Chapter 46- Ken 10

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"I do not have time for this. There's no way I'm missing another one of his birthdays, plus my beautiful princess of a wife is pregnant and needs me. So I'd appreciate it if you'd just chill out in the Null Void.  Some scum just can't take a hint," I heard my beautiful husband of twenty one years say.


I was getting things ready for our son Kenny's tenth birthday. I put my hand on my stomach where our beautiful baby girl Gwendolyn Elizabeth Tennyson currently was. "I can't believe it. I have a amazing husband and son. Soon, our little girl will be here to join our crazy adventures," I thought.


Suddenly, I felt a kick that took me by surprise. "Mom, are you ok?" Kenny came running to me when he saw that it looked like I was in pain. "I'm ok, Kenny. Don't worry about me. Where's your father?" "Someone call Heaven because I think an angel's gone missing," I heard. Then I felt two strong arms wrap themselves around me. "How are you, love? Are you feeling ok, darling?" Ben asked.


I smiled, "I'm ok, Benji. The baby's kicking though. I thought that you might want to feel." I put his hand on my stomach and sure enough... the baby kicked. I saw his eyes tear up as he kissed my stomach. "I love you so much, Paige Marie Tennyson." He kissed me and we heard Kenny clear his throat. "Mom, dad, could you please not do that in front of me?" He said, clearly very uncomfortable.


"Ok, Kenny. Now, I know it's your birthday but I was hoping that I could give your mom a little gift. Would that be ok?" Kenny chuckled, "Of course, dad." Ben turned around to face me and presented me with a small gift box. "For the most beautiful woman in the world. For the woman I've been married to for twenty one years. For the mother of my two beautiful children. For my princess, my queen. Open it," he said.


I opened the box and there was a beautiful necklace inside. It had a crown on top with a heart. "Ben, it's beautiful! Thank you so much." "Told you I wouldn't miss your party," Ben said. Kenny smiled and hugged his father, "Thanks, dad." "You only turn 10 once," he said. "Happy Birthday, Kenny!"



"Mind dropping this garbage in the Null Void chamber, Grandpa?" Ben asked Max. "It's our danger alert. The call comes in, and my mom and dad take off to, you know, save the world," Kenny said. "Now, is Kenny actually interested in the danger alert or is he just showing off for his friends?" I asked.


"If he's anything like me, he's just showing off, princess." "And some day, I'll be right beside them." He said, proudly. "Kenneth Tennyson," I heard Gwen say. "Aunt Gwendolyn!" "Actually, your first doofus cousin, once removed," he said. "Is he ever going to grow up, Paige? I thought you made an honest man out of Ben years ago," she said. "Sorry I'm missing the party. I'm still stuck here on Zoraster, tracking down the Red Dragon from the eighth pit of Navato. But I got you this in the meantime."


Kenny was playing with his puppy while we got the cake. "Happy Birthday, Kenny!" He blew out the candles and I hugged him. He told me earlier that he wished that his baby sister could be here to celebrate his birthday with him. I secretly hoped that Kenny would get his wish. "Time for presents," Max said. "Cool! The new X321! Thanks, Great-Grandpa." "You're welcome, kiddo," he said.

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