Chapter 6

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The weeks passed and Bulma had finished mine and Piccolo's house. She finished right as it was time to summon Porunga for a final time. Everyone gathered outside like before. I stood near the back again, Piccolo standing directly next to me this time. Porunga was summoned and they brought Krillin back. Then they learned that Goku was alive and wanting to travel back to earth himself. The Namekians had Porunga make them a new planet and I said goodbye to the Namekians I had come to know. Then they wished themselves to their new planet.

"I'm gonna miss them," I said out loud to no one in particular.

"Me too," came Gohan, walking up to me and Piccolo.

"I guess now's as good a time as any to get the house set up. Wanna come with?"

"I wish but now that they're gone my mom is probably gonna make me study."

"True true. Well I'll see you later Gohan. Say hi to your mom for me."

"Okay, bye guys."

We all split up now that the namekians are where they belong. I still couldn't fly so I took the airplane. Piccolo made sure that I didn't get lost and after a little while we landed in the spot from the movie. I landed the plane and got out, drinking in the environment.

"This place is so gorgeous, I love it so much," I smiled, just loving the view, speaking more to myself than anything. "I'm gonna draw this place so much. I can't wait to see what it looks like in different seasons."

"You like this place that much," came Piccolo's voice from just behind me. I kinda forgot he was here.

"Yeah, I guess one of the highest compliments from an artist is them wanting desperately to draw something. Do you not like the area?" I knew he did, since it's easy to assume he's the one that chose the spot in the movie.

"No I do, it was odd seeing that you chose this place. I have been coming here for a while now for meditation."

"Really? I guess we have the same taste in landscapes. Where should I put the house?

We looked for a spot that seemed the best, which is around where is house was in the movie. I didn't land on that side of the water so I was going to get in the airplane when Piccolo stopped me.

"Just put the plane in the capsule, I'll carry to the other side."

I stared at him for a second before awkwardly agreeing. I grabbed the capsule and put it back in my capsule case. I turned to Piccolo and he basically hugged me to him to pick me up. I was trying so hard to be normal about it. He flew us across and released me right as we landed.

I quickly moved away, pulling out my capsule case, but struggling to open it. I tried to steady my breathing and face away from Piccolo because I knew my face was super red. I took a deep breath and popped the case open. Grabbed the house capsule and tossed it where we agreed. The sound that they make is so satisfying.

I stood staring happily at the house. It was a simple looking house, with a light blue gray paint, with some navy blue trimming. There was a small round window on the front door. There was another window on the front of the house, below it, and every other window, was a planter that I planned to grow flowers in.

On the right side of the house, and the roof, was netting for trailing plants to grow on. I also planned to grow around the house with a mixture of flowers, herbs, and edible plants like carrots. Then, further away from the house was where I planned to grow most of the food. I grabbed another capsule and tossed it where I wanted my garden. It was a greenhouse for all of my growing things. I turned to Piccolo, now that my face is calm.

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