Pokémon Lockdown

By black_fox_otaku

134 8 3

Oh, hey there. I'm sure you have heard this little speech so many times before, welcoming you to the world of... More

Pokémon Lockdown Episode 1: Welcome to Solitaire City
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 2: Champion Cassie Maru
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 3: The Job
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 4: Battle with a Turf Leader
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 5: Two Rising Stars
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 6: High and Trippy
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 7: Struggle
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 8: Going to Nightcare
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 9: A Stimulating Battle
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 10: Advancing to the Next Level
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 11: The Makings of a Pokémon Trainer
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 12: Bonding Evolution
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 13: Turf War
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 14: Fair Game
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 15: Evo Island
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 16: The Pokémon Bonding Link Part 1
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 18: The Pokémon Bonding Link Part 3
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 19: The Pokémon Bonding Link Part 4
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 20: An Appointment With the Mayor
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 21: Being Number One
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 22: 13X2
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 23: Fighting For a Purpose
Pokémon Lockdown Episode 24: Goodbye Solitaire City

Pokémon Lockdown Episode 17: The Pokémon Bonding Link Part 2

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By black_fox_otaku


INT. Gen's Room – Day

The next day, Gen would find solace in his private room, resting on his bed. He didn't want to be around people while his injury was still healing. Isolated in his small cube room, he embraces the tranquility and lets his mind unwind. But that relaxation would be interrupted as soon as he hears a knock at the door.


"Gen! Are you up?"

On the opposite side of the door, she patiently waited for a reply. Gen would wake up, stretch his limbs, and then go open the door to see what Holly wanted.


"What do you want, Holly?"


"You have to see this cute little trick Twil can do."

Holly holds Eevee in front of her to Gen.


"You named her Why?"

Gen tilted his head.


"No, Twil. Short for Twilight."

Holly clarified as she puts Eevee down.


"Why exactly did you nickname her that?"


"Well, when you were resting, we went to go see the sunset, secretly on the roof."


"Holly that was very dangerous you know."


"I know, but it was the best view that we could see the sunset from here."


"Seriously, your habit of climbing on stuff is dangerous."

Gen shakes his head.


"Anyway, the reason for the nickname is because Eevee got really excited at the moment the sun was going down into the water. Which was called the moment of Twilight. So, I named her Twil for short. She seems to like it very much. Don't you Twil?"

Holly looks down at Eevee, who responds with a cheerful meow.


"Okay, so what did you and Twil want to show me?"

Gen looks at them.


"Oh right. You're going to find this so funny."

Kneeling down, Holly playfully pokes at Twil's chest fur using a single finger.



Twil would instantly stick her tongue out. Once Holly pulls her finger away Twil would put her tongue back in her mouth. They would then repeat the action, with Gen just looking dumbfounded at them.


"Pretty cute, right."

Holly looks up at Gen.


"I guess. But shouldn't we be more focused on teaching her to battle?"

Gen pointed out.


"Oh come on Gen we just got our Pokémon yesterday, we can't just toss them into a fight instantly."


"Well, what if we end up getting our own pokéballs and get the chance to collect more Pokémon? We won't be able to do that with just an Eevee sticking her tongue out."

Twil would glare at Gen.


"At least get to know Twil more before thinking about getting more Pokémon to take care of. You sound like you want to replace her."

Holly stands back up pouting.


"Well, I figured if we collect more Pokémon, we can have our own individually. And we wouldn't have to be paired up."

Gen turns his head away from Holly.


"But I like being paired up with you."

Holly tilted her head down feeling sad to hear how Gen felt.


"Holly, I didn't mean it like that. I just..."

Gen realizes what he said affected Holly, he quickly tries to fix his mistake. But he would be interrupted as an announcement went off, calling all children to meet in front of the mansion.


"We should hurry it sounds like it's an emergency. Come on Twil."

Holly begins to walk off with Twil walking beside her. Gen facepalms himself for saying something so stupid.


EXT. Evolnort's Mansion – Day

The children would gather near the mansion, all lined up as Professor Evolnort stands in front of them.


"Children, now that you have all had time to get acquainted with your Pokémon. It is time to begin testing your abilities along with them. So you will go into the forest and will try to survive for an hour."

The children looked at one another confused.


"Will we not get pokéballs and a pokédex?"

A boy raises his hand while asking.


"Those will not be required for today's testing. Your goal is to survive against wild Pokémon. As future trainers you will need to handle these types of situations as you set out in the world."


"What happens if our Pokémon loses a battle? How we'll be able to defend ourselves?"


"This is a learning experiment for you all. In situations like these, you all must be smart. You may return back to the mansion when you hear the announcement goes off. If you return back early, you will have your Pokémon taken away from you."

As Professor Evolnort informs the children, their eyes widen with fear at the sound of his words.


"Now let the testing begin."

Soon a loud alarm goes off and the professor's assistants begin to release their Pokémon to chase after the children to scare them off.


"Sir, the red mist has been deployed."


"Excellent. This will have the children on their toes."


EXT. Evolnort's Island Deep Forest – Day

Within the forest, the kids all gather around panicking as they couldn't believe that they were being put in such a situation. They felt so unprepared not having any potions or pokéballs. Having to be sent out here with whatever Pokémon that lingers in the forest.


"Look everyone, as long as we all stick together, we can last an hour out here."

Holly spoke up to calm everyone down.


"Holly's right. Besides, with all of us using our Pokémon together as a team, we can take down anything that comes our way."

Soon the children would hear something approaching them. Making quite the destructive noise along with a loud roar. Twil standing beside Holly would start growling. Soon, an Ursaring would emerge, its bloodshot eyes filled with fury, glaring at the children. In the face of danger, fear gripped the children, rendering them motionless.


"Everyone run!"

Gen yelled out to the others to snap them out of it. Then quickly grabs onto Holly's arm and pulls her away as they try to make their escape. The other kids would do the same scattering from each other as they go deeper into the forest. Trying their best not to look back to see if Ursaring was following them. Gen quickly jumps into a bush with Holly and the two would hide in there.


"We should be safe if we stay quiet."


"Gen, we can't just hide here. Vance, Wix, and the others could be in danger."


"We all scattered from different areas. I'm sure the others are fine. But right now we have to focus on lasting an hour out here."



As Holly was soon about the say something, Gen covers her mouth to keep her quiet as he hears something approaching. He would freak out once it was revealed that Twil jumped in the brush.


"Twil, thank goodness you're okay."

Holly hugs her relieved that she was safe.


"Well good to see that we have some protection if we encounter another wild Pokémon."

Gen would listen carefully as minutes go by.


"Seems like we lost it. Let's just hope we don't run into that Pokémon again."

Gen peers out the bush to look to see if the coast was clear.


"I never seen a Pokémon that angry before. Its red eyes were really scary."


"Maybe that stupid alarm woke them up and made it cranky. Seriously what is this? Some intense training of making us Pokémon trainers?"


"We'll get through this together, right Gen?"

Gen looks at her seeing the frightened expression she had. The young girl was at the verge of shedding tears.


"Yeah of course. As long as we're together we can get through this and whatever comes our way. You, me, and Twil. Right, Twil?"

With a happy mew, the Pokémon responded to Gen's question, bringing a sense of cheer to the moment. Gen gives Holly a light smile to assure her that things will be okay. This would work as Holly nodded her head and wipes her eyes before giving a smile back to Gen.


"Now, come on. Let's go see if we can find the others."


EXT. Evolnort's Island Deep Forest Different Location – Day


"Poochyena, use tackle!"

Poochyena would charge into the Ekans and defeat them. Poochyena would breathe heavily after the intense battle.


"Nice work Poochyena."


(To Wix)

"Wix it's safe to come out now."


"Great work you two. I managed to gather some Oran berries while you two were fighting. This should help you feel a little better Poochyena."

Wix kneels down and hands the berries to Pokémon. Poochyena would eat the berries out of Wix's hands.


"Hehe, hey that tickles."

She giggles a little.


"We should try to hide out for now. Give Poochyena some time to rest after that."

But then would stick his guard up once hearing something rustling in the bushes.


"Not another Pokémon. Wix you and Poochyena make a run for it. I'll buy you guys some time."


"Buy some time? Jeeze and you call me the reckless idiot."

Gen shows himself along with Holly and Twil.


"Oh it's you."


"You guys are okay."

Wix rushes up the hug Holly.


"It's good to see you two are safe as well."

Holly hugs Wix back.


"Any luck finding the others?"


"No, after we all scattered it's been pretty quiet. We had some encounters with some wild Pokémon, but Poochyena managed to handle them."


"What was weird though is that the Pokémon that we battled all were angry and had red eyes just like that big one."


"I wonder why are they all acting like that."


"It wouldn't be hard to believe that the professor might have something to do with it. After all, he has considered this whole thing an experiment."


"Bottom line is we just need to survive through this supposed hour. Will prove to him that we can handle his stupid test and that we're capable of it."

Gen begins to walk ahead with the others looking at each other before they follow him.


INT. Evolnort's Mansion Basement – Day

Back at the mansion, Professor Evolnort was working with some of his assistances down in the basement. The man looks closely at the results of what their creation was turning into.


(To himself)

"This seems to be working pretty well. At least much better than the other attempts. Yet we are still far away from achieving our goal. We will need more time for preparations."

Evolnort leaves the room to enter another one to look at a TV monitor reporting the news.


"With this fourth year soon coming to a close for Mayor Paulmer, it seems that he may continue his running of mayor for next year as the election's approaches. Mayor Paulmer also announces that he hopes to continue running so that Solitaire City will be able to expand and making connections with other regions. It seems Mayor Paulmer has hopes to reach out to the rest of the world."


"Hmm, expand and make connections."


EXT. Evolnort's Island Deep Forest – Day

Back with the Gen and the others, they wander through the forest still trying to look for the other kids from the orphanage. They tried calling out for them but there was no response.


"Do you think they all went back to the mansion?"


"The professor said he would take our Pokémon if we did."


"Well, I think they would care for their life more than that."


"Please, a life without Pokémon is not a life at all. It's probably worse than death."


"Gen, don't say stuff like that. We have to bump into someone eventually."

Holly was trying to be optimistic having hope that the others were safe. Twil comforts her brushing up against her leg.


"Help! Somebody!"

A boy's voice could be heard. This gathers the four's attention as they hear this, rushing towards the sound of the voice. They soon stop as they spotted the young boy, bleeding while holding his right arm. He was quickly limping as he was getting chased by the same Ursaring. Gen, Holly, Vance and Wix all froze in fear as they stood at a distance seeing this happen.


"Somebody! Anybody! Help me!"

The boy tripped and would now crawl as the Ursaring just got closer and closer. The young boy would turn on his back to face the giant Pokémon. Only to see it pull out their claws.


"I don't want to..."

The young man was cut off as Ursaring fury swipes at the young boy. Wix covers her face against Vance's chest to look away at the terrifying sight. While Gen, Holly, and Vance stare and see the horrible display before them. Once the Ursaring was done, the Pokémon wandered off. There was just only a moment of silence, as the four were still horrified by this event. What soon snap them out of it was the alarm going off, along with the announcements calling all the children back to the mansion.


"We should go."



Vance would walk Wix back to the mansion keeping her sight closed.


"Holly, we should go."

Gen looks at her. Seeing that she was still silently staring. Gen reaches out to grab her hands which snaps her back to reality.


"Let's go back together."

Twil mews to call to her as well. Holly silently nodded her head agreeing and the three would walk back to the mansion.


EXT. Evolnort's Mansion – Day

When returning back to the mansion Professor Evolnort was waiting for them to return. Gen would see Mello, Dora, and some others back.


"Hmm, It seems like numbers 6 and 12 haven't returned yet. I'll have a search party go look for them. In the meantime, congratulations children you passed the first test. Now go ahead and rest up. Take time to reflect on your first adventure as trainers."


INT. Gen's Room – Night

Later that night Gen was looking up at the ceiling as he lay down on his bed. He couldn't sleep as his mind still thinks back to what he saw. He would then receive a knock at the door.


"Gen... Are you up?"

Holly's voice was softly heard. Gen went to answer the door.


"Yeah. I'm guessing you can't sleep too, huh?"


"It would be easier if Twil was with me, but since she's healing I can't. I was hoping I could sleep with you for tonight."


"Yeah, of course."

Gen allowed her into his room. Both of them would hop in his bed.


"Thank you. Good night, Gen."



Gen turns away from her and tries to sleep. But as he closes his eyes, Gen could hear the weeping sound from Holly as she was crying. Understanding what she was feeling Gen would turn over and hug Holly as a way of comfort. Allowing her to cry as much as she needed on him till, she slowly fell asleep.


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