOSO players... Please feel free to leave any suggestions on my wall and I'll see what I... More

A New Family - KCC & Arsenal
I Want To Understand - Katie McCabe
Let Me Help You - Lucy Bronze
Just Keep Breathing - Beth Mead & Katie McCabe
The Biggest Day - Leah Williamson
My Sister's Best Friend - Lucy Bronze
For her? - McCabe / Littlejohn
Save it for the day. - Ona Batlle
Oh God, I missed this. - Alexia Putellas
Forbidden. - Leah Williamson
Back Together - Alessia Russo
I don't know you - Alexia Putellas
Toxic - Millie Bright
A New Adventure - Georgia Stanway
Melbourne Mayhem - LW, AR
Surprise! - Ffion Morgan & Lia Cataldo
Prove Me Wrong - Mapi Leon

I want you to know me - Alexia Putellas

2K 56 15
By ellatooneswife

(pt 2 to the last chapter)

*Alexia's POV*

It's been a few weeks, with it now being the 9th of December and our last home game, when Lyla and her sister were here, was on the 19th of November... so it's been a while.

To be honest, I haven't stopped thinking about Lyla's sister. However, I couldn't find her anywhere. I've asked the best stalker on the team, Giulia Dragoni, to find her but she had no luck. I just want to know who she is, to be honest. I want to know her. I want her to get to know me. Why do I feel like this? And why does she make me have a funny feeling in my stomach? It doesn't make sense to me.

I was hoping they would be at the home game today against Eibar, but I didn't know if they would be. Time came for us to all go, and with me still being injured, I sat back on the bench and when I did, I was met with familiar voice shouting my name.

"ALEXIAAAAAA!!" Lyla shouted, and I got up and walked my way over to her, leaning over the fence to talk to her. "Look at you sat front row again. Where's your sister?" I smiled but she looked a bit sad. "Erm, I'm not here with her... this is erm... Julie." She whispered with a sad tone. "I am your mother thank you very much, Lyla-Marie. Who's this then?" An older woman spoke, coming down the steps with a drink. "This is Alexia. We met her last game we were here." Lyla whispered and I could tell she felt scared about something. "Lyla? Wanna come sit on the bench with me for the game?" I asked with a smile and Lyla nodded with scared eyes. "No. She is not. She is staying with her MOTHER. Not you. You're no one to her." Her mum spoke back and I was taken aback.

"She is to my si-" Lyla started but the woman cut her off. "We don't talk about her. We are here for half the game and that's it. We go home." The woman spoke before getting up again. "I'm going for a smoke. Don't move." She spoke again and I was so confused. "Do you have a phone?" I asked and Lyla shook her head. "Mum made me leave it at the house. I just want to message my sister." She spoke and I slipped her my phone. "Quick before your mum comes back." I whispered and she grabbed my phone and typed in her sisters Instagram and messaged her on there.

*y/n POV*

I was sat at home watching the Barcelona game and it panned over to Alexia Putellas with a fan... OH MY GOD THATS MY SISTER! What is she doing there and why is she alone?! Once I saw that, I got a message on Instagram from Alexia Putellas. It kind of shocked me a little but when I looked at it, I realised it was my sister.

Hey... erm it's Lyla. Not going to lie I think mums on the stuff again. We're at the Barça game and she's not been nice, y/n... I wanna come and be with you please please come and get me? I'd rather be with you at home than here with her... please?

My heart BROKE. I messaged back immediately.

I'm on my way. Try get Alexia to walk you outside cause I can't come in babe, there's no more tickets left.

It's Alexia... I'll get you a ticket if you need? You can come and sit with me and be far away from Lyla's mum. I could tell she was scared so I wanted to stay with her for a little. Kick off isn't for a while. How far away are you?

Like... 15 minutes? Can you possibly stay with her until then? Don't make it obvious that you're there or Julie will take her away and take her home and I can't have that because I'm not allowed home. Please Alexia? I know you don't owe me anything and I know this is big but please I need this. Please?

Of course. You don't need to ask twice. I'll stay. I'll bring Jonatan over too so we can pretend to have a chat. When you're here, go to the side door where the mascot room was and there should be a security guard there, the one you met before, and just ask them to phone me and they will. If not message me and I'll come get you.

Okay. Thank you so much, Alexia.

Call me Ale...

Thank you Ale :))

I immediately got in my car and basically sped to the stadium, really scared of the confrontation that people might see, but when I got there there was no one talking, no one cheering... it was like it was dead inside. I ran around to the side and told them to phone Ale, but they opened the door anyway. "We know who you are. Come in..." The guard whispered and I nodded, walking in the room, and seeing Alexia, Jonatan, and two police officers stood in the room.

"What's erm... going on?" I asked as Lyla came running over to me and wrapping her arms around me. I don't care that she's eleven, I picked her up and wrapped her around my body. "Are you the sister?" One of the police officers asked and I nodded. "Please can we have a conversation? Alexia please can you take Lyla for a few moments?" He asked and Lyla shook her head. "It's okay, Ly. It's Alexia remember! You might even get to sit with her if she lets you." I chuckled and both Ale and Jonatan nodded. "Of course you can. You can sit in my special seat if you want?" The manager added and Lyla nodded, walking off with them.

"I just wanted to inform you that Lyla needs to be taken into Family Care." He stated and I shook my head. "No, she doesn't. Why?" I asked and the other police officer stood up. "We found your mother using drugs outside of the stadium, and she has now been taken into jail. If she can't go with you, she has to go into foster care." He spoke and my smile grew wide. "Why are you smiling?" One asked. "Because she has needed to live with me since she was born, but her mother wouldn't let her. Now she needs to, and it's all worked out in the end." I explained and they nodded. "Are you okay to take it from here and come into the police station in town tomorrow to sign papers?" He asked and I nodded before he showed me where to go to get my sister.

Once Alexia saw me, she tapped Lyla, and my sister ran to me. Then Alexia came over to me and showed me to our seats and sat next to me the whole time while the game was playing. She stayed with us during halftime too, just so she knew we were safe... I think?

*Alexia's POV*

Of course, I wanted them to be safe and okay after what just happened, but even after that, I couldn't bring myself to leave and go back to my seat. Every time I thought about it, I just thought about how distracted I would be looking at them all the time. I wanted to ask y/n for her actual number, but I don't think I could do that with her sister around. I don't know why, but I don't think I could.

The game finished 5-0 with Esmee scoring a hattrick which made Lyla SO happy, and it was cute to see her happy. "LYLAAA!" Mapi shouted, running over to us after the game finished. "How did you like the game?" She laughed, also peering over the kids' shoulder to me. "You can answer that too considering you're in the stands today Miss Alexia." She giggled, making me giggle. "It was good. Lyla, you wanna go talk to Mapi and Aitana and the girls for a bit so me and your sister can talk?" I asked and Lyla nodded, running to the gate so Mapi could go and open it.

"Why did you want to talk?" She asked and I looked down at my hands, fidgeting with them. "This might seem weird and it's okay if you say no I won't be offended but I was erm... wondering if I could have your number? Your actual number?" I whispered and y/n laughed a little. "Of course you can, Ale. It does seem a little weird because you're famous and all but nah I don't mind." She laughed, handing her phone over to me so I could put it in. I put it under "Ale💘" because why not, and she smiled when she saw it. "That's cute." She whispered and suddenly Lyla came back.

"Alexia!!! Jona wants youuu!!" She smiled, running through the gate after hugging Mapi goodbye. She seems so at ease with all of us, and it makes me smile. "I'll see you soon, hopefully." I smiled before walking off towards Lyla, hugging her goodbye and seeing what my manager wanted.

*y/n POV*

I was... speechless. What just happened? Alexia Putellas asked for MY number? Why? Is Lyla right? Does she like me? Huh?!

"Are we going nowwww?" Lyla dragged and I nodded. "Yeah of course." I giggled before adding that we will get McDonald's on the way home again, which made her happy. "What's going to happen y/n?" She asked with a sad tone as we were driving. "Well, I think that we will have to go and get your things from Julie's house, then take them to mine, then you'll be with me forever, is that okay?" I smiled and she nodded. "And Alexia too?" She giggled, making me laugh a little. "Ehhh we will see about that."

We got home and ate dinner on the couch watching a movie, and at around 10, I got a message.


Lyla asleep?

Hello to you too😂

Sorry sorry. Hello😂

But no, she's not asleep. How come?

Fancy coming round? If she's not too tired?

All of us?

Yeah of course. Bring pjys in case she gets tired though. I can't sleep😂

Yeah okay. We will be round soon. Send me you're address x

This seemed SO strange to me, but for some reason I just couldn't turn it down. "Come on. We're going to Alexia's for a bit." I smiled and Lyla JUMPED up. "REALLY?!" She yelled and I nodded. "Yes, now go get your teddy and blanket in case you fall asleep please." I whispered and she nodded, running upstairs and back down in a second. She was already wearing her pjys and I was wearing joggers and a cami, so we were fine for sleeping, it's just next day's clothes that we forgot to worry about... in case we fell asleep of course.

We got in the car and started the surprisingly short drive to Alexia's house, and when we knocked, we were greeted by a little dog running around at our feet. "I'll go put her outside! I promise!" Alexia laughed as she opened the door, but Lyla cuddled her little dog straight away. "Never mind then." Ale laughed, making me laugh, and when Alexia looked up at me, she slowly looked down at my red bra peering over the top of my black cami.

"Wow. I'm flattered." I giggled, making her go bright red. "Oh my god I'm so sorry. Anyway, erm, come in." She whispered looking at the floor, really embarrassed. "It's okay, Alexia. I don't mind. Just maybe not when she can see." I giggled in regards to my sister. "Yeah of course. I'm sorry" she reiterated, making me chuckle.

We all sat on the sofa, Lyla cuddled up with Nala (Alexia's dog) and we all watched movies. Without me or Alexia realising, Lyla had fallen asleep. "It's okay. Do you want to take her upstairs? She can sleep in the spare room if she wants?" Ale asked and I nodded. "Yeah, okay." I whispered, slowly lifting up the eleven-year-old in my arms and taking her upstairs where Alexia took me too. We went back downstairs, and Alexia sat down first and I went to sit next to her, but me being me, and me being distracted with the movie, I accidentally sat ON her. We both started laughing and when I went to move off, she stopped laughing and held onto my waist. "Don't move." She whispered into my ear and I nodded, staying exactly where I was and looking at the movie still.

We both got comfortable, me still sat on her with her arms around my waist, and my heart was beating a million times an hour. "Calm down. It's okay." She whispered into my ear again, knowing how fast my heart was beating. "O-Kay." I whispered and she chuckled a little. "You can get off if you really want to. I don't mind." She smiled but I couldn't bring myself to get off. I didn't reply but didn't move. "Okay. That's okay too." She smiled, lifting the couch blanket over our legs, and pulling me into her a little more so I was even more comfortable.

The night went on, and we grew more and more tired. "I think I'm going to go wake Ly up now. We have to be at the police station early in the morning to sign papers and shit." I explained and she nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Or you could stay?" She whispered and I turned my head to her. "What do you mean?" I asked and she chuckled a little again. "Stay here. With me. Just for the night? You're tired, and so is Lyla, so it's up to you." She replied and I didn't even think about it. "Yeah, okay."

We went upstairs to her room, and she passed me clothes to sleep in which was cute. I got changed in her bathroom and she gave me a spare toothbrush to brush my teeth which was so cute... I now have a toothbrush at Alexia's house ;). We got into bed, and we put on TV again, but not a movie, just a random TV show as we got comfy and grew more tired. Halfway through an episode, both our hands were under the covers, and she slowly but surely held it. It made me smile and blush a little, and I turned around and looked at her.

"You know Lyla said you have a thing for me?" I chuckled and she went red. "Did she now? Little snitch." She laughed and I smiled widely. "You told her that?" I asked and she shrugged, looking back at the TV with her gorgeous smile plastered on her face. Instead of pestering, I let go of her hand and laid in her open arm, my head in her neck. "That's fine, I told my best friend you were shhhhhhmoking hot." I giggled, making her verbally laugh. "SHHHH! My sisters asleep!" I giggled, putting my hand on her mouth, and making her eyes go from a happy look to a... different look.

I slowly took my hand off her mouth and she rolled me off her arm and sat up in front of me. "Let's see who likes to be shut up, huh?" She asked in a very turned-on voice. "Deal." I whispered, my eyes looking dead at hers.

She slowly straddled me once I sat up just a little bit, head resting against the headboard, and she started kissing me slowly and softly, but building heat up by the second. Her hands went to the bottom of my shirt, staring to lift it up, and I moved forward to let her. Once she took that off, she started kissing my neck, making me moan. She stayed where she was but put her hand on my mouth, recreating what I did earlier. "Shh." She whispered and I nodded against her, but taking two fingers of hers into my mouth, making them wet.

I felt her smile against my neck, making me know I was doing something right and turning her on more. She travelled down further, kissing my breasts and my stomach as i continued making her fingers wet. She took them out of my mouth and moved them in between my shorts, under the fabric but over my underwear, teasing me.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered and she smiled, looking up at me. "Yes?" She asked with a smirk. "Please don't tease me. I need you." I moaned and she told me to shush again, which I did. She slipped her fingers inside the underwear and started teasing me, making me slap my own hand over my mouth and making sure not to wake up my sister who was only a few rooms away.

Once we finished, or well... I finished, we laid next to each other, and my hand wrapped around her waist, all of me absolutely stark naked. "I didn't even know you a few days ago." I giggled and she turned to look at me, making me lift my head up to look at her. She slowly grabbed my hand and slid it down her body. I knew were this was going. It was what she whispered to me that turned me on more though,

"I want you to know me."

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