
By TheoryKierei

38.5K 4.6K 1.6K

(This is a spin-off from Alpha to Omega. It can stand alone, though some characters are from AtO at the begin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25

1K 132 87
By TheoryKierei

His large paws were silent in the damp leaf litter. 

Ilio quickly but cautiously approached the beach from downwind, keeping low to the ground as he wove through the forest. He came across several vampires as he made his trek. The first was clearly a pirate, but Ilio decided to spook him anyways with a lunge and a snarl because he was likely a lookout and hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings at such important times. 

Needless to say, he high-tailed it back to the little port town, whimpering the entire way. 

How brave. 

The next one he came across, he handled much more carefully as to not alert any other vampires in the area. This man was clearly from one of captain Moral's crew, as he could faintly smell the man's scent coming from him. 

He was also dressed decently well, making him seem like someone of importance. Well, Ilio would just have to prove him wrong on that account. 

After stalking him on his evident perimeter walk for a few minutes, Ilio settled behind a large clump of thorn bushes, then waited until the man had turned back to retrace his steps before licking his jowls and inching closer. 

He counted each step with a flick of his ear until, finally, he forgot what number came next and simply decided to attack at that moment! 

The man was slow to respond, making Ilio think that he might have been a little drunk. Either way, he took advantage of his poor planning and after only a brief struggle, snapped his neck between his jaws. 


Yep, definitely had been drinking but probably had a decent tolerance because they were a vampire. 

It didn't help, he thought to himself, slightly bored with the lack of challenges so far. 

The last vampire he encountered on his way, or really, vampires, were lounging about a few paces from the edge of the cliffs leading down to the beach. There were about five of them in total, and not a single one smelled any better than the pirate's on his mate's ship. 

He'd intended to simply charge at them and take them down in tandem, but the moment he'd darted from the bushes the group had all squealed like startled hogs and jumped right off the cliff!

That left him in his current predicament as he watched the vampires, now a good thirty meters below him, scrambling around like wiggling ants. A few appeared to have broken some part of their body from the abrupt fall, but the majority were scurrying about easily enough.   

He had no doubt that captain Morel was going to show up at any moment now, but there was nothing else he could do. Besides, it wasn't like he'd expected to make it to the boats without being spotted. 

Turning his head toward the ocean, he took in a calming breath of sea air, then tilted his head back and howled as loudly as he could. 

He knew that it wasn't what Inkani had wanted him to do. In fact, it was the exact opposite, but as he lowered his eyes back down to the boats moored by the shore, he knew that it had been the right decision. 

There were a lot more ants scrambling around now, too. His jaws yearned to start massacring them one by one, but for once, he didn't act on impulse. 

He wants me to come back to him now. I won't let him down. 

It had taken too long to get his man's attention as something more than a possible fur coat. He wasn't going to die now. 

Twitching an ear as it picked up the sound of people approaching from nearly all sides, Ilio bared his teeth at nothing in particular, then turned, took a step forward... and jumped! 

The majority of vampires that had started coming after him had used the easiest pathways, thus, they had been approaching from the left and right, with a minimal few taking the longest route through the forest directly behind him, but none had bothered to even try to scale the cliff in front.

Ilio easily began descending to the sounds of a few gunshots, though the majority of things being propelled at him were arrows. 

They are running low on silver bullets. 

That was no surprise. Who would have thought that it would take so many to take him down? Not to mention their bad aim when coupled with his incredible speed. 

They had underestimated the gangly alpha...

Easily leaping from ledge to ledge, Ilio smoothly managed to traverse the cliff without needing to stop even once. His attention was focused in all directions as his ears twisted and turned, picking up every minute sound from all around him.  

The vampires that had remained on the beach were running forward to meet him at the bottom of the cliff, though Ilio couldn't see a single gun amongst them. They must have sent the few vampires who still had the stronger weapons up the cliff already. 

As a bullet whizzed past his ear, his wolfish lips smirked. He'd been correct in his assumption, but that didn't mean that the arrows now flying towards him from both above and below weren't made with silver, too.

The men at the bottom of the cliff began to gather around the area he was most likely to land now, but Ilio had other plans. 

He finished descending about ninety percent of the way before suddenly leaping from a little ledge straight out over their heads! 

After landing in a massive dead tree, he hurried along its reaching branches before jumping again, then finally descending onto the warming sand. 

Two arrows landed to the left of his right paw, one coming within an inch of hitting him, but Ilio disregarded them as he lunged forward, kicking up a massive wall of sand as he bolted across the beach, trampling weeds, shells, and a startled vampire that hadn't be able to move out the way fast enough to avoid being plowed over. 

He's still not here...

He wasn't complaining, but as he began yanking boat tethers from the sand one by one, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. 

As the attacking vampires got closer and closer he used their own weapons against them and began to dart between the boats now rocking freely in the shallow water. 

A swift dodge to the left saw a bullet going through the bottom of one boat while three arrows got lodged inside it, making Ilio's nose twitch a few inches from them before he quickly romped through the water, splashing about he ran between boats, dancing with several vampires that had finally dared try to get close to him. 

Unfortunately for them, they didn't have claws on the bottom of their boots, and from the looks of it, not very much traction in general, either. The men fumbled and slipped more than they ran, making Ilio a little annoyed at how easy they were to pick off with a well-placed bite or swipe of his paw. 

He was actually just about to take a bite out of a scrawny leg, intending to snap it in two, when his ears flicked backwards, then tilted slightly towards the ocean, giving him just enough of a warning to allow him to dart beneath the waves before a massive blast of fire roared through the spot he had just been standing! 

He could feel the water heat against his back, but didn't dare swim any deeper. In fact, as he waited for the blaze to die down, he paddled along beneath the crashing waves, doing his best to use them for cover while at the same time hoping to inch his way out of the line of fire. 

Of course, he knew that was unlikely to happen, and as he finally surfaced a minute later, needing to breathe, he could already sense eyes on him. 

He just-barely managed to duck back beneath the surface before a second blast of flames scorched the tips of the waves where he'd just been! 

Need to get back to land. 

He wasn't worried about the man's underlings, but if he kept having to swim around, only to be given enough time for one gulp of air here and there, he was going to run out of energy rather quickly. 

With his paws scraping against the sand beneath him, Ilio did his best to put some distance between himself and captain Moral, but each time he came up for a brief breath, he immediately had to duck back beneath the waves to save himself from being cooked alive. 

He was in, quite literally, over his head. 


Ilio blinked his burning eyes as he was pushed and pulled by the waves. 


The roar of the water was so loud in his ears that it was hard to tell if he'd heard the man's voice in his mind, or if he was just hearing things because of the excessive sound around him. 

He was just about to try and send another thought to his vampire when he suddenly felt something constrict around his body, then abruptly drag him downward and out, forcing him into much deeper waters! 

Panic quickly set in, but as he flailed around, trying to fight the pull, it only seemed to grow stronger. 

Why can't I get free? 

No matter how hard he swam, the current kept pulling him farther and father!


The thought came right as he felt himself suddenly being yanked up towards the surface! Within seconds his head not only breached it, but his entire body literally shot completely out of the water! 

Once free of its surface, he quickly gulped in several mouthfuls of air as he felt the feeling that had propelled him upward compress against his soaked fur. 


Now that he wasn't struggling beneath the waves, he realized that he could feel the man's water manipulating ability pressing against his body. It was an odd but welcome sensation. Even as he dropped back down towards the water he could sense it moving along his fur, wrapping around him like a patchwork quilt. It reached all the way down to his damp toes and, as he landed atop the waves, Ilio couldn't help but whimper a little in shock when he didn't sink back below the surface! 

I can't come help you yet, but I'm with you, he finally heard Inkani say inside his mind, making him wiggle a little even as he tried to figure out how to balance atop the churning ocean waters. 

It took a lot of effort and focus, but he eventually managed to lift his fuzzy head and look around as his legs automatically began adjusting to the rhythmic rising and falling of the water beneath his paws. 

It was a good thing, too, because there were several small boats heading towards him from shore and, of course, his good friend captain Moral was standing at the very front of the closest one. 

I can run here now and don't have to swim.

The idea made his wolfish lips smirk as he adjusted his weight, subtly testing his ability to move. 

Just keep them busy for a little while longer. 

He heard Inkani's request loud and clear and, as arrows began descending into the water around him, he couldn't help but give an excited whine as he wagged his fluffy tail. 

His initial sprint towards the boats ended in a simple bluff as he veered off to the left, dodging all but one arrow that managed to strike him in his right flank. There was no burning sensation after the initial sting, so Ilio didn't bother removing it as he darted in a long arc, leaping over tall waves that swallowed the majority of projectiles still aiming for him. 

Realizing that he could use the larger waves as an extra form of defense, Ilio quickly darted toward deeper water, then circled back, taunting the group with excited growls and sneering barks. 

Moral, of course, was the one getting the most frustrated, but no matter how many blasts of fire he loosed from his fists, not a single one did more than warm Ilio's coat as he dodged with practiced ease. 

Nearly ten minutes passed before he felt a nudge at the back of his mind, drawing him to a halt at the same time captain Moral seemed to notice something farther out to sea. 

"My ship..." 

Ilio turned to look, too, while his tongue panted quickly out the left side of his mouth.   

The largest ship in the fleet slowly began turning towards them, but as Ilio narrowed his eyes to get a better look, he could tell that something was different. 

You got it? he thought to his mate, then whimpered a little as he danced atop the waves. 

You guys really got it?! 

The ship continued to smoothly sail towards him and, after an intense moment of staring, Ilio felt his entire body wiggle with excitement as his eyes landed on his Inka at the helm! 

They got it! 

He was just about to hurry forward to meet the ship, but right before he could complete his decision a loud screech met his ears, forcing them to swivel abruptly as they tried to relay the warning to his brain in order for him to be able to react in time. 

Unfortunately, he'd let himself get distracted, but as he felt a wave of heat fall upon him he was suddenly sucked back beneath the water so abruptly that it shot up his nose and burned his mind! 

His body was pulled through the water faster than any current before it was suddenly thrust upward again and right out of the water... and as his wolf form fell away, replaced by his sputtering human one, he was caught in strong, firm arms. 

Inkani's scent immediately drifted into his burning nose, soothing the pain with his presence and drawing Ilio's eyes all the way up to the man's stoic face. 

When Inkani finally looked down at him after a few seconds, Ilio couldn't help but swish his retained tail excitedly as he leaned up just enough to lick the man's face once. 

"Acting like a pup in your human form?" the man tsked, even though he was smiling.  

Ilio gave him the dorkiest grin he could muster as he nodded, still overjoyed that his vampire had come to retrieve him. Stretching his body upward to lick at the man's face had reminded him of the arrow in his thigh, though, making Ilio calmly reach down and tug it out without so much as a flinch. 

Unfortunately, however, their tearful reunion would have to wait, because Inkani was soon forced to jerk his free hand across his front, bringing up a curtain of water just in time to block a jet of fire from Moral! 

The majority of the water evaporated as it was heated, but it had done its job and as the remaining droplets danced downward around them to return to the ocean, Ilio and Inkani locked eyes with the captain before them. 

The man seemed ready to loose another blast at any second, but Inkani didn't seem worried in the least. In fact, he easily deflected whatever miniscule attacks the man's crew tried to aim at them with a wave of his hand this way and that. 

That was the moment the other captain seemed to realize his mistake. 

The fire that had lit his fists in a radiant glow for what couldn't have been less than half an hour, at least, now slowly faded into nothing. 

 Ilio glanced around at the other ships in the fleet nearby, but none had moved more than a short distance closer. 

He controls them, too? 

If that were true, though, then why hadn't he signaled them to help? 

"I got too cocky this time, elder Inkani," captain Moral said, drawing Ilio's attention back to him.

He didn't trust the other man, but when his Inka just smirked and held him a little closer, Ilio calmed down more. 

"To think that the infamous werewolf hunting pirate would eventually stand with an alpha at his side," captain Moral said, his words peppered with hints of laughter. 

It was truly a confusing thing to behold. 

Ilio wasn't sure if he should bare his teeth or laugh along with him. 

He knows he's lost. He followed you out into my territory, the ocean, and with his ship no longer under his command, and a large portion of his remaining crew floating on the tiny boats behind him, it would be suicide to try anything else.

That made sense.

But why didn't he have the other ships help him? At least with me? 

Inkani's grin widened slightly, revealing a sharp fang. 

Pride and stubbornness. 

"Your conditions, pirate lord Inkani?" captain Moral asked, making Ilio tilt his head. 

This... almost sounds like it has happened before. 

Inkani gave a quiet, deep chuckle. 

"We always swore that we'd end each other the next time we fought, and yet time and time again we find ourselves at stalemates," Inkani said, then continued, "and my conditions are quite simple this time. I want your ship, since you were so kind as to sink mine, and for you to leave us be for at least three days." 

Captain Moral considered his words, then replied calmly. 

"And what of my men still remaining on board? I don't suppose that you've killed them all, have you?" 

Inkani shook his head. 

"No, only a few that were too stubborn for their own good. My crew is likely to be quite hungry on our journey, however, so I'd like your permission to have them accompany us to our next destination. We will release them then." 

The other man didn't look too happy with his response, but he soon ended up nodding anyways. 

"I understand your terms and agree... and now that that is out of the way, I must say that you have found yourself quite an impressive husband."  

Ilio perked up, his wolfish ears standing at pinpoints as a smile found its way onto his face at the praise. 

Inkani, however, didn't seem nearly as impressed and, with an abrupt wave of his arm as he turned back toward their newly commandeered ship, he sent a wave towards the group of small boats just large enough to capsize half of them...

Ilio hunched closer to Inkani's shoulders as he tried to hide his grin. His mate seemed to let him off the hook concerning his previous reaction, however, because they were soon up on the deck of their new vessel and Inkani was shouting orders left and right! 

After being carried around for a few minutes and having his simple wound treated, Ilio found himself a pair of trousers and tugged them on after making a hole for his tail, then got busy, himself. 

The ship was new to the crew, but with Inkani in command and Bin backing him up, things quickly fell into place as they swiftly sailed out of the harbor. 

Ilio briefly wondered what would happen to the other pirates that had been sheltering in the town, but he quickly disregarded the fleeting concern. 

They were all pirates, and in the end, the only thing that mattered to them at the end of the day was their own tail. 

I like my tail. I wouldn't risk it for anyone besides my Inka and his Bin. 

Ilio grinned at the thought, rather proud of his day's work, to be honest. 

He was just finishing tying off one final rope with Karalius's help when he was abruptly lifted back into familiar arms. 

"I'm starting to like that tail quite a bit, too." 

Ilio wiggled excitedly and eagerly wrapped his arms around his vampire as he carried him into what appeared to be the captain's cabin a few steps below deck. 

"I apologize, it might not be up to snuff compared to the accommodations on my old ship," Inkani said jokingly as they looked around the lavishly decorated room. 

Ilio grinned as Inkani kicked the door shut, then gently set him down before nudging off his shoes, then dropping down onto the bed with a long, exhausted groan. 

It only took Ilio a literal second to join him, and Inkani didn't even bother to chastise him as he snuggled in as close as possible, then began lapping at his neck with his warm tongue where something sharp had cut a small line across his skin. 

 They remained that way for a long while, simply relaxing in the darkness. 

Perhaps an hour later, or possibly even two, Ilio finally relented showing his affections and settled down. He was immediately rewarded as Inkani turned onto his side and pulled him calmly against his cool chest. 

"You stubborn dog... I was actually worried about you." 

Ilio grinned, then yawned wide. Before he could finish the action by closing his mouth, however, rough lips had settled over his own. 

He blinked a few times in response, stunned, but then quickly came around as Inkani began to kiss him. They were both clearly tired, but their exhaustion seemed to drift away like a little boat on the ocean tide as their kisses became more heated and Ilio maneuvered himself overtop his vampire after tugging his trousers off. 

Inkani growled in response, but there was no malice behind the sound. 

Soon they were both naked in the darkness, and for all of his grumbles and nips to Ilio's lips and neck, Inkani didn't hesitate to finally open his heart to him... or spread his legs for him. 

Their bout of sex seemed more like a battle, and once they were finally done, Ilio lay panting beside a continuously-grumbling Inkani. His body was littered with a multitude of bites and claw marks, making him realize that the man beside him had done far more damage to him than all of captain Moral's men, including the man himself. 

Mm... again. 

Ilio attempted to roll back on top of Inkani, but the man immediately pinned him down against the mussed sheets with a loud warning snarl. Ilio swallowed down his remaining lust and quickly began to apologize for being greedy when he felt Inkani settle against his side with a quiet exhale. 


Unsure of what to do since he was the one who normally snuggled up to Inkani, Ilio slowly, nervously, turned onto his side and gently tugged the man into his arms. 

While Inkani had a bit more muscle on his human form than he, himself, did, he surprisingly fit rather well into his arms. 

Smiling down at the man in the darkness, Ilio couldn't help but lean forward just enough to nuzzle his nose against Inkani's soft hair. 


Ilio waited so long for a response that he thought Inkani might have drifted off to sleep, but then the man finally replied in the quietest, raspy whisper. 


Ilio hugged him closer, eliciting a sleepy grumble from his man. 

"I really like you." 

Silence stretched between them for several minutes before Inkani heaved a tired sigh and snuggled in a little more. 

"It's called love, little Ilio. You love me." 

Ilio licked his lips, feeling the sting from several of Inkani's nibbles while they'd shared each other's bodies. 


Grinning, he hugged his man a little too tightly, earning a much louder growl... that he simply disregarded in his excitement. 

"I love you, my Inkani!" 

End- (Don't worry, there will definitely be some Kara and Bin in the big Epi, maybe another fight, too, since they didn't get the spotlight on this one and Moral is a sore loser lol) 

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