Enchanted University of Magem...

By nicoeuzme

429 52 13

Alysa is about to turn 19, she will have to step into the Enchanted University of Magemenos, where she will... More

Chapter 1 : DONT TURN 19 !
Chapter 4 : A Bloody night
Chapter 5 :Onset of a life
Chapter 6 :Clouds of memories
Not a chapter
Chapter 7: Journey to your fate
Chapter 8: A New tour guide
Chapter 9:First rule break
Chapter 10 :First punishment
Chapter 12:Nightmare
Chapter 13:Die in hell
Chapter 14:UNO universe
Chapter 15:Swapped fate
Chapter 16: 5 Senses
Chapter 17:Reality check
Chapter 18:A tiring break
Chapter 19:Sinking Marsh
Chapter 20: A Trap
Chapter 21: Grave danger
Chapter 22: Made it out alive
Chapter 23:Maze of instruments.
Chapter 24: Six Strings of life
Chapter 25:A Long show
Chapter 26: Vengeful deity.
chapter 27:River of blood
Chapter 28:Welcome anchor
Chapter 29:7 days a week
Chaptrer 30:Illusion
Chapter 31: Lifelike illusion
Chapter 32:All getting too real
Chapter 33:We are late!
Chapter 34:The Monday Buster Quiz
Chapter 35:The curse
Chapter 36:Questions are brutal
Chapter 37:Top ten
Chapter 38:Tuesday's Treasure Hunt
Chapter 39:Busy hunt
Chapter 40:Back to reality
Chapter 41:Treasure
Chapter 42:Unfolding truth
Chapter 43:Marco Polo
Chapter 44:Dissapointment
Chapter 45: Where is the boundary
chapter 46:4 minutes yet to go!
Chapter 47:Trust is a dangerous luxury.
Chapter 48:Hide and seek
Chapter 49:A day off
Chapter 50:Where am I?
Chapter 51:Wake up to reality
Chapter 52: Caporaso?
Chapter 53:Lock and Key
Chapter 54:Hunger strike!
Chapter 55:Possible loopholes?
Chapter 56:The gray area
Chapter 57:End of the round
Chapter 58:Key to my lock!

Chapter 11:The perfect bond

5 1 0
By nicoeuzme

"Kate warned, 'Do not engage in a duel with them; it will cost you a fortune,' speaking as a friend."

To change the topic, I asked, "How long have you been staying here?"

"I think in the next two months it's officially going to be four years now," said Kate, gasping as though realizing the passage of time.

"Wow, I wonder how you managed to stay with them for so long without getting killed," I said, expressing surprise.

"Nah! They won't do anything to me because I'm the so-called Campus Angel's sister," said Kate, rolling her eyes and giving me a knowing look, as if to emphasize that these kinds of things do happen.

"Who is this so-called Campus Angel? Don't tell me it's Caporaso. I mean, I've noticed your questionable taste in men ever since you were overjoyed at the mere thought of touching Caporaso." I chuckled.

"Firstly, do not address a dignitary like him so casually. Secondly, no, he is not the Campus Angel. He is my idol. I would never want to be Lord Caporaso's sister, for sure," sighed Kate.

"I can never get used to you fantasizing about Caporaso. What's so great about him anyway?" I said, curiously.

"You dumbo! He's the greatest warrior of all time. If I were to list his achievements, we'd be here all day. He's directly under Lord Thanata, and he's the one orchestrating and directing selections. I'm just puzzled why such a man would be assigned as a guardian for someone like you. Don't take it personally; I mean, you're neither his age to be with him nor wealthy. I mean, what on earth did you do?" Kate's words came sharp, but she quickly added, "I hope you know I don't mean any harm by it."

"I swear I didn't do anything; he just appeared out of thin air. But let's circle back to the topic at hand — you being the Campus Angel's sister. So, spill the beans, who exactly is this mysterious figure?" I said, skillfully diverting the conversation.

"Nathan... Nathan Victor Ainsley. He's my cousin. You know how obsessed girls are with him, so they wouldn't dare lay a finger on me. And Nathan, well, he's a bit of a wildcard, especially after that brawl he had with a senior who was twice his size and twice as experienced. Yet, Nathan emerged victorious, sending shivers down everyone's spine," Kate disclosed.

"Wait, I didn't ask you, are you also head over heels for my brother? Although, I must admit, if anyone were to fancy him, you wouldn't be a bad choice. After all, you're quite stunning, and your eyes are just as blue as Lord Thanata's,"Kate reassured, a playful glint in her eye.

"Thanks for the compliment, though. But I'm rather preoccupied with so many puzzles in my life that I have no time to waste on such matters. And I don't ever want to love someone only to lose them in the end," I admitted, feeling a twinge of sadness. Before a tear could escape down my flushed cheeks, the bell rang, a timely reminder to retire for the night.

"Alright, it's time to turn in for the night. We have an early start tomorrow; there's that significant announcement we can't afford to miss," Kate said, signaling the end of the evening and the beginning of anticipation for what lay ahead.

"But where am I supposed to sleep?" I queried, noticing that all the beds were already occupied by the other girls, their silent message clear: find your own spot.

"Girls, Lysa and I can share a bed. You can carry on with your conversation," suggested Kate, offering a solution to the sleeping arrangements.

At that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards Kate for being in the same dorm room. I couldn't imagine what I would do without her.

"Come on, Lysa, let's get some sleep," Kate said gently, taking my hand and guiding me to the bed.

I sighed with relief as I settled into bed, feeling the comforting warmth of Kate beside me. It was a welcomed feeling after a long day.

I sighed contentedly, feeling the warmth beside me. It had been ages since I had slept next to another breathing soul. The comfort of companionship enveloped me, easing the tension of the day.

As Kate hugged me tightly, I felt a sense of revival wash over me. With her by my side, I felt safe and comforted, as if I were home. Yet, amidst the warmth of her embrace, I couldn't help but acknowledge that no hug could ever replace the unconditional love of a mother's embrace.

The exhaustion weighed heavily on me, pulling me into a deep slumber almost instantly. But as soon as I closed my eyes, disturbing images flooded my mind. Blood splashed across my face in gruesome patterns, and the memory of my parents abandoning me haunted me relentlessly, as if they were washing their hands of any responsibility for my existence.

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