Chapter 16- Framed

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We were standing in line at a video game store. Ben wanted to get the newest Sumo Slammers video game. "We've been in this line for two hours and it hasn't budged an inch," Gwen said. "Small price to pay for Sumo Slammer 2.1. I'd do anything to get this game! Even be seen in public with you," Ben said as he held my hand. "Don't you already have this stupid video game?" Gwen asked, annoyed. "Hello! This is Sumo Slammer 2.1! You can change your fighter's color at any time during the match," Ben said.


"You know, there's a nice air conditioned bookstore over there. Maybe we could wait inside until this line thins out a bit," Max suggested. "And lose my place? Not an option! You three go. I'll get my game and meet you guys back at the RV." "Want us to pick up anything for you at the bookstore?" Max asked Ben. "I'm on summer vacation. Why would I read anything?" Ben said in reply. Coming out of the bookstore, I had my new book in my hands. It was the newest book in The Twilight Saga, Midnight Sun. The story between Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, reminded me of Ben and I. Especially now that he has the Omnitrix.


"So, think Ben's gone stir crazy in that line yet, Paige?" Gwen asked me. I didn't get a chance to answer because we heard a loud crash and people screaming. Then we saw... BEN?! "This can't be happening!" I thought. I've known Ben for a long time and he would never get this mad. A police car showed up. When it got closer to Ben, he flipped it over. "Why is Ben going berserk and tossing around police officers?" Gwen asked. "I have no idea." I said, very confused. "Good question," Max said.



Suddenly, a helicopter showed up. Ben took a street light and threw it. Max took Gwen and I somewhere safe. "He must have snapped his cap! All this for a video game?" "I don't believe it," Max said. More police cars showed up and Ben threw a car at them. Then someone else showed up. "Lieutenant Steel, Special Alien Containment Team. We'll take it from here. Concussion bazooka!" The man yelled.


"That doesn't look good," Max said. Suddenly, my heart outweighed what my head was saying. I ran to Ben, "Ben, what are you doing?" Ben lifted a car and had a sick smile on his face. "Is he really going to kill me?" I thought, frightened. I felt a tug on my arm and it was Gwen pulling me away. The men shot Ben and he crashed into a pizza parlor. "Ben!" The three of us shouted. He appeared and threw a pizza oven that exploded.


"There must be a logical explanation, right?" Max asked, confused. I was just as confused. Ben would never hurt me. He loves me, right? "Oh, great! Now I'm doubting Ben's love for me. He loves me... I know it!" I shook the negative thoughts away and went to talk to him. "Are you demented? Going alien just to get a stupid video game?" Gwen asked Ben as we entered the Rust Bucket. She was fuming, not just because of what he did to public property but because he almost killed me.


"What are you talking about?" Ben asked his cousin. "You going Fourarm-freaky in front of that store. That's what I'm talking about! Not to mention, almost killing Paige. You're girlfriend who you claim to love so much!" I saw that that hit a nerve with Ben. He gritted his teeth and stood up. "Hey! I do love Paige! I love her more than anything in the world! More than the Omnitrix and more than some video game!" Ben said, anger and passion in his voice. "Now I'm sure he has a good explanation. Don't you, Ben?" Max asked.

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