The Only One I Need (Hanni x...

By Kiratamesh33

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((!18+!)) The most problematic leader of Jeongyok.. Kang Minwoo.. The newjean's precious gem.. Hanni Pham.. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

163 7 1
By Kiratamesh33

A month has passed since the conversation but Minwoo hasn't said anything to Han yet, Han still trusted him with all of his heart.. While Minwoo was still carrying the heavy guilt he was dealing with.

The day has finally came where Jeongyok and Newjeans will finally collaborate for a song.

The studio is already set, The Managers of both groups were chatting about the industry, The studio directors were listening to potential chord progressions of the song.. Minwoo was nervously waiting for Newjeans to come as for Jaewan and Yunwoo were out taking a quick smoke to god knows where, Han was taking a nap on the corner sitting down.

Hyuk soon approached Minwoo and sat down besides him as the manager of Newjeans went to get her girls as they arrive at the building.

"So you told him yet?" Hyuk asked.

"Nope, I just dont know what Han will feel you know.."

"You better tell him.. You know he keeps going to that bar secretly, Thinking i dont know.."

"He does? For Bibi?"


"I really did mess up this time.." Minwoo put his head down and his hands in forehead stressed out.

"Cheer Up Champ.." Hyuk lightly punched Minwoo arm.

"Hey Hyuk.." The Studio director looked at him,

"Whats up?" Hyuk stood up from his seat and went to the directors chair.

"Are you sure that Minwoo's gonna hit this note with Hanni?" The director looked at Hyuk even more.

"Are you doubting my leader?"

The other studio director chuckled and said.

"Yeah.. We obviously are.."

Hyuk was kind of pissed but decided to hold it in.

"He can."

"You sure?"

"You know me, I dont say bs.."

"Well sure.." The Directors continued their work as they awaited for the arrival of Newjeans.

"Hey Guys." Jaewan entered the studio along with Yunwoo smelling like cigarettes.

"Shit you guys stink.." Hyuk covered his nose as he grabbed a quick cup of water.

"It just cigarettes Manager-nim.." Jaewan sat beside Minwoo as he saw Minwoo was feeling down a bit.

"Whats up with our leader?" Jaewan grabbed a bag of chips from the side as he began munching.

"Personal Issues.." Hyuk put the water down as he went back to the directors chair just observing their work.

"Han's a sleepy head.." Yunwoo chuckled as he sat towards an empty chair.

"His been going out for the past month seeing that Bibi chick.." Jaewan responded.

"His finally pulling girls?" Yunwoo chuckled again.

"Your the one to speak.." Jaewan almost choked from laughing at Yunwoo.

"Shut up.."

The manager of Newjeans went inside the studio room and first smelled the room, He was utterly disgusted by the smell seeing it was Yunwoo and Jaewan was the cause.

Hyuk saw this and told Jaewan and Yunwoo to change and come back, They both agreed as they went back to they're rooms to change.

"they were smelly huh.." Yujin, The manager of Newjeans said..

"Yeah they obviously were.."

Hyuk looked at Yujin to see that the girls were not with her.

"So where are they?" Hyuk asked.

"Traffic.." Yujin sighed as he approached Hyuk and also looked at what he was observing.

The two were chatting while also looking at the directors doing their work, Minwoo wasn't feeling it so he left the studio and went to his favorite spot in the parking area to take a quick smoke.

Minwoo was just there smoking and thinking about what to do with the whole mess, If he tells Han maybe things will go south.. But If Han doesn't know and he founds out by his own.. Its just going to be the same story..

As Minwoo was lost at his thoughts, A girl approached her..

"Hey your the guy from Jeongyok right?" The small petite girl asked as Minwoo looked up and saw it was the girl that made him fluster for the first time.

"Oh.. Its you.. Its your band that were collaborating with?"

"Mhm! Pleasure to meet you.." Hanni offered a handshake as Minwoo was hesitant to accept it at first but insisted to shake her hands.

"So.. Can you tell me where to go? Im actually lost hehe.."

Minwoo threw the cigarette as he stood up and led the way.

"Anyways I didn't totally catch your name when we first met.." Minwoo initiated the conversation as they were waiting for their floor in the elevator.

"Oh right.. I'm Hanni Pham.." Hanni suddenly blushed as she tried her best not to look at Minwoo.

Minwoo suddenly realized it was probably because it was the two of them alone again in a confined space..

"How about you?" Hanni asked.

"My name is Kang Minwoo.." Minwoo replied with a straight face.

"Your the legendary leader of a Jeongyok.. I heard.." Hanni nodded as she smiled.

Minwoo saw Hanni smiling as his heart became to skip a beat again..

Minwoo looked away blushing.

"Hey about the incident when i kicked your... You know.. It was out of a defense mechanism, I didn't really mean to kick it.."

"Really? Since after that you were laughing at me for being dragged away.." Minwoo lightly chuckled.

"Well.. Because that's just what i do.."

"Its fine, I have already forgiven you a long time ago.. And if i were you i would've done something worse to myself.." Minwoo replied.

"Thats great.. By the way, You smell good despite smoking.." Hanni blushed as she complimented Minwoo.

"Oh.. Thanks.." Minwoo smiled as he also blushed from the compliment.

"This is our floor.." Minwoo led the way to the studio as Hanni saw her members waiting outside..

"Minji-ahh!" Hanni ran to her members as she hugged them.

Minwoo smiled as he saw an image of himself running to his parents after being lost.

"Where were you? We were so worried!" Danielle said as she looked at Minwoo.

"Wow.. Its Minwoo.. In the flesh.." Haerin's eyes were flashing seeing her idol upclose.

"Hello.. Nice to meet all of you.." Minwoo bowed as he walked towards the door.

"Aren't you guys gonna enter?"

"Well, Our manager told us to wait here.. So we're just waiting.." Minji was the first reply.

"Oh.. Okay.." Minwoo entered the room to his surprise it smelt like cigarettes again.

"Who the fuck smoked an entire tank?"

"FUCKING JAEWAN AND YUNWOO'S CIGAR SMELL MADE ITS WAY HERE.." Hyuk covered his nose as they were spraying the room with air fresheners.

"How the fuck did that happen?"


"WASNT MY FAULT!" Jaewan shouted.

"YES IT WAS!" Hyuk and Yujin were trying their best to fill the air with a good smell before the recording starts.

Taewon, Newjeans' Studio Director whispered to Jeongyok's Studio Director, Jin..

"Is the studio always chaotic?" Taewon looked at all of the members shouting and doing their work to freshen the airs..

"Yeah.. But its fun.. But also its stinky in the studio always.." They both chuckled.

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