Living With Piccolo

By onlypiccolo

108 34 1

A fluffy Piccolo romance with cursing More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 1

16 2 0
By onlypiccolo

I double checked that I had packed everything in my bag. I was just going to a friend's house but I still didn't want to forget anything. I slung my bag onto my shoulders and grabbed my keys, leaving the house. My car was parked on the street, with the driver side facing the road, so I checked to make sure no cars were coming as I went around the front of my car. Then I was falling and the ground didn't stop me.

I tumbled through the air, closing my eyes as the world spun wildly causing me to feel sick. My voice felt like it was trapped in my stomach and I just spun falling with just the sound of the wind and my pounding heart. Suddenly my body hits something and I stopped spinning but continued to fall it seemed, just a lot slower. I took some deep breaths and slowly opened my eyes, right as I felt the ground. I sat on my knees immediately, holding my head with one of my hands, lightly covering my eyes as I still felt dizzy. I felt a small hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright," came the voice of a kid. I felt like I recognized it.

"Uh, yeah, just dizzy," I answered, slightly turning to face the voice. I was met with Gohan from DBZ, and I didn't really know what to do with that. Thankfully the shock just made me silent instead of blurting out his name. I didn't really want to try and work around how I know him without him knowing me.

"Why were you falling?"

"As simply as I can put it? I fell through the ground." Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Now I gotta explain that.

"That's impossible," came a female's voice. It was Bulma. "There's no way someone can fall through the ground."

"That's why I said simply. Quite honestly I came from a different, not universe, but dimension maybe the closest term. Reality maybe? A wholly different place. I'm making it sound really mystic but it's really quite boring."

"A different reality?!" exclaimed both Gohan and Bulma.

"Yeah, it looks totally different too. It's honestly quite jarring actually being here. I'll probably have a crisis later about this, looking forward to that." I repositioned myself into a sitting position, taking off my bag. Thankfully it all zips up so I didn't lose anything. Thankfully I also put my phone in there even though I normally have it in my pocket. I pulled it out and presented it to them. "See, this is a phone where I'm from."

"That's a phone," asked Bulma, coming closer and crouching down to my level. "It just looks like a screen?" She pulled out her own phone, an old style flip phone.

"Your phone looks like the ones from about 30 years in the past where I'm from. You could probably reverse engineer this and advance both phone and computing technology pretty significantly." I unlocked my phone using my fingerprint and scrolled around sorta aimlessly, just letting Bulma see how I navigate it.

"That's pretty incredible, if you don't mind I'd like to try and reverse engineer your phone. I should be able to keep it intact so i-" she got cut off as I got a notification from my friend.

"My phone is still working?" I hadn't even thought to see if I had service because of course I wouldn't. But there in the corner, I was still connected to my house Wi-Fi and thus, access to the internet. "This is so bizarre, there is no way I should be connected to the internet from my home." I clicked on my friend's message.

Em: Hey, where are you

Me: You're never gonna fucking believe this. I'm IN dbz, like literally

Em: ... video call me rn

Me: uhhhhh, well you see i'm sorta surrounded by people, like bulma and gohan

Em: perfect, it'll prove your right

Me: ... fine gimme a sec, and don't mention that you recognize them, I don't want to try and explain that

"So my friend doesn't believe that I fell into a different reality, shocker. She's making me video call her, so I guess you get to see how this works," I told Bulma, tapping the video call icon at the top of the conversation box. I held my phone out as it barely rang once before my friend picked up. "I told you Em, different place."

"That's craaaazy. I guess you really aren't coming over."

"Yeah, no shit. Can't really just hop realities at will unfortunately." I laughed. "I want to get shit figured out here so I'll call you later."

"Okay, keep me up to date, oh what are you gonna tell your parents?"

"Uhmmmm, haha, I've got no fucking idea. I'll add that to the list of shit. Byyyeeeeee"


I hung up and put my phone in my lap. Bulma told me that she'd let me live at Capsule Corp until I figured out what I wanted to do. She then got up and walked off, calling someone on her phone. I took the moment to look around and see at what point I dropped in the story. I saw Gohan was wearing Saiyan armor that was messed up. He had walked off and now was talking to Dende, who was near the other Namekians. So they must have just gotten off of Namek. I wonder if the Frieza battle is done?

I also spotted Piccolo and Vegeta off by themselves, Piccolo closer to the group than Vegeta. Just like them, I mused. Piccolo must have fused with Nail by now. I have to be careful not to say anything out loud because he'll be able to hear me. And that is one conversation I desperately want to avoid. He is like way more cute in person though, gotta make sure to not stare like a weirdo.

I got up and stretched, breathing deeply and sighing it out to release my excess anxiety. I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my bag. I wasn't really sure what to do since I didn't know how long we would be waiting. That was until Bulma announced that it would be about 30 minutes. I decided I could do some sketching so set my bag down and began grabbing my stuff. Bulma came back up to me and we spoke during the downtime as I drew.

Then a large capacity capsule corp helicopter or airplane, not really sure, arrived and we went to capsule corp. We got settled in as everyone was staying there until everyone has been revived by the Namekian dragon. Bulma showed me the room I'd be using and I thanked her.

I put my bag down in the room and called my mom. It was really hard to explain and I had to do a video call with her for her to believe it as well. We discussed what to do with my stuff and they decided that since I have access to the internet and would still be able to keep in touch as long as I use a vpn and make new accounts. They would declare me missing, just in case I come back somehow. They would go through my stuff and make sure anything that needed to be thrown out was.

We decided to work under the presumption that I was stuck with no way back but keeping the possibility open the I may just fall back at some point. My room had a full bathroom connected to it because of course every room has a full bathroom. I took a shower and it was nice to destress in a hot shower. I got some food and went to bed, wondering if I was going to wake up in my bed at home.

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