Chapter 7

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I woke up early with the sound of birds singing the sunrise. I stretched out on my bed before sighing contently. I laid there with my eyes closed for a few more moments before opening them and sitting up. I set my feet on the cold floor, flinching slightly. I got up and put on a pair of socks to protect my toes from the cold.

I left my room to go to the bathroom. Then I went into the kitchen to start breakfast. As my breakfast of eggs and bacon sizzled in the pan I brewed a large cup of breakfast tea. I was plating my food, with the accompaniment of toast, when I heard Piccolo open his door. I can't believe I actually got up before him.

He just nodded at me as I said good morning. He left the house, quietly closing the door behind him.

"Must be going to train," I mused aloud. I brought my plate and tea to the table and ate as the sun finished rising. I washed my dishes, and by wash I mean I put them in the dishwasher for later. I changed into gardening clothes and went into my greenhouse.

I started a bunch of seeds and grabbed flower bulbs to plant around the house. I noticed that I was able to sense the ground. I could tell where the best place to plant what and what to plant.

Your ki sense is becoming a lot better.

I imagine it's because I'm connected to you.

Only a little bit, you've just gotten more used to doing it.

When can I start to fly?

At any time, the only limit is you.

You know you shouldn't say that. You can read my mind, you know how weirdly I can think. No rule is safe. I'm liable to get myself killed with this stuff.

Oh stop being so dramatic. You'll be fine, it's very difficult for you to die connected to me.

Because that makes me feel better.

I'm still right. The only limit is you. You can fly whenever you want.

Whatever, I'll just ask Piccolo.

That's the spirit!

I began ignoring them again, knowing they were just going to annoy me about Piccolo. I finished planting around the house and put anything I didn't use away. I grabbed other seeds, for plants that have large seeds or just do better when just yeeted into the ground. I planted the vining flowers and beans at the base of the trellis. I then planted things like carrots and bush beans in the main garden.

I finished gardening and cleaned up, getting hungry as it had been a few hours. I made a sandwich for lunch and ate it outside, sitting by the lake. I watched the fish swim beneath the surface with my feet in the water. It was so calm that it felt like the perfect moment to get some meditation in. I closed my eyes and actually just laid back on the grass.

I breathed in, smelling the native flowers nearby. The wind gently whisked my breath away. The gentle current of the lake keeping my feet cool as I laid in the sun. I breathed slowly and let my energy level out with the world around me. I felt myself getting pulled, like when I first met earth. This time tho I was able to float freely. I looked around me and I was still by the lake, just up in the air about 20 feet. However, I still couldn't control myself, or move.

Oh I guess you can't just fly

Why are you like this?

I thought it would help!

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