Two Halfs, One Heart

By PaigeMarieHall

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When Ben Tennyson, his grandfather Max, his cousin Gwen and his best friend Paige Swan go on a trip for the s... More

Chapter 1- And Then There Were Ten
Chapter 2- Washington B.C.
Chapter 3- The Krakken
Chapter 4- Permanent Retirement
Chapter 5- Hunted
Chapter 6- Tourist Trap
Chapter 7- Kevin 11
Chapter 8- The Alliance
Chapter 9- Last Laugh
Chapter 10- Lucky Girl
Chapter 11- A Small Problem
Chapter 12- Side Effects
Chapter 13- Secrets
Chapter 14- Truth
Chapter 15- The Big Tick
Chapter 16- Framed
Chapter 17- Gwen 10
Chapter 18- Grudge Match
Chapter 19- The Galactic Enforcers
Chapter 20- Camp Fear
Chapter 21- Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 22- Tough Luck
Chapter 23- They Lurk Below
Chapter 24- Ghostfreaked Out
Chapter 25- Dr. Animo And The Mutant Ray
Chapter 26- Back With A Vengeance
Chapter 27- Midnight Madness
Chapter 28- Ben 10,000
Chapter 29- A Change Of Face
Chapter 30- Merry Christmas
Chapter 31- Benwolf
Chapter 32- Game Over
Chapter 33- Monster Weather
Chapter 34- Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures
Chapter 35- Under Wraps
Chapter 36- The Unnaturals
Chapter 37- The Return
Chapter 38- Be Afraid Of The Dark
Chapter 39- The Visitor
Chapter 40- Perfect Day
Chapter 41- Divided We Stand
Chapter 42- Don't Drink The Water
Chapter 43- Big Fat Alien Wedding
Chapter 44- Ben 4 Good Buddy
Chapter 45- Ready to Rumble
Chapter 46- Ken 10
Chapter 47- Goodbye And Good Riddance
Chapter 47- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 1

Chapter 48- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 2

57 1 4
By PaigeMarieHall

I was looking at the top of Mount Rushmore. Seeing all of our enemies standing together made the knot in my stomach grow. "Animo, The Circus Freaks, Clancy,  Sublimino, Rojo,  Charmcaster? Oh, man!" Ben said, shocked. "Who are the metal heads?" Cooper asked. "Must be Forever Knight creeps," I said. "What's up with the horns and the cape on that one guy?" "Since we took out Enoch, maybe he's their new leader," Gwen said.


"Or maybe Enoch was never really in charge," Max said. We escaped the Rust Bucket and made our way outside. "Better hurry before they figure out what happened." Before we could take a step, I saw the Red Knight behind us. "Too late, Max," I said. Ben appeared as Four Arms and I went to stand next to him, conjuring up fire in my hand. "Nobody likes a show-off, ninja boy!" Ben said. We made quick work of the Red Knight, throwing him into the side of the Rust Bucket. "There they are!" Charmcaster said, when she noticed us. "Meet me at the hatch! Princess, you go with them. No arguments!" Ben said.


Gwen and I went to find Cooper and I noticed him just standing still. "Oh! Cooper? Cooper? Are you okay?" She said. "No, I'm totally freaked out," he replied. "Join the club." Soon, Animo appeared; flying on his mutant bat. "There's too many of them. Even if we can get to the entrance, by the time I find out how to open the hatch, they'll be all over us like stink on a skunk," Max said. "What do we do?" I asked, trying to think of something. "Follow me," Cooper said. "Cooper!" Gwen said, running after him.


We came to a side of the mountain and the hatch appeared. "You found it!" I said, impressed. "He said he was good with mechanical stuff, but I didn't know he was this good." Before Cooper could faint, Gwen put a hand on his shoulder to steady him. We hurried into the base before anyone could get to us. When we got inside the base, my thoughts immediately went to Ben, "Max, we can't just leave Ben out there alone." "We're more help to him in here," Max replied. We watched Ben fight Clancy on a security camera. I desperately wanted to go help him but I knew that Max wouldn't let me.


When the Omnitrix timed out and Ben turned back into himself, my heart sank as he was surrounded by all of our enemies. Max pulled a level and a gun appeared outside and shot at the negative ten. Then he grabbed an explosive and headed for the entrance to the chute. "Girls, a little help. It needs a push," he said. "Gallius disrupts." Gwen cast a spell and I used my telekinesis to help move the explosive faster. "Nothing will stop this little homecoming." Then a blast destroyed the security camera.


"Phew! I'm glad that's over," Ben said. "I'm not sure it is." Max rewinded the security footage to check something out. "Nothing will stop this little homecoming." "There's something about what his highness said that makes me wonder," Max said. Then he pulled up video footage of a Plumber. "Driscoll, I.D. Number 12906." "Max, what is it?" I asked, concerned. "The Forever King is an ex-Plumber. When I was still a rookie, a scandal rocked the Plumbers. Driscoll, one of the veterans, was caught stealing high technology from alien perps, then using it for his own benefit. Eventually he was caught and thrown out of the Plumbers in disgrace. As far as anyone knew, he was never heard from again. But now it's obvious Driscoll worked his way up through the Forever Knights until he became their leader," Max explained.


"So that's how the bad guys knew about the satellite Plumber complexes -- the sub-energy, the keys, and all that stuff. It was an inside job," I realized. "And Driscoll knows Mount Rushmore like the back of his hand. He'll find a way in. It's only a matter of time." He said, with a grim tone. Gwen and I went to go check on Cooper's progress with the security drones. "How's it going?" I asked. "Good. These security drones are almost ready," he replied. "I have to know. How did you open that entrance hatch without even laying a finger on it?" Gwen asked. "It was pretty impressive."


"Sometimes, if I concentrate real hard, I-I can sort of see inside machines and junk like that," Cooper explained to us. "Wow." "It's kind of like a Wi-Fi in my head," he continued. "That is so cool!" She said. "Not really. It gives me a major headache." Once the drone was ready, Cooper threw a can into the air and the drone destroyed it. "Nice job, Cooper," Max complimented. "Whoa, Max! You've been working out," I said. "Oh, it's not me, honey. It's this exo-suit. Alien tech which amplifies your own natural ability. Cooper got it running again. Now we just need a little help from you and Heatblast to finish it up, Paige."


Ben activated the Omnitrix and transformed into Heatblast. I helped him using my pyrokinesis. "I'd like to see that Negative 10 get through that, Princess," Ben said. "I wouldn't," Cooper said. "We've done all we can here. I want to double-check the sub-energy security field." We arrived at the room was the sub-energy was stored. All that could be seen was a force field. "Whoa! A real force field?" Cooper said, amazed. "Too bad the Forever King now has the keys to shut it off," Max said. "Well, where is it, Grandpa?" Ben asked, looking around.


"The force field is just a cloaking device. Here, put these on." He said, as he handed us a special pair of goggles. All I could hear was static. "What's with the static noise, Max?" I asked. "The goggles amplify the sound of the force field. The knob on the side adjusts the volume," he explained. Suddenly, the sub-energy appeared. It looked like a miniature version of the sun. "That dinky thing is the sub-energy" Ben asked.


"I know it doesn't look like much, but the material in that container is 20 times more powerful than the sun. Mishandle it, and you've got an explosion big enough to blow a continent off the face of the Earth," Max explained. "That doesn't sound good," I thought. At the moment, Max was setting up explosives around the base. Ben and Gwen were playing rock, paper, scissors for Cooper's extra ticket. "Will these two just stop already!" I thought, extremely annoyed.


"Quit copying me!" "You're the one copying me!" Gwen said. "What are you guys doing?" Cooper asked. "Winner gets your extra ticket," Ben replied. Suddenly, an alarm filled the air. "This can't be good news," I thought. "What is it, Max?" I asked. "Motion sensor. Come on," he said. Suddenly, Animo broke in; riding on a mutant dog. "The doctor is in!" Max was hit by the mutant's tail. "Max! You'll pay for that, Animo!" I said, conjuring up a fireball. Ben transformed into Wildmutt and charged at Animo's mutant.


"Call off that buck-toothed varmint, or you're going to be the one who needs a doctor." Max said, as he put Animo in a headlock. "That's right, freak." I said, as I brought the fireball close to Animo's face. Suddenly, the Forever King appeared with all of our enemies. "Cooper, the security drones!" The security drones went towards the Forever King but stopped. Then the came toward us! "I love surprises. Don't you?" Max threw explosives at the drones and the negative ten. "Retreat to the lower level."


I used my pyrokinesis to burn the drones as Gwen grabbed Cooper. "Move it, slowpoke!" Once, we were far enough away; Max activated the explosives to blow up the drones and the bridge leading to the sub-energy. "Why did those security drones go bananas and attack us?" I asked. "I don't know." "Must obey. Attack Tennysons." I heard Cooper say. "This isn't good!" I thought. All of the sudden, the exo-suit powered up. It walked toward us but Ben tackled it. "Sublimino must have gotten to Cooper during the fight outside. He's hypnotized," Gwen said.


"We've got to pull the plug on Cooper before that exo-suit makes a winter coat out of Ben," he said. "Cooper said he can control stuff like a wireless network," I said. Then an idea popped into my head. I smiled, "Gwen, grab a of googles. I'll take care of the rest." I used my magical immobilization to keep Cooper still, she put the googles on him and turned up the volume. Once Ben was himself again, I ran over to him and used an energy blast to free him from the exo-suit. "Thanks, princess." Max put Cooper somewhere safe and turned to address us.


"No matter what happens to us, we can't let the Forever King get away with the sub-energy." Ben and I shared a look. "We understand, Max." I said. Ben took me aside, "Benji, what's wrong?" I could tell that something was bothering him. He sighed, "I just wanted to tell you something. Because I don't know if I'll have another chance. I love you, Paige Marie Swan. I love you so much. I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with you. I always have been and I always will be." I smiled as tears streamed down my face. "I know, Ben. I feel the same way... Always." I grabbed my Aunt Regina's spellbook and began practicing. I saw Gwen doing the same with Charmcaster's spellbook.


I noticed Ben had activated the Omnitrix and turned into a new alien. Max had also put on his exo-suit. As the negative ten got closer, I conjured up fireballs in my hands. Ben and I shared a look that said what our hearts could not. He silently said 'I love you' and I said it back. "There is no place left to run, Tennysons," Driscoll said. "Who says we're running?" I taunted. "What she said." I immediately went after Charmcaster, just like Gwen did. I wanted to show Charmcaster once and for all, you do not mess with Regina Mills' goddaughter. I used an energy blast to get the Circus Freaks out of the way.


"Ready for a little 'spelling contest', your highness?" Charmcaster asked, taunting me. I wasn't going to take the bait. I was going to show her who the most powerful sorceress was. "Mercuta verditis!" Gwen and Charmcaster cast a spell. I used an energy blast and pyrokinesis to hold her off. "You can't be me, Princess," she taunted. 'It doesn't matter who you're addressing here, you can't beat us!" I said, giving my magic everything I had. I could see Rojo coming toward us. I used another energy blast to knock her out of the way. Charmcaster set her stone creatures on us and I used my pyrokinesis to blow them up


"Thanks, Paige. I hated those then. I hate them now," Gwen said. "Princess, you're amazing! Those things are all bite and no bark," Ben said. I looked over, saw that the force field was gone and Driscoll had the sub-energy! "Now I shall be the Forever King of the world." "Don't be a fool, Driscoll! The sub-energy is too unstable," Max warned. "Funny, that's what the Plumbers said about me when they kicked me out," Driscoll said. "Have fun." "We need to even the odds a bit," Max said.


"We've been spending way too much time trying to see who's better," Ben said. "At least you guys don't have to worry about that, right?" Gwen asked. "We all know Animo's next in charge." "But Charmcaster is the one with all the potential," she said. "I agree," I said. "Hey! What about me? I'm tougher than all of you!" Rojo said. "You?! Get real!" Acidbreath said. "And just because you have a little hocus-pocus, don't think you could take me on, child!" Animo said to Charmcaster. "Ben, stop the Forever King!" Max said. Before leaving, Ben gave me a soft kiss.


I can't say that I didn't enjoy watching the negative ten fight each other because I did. "Wait! Why are we fighting each other? We should be smashing them!" Acidbreath said. "Ghoul face is right! Get them!" She said. Girls, are you ready?" Max asked Gwen and I. "Autem Volton!" Gwen cast a spell. Then I used a protection spell to seal the negative ten in the force field. "So... did I miss anything?" Cooper asked, when we freed him. I could sense that Ben needed my help so I used my teleportation to bring myself outside.


"Ben?" I shouted. "Ben!" I ran over and hugged him tight. "You okay, sport?" Max asked. "Am now." Ben said, as he held me close. "The Forever King?" I asked. "Guess Upchuck scared him out of his skin. He's gone." "For now," Max said. "Hey, Grandpa, remember that hologram you made of us inside the Rust Bucket? How are you at making presidents... Big presidents?" I was confused as to why Ben said that. Then I looked up and saw that Mount Rushmore was destroyed.


We were dropping Cooper off at his house. Ben and Gwen got out of the Rust Bucket to walk him to the front door. "Okay, Cooper, only two hours until the movie premiere. So which one of us gets the extra ticket?" Ben asked. "This should be interesting." I thought, with a smirk. "Uh, there is no extra ticket," Cooper replied. "There are no tickets at all." What?!" Ben asked, shocked. "What do you mean?!" Gwen asked, equally shocked. "I figured you guys wouldn't even talk to me unless you had to, so I made up having the tickets." He said, shutting the door. "Well, look on the bright side. You two can finally agree on something. You can both be mad at Cooper. Come on. Let's go! We're burning daylight." Max said, with a smile.

Hello Everyone. Here is the last chapter of my book. Here are some examples of my magic used in this chapter. Also, here's a video of Snow White and Prince Charming from Once Upon a Time. Snow White and Prince Charming are my grandparents in my book. Don't worry, mine and Ben's story will continue in Alien Force 💚

Energy Blast




Protection Spell






Magical Immobilization



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