Chapter 4- Permanent Retirement

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We were at a gas station, filling up the Rust Bucket. Max told us to go and get some ice cream. Ben and I got out, Gwen following behind. Ben took my hand and held it tight. "I thought you guys were never going to admit your feelings, now that you have; I don't know whether to be happy or throw up," Gwen said. Ben and I looked at her and shook our heads.


We all went into the ice cream shop and browsed the menu to decide what we wanted. I looked at the menu and saw that they had red velvet ice cream. Red velvet is my favorite of any dessert. I was definitely going to get that. I already knew what Ben wanted as well. He loves rocky road ice cream. Everytime we'd go out for ice cream, he'd browse the menu before getting rocky road.


"What do you have that's non-fat with less than 3% sugar?" Gwen asked. I shook my head. "Napkins," The man behind the counter answered her. "What about you two?" He asked Ben and I. "I'll have red velvet in a dish," I said. Ben was about to answer when he heard something. "I'm about to go rocky road," Ben said. "He'll have rocky road in a dish, please."


Gwen and I came out of the ice cream shop and I had the dishes of ice cream in my hand. Max had his foot on one of the men trying to rob the atm. "Where do you think you're going? Good work, Ben," Max complimented his grandson. Ben was in the alien form I've named Upgrade. "I'm ready for anything. Bring it on. What's next?" Ben asked. "We're heading off to see your Aunt Vera for the weekend." Max said, answering Ben's question. "Boring old Aunt Vera? Nooo!" Ben said, like it was the worst news he'd heard.



"When Aunt Vera said she wanted to move away from it all... she really meant it," Gwen said. "Oh, man. This summer was supposed to be about f-u-n. Not hanging out in some old lady's place," Ben complained. "Paige and I like Aunt Vera," Gwen said. "That's because you act like you're 100 years old. Also, Paige likes to hear embarrassing stories of me when I was a baby," Ben said. I was sitting next to Ben and leaning into him.


"I love hearing stories about you when you were a baby, Benji. You were cute then and you're cute now. I'm so happy that we've known each other forever," I said. Ben smiled, "Me too, princess. Me too," He said as he kissed my forehead. "This is going to be so boring. Their idea of excitment in this place is probably watching the grass grow," Ben said, not looking forward to spending time with his Aunt Vera at all. "Did you see that?" He asked, looking at something out of the window.


Gwen and I looked out the window but didn't see anything. "See what? The heat must be frying that pea-sized brain of yours," I didn't like Gwen's comment but I didn't say anything. I just leaned closer to Ben. When we got to Aunt Vera's, Ben led me out of the Rust Bucket. "Seriously, why do old people have to live where it's so hot?" Ben asked. I shrugged, I couldn't believe how hot it was. We felt something cold hit our backs. Gwen sprayed us with a water gun.


"What? You two love birds looked like you could use some cooling off," Gwen said, laughing. Ben and I saw a man in a window. He growled at us, then shut his blinds. "They really make you feel welcome here," Ben said. I nodded and held his hand tightly. "Just watch your cheeks, you two. Vera's a pincher," Max told us. Max and Vera hugged. "I can't believe you're finally here. And look at you three! So grown up!" Vera said as she pinched our cheeks.

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