The Female Musketeer

By DarcyArnott

3.2K 88 6

Daria La Vielle was just a farm girl. The Three musketeers Athos, Porthos and Aramis were just soldiers. But... More

Chapter 1 | La Maladie
Chapter 2 | L'au Revoir
Chapter 3 | La Mort D'un Père
Chapter 4 | Un Enterrement
Chapter 5 | Adieu mon enfance
Chapter 6 | Route Des Voleurs
Chapter 7 | La Nouvelle Patrie
Chapter 8 | Règles
Chapter 9 | Le Premier Mousquetaire
Chapter 10 | Le Deuxième Mousquetaire
Chapter 11 | Le Troisième Mousquetaire
Chapter 12 | Ma Garde Rouge
Chapter 13 | Un Plan Bien Préparé
Chapter 14 | La Garnison
Chapter 15 | La Femme Combattante
Chapter 16 | Une Rencontre
Chapter 17 | la Garde Rouge Jalouse
Chapter 19 | Le Cadavre
Chapter 20 | Séparer La Famille
Chapter 21 | Le Seigneur Sans Nom
Chapter 22 | Rubans Et Haches
Chapter 23 | L'avis Des Rois
Chapter 24 | La Piste Et Le Procès
Chapter 25 | Jour D'Entrainement
Chapter 26 | Au Revoir Mon Amoureux
Chapter 27 | Une Grande Préoccupation
Chapter 28 | Les Vicomtes S'Inquiètent
Chapter 29 | Une Leçon Apprise Non Enseignée
Chapter 30 | Ainsi Commence L'Histoire
Chapter 31 | La Tentative Meurtrière
Chapter 32 | Enfin Chez-Soi
Chapter 33 | La Lettre Des Seigneurs
Chapter 34 | Mon Amie La Reine
Chapter 35 | Tuer Ou Être Tué
Chapter 36 | les Imbéciles Dansent
Chapter 37 | Un Cadeau D'un "Ami"
Chapter 38 | Le Mousquetaire Dansant
Chapter 39 | En Route Pour Le Bal
Chapter 40 | Introduction Par Effraction
Chapter 41 | Nouveaux Indices
Chapter 42 | Un Affrontement
Chapter 43 | Chat Effrayant
Chapter 44 | Dans L'Obscurité De La Nuit
Chapter 45 | Bisou Bisou
Chapter 46 | Mener Une Bataille Perdue
Chapter 47 | J'aime Te Détester
Chapter 48 | Bonjour Mes Amis
Chapter 49 | l'ultimatum
Chapter 50 | Tuer Ou Ne Pas Tuer
Chapter 51 | Le Retour En Arrière
Chapter 52 | Nous Tombons Tous

Chapter 18 | Le Dîner Catastrophe

64 1 0
By DarcyArnott

After I was promptly redressed, I sat in my room. Dinner was in a hour, and I was in no rush to spend more time with Adria. She was still mad that I wouldn't tell her where I was, but I knew she'd be even more upset if she knew.

A knock at my door sends me standing straight up.

"Come in." My shoulders straighten.

Instead of my Aunt though, it was Charles. Dressed in a suit. One very similar to our uncles.

"Charles!" I wrap him in a hug. He's been a ghost in my life, always gone off with Uncle.

"I hear you've been causing trouble." He gives me a knowing look. He's never been seriously crossed at me. He knew where I learned all my tactics.

He plops onto my Vanity chair, looking exhausted.

"How has it been? With uncle."

He leans back and yawns.

"It's been a constant bore. He's redeuced me to sorting his paperwork, since I'm not "Refined" enough for his peers."

"So his career will not soon be yours?"

"I hope not. But enough about us. We have a dinner waiting downstairs and guest due any minute. Aren't you excited to se Freddy?" My brother looked eager to see a familiar face from Gascony. I didn't want to ruin their reunion on my account, so I just said "of course"and kept the details of the day to myself.

We made our way downstairs and just as we hit the bottom steps. The door opens to reveal Frederick. We meet him halfway in the hall. He looked to me briefly before greeting my brother with a handshake, but my brother was still a hugger. So he pulls Freddy into a large hug.

My uncle calls Charles into the parlor and leaves me and Frederick in the hall.

I could tell he was still upset about earlier. His hand clenched like it always was when he was upset about something. He cleared his throat and tries to give me his best smile.

"You look beautiful tonight." His compliment sounds genuine but strained. I take it all the same.

"Thank you." I take a beat "Frederick I-"

I'm Interrupted by my Aunt and Uncle, who step out of the Parlor.

They both look to be expectantly.

"Aunt, Uncle. This is Frederick Cordon." I motion to him. Then to my Aunt and Uncle. "Frederick, may I introduced Mr and Mrs Camus."

My uncle shakes his hand, an equally matched shake. My uncle seemed satisfied with the man before him, but my Aunt still held a skeptical eye.

We made our way into the Dinner room and took our seats. The Dinner talk began mostly with talk of business between my Aunt and Uncle, and Charles and Frederick catching up. I could hear Charles asking him all about his training, Freddy obliged him gleefully.

But then of course, as the night went on and the idle chatter died, My Aunt turns her head to where Frederick sits across from me.

"Mr Cordon, I hear you're a Red Guard?"

"Yes mam." He keeps it short.

"And do you enjoy your work?"

His smile is the same one he had when I saw him that first day in the yard.

"Yes, very much."

"Grand. I think that the are Red Guard is one of the most polished and refined men I've seen. You're a merit to not only the Cardinal but Paris." My uncle adds.

Freddy nods "Thank you sir."

The rest of the dinner goes on. My Aunt inquires about Frederick's schooling and parents but keeps the questions short and Freddy, the answers even shorter.

When we are finished eating, I walk Freddy out. He's avoided eye contact with me most of the night.

When we reach the sidewalk in front of the house, he finally turns his attention fully to me.

"I'm sorry. For yelling at you and calling you a spoiled brat."

"Are you sorry you called me it or that you think that?"

"Why must you be difficult?"

"Would it suit me to take an apology I do not feel is sincere."

He tosses his head to the ride, as if trying to stop himself from saying something. He takes my hand, holding it softly between his and steps closer to me.

"I am Sorry." He kisses my hand. "So very sorry."

Then he leans up and catches my mouth with his. His arms snake around me and lock me in against him. The move surprises, but the familiarity of us soothes me. I lean into his touch. After a minute I pull away, but he still holds me to him. He finally pulls away but holds onto my hands, giving them a tight squeeze before dropping them.

He leaves and I go back inside.

I sneak past my Brother, Uncle and Aunt who occupy the sitting room. Shushing the doorman who shuts the door as quiet as possible and nods in understanding.

When I'm safely in my room, I try and fail to remove my corset. I give up the task and just lay down. Settling in bed as best I can, I'm on the verge of sleep when I hear it.

A high pitched, horrified scream.

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