Chapter 5

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Today was the day I was supposed to ask Piccolo to live with me. I desperately didn't want to do it but earth wouldn't shut up about it. I spent my morning in my room anxiously waiting for him to arrive. I paced in my room, until I felt his energy arrive. I honestly spent that last few days in my room. Finally after a few deep breaths I left my room to find Piccolo.

I went to the entrance to the courtyard and spotted him, already meditating alone. I took a few more deep breaths and came up to him. I had no idea how I was going to navigate this conversation, but I'll figure something out.

"Hey, Piccolo, can I talk to you privately, please," I asked gently, barely getting the words out. He seemed to ignore me. "I don't want to be annoying but can you please just talk to me for a few minutes?"

He sighed, "This better be worth interrupting me." He got up and followed me to where we could talk without anyone around.

I stood there not facing him for a second before turning to him, fiddling with my fingers.

"Well, are you gonna talk or keep wasting my training time?"

I sighed, frustrated. "I'm trying to be nice but I don't really know how to ask this."

"Just ask." He said that a lot more gently than the other times he's spoken to me. It really calmed my nerves.

"Um, well, you know Bulma is making me a house and I was wondering if, um. If you would, uh, would like a room?" I was barely able to finish my sentence. Every word felt like it would catch in my throat.

"Oh." He sounded genuinely surprised. "Why?"

"W-well Gohan told me that you don't have a place to live, so I thought that since I'm getting one made it might be nice for you to have somewhere too. If you aren't comfortable with it, that's fine. I understand that you don't really know me a-" He cut me off by raising his hand. I took a few breaths.

"I appreciate it. But are you sure that you want me there? I haven't been necessarily nice to you."

"Yeah but you didn't trust me, I get it. You're just a gruff kinda guy. I don't take it personally."

He scoffed at me. Then looked off in the distance for a second before looking back at me. Eye contact with him really makes my heart flutter, the jackass. "I'll take you up on your offer."

"Really?" It was my turn to be surprised.

"Yeah, you're right, it would be nice to have somewhere to live. I've been living in the wilderness for my whole life but I guess it would be nice."

"That's great. Do you want to tell Bulma what you would like?"

"No I just need a room. I don't eat or anything, I just need a bed to sleep on."

"Are you sure? If you're living there too I'd like you to be comfortable."

"I'm sure, I'll be spending most of my time training anyways."

"I guess that's true. But I've gotta let Bulma know to have your room added on. So I guess I'll see you later." I left with an awkward wave. He just nodded at me and went back to meditate.

Bulma didn't believe me at first when I said that Piccolo was getting a room in my house. "Is this the change you were talking about in your text?"

"Yeah, I wasn't sure how to broach the subject to him."

"I can't believe he accepted your offer."

"I'm way more surprised than you are, I promise."

"How did you ask him?"

"I just sorta did?"

"And that worked?"


We worked out the floor plan to fit Piccolo's room close to the back, since Bulma had done a bit of the groundwork already. We also lightly designed it with Namekian design styles that I had learned from the others. Now that she had everything she needed she could finish up our house. 'Our house' what a phrase I get to say now.

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