The Alpha's Omega Mistress

By Goldi-Luxxx

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"Our love is filthy, a dirty secret that nobody should know about." Kira thrives and wants a better life in... More



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By Goldi-Luxxx


The living room downstairs was chaotic with angry omega students and their frustrated parents. Everyone wanted to air their grievances at the same time. And guess who took the blame for everything?

Yours truly.

They complained bitterly to me, acting like I had an advantage over the other students. Amari’s mom had a tightening under her eyes as she glared at me. One of the women's faces was so red that I feared she might explode.

Her son, Tae, was also a senior, and then when the woman whose daughter was gagged burst into tears, my ribs squeezed tight.

"I swear, I'm never stepping foot in that school again! It's a nightmare!" one of the omega girls said, throwing her hands into the air, fuming.

"It's all your fault!” Another one screamed, pointing at me angrily. "If it weren't for you, none of us would have been treated like that by these idiots.”

“I agree,” the third omega said. “If this is what we're going to face every day, count me out. If Kira wants to get her diploma, she can with ease because she's the alpha's mate.”

My gaze sharpened, but I tried to disguise my annoyance. Their blame game was becoming irritating at this point, and my headache returned tenfold. I rubbed my temples and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

The fact that I was being held responsible for everything annoyed me. How was it my fault?

"Okay, listen!" I shouted in between. "Just calm down and let me talk!”

Amari held up a hand while speaking clearly. “Kira, remember what I suggested earlier. Maybe we should just learn a trade. If all we are going to do at school is get bullied, it is not worth it."

“Please just hear me out for a second."

"What's there to hear?” Petra snapped. “School sucks, end of story. Did you see how they baptized me with watermelon pulp in front of everybody? Those kids are demons from the pit of hell.”

I persisted, despite their harsh words. "But education is important. We can't let a few bullies stop us from learning and growing. Giving up now does not make any sense, and you all know that!”
The room was silent, and I started to feel anxious. I was curious as to why no one spoke at all.

Then I heard a sneer, and when Amari's mother brought up my apparent advantage, I did not take offense. "Easy for you to say. You've got the Alpha on your side. Our kids won't blindly follow your orders.”

Suddenly, every person in the room was speaking. I bit my lower lip hard, wondering why Amari's mother was so poisonous. I was sick of having to clarify or explain to them why I was not even benefiting from being the alpha's mate.

D'Angelo had not even given me a mark. Why were they so fixated on me when they ought to be concentrating on other things? I felt exposed and uncomfortable because of this.

“That's not fair. I'm trying to help all of us here."

She laughed harshly. “Help? By scratching the alpha's back and opening your legs to-”

“Mom, that's enough,” her daughter shot back. “This isn't Kira's fault.”

“Shut your mouth, child. You don't have to kiss up to her. I say this to you every day. When shit hits the fan, she has the alpha to protect her skin. Just shut up!” Her mother yelled, shoving Amari in the shoulder.

“Mom, I don't want to fight anymore. Let's put a stop to this before it escalates. That students' actions are not Kira's fault. Please. Just leave her alone.” Her tone had dropped from anger to pleading.

Amari's mom bellowed in rage. “Keep your opinions to yourself.” Then she turned to face me. “Why don't you go hang out with the Alpha instead? Go fuck him and have a baby.”

A few of the females mocked me with their laughter. I begged my mother to let me handle this on my own, so she remained silent the entire time. However, it had turned personal, and in a matter of minutes, the women were hitting me with jabs that were more toxic than the last, leaving me feeling completely helpless. I could feel my vision getting fuzzy and my knees trembling weakly. I fought back the tears by blinking them away. I couldn't cry here, not when so many eyes were upon me.

Why the fuck was I even bothered about these omega women?

After a while of silent observation, my mother spoke up. “The last time I said you all were jealous of my daughter, you called me names. Now explain why women in their thirties and forties are bullying an eighteen-year-old ki.? What has she done to deserve this treatment? If you choose not to give your kids a diploma, that is your choice, but do not hold Kira accountable for the abuse that the higher-ranked werewolves are causing to everyone.”

I felt the tears gathering at the corners of my eyes, hot and uncomfortable. I wiped them dry with my palm, forcing myself to stay composed even though my stomach lurched. The crowd became silent, and some of the women looked down and muttered under their breaths.

My mom continued. “Kira and I aren't better than any of you here. She's just trying to make the best of a bad situation, but if it's not working, then let everyone go their separate ways and do whatever they like.”

No one said a word. I took in a shuddering breath, spun, and headed upstairs. Fortunately, sleep was my go-to comfort when I was upset. So I opened the door of my room, slipped through, and locked it behind me. A wave of relief rushed over me as I collapsed on my bed, not bothering to change, and curled up into a fetal position on top of the comforter.

Hours later, I felt a tug on my leg. It was my mom trying to wake me up. “Get up, honey, I made you ramen noodles, and Zina is downstairs waiting for you.”

"I don't want it," I replied in my sleepy voice, burying my head into the pillow.

"Come on, get up." She tugged again, shaking my leg harder this time and making me whine miserably. I sat up and swung my feet around to the floor.

A yawn escaped my lips. “Did you say Zina was here?”

She nodded and gestured for me to go downstairs. I followed silently, shuffling forward, dragging my feet against the floor.

Zina beamed and widened her hands for a hug, which I accepted without hesitation. She pulled away from me after a brief moment of hugging, giving me a big smile.

“How's my favorite staff doing? And how was your first day at school? Your lover is busy at work and instructed that I get you a boutique of school clothes and shoes. And as you know, I'm a sucker for shopping, so my car is filled with your stuff,” she said excitedly.

I smiled at this bundle of cheerfulness and happiness. Even though I'd forgiven Amari for what she did to me and Zina was way above my league, I saw Zina as the best friend I truly needed.

She was successful, intelligent, beautiful, well-spoken, and had everything going for her except having a child. I was beginning to believe our bond was stronger than my friendship with Amari.

Or maybe I was just delusional.

When I saw all the beautiful things she got me, my chest tightened with guilt and self-loathing. Did Amari's mother accuse me of doing this? Just by the alpha being my mate, I was able to enjoy greater privileges than others.

“This is too much,” I said to her. "I will stand out from the other omegas if I continue to wear new clothes."

“Nonsense!” Zina shook her head. “I know you're feeling guilty that you're banking on the alpha's money but he's your mate and you needn't worry about anything. Besides, I already picked out the outfits for you and don't plan to return them. Get used to it, girl.”

“Can I share some outfits with my friends?” I asked, hoping she'd say yes. Instead,d she gave me a strangely amusing look.

“You're such a softie, sweetie. But the clothes belong to you. Do as you please. There's always more money to shop for more,” she said with a mischievous wink.

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