One day I'll have it all...

By inkedlover

231K 6.4K 362

"You know, you're a pain in my ass, Williamson." "You love me, Villanueva." More

From LAX to LHR
London Colney
Welcome to Arsenal
Blueberries and new beginnings
The Clash- London Calling
Second training
Car shopping
Phone call home
Welcome party
Arsenal V Reading
Hyde Park
Gym session
Boot room meeting
Liverpool V Arsenal
Harmony midst chaos
Family problems
Intimate haven
Toast and fascism
Porch light
Date prep
Black heart
Coming clean
Kisses and tears
Morning serenity
Completely myself
Whole foods
West Ham V Arsenal
Leah's bedroom
Milton Keynes
While you sleep
No more Villanueva
I'm sorry
New phone
Airport kiss
Back home
Boyle Heights
England V Austria
Is It Normal?
Just us
Here with me
Family drama
Headers and showers
Interview and jerseys
Boat ride
Arsenal V Man U
Back at Heathrow
Birthday girl pt1
Birthday girl pt2
Birthday girl pt3
Cold again
Arsenal V Chelsea
Bad news and good cuddles
The first day of the rest of my life
Fight and flight
Barcelona pt.1
Barcelona pt.2
Barcelona interlude

Karaoke night

2.3K 84 11
By inkedlover

"You're gonna love it," Charlotte said, her head passing between my and Leah's seats.

"Shut up," I replied, looking at my best friend through the rare view mirror for just a second.

"You're gonna love it," Charlotte repeated, gently poking my side. I rolled my eyes at her words.

"Shut up," I mumbled again, miserably attempting to punch her with my elbow.

"Leah. Ain't she gonna love it?" Charlotte persisted, turning her attention to Leah, who was sitting quietly beside me in the passenger seat of my car.

Leah glanced over at Charlotte, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I mean, I never managed to make her go karaoke before, she always says she hates it," Leah replied.

"Yep. Cause I know I hate it." I retorted.

"It's gonna be so fun," Charlotte said, clapping excitedly. "And fuck, I'm gonna meet all of your team. Gonna be fangirling so hard."

"Hey. Don't embarrass me or I'm taking you back home." I warned, shooting Charlotte a playful glare through the rearview mirror. Despite my protestations, a small part of me couldn't help but feel a flicker of excitement at the prospect of spending the evening with my best friend, my team, and my girlfriend, even if it meant enduring a night of karaoke—a pastime I had always vehemently avoided.

"Yes, mom," Charlotte replied, rolling her eyes playfully as she settled back into her seat, her excitement undimmed by my warning. "Leah. Tell me Vale wasn't fangirling af when she met you guys." She asked, turning her attention to Leah with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Leah chuckled at Charlotte's question, her smile widening as she glanced over at me. "Not really, to be honest. She was rather calm and collected."

"Bullshit. No way. Even with Katie?" Charlotte pressed, her curiosity piqued by Leah's response.

Leah shrugged, her expression thoughtful as she considered Charlotte's question. "Well, maybe a little with Katie," she admitted with a playful smirk, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "But she tried to play it cool."

I shot Leah a mock glare, feigning offense at her revelation. "Hey, I did not fangirl," I protested, my voice tinged with mock indignation as I shot Charlotte a warning look in the rearview mirror. "I was just... excited to meet her. She's my idol, okay?"

Leah then gasped in remembrance, clapping her hand on her thigh. "When Viv talked to you for the first time! How did I forget about that? She was practically shaking!" Leah exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with amusement as she recalled the memory.

I groaned, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment at the memory of that encounter. "Oh god, don't remind me," I muttered, sinking lower in my seat as I tried to suppress the memory. "In my defense, Vivianne is very much intimidating. She's... I don't know, so tall and serious."

"She's 5 centimeters taller than me." Leah pointed out, her eyebrow raised in skepticism.

"Yeah, but you're not intimidating," I countered. "You're... perfect." I quickly mumbled, before changing the subject. "Anyway. You know I've got this weird-ass relationship with Vivi. Were like friends cause you and Beth are friends. Not that I'm complaining, she's very sweet once you get to know her. But still, meeting her for the first time was nerve-wracking."

Charlotte snorted at my words. "No fangirling my ass." She mumbled, and I rolled my eyes, sliding into a parking spot in front of the karaoke bar the girls and us had chosen to meet at.

As I turned off the ignition, I glanced over at Leah, a nervous smile playing at the corners of my lips. Somehow, things between us still felt weird. Like there was an invisible barrier between us that neither of us knew how to break through. If Charlotte hadn't been with us right now, I was fairly certain Leah and I would have been sitting in uncomfortable silence, lost in our thoughts and unable to bridge the divide that had grown between us.

Leah and I just gazed at each other for what seemed like forever. She was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen, even with embarrassment etched on her face. Her blue eyes, her soft lips, the way her hair fell in gentle waves around her face—all of it was like a masterpiece painted by the hands of a divine artist.

For just a second, I forgot all about where we were. Forgot about Charlotte, about the karaoke bar, about everything except Leah, and how much I wanted things to be alright again. And how much I missed her lips. Even though I had kissed them a few hours ago.

I felt a surge of longing wash over me, a burning desire to bridge the distance between us and reclaim the intimacy we had lost in the wake of our recent struggles. Without a word, I reached out to gently cup Leah's face in my hands, my thumbs tracing the curve of her cheek as I leaned in to press my lips against hers in a tender kiss.

At that moment, as our lips met in a soft, lingering kiss, time seemed to stand still, the world falling away as we lost ourselves in each other's embrace. It was a kiss filled with all the love and longing we had kept bottled up inside, a silent promise of forgiveness and renewal that spoke volumes without a single word.

As we pulled away, breathless and dizzy with emotion, Leah and I shared a tender smile, the weight of our unspoken emotions lifting like a heavy burden being cast aside. In that moment, all the doubts and insecurities that had plagued us melted away, leaving only the warmth of our love to fill the space between us.

"Fuck that was hot." I suddenly heard, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment as I realized Charlotte had been watching us the whole time. I shot her a playful glare, trying to ignore the heat rising in my cheeks as I cleared my throat awkwardly.

"Shut up, Lotte," I muttered, my voice tinged with embarrassment as I reached out to playfully swat her arm. "You're such a perv."

Charlotte just laughed, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she leaned back in her seat, her grin widening into a mischievous smirk. "Hey, don't blame me for appreciating some good ol' PDA," she teased, her tone light and playful as she shot me a knowing look.

"Let's just, go inside," I said, my cheeks still burning with embarrassment as I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the car door, eager to escape Charlotte's teasing gaze. Leah followed suit, her cheeks as red as mine were.

Charlotte followed us too, her laughter echoing behind us as we made our way into the karaoke bar, the sound of music and laughter filling the air instantly.

I immediately took a look around, trying to spot the rest of my team. I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation wash over me, a nervous excitement tinged with hope as I glanced around at the colorful lights and lively atmosphere of the bar.

Leah slipped her hand into mine, her touch warm and reassuring as she squeezed my fingers gently, her eyes meeting mine for just a second.

As we made our way further into the karaoke bar, the familiar faces of my teammates came into view. Katie spotted me instantly and immediately got up from the booth she was sitting at.

She rushed over to Leah and me, and took me away from my girlfriend for a second, her face reflecting evident concern.

"Hey. You okay?" She asked me, her hand gently resting on my arm as she searched my eyes for any sign of distress.

I nodded, offering Katie a small smile in reassurance. "Yeah, I'm okay," I replied, my voice tinged with gratitude for her concern. "Just... a lot going on, you know?"

Katie smiled empathically, gently squeezing my arm before letting go. "I'm glad you feel better." She said softly, her expression filled with genuine concern as she glanced back at Leah, who was watching us with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, pretending to be focused on her conversation with Alessia.

"Yeah, thanks," I replied, offering Katie a small nod of appreciation.

Then, I felt a gentle tug at the back of my shirt. Turning around, I found Charlotte looking at me, her eyes widening as they swayed between me and my teammate.

"That's Katie McCabe." She whispered to my ear, her voice barely audible over the din of the karaoke bar.

I chuckled softly and nodded in confirmation shooting Charlotte a playful grin as I leaned in to whisper back.

"Why are we whispering?" I asked her, and at the same moment, Katie's hand slapped the back of my head playfully.

"Oi. Be polite. Introduce us, dumbass." She told me, in all her Irish bluntness. I shot Katie a sheepish grin before turning back to Charlotte with a sigh.

"Fine, fine," I muttered, rolling my eyes playfully as I turned back to Katie. "Katie, this is Charlotte. Charlotte, meet Katie," I introduced them, gesturing between the two of them with a smile.

Charlotte grinned eagerly, extending her hand towards Katie with a bright smile. "I wanna carry your children." She blurted out, earning a surprised chuckle from Katie and a swat on the arm from me, my eyes widening at her words.

Katie laughed, shaking Charlotte's hand with a playful smirk. "Well, I'm flattered," she replied, her tone laced with amusement as she shot me a knowing look. "But I'm taken."

Charlotte laughed, pulling her hand back with a playful wink. "Damn, foiled again," she joked, "who's got you?"

Katie's smirk widened into a mischievous grin as she glanced over at me, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "That would be this one," she replied, gesturing towards me with a playful tilt of her head. "Valentina's got me wrapped around her finger."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Katie's teasing remark. "Shut up," I mumbled. "It's Caitlin." I rectified, earning an amused chuckle from Katie as she shot me a playful glare.

"Oi, don't go spilling all my secrets," she teased, her tone light and playful as she gently nudged me with her elbow.

"Oh yeah, 'cause you've been doing such a good job 'hinting it subtly' on Instagram." I retorted, earning a playful swat on the arm from Katie.

Charlotte just laughed at our banter, clearly amused by the dynamic between me and my teammate. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Katie," she said as she flashed Katie a bright smile.

"Likewise, Charlotte," Katie replied, her tone warm and friendly as she shook Charlotte's hand once more. "Welcome to the madness."

"Baby!" I then heard Leah call for me, her voice cutting through the lively chatter of the bar. I turned to see Leah sitting in a nearby booth, surrounded by some of our friends, her eyes shining with excitement as she beckoned me over with a playful grin.

I shot Charlotte and Katie a quick smile before making my way over to Leah, my heart swelling with affection at the sight of her. As I reached her side, Leah wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace, pulling me close with all the force of a hurricane as she buried her face in the crook of my neck.

"Hey, you," I murmured, my voice filled with warmth and affection as I sat on her lap, returning her embrace. "Missed me already?"

Leah's arms tightened around me, her embrace warm and reassuring as she nuzzled her face against my neck with a soft sigh. "More than you know," she replied softly, her voice tinged with genuine affection as she pressed a gentle kiss against my skin. I knew she wasn't just talking about the five minutes we just spent a few feet away from each other, but the entire awful week we had just spent.

I leaned into Leah's touch, feeling the weight of the world lift from my shoulders as I basked in the simple joy of being with her.

I focused on the conversation Less, Lotte, and Lia were having in front of us.

No, truthfully, I wasn't focused. At all. Leah's fingers traced gentle patterns on my back as we sat together in the cozy booth, her touch sending shivers of warmth cascading down my spine. I closed my eyes, relishing in the sensation as I leaned into her embrace, feeling a sense of peace wash over me like a soothing balm for my weary soul.

"Oi! California!" I suddenly heard Katie's voice calling out from across the bar, snapping me out of my blissful reverie.

I groaned, then mumbled to Leah's ear; "can I just pretend she doesn't exist?"

Leah chuckled softly at my words, her arms still wrapped around me in a comforting embrace as she pressed a gentle kiss against my cheek. "As tempting as that sounds, I don't think Katie's gonna let you off the hook that easily," she replied with a playful grin as she glanced over at Katie, who was waving enthusiastically from across the bar.

I sighed in resignation, shooting Leah a playful glare as I reluctantly extricated myself from her embrace and got up from her lap. "Fine," I muttered, rolling my eyes as I made my way over to where Katie was standing, trying to ignore the amused glances from our friends as I approached.

"You're singing with me, lad." Katie declared as soon as I reached her, her Irish brogue thick with determination as she gestured towards the stage where Charlotte was singing her lungs out.

I groaned, shooting Katie a pleading look as I shook my head in protest. "Oh god, Katie, please don't make me embarrass myself in front of everyone," I pleaded, my voice tinged with desperation as I tried to come up with any excuse to avoid getting up on stage.

Katie just laughed at my protest, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she playfully nudged me with her elbow. "Oh, come on, Val," she teased, her tone filled with playful encouragement. "It'll be fun, I promise."

I shot Katie a skeptical look, my heart pounding with a mixture of nerves and excitement at the thought of getting up on stage. "Easy for you to say," I muttered under my breath, my voice laced with apprehension as I glanced nervously towards the stage where Charlotte was still belting out her song with, surprisingly, Teyah by her side. "Can I at least choose the song?"

Katie chuckled at my request, then nodded in agreement. "Fair enough," She replied, her tone filled with amusement as she gestured towards the karaoke machine with a playful grin. "Pick your poison, California."

I scanned through the list of songs, my mind racing as I tried to find something that wouldn't make me sound like a dying cat. Finally, I spotted one of my favorite country songs, and I couldn't help but smile at the thought of belting out the lyrics in front of my friends.

That's how I ended up completely butchering "Whiskey River" by Zach Bryan on stage, Katie by my side, her arm wrapped around my shoulders as we sang our hearts out.

As the song came to an end, I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins as I soaked in the applause and cheers from our friends. Katie clapped me on the back with a proud smile, before she leaned in to yell in my ear.

"Oi, you do sing like shit, mate!" She cried out over the noise of the bar, her tone teasing but affectionate as she flashed me a playful grin.

I rolled my eyes at her words, punching her arm playfully. "Shut up, KitKat."

We both hopped off stage, walking back to the rest of our friends, who kept on cheering and yelling like idiots. I sat back next to Leah, who kissed my cheek before standing up to go to the bathroom, asking Kim to come with her, for some reason.

As Leah and Kim made their way to the bathroom, I engaged in a lively conversation with Lia and Lessi.

"So, what are you doing tomorrow?" Lia asked me, and I frowned at the question. 

"I don't know, just training. Why you asking?"

At my words, Lia's eyes widened, and she shot Lessi a shocked glance. Lessi simply chuckled, before looking back at me, pointing me a somehow accusing finger.

"You my friend, are in deep shit." She declared, her tone filled with mock seriousness as she fixed me with a knowing look. "Tomorrow is Leah's birthday, and if you don't have something planned, you're gonna be in the doghouse for sure."

I felt a surge of panic wash over me at Lessi's words. With the week we both had, I had completely forgotten about my girlfriend's birthday. How could I have been so careless?

"Oh shit," I muttered under my breath, my heart sinking with guilt as I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. "I completely forgot."

Lia and Lessi exchanged amused glances, clearly enjoying my distress as they watched me squirm with a guilty conscience. "You better come up with something fast, California," Lia teased, her tone light and playful as she shot me a knowing grin. "Or Leah's gonna have your head on a platter."

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